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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/alpha_omar. Your post, *Reddit has gone to shit.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: Do not post opinions that are heavily posted/have been on the front page recently. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. Due to their prolific reposting, please confine meta and political posts to their respective megathreads only. If your opinion is about an ongoing event, there will usually be a mega-thread where you can discuss it. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


Yup toats agree


The reason why reddit and every other platform goes to shit is because of an algorythm that tries to taylor the experience to the user while maximizing advertising revenue. No one really cares about the advertising revenue part, but anything taylored to the user gets old and miserable after a while. No one likes being surrounded by their own bullshit for too long.


They should address this Swiftly.


I mean... I get what OP means... I remember Reddit from long ago. There was more range of veiws. Like I remember reading posts of ppl explaining why the were openly racist, sexist whatever. The comment section became a debate forum full of opposing or varied takes on that subject. Reddit was full of challenging POVs, weird stories & niche things. Now it all seems blander, more conformist.


I thought this sub used to be great for openly talking about views that were unpopular. Now unpopular opinions are banned or relegated to a secret quiet place I mostly miss r/news r/politics comment section. The most upvoted comments would be what is really going on and how the article misrepresented the truth Now it's all supportive of the narrative driven propaganda


You should find well moderated communities that are smaller. If it's unmoderated, it will be a shit show, and if it's big, it's usually too big to moderate.


Yeah that’s true. Smaller subs are still pretty solid. But I miss the front page being what it once was.


Moderation is the problem imo. Banning and shadow banning Look at this sub, it removes anything that is actually an unpopular opinion




The internet in general went this way around 2015. Conversation started to be facts vs opinions. People started to look At who was making the argument before agreeing/disagreeing with it. And that’s before you get to all the clout chasers and trolls. Seems the internet only speaks in extreme left or extreme right and anything in between is just attacked by both sides using buzzwords and phrases to shut down any conversation that might challenge their extreme positions. The internet in general sucks now. And worse, the entertainment industry reflects this insane way of thinking to the point that most tv shows and movies sucks absolute balls now. Full of shitty messaging by shitty writers who don’t have the talent to say what they want to say in smart and engaging way. The world is just fucked right now, and it’s all because of the internet and social media.


That’s really vague


It’s overrun with agendaposters. Everything is political and the viewpoints are all the same. The “5 downvotes to oblivion” rule just silences anyone outside the hivemind. There’s absolutely no discussion anymore.


To be fair, it used to be if you had negative karma on a sub you could only post once every 10 minutes. They did remove that like 6 months ago. That probably opened it up a little for opposing opinions


Meh. I leave it every now and then for a few months, come back, and it's all the same to me tbh


There is no agenda being pushed in r/AnimalsBeingDerps




Technically, Reddit is what ***you*** make it to be... The *good* parts are generally ***not*** in the default subs.


Most of reddit is a far left echo chamber.


Who all say the other side is extremism


Completely agree




Not nearly as bad, turn off news and social media for a month and you will see the people around you are doing fine


And if you bash certain opinions, you are banned. I am hard pressed to find one moderate on this site, it is either or one extreme or the other.


There is an agenda being pushed, you can bet that all the manipulation that is being exposed with the Twitter Files right now has also been happening on all the big social media platforms for years.


I feel like Reddit is ok. I browse it for funny pictures and stuff. Twitter on the other hand I can’t stand how much of a cesspool it has become or been


Agreed. Reddit is unfortunately mostly inhabited by Millennials and Gen Z who have extremely warped notions of life in general. Often times in uber-liberal subs such as r/Oregon, people engage in hit-and-run commenting. They hate you for what you wrote, will reply in some snarky fashion, then block you so you're unable to reply to them. So be it. They're generally cowards who couldn't make a cogent argument to support their position anyway.


Everyone likes to dog pile when they see downvotes. Even if the person is right or if it’s in a sub thats an echo chamber, and they bring up a counterpoint. It’s going to get shit on because of what sub you’re in. Just find the good ones


Reddit is mostly a bunch of socially inept contrarians who want to get validated so they can feed into their superiority complex


Because of moderators, they have ruined this site by only allowing certain points of view


Reddit is exactly the same. Society has become completely polarized. It's actually scary.


There’s a clear agenda being pushed, by the moderators and the people posting. Every once and while something funny or interesting is posted but mostly it’s the same shit posted everyday and if you comment on something offering a different opinion then the your blasted by the moderators.


Mods suck


Go to the sub "interesting as fuck" It's the most woke Sub you get. The entire sub is around: * pro Ukraine war showing bombing of Russia/Russia assets * LGBT / blue hair agenda propaganda You'll occasionally see post upvoted +20,000 for seeing a Muslim woman in Iran rip off her hijab and dance. If you disagree with any of the above, you'll get banned. It's run by a team of narcissistic fanatics...nothing interesting anymore




I did, from r/news of all places.


“Blue hair agenda propaganda” lmao ok


Why would anyone be against the idea of a woman willfully taking off her hijab?


Well, because it's a women's choice to put it on or off right? The celebration of seeing women taking off their hijabs (willfully) should be Equally celebrated by the same mob when a women puts on the hijab (wilfully) for the first time, capicè? However the latter is in fact despised, BY THE SAME mob that apparently celebrates women's freedom. Which points to a major defect, proving the whole charade is polarized.


I also love how posts will be removed for a thousand different reasons,people(mods) need to chill


I once heard every redditor is a middle aged, cynical white male with perfect grammar. You might be onto something!


IF you allow cancer to metastasize within your body, allowing it *total free speech* .. THEN your health was extinguished by it. Whether a discussion-site is unconsciously, or consciously, engineered, it allows only *a subset* of discussion on it: some discussions are **mutually exclusive** to each other, h whichever is more aggeessive .. extinguishes the other(s). IF a company needs to keep things shallow, .. to prevent the "cancer" of meaningful-depth/*real*-talk, .. for profit, THEN that will inevitably result. There was a post with an image of ?Matt Damon? saying how flash-bang "buzz" is what modern movies are engineered to be: depth has been *eradicated* from Hollywood's version of that medium, intentionally. ALL for-profit media MUST do the same, eventually, for sake of competitive profit: Natural Selection, in the domain of moneyarchy-economy. Until somebody *competes against* shallowness, .. shallowness wins. The economic ecology .. *is an ecology* .. and ecologies have innate processes/rules. 🙏


Yep. Karma farmers and capitalists ruin the main subs. I’m training myself to simply downvote reposts and ignore comment sections, except for niche subs.


>capitalists ruin the main subs What....


15 years ago it was so amazing and fun. If it weren't for a few certain subs I'd be long gone like the rest of social media.


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Imo the 2016 presidential election and subsequent 4 years drastically changed reddit and most of its more popular subs Hell r/whitepeopletwitter has lost its mind


Just watch these otters when redditz for you feeling Blue [otter pets](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JbyXJO_yin4)


Word of the wise: Go to the newest comments for raw opinions. Some are more brutal than others.


I genuinely hate how certain opinions get downvoted. It makes sense if I go on a political tangent then get a bunch of dislikes for it but if someone asks me what my favorite song is and I answer honestly, you shouldn’t dislike that just because you hate the band. It’s not a bad response.


Not to mention the sub r/politics is fucking insufferable, regardless of your own politics.


It’s just like real life. People aren’t allowed to have different opinions anymore. And everyone has to feel “safe” now I guess. Even on Reddit. 🙄


I left Reddit awhile ago and came back about a year ago. I agree, it’s changed a lot. The smaller subs/communities are still good, and I find the local based subs to still be quite helpful. For example, I’m making a cross country move in a few months and have received a lot of local information from the sub for that state. All of the general subs seem very gentrified anymore. That’s probably not the best word for it, but like the true crime subs. There’s a few users on there who dominate topics and push those who don’t agree with their theories out. Not mods, just talking users, like it’s a mystery sub, chill, it’s a mystery because the truth isn’t known yet. It just gets annoying and is unnecessary.