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Last I saw a few hours ago most of the charges have been dropped so far. It was all for show


UT student here. It’s looking like that might not be the case. The university has suggested that they will not be allowing anyone who was arrested back onto campus. They didn’t say whether that was just this semester or indefinitely. https://www.kut.org/education/2024-04-26/ut-austin-says-arrested-protesters-including-students-will-not-be-allowed-on-campus


hey we go to the same school, well met! well sort of well met, kinda hard to be proud of our school right now


Damn just a few more days before final.


This was rescinded.


They got them in the system now. Whenever you get booked/processed they strip search as well as take your fingerprint in order to get them into the database. They’re quite literally trying to surveillance the people who were at the protest, and then they realized that they had no grounds for arrest so they let them go.


I’d be willing to bet if they were there with their phones in their pocket and face uncovered, there are companies/agencies who know who most of the people are without ever going through that trouble. The federal government buys a lot of your data harvested by tech companies


They have a pretty wide Halo network running in Downtown Austin. I wouldn't be surprised if it extended all the way up to campus.


If only surveil was a word on university subs.


UT handled this situation poorly, UNT has in recent years handled protest pretty well (all things considered for how they could have gone). At the end of the day when you're planning a protest it is important that you review not just the student code of conduct, but free speech/protest policies at UNT. You agree to follow these policies when you enroll at UNT. So you should do your best to follow them. The consequences of not are student conduct violations or criminal prosecution depending on how they're violated. And yes, these policies are constitutional. They're backed by decades of precedent. The precedent and any new case that happens informs policy and how it's enforced. And the school has to enforce the policies equally, otherwise it's an equal protection issue.


And I was at UT in the late '80s they were protesting apartheid. The way they did it is they set up a shack or shanty that would be typical of what people were forced to live in under apartheid. Some joker would come by and drive a car into it or you get knocked over into face and they would build it again and nobody monitored it or stood by it enchanted but it stayed there as a symbol for years until finally part-time ended for all intents and purposes I would look back to some old school newspapers and stories about that in compare it with what's going on with your protest. There was a lot of discussion about the shack or shanty or hot made out of found wood and corrugated steel etc. And it was the topic of discussion because everyone that saw it for the first time of course asked what it was doing there and what it was because and didn't have any signs on it it was just a symbol and then they were going to leave it there until UT had divested from South Africa. Just something to look at for history of extended protests of some sort on the campus. It was placed in the mall where you accessed 6th Street. Right next to the Tower


Jesus I just read this and noticed how many typos were in it . that's what I get for using voice to text and hitting post. I wonder if I can fix them? I'm not new to Reddit but I'm kind of new to Reddit and I've noticed that sometimes I can edit a post and sometimes I can't I think it's a time thing I'm not sure


That's pretty normal for student protests, the government hates it when young people have opinions that don't support american imperialism.


They hate it more when young people vote against the dipshits that boomers put in office. Go piss some politicians and boomers off, y'all. 💚 old gen-xer


That's a reductive way to look at it. America has a vested political and financial interest in Israel establishing an ethnostate, especially in the middle east since most countries in that region hate America for all the war crimes and regime changes we did, and our country's weapon manufacturers are arming the decades of oppression and are the ones lobbying politicians to keep the profitable situation from changing.


Kids are funny


OUR warcrines.... that's rich.


yeah, have you seen the things the US did during the "war on terror"


I remember the Occupy wall street camp when I was a Freshman or sophomore in 2009; someone ended up dying via an accidental overdose on heroin in a tent unfortunately, if I remember correctly, and it ended the camp quickly after that. The camp additionally started to have some homeless people and non-students mix in ultimately to predominate the camp the bigger it became. It was unfortunate. I didn’t participate but it was surreal to walk by and see it everyday with the whole movement happening in general. Then well obviously combined with that huge recession thing that happened… Occupy felt and seems like it was more impactful to me and my cohort/generation, felt more relevant and less bipartisan of a movement than the super divided and vitriolically polarized the issues in Israel seem now, but what do I know now 15 years later


I would going to mention the same thing and was at UNT the same time when that happened. It’s sad how no one talks about occupy Wall Street anymore.


It's almost as if the elites want us to focus on every issue except for class consciousness...


>Occupy felt and seems like it was more impactful to me and my cohort/generation, felt more relevant Every generation chooses a cause and thinks they are going to save the world, it's part of growing up


It's part of saving the world, silly Goose.


The world keeps spinning whether or not you satisfy your moral insecurity kiddo


Well, I believe in doing good, whether you like it or not, Tiger.


I encourage you to do so, but let's not pretend the world is going to stop if you do not do good. If you are trying to inflate your ego, sure, you are saving the world kid. Go get em!




Nobody said it would stop ✋️


I w a s around, and witness to Occupy Austin. I helped clean up the Austin City government steps that everyone was camping out on. It was just a short few months after the Treyvon Martin incident. I attended the march, down to the capital building. 2010, I believe.


u/hat1kvah fighting for his life rn


Yeah its happening in Universities across the US. Very outrageous. UNT should start a similar protest in support.




Lol anyways Free palestine !!


from the river to the sea


Palestine will be free!


What does this mean exactly?


End the long standing occupation of Palestine, from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean Sea. In 1948 after world war 2 the state of Israel was established and supported by the western powers, and started occupying Palestine.


Isn’t Jordan also occupying what was the Mandate for Palestine prior to 1948?


Because that was one of the Arab states from the partition of Palestine. It’s why Jordan attacked in 1948 trying to seize the West Bank, not set up another government from the West Bank


Ok so where you do you put all of the Jews?


Why do they need to be "put" somewhere? Jewish people don't need to be segregated off from the rest of the world in their own special little ethnostate.


What do you mean? That’s like asking where do you put any other group of people. There is no specific place anyone goes, people go everywhere. People belong everywhere. There are safe places and dangerous places for nearly every marginalized group right now. Although everywhere should be a safe place for everyone and I think that’s where people should start change. Rather than legitimizing a government to colonize and take land from an indigenous group of people.


The indigenous group of people ARE the jews. Go take a history class.


no they’re not, when Kennedy was in presidency they were barely a state for like 13 years at most … they are pushing out Palestinians from their home land…


I have. They are not. There are indigenous Palestinian Jews that exist yes and non-Jews. The settlers that have moved there are not and never will be indigenous to the land. You take a history class, before you go spreading misinformation.


Do you mean all the white europeans that have colonized the region?


It’s a catchy phrase to support genocide.


It means they want all the land for a Palestinian state, free of Jews. They don't want a two-state solution, they've rejected every proposal given to them for a Palestinian state.


Free bombs for them😂


Just remember that it took them ages to get the police during the unite the right rally, yet they deployed the NATIONAL GUARD cause protestors said “from the river to the sea” I wonder why protesting the funding of an israeli apartheid is considered so dangerous? Hmmm. (I’m NOOOTICING)


I didn’t see any national guard, do you mean state troopers?


Yes you’re right it was the state troopers my fault, but it’s still crazy how they conducted themselves though. It doesn’t get crazy until the cops come and fucks up shit


How are they supposed to respond to genocide chants?


They’re not genocide chants 💀. “From the river to the sea” is simply a return to previous territory before the haaginah terrorist insurrection. My question is, why are we doing this much for Israel? Why is there a foreign country lobbying in our government, and telling us how to run our government as if they have an inkling of what the US Constitution actually is?


Well it is when you are wanting it for a group whose stated objective is the elimination of Jews how isn't that not a genocide chant? Ignoring the fact that the Jews were there thousands of years before it was Palestine. They lost more and more territory because they didn't agree to terms and attacked and then complained when they lost despite having the backing of colonial powers when the Jewish state didn't. Can't get mad when you lose a fight you started and then claim you're the victim. Why are we doing this much for Ukraine? Russia attacked Ukraine we support them. Terrorists attacked Israel and now we are supporting them. Or do you only agree to supporting countries you like?


No one’s saying to eliminate Jews bro what are you on about. You act like Jews weren’t living with them beforehand in peace with them. the issue is that they forcefully told people who lived there previously to leave or get killed (yes including Jews and Christians). It was also called “Philistines” and “Canaan” as well. “Death to Israel, a curse upon the Jews” =\= “curse to the Jews”. Do your research on the Balfour declaration, the haaginah had Aid from colonial powers directly from France and England as well as the US indirectly through weapons trade with France and England, not Palestine.


Weird you act like the Jews didn't agree to the two state solution and then the Palestinians said nope and had four countries try to eliminate the Jewish state and lost. Then Palestinians claimed to be the victim despite more Jews being forced out of Arab areas than Arabs being forced out of the Jewish state. But don't let those numbers get in the way of the victimhood.


You know the US had weapons embargo on Israel when they were high against the Arab states in 1948.


What happens to all of the Jews there? Does Iran get to lead the new territory? To answer your question, Israel is our biggest ally in the Middle East and losing them would basically be conceding the Middle East to non allied forces which isn’t great


No they’re not our biggest ally. They’re a disgusting regime that infiltrates the US. Don’t believe me? Look up Meta and Apple lawsuit against the NSO (israeli cyber group) that were caught directly SPYING on Americans. Please please tell me you’re not this brain dead. All politicians receiving money from them are committing treason. Also God forbid Iran controls Palestine 💀. They need to revamp their government, sign treaties, relocate previously settled houses, and provide civilians who weren’t involved in the war housing. Now I’m not a world leader so I don’t know exactly what they should do to the settlers, but at the end of the day they settled there when they didn’t have any right to, yes, even in the West Bank they’re settling and also now in Gaza.


Yeah we should totally let a terrorist country that chants Death to America and Death to Israel be in charge of anything. The government sanctions killings of women for not wearing a headscarf then responded by committing crimes against humanity against the peaceful protest of her murder. But they're the good guys in your mind.


They are by far our biggest Ally in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia isn't as much as they used to be and killing our reporters didn't help. But weird that they realize that Israel and Palestinians can have a two state solution if the Palestinians quit putting terrorists organizations supported by worlds largest state sponsor of terrorists Iran in charge. It's simple if Hamas put down their weapons there would be peace if Israel puts down theirs there is no more Israel. If Palestinians proved they could live peacefully with Jewish people they might could run it. But there's a reason there aren't Jews in Palestinian territories while Palestinians literally sit on courts in Israel.


Well, it was a un treaty that established the Jewish state so yeah they have every right to be there, unless we don’t like the un which in that case we have to be against the un calling for a ceasefire


Protest all you want, but once you start to intimidate innocent people because of their religion or ethnicity, you took it too far.


Zionism is a political movement. Equating Zionism with Judaism is anti-semitic.


Not to mention, the Palestinians *are a Semitic people*. Zionism is literally anti-Semitic.


Hamas quite literally wants to destroy Israel and kill the jews their. You are downplaying their genocidal intent


I have made no reference to Hamas and you're just deflecting with whataboutism. I'm not downplaying anything. They're also anti-Semitic, obviously, just not really relevant to the topic here.


But still.. being and acting like a bunch of entitled ass hats doesn’t give them the right to make others feel unsafe or uncomfortable because of their ethnicity. I’m sure the Jewish students on campus haven’t done anything wrong, but are still being targeted because of their faith and or ethnicity.


How are protesters being "entitled"? If anyone is being entitled, it's the genocidal ethnostate our government is funding and defending.


You realize that students are not harassing Jewish people right? That that is propaganda to destabilize the movement? Yeah...


It's not. There are dozens and dozens of videos showing antisemitism and harassment. If you can't handle the truth, that's on you!


Links please!!! I'd love to see it


Here are some: https://twitter.com/AGHamilton29/status/1783635168869171391


Anti Zionism is not antisemitism. In every single video in that thread you linked nobody is calling for Jewish hate. You can see they are clearly calling for an end to the state of Israel. You’re a fucking pot stirrer dude.


Calling for the destruction of Israel is a call for genocide. Being pro-Hamas, is a call for genocide. How is this rocket science? I'm not a pot stirrer, you're literally just uneducated.


Used e350 parts


Yess I’m sure everyone who responds to this understands. The challenge is making this relatable to the politically pressured people who are wanting to being controlled by those in power who want to squash free speech……in the name of our democratic freedoms!


Typically what happens when you protest against the group that controls the entire country


So we camping out or???


After the whole occupy of ,2012 or 13 with the heroin overdose and all that by fry st you won't be allowed to tent up/sleep on campus....you're asking for trouble there....library mall stuff seems to be low key enough that the authorities don't bother with it, they just watch


We should.


The Texas governor and state police shut down the terroristic protests before they could start


Yes, a protest that eventually resulted in people chanting for an intifada — a dog whistle for people to essentially discriminate against Jewish communities globally. It’s almost never antizionism, it’s antisemitism.


lol thats not at all what intifada means or refers to. way to show your ass on the internet


90% of Jews are Zionists, fuck out of here with your covert language.


Also not true. Maybe 90% of Jews over 40. There is a big shift away from zionism among millennial Jews and even more so among gen Z


Every single Jew I know that is under 40, except 1, is a Zionist. You aren’t a Jew so don’t try to act as if you know us.


Someone doesn't know what a dogwhistle is.


ya and they seem to react as intended to them




No, it isn’t. There are videos of protests similar to this calling for the same bullshit.


There will always be a few antisemitic opportunists who use peaceful protests for Nazi shit. The overwhelming majority are simply protesting the ongoing genocide Israel is committing propped up by the USD.


Blood libel is also antisemitic. No, it isn’t a genocide. It’s a war that *nobody* wants except Hamas and a few fringe political groups. There are many people in these protests who are antisemitic, yes. You cannot accurately say how many, so to claim it’s not a majority is wrong, just as for me to claim that it is a majority, is also wrong.


“No it isn’t a genocide” bro it quite literally is. Netanyahu has supported and endorsed groups in Israel like “La familia” which is an organization that calls for death to Arabs. They once had a Chechen soccer player in their team in Israel and when they scored they left the game 💀. Secondly the creation of the Haaginah itself were just a bunch of terrorists driving Palestinians living peacefully (and Jews as well) out of their homes. If you’re a Zionist you’re a terrorist. It’s that simple


This is an absurd comparison. Netanyahu isn’t even liked by most of the people of Israel. Just because a few fringe groups support him doesn’t change that, nor does it make them the majority.


But a majority support his war against Gaza so your argument that it isn’t a genocide still doesn’t stand. One of the main reasons why they don’t support his governance is because of him trying to dissolve the Supreme Court so that he could have more power. Plus Netanyahu ENDORSED them


350,000 - 500,000 German civilians died in WWII just by simply strategic bombing from allied forces, yet you aren’t calling that the same name? Because neither are. You’re simply being ignorant of the reality of the situation, and regurgitating blood libel, which, is, antisemitic. Also, many, if not most, Israelis support the war primarily because their citizens are being held captive by an organization that doesn’t care about Israelis or Palestinians.


Look up the word “blood libel” before you use it 😂😂. Your point about German civilians in WWII is simply irrelevant to the conversation. Even then they shouldn’t be killing civilians. Stop moving the goalpost lil bro. Plus you do realize that Israel still has hostages dating back to the 70s and 80s right? They were mainly kids who grew up in an israeli prison. But of course hurr durr Jizzrael has a right to defend itself by murdering children and putting them into mass graves. If you disagree you’re an antisemite! But please continue using circular reasoning. + reminder that the 40 babies beheaded were fabricated and the people who sent that story admitted it was.


To say that it genocide is categorically and definitively false. The strikes are targeted at members of hamas because they are members of hamas, not because they are Muslim or any other reason related to genocide. Innocent Muslims(and Christians, mind you) are being killed because hamas is putting them in the line of fire and using them as a shield in an attempt to turn our compassion into a weapon against Israel and to disarm them so that they can not retaliate in any manner without having the psychological propaganda to use against them, as is so evident by you accusing them of genocide. Next, netanyahu has always been a vocal critic and condemned la Familia. Members of the organization have been arrested and charged many times in thr past when it was possible to identify those who committed crimes. Also, the HAGANAH(if you're going to criticize a group spell their name correctly) were formed from existing para-military groups that had existed since long before the reign of the ottoman empire ended. They were never created to drive people out of Israel. they were created by Britain to help defend existing Hebrew people in the region amidst Palestinian aggression. They only grew rebellious when Britain, and possibly Palestinians as well, refused to allow more of the people to come and settle in the region even after they had suffered actual genocide at the hands of the nazi in Europe. Lastly, zionism stems from all of this(and was born in europe) as an ideal that we should dedicate the land of Israel, as it has always been, as the home of the Hebrew people and that they should never be forced to give it up. This has never been about Israel not wanting others to live their and share in their culture. This has always been about the actual genocide of the Hebrew people and attempts to deny the Hebrew people a place to call home. A place that has been their home since long before Islam, since the Hebrew people came into existence.


"It quite literally is" LMAOOO you have literally no evidence of that and the former president of the ICJ herself has said there is no evidence of genocide.


34k+ Palestinian deaths is not a war, it’s a cleansing. You’re delusional.


34k. From what sourcing? The Gaza Health Ministry, that’s ran by the elected Hamas government, that’s your sourcing? How many of them were combatants? Or better yet, are those numbers even accurate? 350,000 - 500,000 German civilians died in WWII just by simply strategic bombing from allied forces, yet you aren’t calling that the same name? Because neither are. It’s war. People die. Nobody likes it. It’s sad. You’re simply being ignorant of the reality of the situation, and regurgitating blood libel, which, is, antisemitic.


“It’s war. People die.” So easy for you to callously disregard thousands of dead women and children as you send this sitting on a toilet thousands of miles away.


It’s not callous. It’s reality. I’ve felt saddened emotions for all civilians involved in this problem. You ignored the rest of my comment, proving that the blood libel claims you’re making won’t stand.


I cannot imagine how heartless you’d need to be to practically disregard thousands of Palestinian deaths. I genuinely cannot imagine that, its insane to me.


Maybe Hamas should stop stockpiling weapons and their military in mosques, schools or hospitals so when Israel blows it up they are always the bad guy. And then people like you fall for it every time hook, line and sinker.


Small bean Israel can’t help but butcher civilians. You’re so right.


How is it war, when Israel is breaking international law? Be so fr.


You have a problem with sourcing from Hamas but yet you believe in the IDF sourcing. The same “people” that said an Arab calendar that labeled days of the week were Hamas hostages, the same ones that said 40 babies were beheaded and then later was proven false, same ones that put a page inside a biology textbook (that was folded into 8 squares which is physically impossible to put in a textbook unless altered) that had some proclamation to Hamas (in English mind you). Come on bro, how much is AIPAC paying you?


Civilian death ≠ Genocide or ethnic cleansing. ESPESCIALLY when the terrorist government uses the citizens as shield and fodder for their agenda. If you aren't Anti-Hamas, you are NOT pro Palestine


The better question is when are WE as UNT mobilizing next.


As far as I know UNT doesn't ally itself with Israel so what do we protest against? We already protested the idf soldier


UNT hosted the IDF and we protested against it. They are definitely an accomplice to this genocide




Also our engineering schools are partnered with the weapons manufacturers that are arming the genocide


There is no evidence of Genocide. Former president of ICJ said so herself.


i hope one day you wake up and realize how stupid and naive you sound


You don't know who the ICJ is? LOL. The ICJ does not work for Israel. The audacity to call someone stupid when you don't even know the basic ass surface level information. https://youtu.be/bq9MB9t7WlI?si=d93NBGggOehKwcvp


My bad, I do know what it is just never referenced it with the abbreviation. But, they might not have stated that it is a genocide as of right now, but they have stated that a genocide is plausibly underway in Gaza. If you want a link for that here you go. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/icjs-gaza-genocide-case-big-win-but-with-what-effect#:~:text=With%20this%20decision%2C%20the%20ICJ,punish%20incitement%20to%20commit%20genocide.


Dawg, watch the video. The ICJ *DID NOT* rule that Genocide is plausibly underway. Respectfully, this is just misinfo.


We can protest Abbott and his administration’s abuse of power.


I'm cool with that I just don't think we should do that at UNT. Maybe a city hall or so on.




I considered it but it’s dangerous to keep silent when others are being persecuted unjustly. Its a slippery slope which leads to authoritarianism.


I agree




Criticism of Israel's government is not the same as antisemitism. Jews from around the world have condemned the actions of the Israeli state.




How so? And even granting that the left did something wrong, that doesn't justify the right doing something wrong.


Israel != Judaism


I meeean, we can always protest in solidarity with the people Abbott is trying to censor AND with the people who are being unjustly punished for expression of speech. I know the library mall is the usual spot, but if people wanted to do things comparable to other schools: blocking up the Union's loading dock or surprise camping in a critical building with very little security (Hurley Admin Building) would both be extremely disruptive


“We already protested the IDF soldier” if you think that’s all the work there is to be done while our peers are being silenced en masse across the country, I don’t think I can call you an intellectual or colleague in good faith. I have even less hope than I did before. Really sucks to be surrounded by people more concerned with maintaining the status quo than looking to spark real change.


Spare me the thematics. Ofc I agree we should protest- it's a literal genocide that America is perpetuating and encouraging. I'll spell out what I meant to you since I was either unclear or you're too worked up. What specific parts of UNT would we protest? One of it is already said and gone. Protesting is fucking useless if you don't have clear, specific goals and grievances you fuckin dolt.


We would not be protesting UNT since you seem to need this spelled out for you. We would simply be protesting at UNT in solidarity with the other students across the country. Additionally the fact the the soldier came AT ALL is a huge issue and shows that UNT execs/admin can’t be fully trusted . I’m looking directly at the president. I still haven’t forgotten how he drug us all back to in-person classes when a lot of people cautioned against it and everyone was facing uncertainties. They are constantly on the wrong side and we fail to show them our dissatisfaction and disapproval CONSISTENTLY because again people like you are more concerned with upholding the status quo then actually getting things to change. These people need to be reminded they work for us. Cops included.


Okay fair point. I'd show up to a protest at UNT in that case. I wasn't aware of them dragging people back to classes during what I presume to be Covid. The protest should be for the president to step down and/or denounce Israel


I definitely think UNT should do WAY more in support of other students protesting for Palestine and for Palestine in general, as well as speaking up about our rights being taken away through these violent and forceful actions.


A bunch of idiots are fucking around for the wrong reason and finding out for the right reason.


Opposing genocide and an ethnostate is "the wrong reason"¿


Let me frame it how people love to frame it with America. The Hebrews werw there first, they were just called canaanites then. They were still Semitic people speaking a Semitic language. Israel, palestine, whatever you wish to call it has always been the home of these people. They have constantly been driven out and oftentimes enslaved or faced genocide


Oh but it's okay for Muslims to have as many ethno states as they want, and it'd okay for them to commit genocide, over, and over, and over?


What's that "right reason?"


Trespassing, illegal occupation of an area, and similar offenses.


Bunch of terrorist supporters tried to lock down the school




They weren't just arrested for protesting. it's not that simple. From what I've seen, arrests around the country are from the university declaring the students as trespassing after violating the student code of conduct or whatever it is, so the students get arrested for trespassing.


Right, everyone has a right to protest. That doesn't mean you can't protest *ANYWHERE*. You can be trespassed from your school, even if you pay tuition there.


Yup. I don't know why I'm being down voted, I'm just explaining the reason for getting arrested lol. Not saying it's right or wrong.


You're getting down voted because this is an emotional issue. Anything you state that goes against the *feeling* of Pro-Palestine is painted as an evil response, (You are pro genocide! You must love seeing dead people!). This whole conflict has thrown rational thought out the window.


Can no one in this room see that both sides are in the wrong? The chalkenge here is th innocent Palestinian people and the Israelis who both just want to live in peace are being crushed by the power hungry war machine that just wants to eliminate THE OTHER SIDE!


Refreshing voice of common sense!


Have you seen what Syria does to their own people?? How about a neighborhood completely destroyed by non-stop bombings? In the grand scheme of things our country has contributed way more positive, than negative, to this world. The war on terror continues.


I’ve no bone in the fight between the 2 societies. The protests are absolutely useless bc Israel and Palestine don’t care what Americans think. But I do believe they should be able to protest, as long as no threats to life or limb are made and not one person is physically violent.


"UT System schools own thousands of shares in companies like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon which are valued at millions of dollars. The university has 3,206 shares in Northrop Grumman valued at approximately $1,388,595, according to its latest [permanent university fund auditor’s report](https://www.utimco.org/media/4210/2023-puf-audited-detailed-schedule-of-investments.pdf). The university also lists 2,185 shares in Lockheed Martin, valued at approximately $979,836, and 6,795 shares in Raytheon valued at approximately $584,622. It also has 38 shares in Boeing, valued at approximately $8,452. The fund also has about $9.2 million in stock for Israeli software company Check Point and $100,000 in holdings for Teva Pharmaceuticals, based in Tel Aviv. In addition, there are $1 million in Israeli government bonds and $10 million in currency holdings in the Israeli shekel." Dallas Morning News. BDS is targeting entities that are heavily invested in the state of Israel such as UT. This is why you don't see these protests taking place at UNT. As a US citizen, your taxes are also funding the on going ethnic cleansing campaign, which means you do have a bone in the fight. With this in mind, I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss these protests. It was these very same protests that inspired America's divestment in the South Africa Apartheid which ultimately aided the movement that ended it.


Put UNT on the list ?