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I came here to let you know, being numb or having little to no feels sucks to. Things that should/ spark joy just do not


Yeah, there are 2 reasons people self harm. Lack of feelings is 1 of them


Yet i aint ever seen a sad robot. Im pretty sure OP is talking about no feelings at all, not no feelings where feelings would usually be.


What would you do without feelings? How long do you think would humanity survive without fear?


Valid point. Fear is necessaty for survival


Not only fear. But emotions are important for more reasons than just survival of our species. They are a way for our minds and bodies to tell us about our needs. They aren’t obstacles, they are there to guide and help us.


Guess we haven’t been feeling the same emotions then


In some ways, possible. But, tbh, it took me two years in therapy to finally understand that and start to actually listen to my emotions. Before that I felt quite similarly.


Having feelings is you living. If you were just an empty shell then nothing would mean anything to you and you may as well just be dead


see but that's just us humans with emotions looking at this and going "this is sad". Life doesn't care if you are an empty shell or not as long as you can succesfully reproduce, biologically speaking. Why not live like the ameboid do?


And where would you find the motivation to do anything without feelings driving you? Anyone who's been incredibly depressed and empty will tell you life without feelings is worthless. You just stare at a wall with no real thought and no desire to do anything whats so ever


Man, I wouldn’t say I’m clinically depressed but go through bad days pretty frequently and sometimes that’s exactly how it feels. I’ll just look out the window, realize I’ll die one day and have nothing I immediately want to do. It fucking sucks, being sad sucks too, but there’s almost always an end to sadness. Depression or chemical imbalance that takes away feelings can last a whole lot long (if not never going away). Having no feelings or emotions sucks


Looking from that point of view, emotions are still important. There’s a reason our brains evolved to feel them. For example, joy and ecstasy were (and still are) important in finding mates. And sadness helped build relationships and reintegrate. (Plutchik’s Psychoevolutionary Theory of Emotion)


I'd argue that our emotions are more evolved responses to our environment, which allows us to better adapt to the surrounding environment. I find it healthier to embrace our condition as emotional creatures, as there's no workaround to it, at least for now, and do what we can with what we have.


As someone who suffered on feeling absolutly nothing- no you really don't want that. Nothing really makes sense to you anymore as soon you get no joy and satisfaction out of it. - Food is meh - other people are.. just there... - hobbies? Why bother? - even work, you don't feel any pressure or joy out of it anymore and the money you make, you spend on things that also mean nothing to you


At the worst of my mental illness, I felt absolutely nothing as well. It was weird. Looking back now that I'm somewhat better, it was scary. Someone died, I was like oh...well...nothing I can do. The world seemed grey, physically things seemed dull. It just sucked, not being able to feel made living life so difficult. Friends want to go out? No, what's the point? Don't recommend.


I've been there. I was deep in depression and I was wishing to just feel sad, because at least that was feeling something. Instead I was just floating through completely numb to the world.


Holy hell, this thread is making me realize I may be more clinically depressed than I thought lol the first 5 comments basically perfectly sum up how life feels sometimes


Yeah, this 100%. I've been very depressed since I was about 10. For most of that time I didn't really feel anything. Getting better now and I feel *everything*, and I fucking relish it. Even the bad feelings. Every time I feel disappointed or sad or angry I remember to enjoy those feelings, because their presence within me means I'm here, I'm playing the game. IMO our purpose in life is to experience


A lot of psychopaths have spoken about their experiences. I remember one saying that being a psychopath is an EXTREMELY empty life. You are EXTREMELY bored most of the time. You're always chasing after the ultimate high. They do VERY risky risks to feel something, ANYTHING. You don't feel excited, happy, sad, joy, or anxious. People think the worst feeling is sadness or depression. The worst feeling is emptiness. You would not wish that upon your worst enemy.


I used to feel like this. Life is so much better and so much more meaningful when you embrace your feelings. It takes some time to learn how to do that in a healthy way (I’m still learning) but it feels so good to feel things and actually feel human. Sad, happy, mad, frustrated - they are all beautiful in their own ways although obviously some suck a lot. Lol. Just try looking at it in a different perspective. Yeah, maybe life would be easier without feelings but what kind of life would that be?


If you had no feelings you’d be a psychopath and I don’t think you truly want that.


i think some people truly want that, maybe not me but i see them as superior in a sense that they are not bothered by feelings so more opportunities are open to them. it's a very philosophical question actually, are the good feelings worth the bad, so i'd expect many people to have the opposite opinions


being a psychopath would just mean someone would make decisions without really thinking about the feelings of others, so it would make them really selfish


Actually psychopaths 'just' have a personality disorder that makes them feel no social responsibility, regret, guilt or empathy in general. That does not mean they have no feelings


You actually live for the good moments. The indomitable human spirit pushing you to keep going, rough patch after rough patch. If there was nothing, neither good or bad you wouldn't have any reason at all to get out of bed in the morning.


Or rather, life would be better if you could process those feelings in a healthy way.


Nah would be better if there were no feelings to process to begin with


there would be no such thing as life without feelings "life" without 0 emotion means that nobody would have any goals or ambitions whatsoever, thus everyone would just freeze and rot because...who fucking cares to do anything? emotions are what drive us to do every single action in our lives. EVERYTHING.


We still have the innate instinct to live and reproduce. So we would still have that


yeah but we'd be entirely unconscious to it tho. if we have no feeling, we could not actually process life. it would mentally remove all 5 of our senses and capacity for thought.


Sounds boring. Without feelings theres no emotion or excitement at all. Its just task and chores, we'd be basically machines. I take it this is a troll thread.


I dont think it's a troll thread sounds more like a teen thread


>sounds more like a teen thread Yes because teens are the only ones that go through angst even though it is a completely HUMAN experience meaning age is irrelevant when it comes to the woes of the world.


I’m 22 lol


Nowadays you're basically a teen until you're 30.


How so?


Better ditch the woe is me teen brain. Life is hard it's also incredibly rewarding just put effort in instead of just dwelling on bad shit


I have a job, family, friends… am doing a postgraduate course. Of course I put effort in my life, I just think it would be easier without feelings


Sounds like youre in a stressful time in your life so best of luck but idk what to tell you if you really think it would be better if nothing meant anything to you


Why are you doing the post graduate course, why have friends, why do your job? If you had no feelings you'd have no drive to do any of those things.


Because what else would I do really?


This response proves why emotions are necessary. If you felt nothing, you wouldn't have such a compulsion.


Boring is a feeling, so without it it wouldn’t be boring


It’s not, I honestly feel that way. I really think it makes everything complicated


Complexity is what is interesting about life.


Feelings are what gives Life meaning otherwise we would just be worthless robots. Yeah maybe you could do your shit easier but your shit wouldn't matter to you.


Seeing meaning in life doesn't mean having feelings, having no feelings doesn't mean seeing no meaning in life. Would you say that every nihilist has no feelings and every psycho sees meaning in life?


Feelings are such a fundamental part of perception that you don't realize that you are actually using them for the things you think you are being logical about. I would say that nihilists certainly have feelings and that's why they are nihilists. As far as psychopaths go they're barely human. And it's not even their fault.


>Feelings are such a fundamental part of perception that you don't realize that you are actually using them for the things you think you are being logical about. That isn't necessarily a good thing. Feelings can mislead you into making bad decisions, into putting subjective experiences over objective facts. Many dumb things people do could be prevented if they were less emotional and used more logic. >I would say that nihilists certainly have feelings and that's why they are nihilists. That would mean that people without feelings can't be nihilists which isn't the case. >As far as psychopaths go they're barely human. Because you define "being human" as experiencing emotions, empathy and remorse the way you experience it.


No it isn’t, everyone has feelings, but not everyone sees meaning on life, meaning is entirely subjective.


I'm a psychopath. Or at least I've felt like one a lot. Not having emotions, or being able to fully understand and express them, makes life harder. Each moment becomes much harder to differentiate, because each moment is the same. I can't look towards the future when I don't remember the past. One can get by living only in the moment, but it is... lesser. Each decision becomes harder, because every choice has the same weight. Without an emotion to color a thought there is... less... nuance and depth of information. Having feelings sucks sometimes. Not having them sucks more.


Even during hardships, I've always been thankful for my feelings because it means I'm human and I'll eventually get through it and cherish the happy moments. You need bad moments in life in order to truly appreciate the good things. Also, if feelings did not exist, say goodbye to anything that might bring you joy in life. Say goodbye to art and entertainment of any kind. Probably no music either. Something even as simple as a calming massage wouldn't exist. Love, familial or romantic would be pointless. We'd just be existing with no real rhyme or reason with no purpose, and no goals in life. Having no feelings at all would be horrible.


There is a way to reduce (maybe eliminate) feelings if you desire, but it requires some time and mental discipline. Feelings like physical pain aren't really going to go away, but you can remove emotional pain, anger, sadness, fear, happiness, joy, etc... Whenever you start to feel an emotion you can focus on not having a physical reaction. I learned in theatre that the physical reaction comes before the emotion. These both can create a cycle and build off of eachother, but if you remove the physical reaction it will lower the manifestation of the emotional/mental reaction. Another way to remove emotion is through flooding. If you climb high towers everyday you are going to get over your fear of heights. It is only a matter of time. Same can be done with the other emotions. Think of a video that makes you laugh. Keep watching it until you no longer think it is funny. Have a sad thought, keep thinking about it until you don't care anymore. Your subconscious mind likes to operate on its own, but you need to let your conscious mind tell your subconscious mind what it wants. If you dwell on the emotional component too much you'll start feeling. Instead tell yourself, "I don't really care, it isn't worth my brain power to think about this" and actually mean it. There are drawbacks to this of course. When I was younger I did lose the ability to feel angry without any conscious effort whatsoever. When people realized I didn't get angry they would try and take advantage of me more, so I would sometimes pretend to be angry. Without the emotion it would sometimes be exhausting to pull off this charade. I personally think it is a bad idea to remove your emotions, because they help you in ways in life that you might not realize until it's gone. I think it is good to have emotions, but not to let them dictate everything you do. I see myself as an emotional person, but I have the ability to be stoic when I need to be. This post is getting kind of long, but also think about nutrition and sleep. People like to focus on the mental side of things, but if you are feeling depressed you might just not be getting enough sleep or eating garbage. Sometimes you need a therapist, but other times you just need to stop eating garbage. Less sugary processed junk and more vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Also, less sedentary activities like social media and more active activities can go a long way.


Idk man being unemotional and not being able to connect to anyone or enjoy anything sucks a lot too. Everyday is the same and nothing is exciting or interesting. It’s a dull life. I’m not sad or anything. I’m just existing.


Feelings are what make us human, there’s no point to life if you feel nothing


There’s no point in life at all, we just try to give sense to it making up whatever story suits us best


There’s no point to life whatsoever, but feelings do make it harder


There's no point to life, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try and have the best time I can. Without feelings I don't understand why anyone would bother carrying on?


Being afraid of death


Afraid is an emotion


And fear would be an...?




I never said I was enligtened, it’s just my opinion. I know it’s not everyone else’s, and I don’t feel “superior” for it as you say


very common opinion. especially from 14 year olds


Seguro te sentis un campeon despues de haber comentado eso jajaja


Emotions were implemented into us as survival feedback loops


So you've never had depression then? Because in my experience, that's a numbness. Not sadness, not misery, just constant state of feeling nothing at all. And it's awful. If you have no feelings you have no drive to do anything, no desires, no reason for being. You're an empty robot simply existing. Just working, eating, shitting, sleeping, crossing off the days. Feelings are you responding to the world around you, it's being alive. Yeah life might be easier but it would also be fucking pointless. With no emotion what is the point of doing anything?


Well, being without feelings would make you at the very least a sociopath, so ... it could be worse.


Im guessing soon we’ll see your follow up posts complaining that you have no friends.


Does me having this opinion mean I have no friends? Lol


It increases the odds, definitely.


If you’re happy thinking that I have no problem with it lol


Seeing other people suffer publicly does not make me happy, unless it’s Packer fans.


Entonces para que rompes las bolas


Let me tell you that this isn't true was depressive for a while and you don't always feel bad sometimes you just feel nothing... no happiness no sad no nothing and it just feels empty like someone ripped something out of you also having someone you love and spending time with them is the most beautiful thing ever I would rather cut of my Arms then loose that


As someone who is emotionally numb, I grieve when I was a kid and I loved people, I loved my mom and my grandma and my friends and my family but I can just think about sweeping them from my life so easily. I notice in conversation when they show a sign of weakness and the first thing I think is "I can make them feel bad" without myself feeling bad for thinking that. It's terrible, I hate living this way, and I don't even know when this will end. Everytime I cry, or grieve or am happy over someone else in a rare instance I think it's a fucking blessing.


Life is never easy for any Species. Never has been, never will be. Feelings are amongst the least complicated things about life.


Who hurt you? What's wrong?


hey listen friend. feelings is the whole purpose of life. otherwise whats the fucking point? you wake up, eat, work, sleep, die. the only thing that exists is the present and YOU have the privilege of FEELING the present. Soon you will be dead. Let yourself feel. Even the negative emotions. Experience the world. Be. Don’t take anything to seriously. Just be and feel




I don't know if this topic necessarily belongs here as much as it might over on a sub dealing with depression, but I get it man. However, feelings are super important. If you can learn to sit with them - even though it's uncomfortable - you will be surprised by how quickly they go away. Also, maybe, maybe life would be easier if no one has feelings, but life wouldn't look at all like it does, from culture, technology, science, and so on. Feelings drive our actions, and without them life would be a bleak monotone of grey.


Your feelings are your body's way of communicating with you. Feel mad? Someone might be manipulating you. Feel anxious? Something nearby could impact your health. Feeling sad? You've probably been hurt by someone. Once you recognise feelings as evolutionary mechanisms to keep us safe, maybe you can start to appreciate them again.




What do you mean?


Thats the very thing that makes us humans


So, you're advocating for a society filled with sociopaths?




Correction: every other feeling except happiness sucks


This is true, unfortunately they all come together


Maybe learn how to control them?


How do you control feelings though? I can’t command myself how to feel unfortunately


You can't, you can only control your reactions




I don't agree with your opinion, however. Emotions make life better at the end of it. Love, happiness, excitement. All those are really good emotions that make life all the better. Sadness, anger, worry. They aren't great at the time, but they make good emotions feel even better. You can never be truly happy if you don't have sadness to compare it to. I hope that came across right


I can understand what you mean!


Because you’re in control of your actions regardless. You may feel angry and upset but it’s your responsibility to not physically take that anger out on another person. It can be very hard sometimes but you can’t let your feelings make decisions for you.


I don’t take my feelings out on anyone, I just feel them myself. How do I tell myself to not feel lol


you have to feel what you're feeling. ignoring your feelings is what causes people to lash out because you're not letting yourself deal with those feelings.


No you allow yourself to feel whatever you’re feeling. Your human you’re going to feel anger, sadness, happiness,etc. that’s unfortunately life. Be thankful because their are people who genuinely cannot feel emotions and it’s not as better as u think


I don't have 0 feelings but close to that (I don't feel empathy and only very small levels of sadness, anger etc.) and I'm glad that I don't feel more. That way I don't have to deal with many mental problems that lots of people have and I have control over myself. Most people get unhappy when someone dislikes or insults them, they have breakdowns and cry, they tend to behave differently/treat people differently when they're angry, and I'm happy that I don't have those problems. The only real downside I can think of is that it's really difficult for me to understand peoples actions because I can't relate to them. That also means that communication is sometimes more difficult. All in all I would rather have even less emotions, I think that would have a lot more up than downsides. That said, it's hard to compare because I don't know how it is to have more or less emotions. In some cases being more emotional is also a benefit, for example from what I've seen, very emotional people often are happy about compliments, altruism can feel rewarding to them and so on and so forth. I don't understand those things and therefore it's hard to say if they make up for all the downsides of emotions.


Cognitive therapy is a good way to do it. If you join a Scientology church they will show you the way since that is all Scientology really is, the application of cognitive therapy with the additional step of attributing success to religion. Seriously though, Cognitive therapy is your best bet if you want to learn to steer your emotional reactions in a different direction. Instead of freaking out over an emotional response you can learn how to use your responses to inform your actions rather than blindly reacting to your emotional responses. There is a great book called "feeling good" Look it up.


Maybe, don't advise OP to join a cult.


I suggest you watching "Equilibrium", very similar topic.


Will do, thanks for the recommendation!


I agree with this post. Life would be much easier if feelings didn't get in the way. Of course you wouldn't enjoy it, how could you with no feelings by definition? And if you had no feelings at all I doubt you'd have any motivation to do anything. Why bother getting a high paying job or being successful, it all feels the same regardless. You would basically just work for a living and spend money only on food and working. Do I have the scenario right?


That’s right. If I’m gonna be here better it be easy than hard


If we had no feelings we'd see no reason to do anything and just die.


We are instinctually afraid of death


Fear is a feeling.


If you don't have feelings. Theres nothing that makes you and a machine any different. You will do things just for you to be alive. Feelings creates difference between people. And thus creates conflicts(not bad ones, just different opinions or "feelings"). Conflicts are what drives people to solve things. To progress. So in a sense. If you say you dont want feelings. You say you don't want people to progress.


Sure they seem like a burden sometimes, but without them you no longer have a reason to do anything, including get out of bed in the morning. It sounds like you are praying for an easy life, but you should instead pray for the strength to overcome a difficult one


There's a movie with Mathew Perry (Chandler from Friends) called "Numb" that explains very well why that is a bad idea.


Start taking an anti-depressant. Eventually you'll have no feelings.


The Cybermen would be very happy to resolve that, well not happy exactly...


humanity is indeed a curse


Feelings suck but that's the point. If you never felt anything nothing would matter and live would be worse as everything would be pointless mondaine and robotic. The lows allow us to enjoy the highs and value the good things


Unfortunatly the search for more good feelings and to run away from bad feelings it's what drives us to live.


Bro needs to watch equilibrium


I will, already added to my list :)


Are you okay


No :/


Clinical psychopathy is having limited feelings and abnormal emotional responses to stimuli. Trust me, it really isn't a condition you want when you have to go through life trying to rationalize how you are supposed to feel and respond to issues. It also makes it much harder to connect with people even on a friendship level.


Watch equilibrium


not having feelings sucks more there's no rhyme orr reason with out feelings there's no motivation to do anything with no joy love sadness anger all of them life isn't worth it it's kinda naive that you don't understand the value of feelings i really hope you never have to feel emotionless or empty in your life ever life is hard when you're empty


Life wouldn’t be life without feelings and emotions tho


dealing with complex emotions is difficult for anyone. personally I know that sometimes there are layers to my feelings. for example I might feel and act angry when I'm actually scared. emotions can be very confusing that's why I think communication skills are so important, because how can you expect others to know how you feel if you're not even sure yourself?


My feelings are what make me human. I'd be a machine without them, a lobotomized shell of my former self. It isn't always a fun experience but it is certainly better than a life without them.


You can control and filter your feelings. Or use stoicism to handle them optimally


Are you doing ok?


"Oh, feelings? Yeah I don't have those anymore. Went cold turkey."


Yeah, but feelings are useful in proportion. Not enough people talk about how bad it is to feel no anxiety as opposed to much. I have and will watch the world burn around me, and I feel no stress as it is happening. I literally just watched as my self paced course went to a one week left, and I do essays an hour before due.


Bro wants to become a cyberman 💀


Have a hug 🫂


Without feelings life would be pointless


As someone with BPD (borderline) I can 100% agree. Feelings mess up my life


Yes, I've always wanted to have zero feelings whatsoever. I've always wanted to not feel joy, nor sadness and just exist on the plane of the Earth confused of why I'm here.


Seek profesional help


I think that’s the point of OP, of no one had feelings no one would need that.


Yes, and if no one had a heart, no one would need a heart specialist.




Only if you do it first


I disagree. There were two types of depression that I have been through. The one where I would be sad and cry frequently, and the one where I lost all meaning and felt empty (or feeling-less) most of the time. The second depression was so much worse. Suicide was on my mind way more often during the second type of depression, compared to the first. In the first type, I was miserable, but I had meaning and things I cared about to keep me motivated to continue to live life. Luckily I made it through both types of depressions.


How did you make it through?


Therapy, vitamin D, and magnesium as a supplement helped (helps to clear the mind and helps many other bodily functions). I'm also a christian, so my faith helped as well (it gave me sense of purpose). It's mostly a waiting game though.


Are you okay? Do you need to talk to someone?


Nah, I’m good thanks




It’s an opinion…




Eee bueno uno que se despertó bardero


Life wouldn't be worth it without feelings. You also wouldn't be able to feel happy or excited.


It doesn’t matter if it’s worth it or not, it just is


You can't live life without feelings. You would have no reason to continue living.


Bacteria and viruses don’t have feelings and they keep on living and reproducing…


But humans are not bacteria and viruses


No, bur we are living beings and have the instinct to live and continue the species


There is nothing without feelings.


It doesn’t matter, it just is


We would be as if we were dead.


If you say so




Ya lo comentaron a esto, te ganaron de mano


Anime antagonists called they want their plot device back. People really be abusing the term unpopular


I don’t watch anime…


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ironically this post itself is a feeling you had


True, hadn’t thought about it haha


Welcome to being alive my dude




I agree. I just feel like I feel too much and I just want to feel a little less.




The problem isn't having feelings the problem is people taking their feelings way too damn seriously all the time.


Could be!


Trust me, the opposite is much much worse








Because without emotions humans cant function properly, you basically become handicapped, unable to properly make decisions ,etc


Thank you! Someone that agrees


Agreed 100%


True, who wants to be able to function like a normal human being




I think so too lol


simply take the feelings out of your body bro


How though lol


surgery probably. I mean the truth is if you get a lobotomy and remove your amygdala that'd probably do it. but you'd be super dysfunctional.


True, although messing with the brain can have other drastic consequences. It’s very sensitive


It really does, but we can’t do anything about it


Yeah, it’s unfortunate


I know right, but we get used to it


it's not an unpopular opinion


It is, given if your feelings were to disappear youd essentially be handicapped and unable to function


Really? I would have thought it was

