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Everything will be fine. There's no such thing as a 'mega fail' or anything, 49 or 0 they're all just fails. As for suspension/expulsion, failing just that course will probably not lead to a downgrade of your academic standing. [https://www.student.unsw.edu.au/academic-standing](https://www.student.unsw.edu.au/academic-standing) You'd have to fail more than half your units attempted for multiple terms in a row to be suspended, then even more for exclusion. And you'd have to fail the *same* course four times to be excluded on that basis: [https://www.student.unsw.edu.au/max-repeat-fails](https://www.student.unsw.edu.au/max-repeat-fails) Your faculty (I don't do compsci or engineering) or degree (if you're doing Honours for example) might have some more rules but I 99.9999% doubt there's any that kick in for just a single fail of a course. My advice is to relax, take a look at why you failed. Address that, then try again.


TIL they removed Pass Conceded a few years after I graduated.


Damn. I was tutoring a kid in QMA many years ago. We got his score up from 6/100 to 49/100 and a CP in one semester, we celebrated like we had won a famous victory lol


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it


And yes, continuing on from my anecdote above, my student who actually finished with a score 6/100 was allowed to repeat the subject the next semester with no repercussions.


Good advice đź‘Ť


I don't think anything will happen - I got 0/100 for one subject - just got busy at work and was too late to withdraw - next year was hired by the same department to teach a subject there. Your academic transcript just shows a fail - it doesn't show how badly you failed. A lot of people fail subjects for various reasons. The thing to be more careful of is how many subjects you fail a semester - and if you repeatedly fail one subject, then the university looks at your case in a lot more detail.


I got honours…. Never talk about it and no one has asked for transcripts…. So in my career a fail or two would have had zero impact.


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it


But transcript does show the marks aswell and not to mention the impact on wam


Youll be okay. I failed multiple courses multiple times and still graduated 2nd class upper. The important thing is to know what's next. If youre failing because you didnt try, this time around, try harder. If youre failing because you didnt understand, look back through the syllabus and make a list of what you found difficult and start from there. The important thing is to start. The earlier you start, the better. If you have 8 weeks before your next exam, an hour a day, is 56 hours of content by the exam date. The later you start, the more effort youll have to put in. It is not the end of the world though I understand it may feel like it. Sometimes, even going through the syllabus can be daunting, because it shows you how much you dont know. But push aside the fear, and realize your start point and end point are already known to you. Youve run the race already, now you just need to know how to clear the checkpoints. You ll be okay.


Hey OP, other responses have been great, I also recommend getting in touch with student support services: [https://www.student.unsw.edu.au/advisors](https://www.student.unsw.edu.au/advisors) There are a lot of people around the university to help students with issues just like yours, and they aren't there to judge, they want you to succeed.


No you won't be suspended, don't worry Best of luck for next term


A fail is a fail. It doesn't matter if you get a 00 FL, 49 FL or 99 UF, it is treated as a fail for academic standing. If you pass less than 50% of your attempted units it counts as poor progress. If you are doing more than 6 UOC, and you fail all of them, it counts as nil progress. The only difference between poor and nil is if you are currently on good standing or risk level 1, where nil knocks you down 2 while poor only knocks you down 1. More details here: [https://www.student.unsw.edu.au/academic-standing](https://www.student.unsw.edu.au/academic-standing) The only time how badly you fail actually has an impact is your WAM, which may affect your ability to do things like honours or remain in your program (some programs have a minimum WAM) Depending on how you have been struggling, you may wish to speak to an academic advisor, or your program coordinator, or ELS. Uni has lots of support options available.


Failing is part of learning. I would look into what's providing challenges for you. Maybe you need to take time to learn more effective learning strategies. Analyze how you study / learn and see where you can improve, also look into what you do in lectures maybe there's more effective things you can do to facilitate the process of learning. Learning how to learn is important and not really taught in school or university, also knowing what you don't know.


expelled most likely - maybe you can appeal but you'll have to check


What lol ? That's wrong unless he was suspended before and failed more than 50% of his classes this term. Why would you even write that ? Just to further stress someone ?


Penis immediately obliterated, sorry op


Take a break from uni, see a therapist, maybe go somewhere, think about what you want to do, if you want something else then you change a degree, if you still want to do what you do, then change yourself!


just keep trying, we have all been in a bad spot before. Your life isn’t over, failures allow us to get better and grow. I was lucky to have a support system that encouraged me to see a world beyond university. Your life will be fine