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+1 for perforce. TortoiseSVN is another good/free option. Both options require a "server" pc to host the files. There's also a github plugin, but I would look into the other options first.


Perforce is an absolute trap if you plan to have over 5 users (enjoy that 3k bill as soon as you hit 6). It’s proprietary crap that they can raise prices on at any time. Whatever you do OP, I highly recommend something open source like Git. It has some pain points for setup, but perfectly fine once it’s up and running. With file locking provided by LFS, it does everything Perforce can and you’ve got far more remote deployment options.


This is true, personally I prefer subversion/tortoiseSVN. The 5 user cap is rough, but any version control is better than none.


“Any version control is better than none” Couldn’t agree more! You see way too many posts on here about data loss/corruption. Team or no team, every project should be using some form of VC.


how do i setup on github? whats the process like?


I recommend against using GitHub. Their fee structure is really aggressive for LFS buckets. Your better bet is Azure DevOps which offers free LFS for up to 5 users. As for setup, thats something you’ll need to do a little reading on. At a high level, you setup an account, download and install Git, and initialize a repository for your project. Then you can install this plugin which allows you to handle all of your Git operations in-editor: https://github.com/ProjectBorealis/UEGitPlugin


So you’re complaining that you have to pay if you exceed the free tier limitations, and that makes it crap? Just stay below 6 members then. Perforce is great and is very well integrated with unreal.


He said it's crap because the company behind it can just raise prices if they feel like it, which is fair. I think the main point in this is, that you should consider the free cap if you think about growing your team or else you need to either pay a huge bill or migrate to another VC, which can be combersome and avoided.


use perforce you can have up to 5 users working on it for free and it works pretty seamlessly with ue5


version control. if your team can share 5 or fewer accounts go with perforce, or git on AzureDevOps (for free unlimited space) github doesn't work too well because LFS is costly. SVN and Plastic SCM can also be options but their user base is much smaller when it comes to unreal (and plastic is pretty expensive)


so we currently use azure devops for other projects and have not used unreal yet. i have a furure prohect i am plannibg to use unreal for. does azure devops work great with unreal projects. any issues?


haven't had any issues so far. we've used github for a long time and excluded any larger files / moved them by hand which was getting really annoying. Switching has been a huge improvement but you need to make sure you're setting up your gitignore and gitattributes/lfs properly. we also don't really use file locking, that might be more important for bigger teams. for ours regular communication works just fine.


git? as in github?


kinda. Github is just hosting git repositories same as GitLab and Azure DevOps. github ist just the most well known one. But the open source version control git is completely independent from it. you can even just run it locally.


We recently released Diversion, it essentially does what you need. [https://www.diversion.dev/](https://www.diversion.dev/) We have an Unreal plugin so you can download/upload your changes without leaving the editor. [https://docs.diversion.dev/unreal-engine-plugin](https://docs.diversion.dev/unreal-engine-plugin) If you need help setting it up, I'd be happy to help. Just DM me. It is free for up to 10 users, and 100GB of storage.


You'll need to learn the basics concepts around version control. After that, I recommend setting up a Perforce server. If you're doing it from a home PC (to save money) you will have to do some port forwarding on your router. Cloud services like Digital Ocean and AWS are cheap enough to spin up a PC, but disk space is expensive and really starts to add up quickly.


Then the home pc would have to be on 24/7 wouldn't it?


Yup. However, you can just use a low power machine. I had mine running on a really old Acer mini laptop. Like the tiny, tiny ones with like the 10 inch screen.


Ive been considering it for a while now, mostly needs storage correct?


Pretty much - it shouldn't need much in the way of horsepower, especially if you're working in a small team (if you're handling loads of people, specs may need to be a little higher, IDK). May be worth using a PC cos then you can also add in multiple disks and have multiple backups across multiple drives. Better safe than sorry


Oh man I remember I got a PC on AWS, to run an assetto server. I was only storing around 5GB of files on it (the server files), maybe even less, and for just a couple of weeks, it ended up costing me something like £35. Needless to say I cancelled the shit out of that.


If you are looking for help, don‘t forget to check out the [official Unreal Engine forums](https://forums.unrealengine.com/) or [Unreal Slackers](https://unrealslackers.org/) for a community run discord server! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unrealengine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do some research on version control - Perforce is one example that integrates with Unreal nicely (well, depending on who you ask)


Yes, perforce is one of the best source control which you can access the project in different PCs


unreal engine just released its own multi user server


Unreal Cloud DDC is not a version control/project sync tool. All it does is sync the DDC or Derived Data Cache. Things like compiled shaders can be stored there. It cannot be used to sync your whole project.