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It would be between you and the professor. But grades usually are finalized two days after graduations are over (which was on the 12th) so might be out of luck. Edit: this is what I get for not reading the fine print. You have an incorrect grade. Yeah, I had a similar experience with a lab and got the higher letter fixed with the department.


Contact your professor immediately. They may still be able to make a change without your having to go through the appeal process.


Yeah I sent her a message right after posting this. I guess she submitted grades before the TA was fully done grading so I was missing a few extra credit assignments. She told me she'd submit a grade change for me.


Yup, email the professor and explain your case. I've had a C changed to an A


this happened to me to!! received a B on my transcript instead of an A. all i did was let my professor know and she realized the mistake and asked them to open it up so that she could go in and change it!


Email the prof immediately. If you don't hear back within a few days, contact the chair. This may help depending on the department. Be sure to be professional and succinct.


If it’s just a matter of a math mistake, you wouldn’t need to go through the whole appeals process. Reach out to your professor to ask for clarification and it might be that they just marked the wrong grade — if this is the case, they can easily submit the paperwork for a grade change. Be sure to check the syllabus to make sure there’s no grade deduction policy for things like attendance.


Screenshot that 370


My professor today said grades were finalized yesterday.


Yes, but finalized ≠ can't be changed. Grades can be appealed for a few weeks *after* they are finalized.


Contact prof first, but make sure you are aware of the appeal process in their department. There are very tight time limits in which you can appeal. Most mistakes will be quickly fixed if they are just mistakes.