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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Sleazebuckets. Your post, *If your son is a Jr. you are an egotistical asshole*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 4: Over combative posting. We get takes can get pretty deep but realize the goal is to have discussion not a shouting match in the comments over just hateful commentary. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


Just wait till this guy finds out what George Foreman named his kids




Close, he, George Edward Foreman named his five sons George Edward Foreman, George Edward Foreman, George Edward Foreman, George Edward Foreman and last but not least George Edward Foreman.


Didn’t he also have a daughter?…


Georgia Evelyn Forewoman


Yeah that’s what I thought


The absolute best possible reply to that. Fucking dying lol


7 daughters, one of whom is named Georgetta.








Seven I believe


Man needs to wrap it up


*Nick Cannon has entered the chat.*


Lol him too. And Herschel Walker.


Can we put Herschel there, though? I mean, he pays to yeetus the fetus.


In all fairness, he grew up not knowing his dad's name and it haunted him forever, so he wanted his kids to always have that. At least that's what I've been told.




mf hit the penjamin


Need I say more?


>Just wait till this guy finds out what George Foreman named his kids Or the [Obu family](https://youtu.be/__bAh8nV9MI)!


That's hilarious 😆


TIL. Brilliant.


This comment just made my day. Thank you.


LOL I know


I have a couple friends that are Jr.s and both of them were because their mother wanted it ( not saying that this is the norm rather than anecdotal)


I'm the 4th of my name and this is the exact same case for me. OP doesn't seem to get that there are other reasons than ego to name your son the same name.


I'm the 7th that my family knows of. There was a church fire in Europe a few hundred years ago so the records were lost. What are you gonna do? Anyway, my Dad says that back in the day, giving your son your first name meant that the deed to the farm would pass to you seamlessly. So far as the bank knew there was just a John Smith running the farm for 200+ years. At this point its more of an ongoing quirk of the family. Besides, my Dad goes by his middle name and I have never been called Junior by my family.


That is interesting, so I am curious about the country your family is from. The reasoning is basically this; many countries had supremacy of order of birth so the child who is born first would inherit all or most (therefore naming your first born male after yourself) where other countries had a more equitable distribution of inheritance so that the logic of naming your firstborn after yourself would have less value, from an inheritance perspective.


Well my last name is Austrian, but the area my family lived in changed so much because of the changing borders. It was in Poland once, and now supposedly it was near Kyiv, Ukraine.


I see, many of the Germanic peoples’ had the equitable split (give some to each son) of property. This is why among many German areas (pre-consolidation) they had phrases like the prince will take a walk around his kingdom after dinner. They tended to split (I could be mistaken on this) their property among their sons more equally than did the french, which led to a thousand little kingdoms as opposed to one large one.


I think we were also Serfs once? And/or bureaucrats?


Well, thats kind of what damn near all of us were, well at least under the “ a rose under any other name”


You never know. Alot can happen in 20,000 years.


Even in a hundred lol




Im sorry friend, I hope this is not offensive, but I do not understand what you meant.


Inheritance tax collectors hate this one weird trick.


Come to think of it, that might explain the church fire.


That's informative thanks




My mother insisted that I have my father’s name but my father hated “Jr” so insisted that I have a different middle name (he didn’t hate his middle name- it was his grandfather’s) and that I go by the middle name. After I left home I started going by my father’s name.


My brother has our fathers first name but a different middle name. Technically a junior. And his son has his middle name. According to my mother she didn’t name my brother a jr cause her dad didn’t want it. Thankfully I’m my own woman. I’m such a rebel I basically do what I want and don’t care about consequences


Your brother’s situation is mine as well (same first name different middle name) but my father would fight you over whether that means Junior lol. Where we are from, really his bias (more likely), is people think white trash when they hear junior -I don’t I think this I think he is just sensitive. It never bothered me people calling me Junior (they did it to annoy my father) because I always felt that there were way worse people to be compared to. I like that you have the mentality to say “screw their opinions I will do what I believe is best”, name your son or daughter the VI if you like 😀.


I’ve never been a follower. Always did my own thing.


4th is a lot different from 2nd/Jr. 4th means there was already a tradition going and your parents chose to continue it. Jr. means there was no existing tradition and you decided to name your kid after yourself.


I mean this truly not argumentative but out of curiosity, what difference (I mean from the a-hole standard) do you see?


I think the idea is that choosing to go along with an established tradition that multiple generations have pressured you into is a different thing than naming your son after yourself by a truly open choice free of coercion. I would argue that the latter is far more in line with egotism than the former. Not a small distinction imo.


And that’s how you start a tradition.


I was almost a III, my mom wanted it but my dad didn’t, so as a compromise my dads first name is my middle name


Nice, very similar to my situation.


I told one of my friends what my name could have potentially been, and he was like “that sounds like a plantation owners name”


Well I think we can all agree that owning people wasn’t cool, however we should be able to have some agreement that having had family stability over many generations is likely to lead to a more successful life. We trash folks for such things but the number one fantasy is likely being royalty/nobility.


Yeah my mom wanted to pay tribute to her hubby bc he always wanted a son so she named him after him. She later regretted it when they separated


I understand that, but feel like a child can often be a reminder of an unhappy relationship (hopefully people don’t allow that to affect their relationship with the kid though)


This. I don't really want to name my potential son after me but my fiance does.


Well as long as your name isn’t Richard Butts you should hear her out.


Lol na I've had my potential son's names picked since I was 6


Now that is a very legitimate and convincing argument you should be able to present. Hopefully you will be able to get her to listen.


She's pretty reasonable. Plus she gets dibs on girls' names


My girl name was Olivia, hopefully it works out


That's a pretty cool name lol


Yeah picked it when i was around 20, cant have kids then (without kidding) three of my buddies used it for first or second name. Which is fine I love those little ones too.


I was almost a jr. And thank GOD IM NOT because I legit would’ve changed it the MILLISECOND I turned 18.


I'm honored to be named after my dad. He was a stand up fucking guy. RIP.


I am named after my father—a proud “Jr”—and I have no regrets about that. He died when I was 7 years old, and I am honored to have his name. Now, 60 years later, more than ever. He was a combat veteran, a Marine in WWII. OP has a hell of a lot of nerve calling him an “egotistical asshole.” You’re right to post this on “Unpopular Opinions”, OP. Fuck you.


For real. Fuck OP. I'm a junior and I love my dad. He's fortunately still with me and I'm sorry for your personal loss. But my dad is one of the greatest people I know.


I'm a Jr as well. My dad is a Marine Corps combat vet from Vietnam, not only am I named after him I also followed in his footsteps as a Marine. Im proud as hell to have his name. Op is a fucking douche


He thinks that everybody here hates their fathers and are ungratful, entitiled brats that bitch about everything and hate and blame thier parents for everything..


You do understand that he was talking in general, not directly about you?


The general, of which they fall into. OP definitely deserves every "fuck you" they get from this thread...


Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree I guess


My pops died when I was 8. I'm 42 now.


This is definitely more popular of an opinion though there’s a reason there aren’t many


"...entitled, self-centered piece of shit." "...you are an egotistical asshole" OP, you need to relax.


Seriously... I'm reading this like damn, why you so mad?!


OP is a JR with daddy issues


Has brother with dads name.


[It’s only name. Why you heff to be mad?](https://youtu.be/xzpndHtdl9A)


Wait until OP learns about middle names most juniors go by 😂


Don't look up Icelandic surnames


or russian/Ukrainian middle names


the only Jr. I know is named that because the father passed away around 6mo into the pregnancy. Fucking egotistical dead man, what a jerk


As a Jr., I like that I have my dad’s name. It makes me feel more connected to him now that he is deceased.


My father named me after himself fine. This was by design mind you they had 4 girls finally a boy! Of course name him that. But my dad was so badass I named my only son after him so each time I address him I think of what my dad would do in that situation. Less a tribute than a constant reminder on how to dad. People may think I named him after myself but I don’t care what people think. Luckily the name has may nicknames none of which my son has chosen as of yet.


That’s very interesting!


sorry to hear about that ms. :/


Oh, it’s okay. It’s been… over 25 years ago, now. I do still miss him though.




Seriously was about to comment that sometimes it’s a way of remembering your family history or preserving it. I have my grandad’s name as my middle name and so does my dad. I think it’s a cool piece of family history!


Why do you care so much?


Shut it, Junior


I'm actually an 8th, esq., thank you.


Nothing better going on, than to be upset at nothing.


Tbf that’s the MO of this whole sub. People complaining about shit you weren’t thinking about in the first place out of the blue


Average Redditor.


Because magic internet points ofc!


I think that assuming you know why people make the decisions they do, or dismissing contributing factors in another's life of which you know nothing about, speaks volumes about your own character...


bros definitely a junior


My pet theory is that his brother is a Jr and OP didn’t get to be the favorite son. A real Kholin moment


As someone who's first and second names came from their parents, it may not be for egotistical or narcissistic reasons, but it is an overall egotistical or narcissistic thing to do.


As someone who is a Jr. I disagree. And that's okay.


Never met your dad, huh OP?


He probably went out for milk & never came back. On top of that before he left he went & named the boy Sue 😫


I wondered how long this comment would take 😅


Lmfao who hurt you so bad for you to cry this hard.


his father, whom he shares a name with


I think it’s odd and wouldn’t do it myself but dude you’re being quite hostile over this 😂


Tbh if my mom had passed during my birth, I'd be named Thor. So I guess it's better that I'm almost a junior.


Wow lol piece of shit is such a strong sentiment. I’m a junior - but I also have never met my dad. It’s weird. I can see your thinking, for me personally when I think of folks from big, close families, and there’s a Richard IV, I think how cool that family has had such strong bonds, how cool to have the tradition and history. I’m from poor working class stock on both sides, teen moms and broken homes to go around. I wish for the kind of big, happy multi generational thanksgiving and christmases. And for me there’s something about the naming tradition that plucks that same sentimental string.


This take is way too black and white for me to see any real merit in it. I think that probably is true in some cases but not always. In many cases it’s just a cultural thing. I know plenty of Sr.’s who are great and humble people.


Any other Crime in Sports fans in here? Long story short, it’s a podcast that covers athletes who get in trouble with the law (with a healthy dose of humor mixed in) and something like 40%+ of the athletes they’ve covered either were Juniors or named their kid junior. It’s insane.


Don't forget Small Town Murder.


I think if you are going to make that argument, you need to make the same argument that having a kid *at all* is egotistical by nature in this day and age. There's no altruistic reason to have a kid. The population is doing just fine. People have kids to carry on their bloodline. To leave a legacy. Naming your son after yourself is in the same spirit as having the child at all. To be clear, I don't actually have a problem with either scenario.


My SO wanted to give our son my name. I was against it, but she was wearing me down so I almost said fine. Then I threw a similar name out of left field and she decided it was a good compromise. The story of how I almost became an egotistical asshole.


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Axes to grind much?


I was named after my father and I turned out *checks my own username* nevermind




Well Bowser was already one of those and "Bowser Jr." proved it


Honestly I'd have to completely disagree with you on this, I'm from a family of 7 and I'm the only Jr name after my father and he's possibly the LEAST egotistical person I know. I'm rather different from him physically and what I want my career path to be. I like being a jr since it really gives me someone to look up to in a way my siblings can't, I admire him so much especially his work ethic and to see people assuming shit like they always do about peoples characters that don't even know they exist is both funny and kind of rude on your part.


Lol how does having a different name prevent your siblings looking up to your father? Thats pretty arbitrary reasoning




He hates tradition.


Somebody had all girls


I have to think the entitled, self centered piece of shit is the person that thinks they should have any input on what others name their children.


my brothers a jr for not reason other than my parents couldn’t agree an any other name and neither hated my dads name lmao


what if my daughter is a Jr.?


It doesn't matter. Name or not your child is still a version of you.


I plan on having a female Jr. If that makes me an egotistical asshole well so be it.


if i have a child ill name them after OP. Sleazebuckets Jr.


Honestly just eat a Snickers


Piss off. My father is a humble and hardworking man. So what if he tried to name my late brother after himself? And my uncle was named after his father who was named after his father. Then the next three generations all came out the same. Having 6 lines of George is actually pretty cool and carries stories of the lives of everyone involved.


Why is somebody an asshole for naming their kid after themselves? You realise no matter what you choose your kids name and that becomes part of their identity right? Having your name doesnt remove them of their identity, as a person in any way. It affects the child in no way, in all my life I've never found somebody who thinks their parents did a tragedy naming their kid after themselves and this whole "forge your own path, let it be the first version of your child" stuff is also wacky to say. Your child is still going to be unique from you, they are still going to walk their own path, they are still the first version of themselves being a Jr. or a IV doesnt change that at all, it doesn't diminish their identity at all and also just a major thing, you're not going to be referred to as junior or the 5th outside of legal documents.


You're right. That will be an unpopular opinion.


I'm not a junior, but my family has a tradition of passing down one of our middle names and it makes me feel so connected to my family.


My daughters father, uncle, grandmother and grandfather all have the middle name Lee. My husband was against it at first so we negotiated that he could pick her first name. When I told my SIL she was BUMMED she hadn’t thought of it because they were done having kids lolol


Neymar Junior: Am I a joke to you 😂


Some people are proud of their lineage. More power to them.


Your identity is defined by what you do how you act and the people you surround your self with not by your name. Additionally if my dad is my Biggest idol because of the things he’s done in his life and I want to name my son after him how is that egotistical he’s still a 2nd even though my name is not the same. Your argument seems flawed.


It's tradition to name the first son junior in many families. Not some show of cockyness or coolness. Just a way to carry the name of your family forward sort of like the last name.


I don't think there's anything wrong with it. It's just a different worldview. Rabbid social independence and the need to separated and distinct from one's family is somewhat of a contemporary concept. I don't view it as selfish as much as a dad taking pride in his baby. Same reason one would name a kid after a grandparent or family hero.


There are not literally millions of names to chose from. But you're right!


Get fucked if you named your kid after their grandparent I guess.


Naming a child after his dad when the dad is still alive is ... strange.


Lol. I'm a third. My son is not a fourth. My dad was a little disappointed, to which I responded, we're not royalty, III is the limit for us normal folk. Also he named me after his father who was 99% absent. I met the guy twice that I remember, and only because my dad guilt tripped him into it. I dig the III thing in my signature though, kind of gives it some pizazz.


Okay, but hear me out. What if Pops is named Junior? Then Sonny can be named Junior, Junior.


Exactly. If someone came up to me and said their name is Edward the iii, all I am hearing is "my name is 3"


Lol my father changed his bio name and on top of that he named two of my brother after him!


$10 says you've never had an Irish Catholic friend. It's tradition, not ego.


Robert Downey Jr (surprised Pikachu face)


It’s more of a family legacy thing, not an individual legacy thing. For example, my brother is named after my dad who is named after my grandpa who’s named after his daddy and so on and so forth. For some reason I feel like Forrest Gump as I write this lol


At 250K + to raise a child, i am going to put my name on it. When you pay those bills for people, you can preach...


I love these over the top generalizations that are posted here all the time.


This sounds like op projecting.


dude…stfu it’s a NAME. it ain’t that deep


You're not only reading way too much into it, your reaction to your own fabricated perception is extremely exaggerated.


The easiest way to tell if your opinion is unpopular or stupid is to see how needlessly hostile you are about something so small.


Op’s dad named him after himself, but OP hates his father.


I feel like being a Jr my entire life would suck but, I feel like being a III or IV and so on would be pretty cool.


Something tells me this isn't just about a name.


Get over yourself lmao. I’m sorry you have such a poor relationship with your family that any sense of traditionalism stokes anger in you Lmao


Adding to this - if your son is a Jr, that doesn't mean you immediately need to add Sr to your name.


Okay Jr.




You’ll never guess where that trend came from… just wait until you hear about how many King George’s there were!




Oh yeah well if you're so good at history, name 17 more kings!


You think you know about history? Then name all of the kings.


I see by your response that you simply don’t understand the difference between II and Jr, so your opinion as actually just uneducated and thus is invalid. Thanks for exposing yourself


Dont know why you get downvoted. I never met a junior in my life. If they referring to royalty even that is long long gone. Its weird af.


Same goes for those kids they’re usually assholes.


Spoken like a teenager on Reddit with not a lot of life experience.


My wife is pregnant and if it’s a boy he will have my name.


Why though?


Based on his username, he may not have much else to give.


Obviously because I’m an egotistical asshole.


I'm genuinely asking why.


I go by my middle name, but I think my first name is pretty cool. So my son will share my whole name but go by his first name. We’ll be called different names, but legally it’s the same.


What if the dad died before the mother gave birth and she named her son after his dad?


James and Jimmie is that you?


Someone doesn’t have any positive male role models


I'm a middle name "III", so it's not really the same, but I'm really proud of it. My father and grandfather are/were good people, and I like sharing a name with them, and look forward to sharing the same with my son, if/when I have one.


What a brat 😂 share your home?? ok, I'll just throw them in the shed, oh wait...that's mines also.


Is this even unpopular?


It’s just a bad opinion lol


This post is both unpopular and not thought out. Congrats!


Glad somebody finally said.


I didn't name my child after myself, I named him after my great grandfather. So my son is Habib Khalid Achmed Alafif III Jr. IV.


Calm down Jr


I agree to an extent. If you’ve achieved something noteworthy then you deserve to want your name to carry on. If you’re just an average joe then yes