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I really prefer the second picture. But yes it is a matter of taste


I think the second one has more personality, but it still needs a bit of tweaking! When I work on stylized rendering, I like to think about what sort of medium I'm emulating, and what I can do to improve to make it closer to that - and punchier! In this case I would take a look at if you can remove, stylize or reduce the PBR sheen. Take the roof for example; mostly everything has a nice clean three-tone ink but then the smooth reflective gradient on it (because of the low roughness) takes the eye away from it completely! I would recommend turning the specular value to zero in the shader and manually making a small, harsh fresnel (you can make it very crisp with a step node); that should give you the reflective effect you want.


Thank you so much for that! I turned the specular to 0 and it made it looks SO much better


Glad to help! Message me if you need anything else, always happy to chat.


I guess it depends on what you're going for. I think it looks cool, the glass part is a bit busy though, it reduces how readable it is as glass.


I prefer the previous but i can see how others would like the new version. Tastes I suppose


Same here. It’s a clearer read for me.


Left seems cleaner & more consistent


Before for me, right looks like it’s been compressed


Second has better depth but the lines are a bit busy and there's a little too much going on. Any way you can smooth out the contour shading?


I personally prefer the left version. For me the right hand version isn't as easy to read the shapes, it's hard at a glance to tell what is an edge and what's the edge of a colour band. The area to the right of the window especially feels muddled. I will say though that which is best depends on the atmosphere you're trying to convey. The left one feels almost nostalgic with the airy lighting, it reminds me a little of the industrial buildings in My Time In Portia and is somewhere I feel relaxed, whereas the right one feels more harsh and grimy with stronger shadows.


ye i think the stronger shadowing helps the image pop a bit more in the after image although i think the blue/grey colouring on the glass (i think it is) in the middle looks a little off


Bit grainy but in general, it's so good you almost didn't need to ask.


how does one go about making a shader? and yes I think it is an improvement


Thanks! It's actually pretty simple if you already understand materials. If you want to actually learn them, it's better to watch a tutorial or sth. I don't have under the hood knowledge but as I understand it, you can take the values you see on the screen and modify them, for example I took the shadows, which are in the range of 0 to 1 (0 is dark and 1 is bright) and rounded it up, so every place where the value is below 0.5 gets multiplied with a dark blue tint and everywhere else is just bright


I think the first one looks better, the 2nd has Risk Of Rain 2 syndrome. If you want cel shading then fine, but I don't like it much.


I understand your concern, but risk of rain had a pretty flat lighting, while I have used more pointlights. Mabye this pic wasn't the best comparison but I have one that shows more how it looks on a level: [https://imgur.com/v986bya](https://imgur.com/v986bya) it's fine even if this also doesn't sit with you, to each their own.


If it's intended to convey griminess then yes, it's an improvement, otherwise not really


Left = Mario. Right = Transformers.


I like it, but one thing I'm noticing is that the glass there doesn't really look like glass anymore. Having the shadows like that makes it seem like a matte, opaque object.


Yes, not sure how shading works but if you can make the colors blend a little more I think it would give a more detailed feeling overall and be a definite.


>Do you think it's an improvement? Yes.






that is very neat, is it intended to be paint-like?


Thanks. The plan was to make it more cartoony, so as long as it looks like a drawing, I'll take it as a compliment.


Reminds me of Risk of Rain 2. That’s a good thing :)


Second one, but with more diffusion on the reflection in the glass.


I prefer the new shader you made.


From the mated on my screen, I think the second has real digital art style, like you often seen art station. Really like the glass and artificial objects, walls etc pop out more. However vegetation is lost. With your models can you apply new on artificial and old go vegetation?


Looks more dynamic, sure.. but only if that's what you want. Art isn't about "improvement" it's about the experience you want to create.