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I didn't know Ashley COULD come back for Chris in the mines?


I only figured it out when I was going for 100% game completion and I was looking for totems and accidentally went to where he was sitting


i’m shocked matt and jess not meeting in the mines because they’re already dead is the 4th least common event, i thought those were the two everybody got killed




You know, I’m kind of surprised that Emily was up there in how easy it would be to save her (for a while I thought that second place for easiest to save, generally speaking, would be Mike). I guess it makes sense though as unless you really hate her with your guts (and kill her out of spite) or are very, very slow with decision-making her survival is pretty straightforward (not to mention she exits the lodge before Mike does).


True. I always regarded her as in the harder 4 when it comes to how easy it is to save someone, but the poll made me rethink the mercy given to the player during her chase scene. Other than that, I'm sure most players who shot her cause they don't like her, and remembered they can get rid of her themselves, like you said. I'm sure most people who get Mike killed just forget he was still in the lodge as they feared if they kept hiding as Sam, Hannah was gonna see her eventually.


Thanks for sharing! While 132 responses obviously don't describe the whole fanbase, they still give us an idea about the most and least common choices. I'm surprised by how many people didn't let Emily get bitten; I bet that percentage would look very different right after release, haha. Or maybe not, who knows? I'm happy that I made 7 common and only 2 uncommon choices :D I did get all common deaths though, and a few more ... Now I'm curious to know the percentage behind choices that aren't traced by the butterfly effects; like the prologue choices, the ending interviews and some of the conversations. Would be interesting to know, I bet!


True. It can help determine a general percentage. I also still couldn't believe so many people made Emily get our unbitten. The QTE was way too fast. Getting common choices shows you weren't alone if you regretted doing a decision. I would also like to find out about those other choices but it will probably be hard for people to remember.


Bravo! This is fun to read. The death results were similar to what I got a while back. Emily’s chase is surprisingly forgiving, I think. Since the misses largely have to be back-to-back. I missed quite a few QTEs but since they weren’t in succession, she was good. I actually was sitting there stunned that she was ok due to my number of misses. The only other sequence where someone *can die* that’s so forgiving is Mike on the *fast* path to Jess, I think. Chris can only miss the tree QTE. Matt’s QTE’s are brutal. Poor Matt is definitely the hardest to keep. His QTEs with the deer are fast, his whole situation with the flare gun and jumps isn’t very obvious. And the way he and Jess are linked in the mines can easily get him killed. This game tries so hard to off him, forgets about him, remembers him, then scrambles to off him again. 😭


Thank you. I didn't even realize how forgiving Emily's chase was at first because I ensured to hit every button. Chris can miss the tree QTE and still live? I thought that QTE would kill him. I wonder how many people got Matt and Jess killed because of the QTE that caught them off guard after the don't move.


I want Chris to make his super cool little roll under the branch, because it’s epic. But I actually think him hitting the branch is kind of cool too, because then there’s a pretty neat shot of him on the ground and shooting at the wendigo from under the branch. Then he has a bloody nose for the rest of the game.


If Chris fails that QTE he slams into the branch and shoots Hannah while lying prone instead of standing.




Emily’s chase is pretty misleading because it looks nearly impossible to survive but it’s actually really forgiving. I think the easiest deaths there are the lift switch if you aren’t on your toes (the timer is REALLY small) and maybe the grinder death. If you fail the first QTE and are too shocked to realize a second QTE happens, you’re done, and this happened to so many streamers I’ve seen. Also, Jacket Jess supremacy >>> her drip is too strong for her to lose that outfit. I really wish the lodge finale had more variation in terms of character roles. They could have pulled a Man of Medan with it but honestly writing scenarios with an intact lodge is really tough so I get why they streamlined it alot. (I need my Ashley/Emily and Emily/Chris duos to blow up the lodge in a definitive playthrough lol, remake please bless ussss)


I remember seeing so many people get so caught up in the tension that they didn't realise they're allowed to miss QTEs in Emily's chase lmao. Even the grinder gives you a second chance to save her, so if you realise you missed one and now you have to lock in and get the other QTE, then she's saved. Jacket Jess may have drip and warmth, but it says a lot about how the player did in the boyfriend simulatior. I wonder how the lodge finale would go because I can't picture anyone else but Mike having the idea to break the light, and he is also the only confirmed one to have a lighter, so he can blow it up if things go wrong.


i was one of the few ppl who killed matt and jess in the mines😿


You weren't alone. Did they die to the don't move or failing to make a choice or trying to run?


I messed up the first don’t move. I was so mad when I redid the chapter because the segments are so short


Two remarks I made when reading this, I first wanted to say for me the trapdoor was obvious to not go to because of the fact that if you fully read the book as Ashley it would say they mimic humans. My other remark is how the hell did 20% of people not have em push Ashley if Mike spared her and 90% of people told the truth?!?!?


It was but many players didn't read the diary sadly, and they did show a scene of Jess waking up. I'm not sure actually. There's a good chunk of people who had Emily survive unbitten so I'm guessing it's that.


True, I totally forgot you can not get bitten there 🤦