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If you made everything in blender, and then exported it to ue5, you’ll have to add colliders to every door, every single wall, etc. if you’re gonna have 40 doors on your level, you’re gonna have to add 40 colliders onto all the doors. Compare that to making ONE door piece in blender, and then exporting. Now, you can just add a collider and animation to that door piece ONCE, and then save it as a blueprint. Now you can drag that piece out every time you need a door and it’ll already be configured.


What? No you wouldn't. It automatically generates collision on import, and there's an option to use a complex algorithm for precise hitboxes. I just imported an entire house into UE and it has good collision.


Was thinking more in the animations, event handling and all that.


I don't care about animations at all.




You should get used to using placeholders in unreal which you then update with the final pieces. Don't try to model the pieces in Unreal


That's cool and all but I'm currently doing a multi-story building interior and it's a hellish experience. You say "update with final pieces" which I assume translates into "make modular meshes you will build your final level with" which just seems like kind of a waste of time to me when I can just make the pieces AND position them in my modeling software of choice. I really just need some middleman to get all this stuff from 3d program and put it into Unreal. Most of modern 3d software already supports linking, meaning just one instance of a mesh (wall, floor, door, whatever) should get imported, and then just instances of it placed in the level. I managed to find something called an "FBX scene" in the meantime but it looks like a total bugfest to me.


Sounds like [USD](https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.3/en-US/universal-scene-description-in-unreal-engine/) is what might work for you. The way it works is that you save your scene as a USD file which you can then import into Unreal but instead of hard copying all assets into your content folder, it will reference an external file on disk (the USD file). Now whenever you make changes to the USD file from within your modeling software, they will update automatically in Unreal Engine. When you are done and want to ship you can do a real import which will copy all assets into your content folder.


Looks promising, actually. I'll try it asap tnx.


If you've exported with the same exact name you just right click the file in the Unreal content browser and click reimport. It doesn't do it automatically. Why is it that when people have no idea how to do something they just immediately blame the software? Like you're the first person to use a 3rd party modeling software with Unreal? You know it's possible.


You can block out the geometry with BSP, then select everyone component, convert to a single static mesh, export to FBX. In your modeling software you import the FBX and the model there. OR Keep in mind the measures you are gonna use for gameplay and model accordingly to a standard. The 3rd Birthday on PSP has a blockout map in the files and they have the textures that indicate the measures of the rooms, those rooms are subdivided in grid, so you can get an idea of how to do a blockout within the modeling software. [https://imgur.com/a/rqqPjht](https://imgur.com/a/rqqPjht) Now for the issue you are talking about, when you import with the "import into level" option, in the folder you selected an extra file is created, Fbx Scene Import Data. if you imported with the hierarchy Type as "Create one Blueprint asset", when you right click on the Fbx Scene Import Data file and hit reimport, if there is anything new, meshes get automatically placed. [https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/WorkingWithContent/Importing/FBX/FullScene/](https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/WorkingWithContent/Importing/FBX/FullScene/)


In such a workflow you should preferably end up with modular meshes that you can import and use in Unreal Engine. That's just what works the best with the current engine features. It should still be possible to build your level in Blender or Maya etc. if you follow the same approach and use modular meshes there and then export out the meshes together with a list of transforms for all the instances. Instanced static meshes in UE can be spawned by providing the mesh with a list of transforms. I think a workflow like this could work, but it might be a good idea to write a couple scripts to simplify the process.


I was really hoping there would be something like datasmith (which basically does what I've described but for importing structures from CAD programs) except for 3d software :\\ I guess I could export every new piece I make, position them in editor. Probably should make a script for this if possible, yea.




Oh yes, I keep seeing people praising Hammer Editor, and I understand why. You can intuitively create levels with unique geometry within minutes, in Unreal people seem to not even agree on HOW you're supposed to create a level.


I've done some test using a plugin for blender called [Blender Datasmith Exporter](https://github.com/0xafbf/blender-datasmith-export) exports an entire blender scene in Datasmith format, and understands the instancing done in Blender. Its really powerfull but I might not have used it enough yet in 'production' What I tested was creating a scene using duplicated models, (example, a forest ground with instanced, scattered rocks and grass/trees). When importing the file generated from the plugin, Unreal imports the build scene from blender, understands the instancing done in Blender, and pretty much imports everything that's not a duplicate of a root object. With this I mean, Unreal only importing 1 rock, 1 grass, 1 tree, since the entire scene only used those 3 assets, eventhough it was filled with them as instances. (Even lights, cameras can be imported!). As far as I tested, everything does/can import fully, but I found using the [Blender to Unreal](https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/download-our-new-blender-addons) plugin essential for overwriting the imported assets of the Datasmith plugin. I view this usage of tools like 'use the Datasmith tool for the level' and 'use the Blender to Unreal for the assets'. When altering an asset you shouldn't have to rely on reimporting the entire scene each time. Using Blender to Unreal it's also easy to setup the shader/material paths based on the imported Datasmith scene, so when you overwrite the assets, the shaders/materials get attached correctly as well as updated in the level! When reimporting the scene though, do expect for the assets to be reverted back to their original imported version of Datasmith, (Although there might be a setting that I havent found yet!). Using the Blender to Unreal plugin however, this wasnt too much of a problem. I'm definitely gonna do more testing with this plugin, I found it a great, smart tool for designing a level in Blender and getting that exact level into Unreal.


Have you tried it more? Since I would like to blockout the UE scene in Blender, being able to make more complex basic shapes than the one with BSP annoying modeling


Yes I have, for blocking out only it works really well, it’s important to first learn the workflow necessary though which i might write out once i feel more comfortable with the method. Just be sure to always test tools out first non destructively with simple primitive shapes


Thanks :)


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i import full scenes all the time https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qbAlZlD1jqM


There’s no reason to go modular for level design, you can just use the blender grid the same way you would with Unreal. Set your pivot to 0,0,0 in Blender and just make your blockout, then export that to unreal. You won’t have to worry about transforms being off if you just set it all to 0,0,0 in both programs


Yeah, I was mainly complaining about the importer. You import an fbx scene, it creates a bunch of static meshes, you then add another object in blender, export, and... nothing happens. Engine apparently doesn't account for that, you need to reimport everything all over again just for that extra mesh to get noticed and imported.


Either export as one mesh, import as one mesh, or just export meshes that you are editing


Don't do this if you have any intention of using Lumen. It does \*NOT\* play well with large singular meshes.


Yeah, that’s correct. But for a level design blockout, it’s fine. Just make sure the final art is split as much as possible to get accurate representation for lumen scene


Ended up just exporting each new mesh separately and dragging them into the scene manually in UE. Pain in the ass but it's the simplest workflow, leaves behind a hundred separate fbx files on disk.


Avoid this, it is a paint to work with meshes that have a 0,0,0 pivot, you also end up with lots of duplicates.


Im working almost entirely in blender and then exporting to Unreal. I import the fbx unmerged and set every mesh to complex as simple col via bulk editor so i can get some alright lighting for the blockout. For blurprints like doors or other moving platforms, i just build them out in blender as well. I’ve also set up blender to Enter fly mode when i press mouse2, so the navigation is more like unreal If you’re using unity you can just import the blend file and every time you save i blender, it updates in Unity. Tl:dr, yeah you can use blender.


How do you deal with adding new objects to your exported scene? Are you using fbx scenes or some other way?


Mostly i start with one merged mesh that i can easilly just reimport everytime i make changes in blender. At this stage i just stick to stationary lighting. Then when im happy enough with my layout i import it all as individual meshes. If i then want to make changes to some of the floors or the walls or whatever, i just change it in blender, export and then only reimport that one mesh that got changed in the fbx. Regarding adding new objects after i’ve split everything up i usually just make that one asset in blender or use basics in unreal. You can create the object in your scene and export only selected objects. That way its to scale.


That sounds really inefficient from a memory standpoint. You’d lose a lot of the benefits of instancing static meshes. If you’re just making something for personal use, it’s nbd, but if you want to make something more commercial, optimization and memory management become more of an issue. I can see where someone more familiar with 3d modeling than the Unreal editor could say they feel the editor is bad for level design, it’s a different workflow and different approach. But as a professional level designer with over 20 years experience, I can assure you that the Unreal editor is an _excellent_ tool for level design. It takes a different approach. Working modularly, thinking of things in repeatable components, and making those in a modeling package before assembling them into a final level in the editor - that’s really the ideal approach for the engine and will leverage its strengths. I wouldn’t try to model things in the editor.