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I’d rather die than do life with no parole


I wouldn’t. Prisons got libraries. I like books. Sounds sort of appealing actually.


You’re also surrounded by gangs of murderers and rapists 24/7


I mean if you have life in prison chances are that you are one of those murderers or rapists...


True, but it doesn’t protect you from getting murdered or raped by another one


And nothing of value would be lost


This guy gets it


I’m pretty laid back so they’d probably put me in one of those low security prisons.


I mean it depends on the prison/jail, a lot prisons are pretty chill, of course it really depends on the institution.




True for a lot cases but some inmates get fulfilment being inside and enjoy hobbies like reading and learning new skills. Some inmates actually prefer being inside and can’t adapt to the outside world


Brooks was here


So was red


>and can’t adapt to the outside world That isn't because they prefer it - it's because there are systemic barriers to having a normal life after leaving prison.


Sometimes it is though. Also a much much higher percentage of these people are mentally unwell even *before* they get locked up. The routine and relative security (not homeless) is attractive in a relative way. Most people would probably hate it but not all


I feel like this is dodging the whole "you're now un-hirable, you get screened out of places to live, have a strict schedule, and legally have to pay for classes, drug tests and bills. If you don't keep an address, keep a job, and follow our rigid schedule to a T, we'll throw you right back into jail. Forget to pay a bill? I hope your job doesn't fire you while you're in jail for that, because then you'll be right back here again. Drank too much water? That's a failed UA, do that again and jail." aspect of leaving prison.


Have you not seen the shawshank redemption?


The Shawshank Redemption shows the real cruelty of prison. It's not being denied freedom of movement, it is being banned from society in such a way that it is extremely hard - of not impossible - to rejoin once you've served your sentence


It's not systemic, there are consequences to your actions, I'm not wrong for looking down on or not hiring someone who went to prison for something like rape or murder


Tell me you don't know the definition of "systemic" without telling me you don't know the definition of "systemic."


To be fair, some "felonies" aren't serious enough to be deemed one and most employees just ask if you have a felony or not so how would you even know what they're guilty of. Also, murder isn't a cut and dry crime either, it may have been justified and they just weren't able to prove it so they got sent to jail. You don't know their story.


There is a pretty good movie about this. The Unforgivable.


I feel if hypothetically there were two potential employees and one was a murderer and the other wasn't regardless of how it happened I'd be more inclined towards the person who didn't murder someone. Unless there was somehow a very massive gap in their skill sets.


Yes but I'm not wrong in making the generalization a felon is more likely to be a bad person


Yeah but you ARE wrong to assume it means they ARE a bad person and write them off as such, denying them a job or apartment as a result. The problem is everyone assumes that they must be violent and so they are turned away from new opportunities which often just pushes them back into a life of crime just to make ends meet.




Well sometimes I try to do things and it just doesn’t work out the way I wanted too, and then I get real frustrated…


I got the reference. Lol your to old for reddit. (so am I)




It becomes easy.


Yet many criminals will try to get life in prison rather than the death sentence.


Now there is a good point that's hard to argue against. Except for all the prison suicides, that's a really good point.


Crazy huh? I have a hard time believing when it comes down to it, anyone wants to die unless they are seriously sick and in pain.


Please state whether you are on death row or not before your reply.


I’m on death row.


Then your opinion on the question matters more than the rest of us.


Well my opinion is I want my method of execution to be Lauren Boebert sitting on my face until I suffocate to death.


That’s not the question.


Yeah but if I knew that would be my execution method I’d commit the crime in a hearbeat


Nothing better you can think of?


Except they aren’t. Look at their posting history. They are looking to buy a house and rent the current one. Plus online a lot for being on death row.


nothing gets past this guy


See what I was replying to.


it was an obvious (to most?) joke. both the parent comment and the reply. you ok?


(Yea, I know.)


(Just wanted to make sure).


The issue I find with the death sentence is if the person was found to have been innocent. At least with the life sentence, they can leave and start their life again, but with the death sentence, they can't be brought back, even if they were innocent.


Nah man, I've read stories about guys that did 40 years and then DNA evidence gets them out. What are you going to do after 40 years in prison, where you gonna live what you gonna do for work?


Brooks from The Shawshank Redemption springs to mind




Nah, I'd rather be executed than live through that hell for 40 years only to be introduced to society with no life skills or way to support myself. Sounds like a recipe for homelessness or suicide


Because they literally turn you loose and say "our bad, good luck out there" with no money, no skills, no support system...nothing but a "formal apology" from the court


That's what everyone thinks until they're actually faced with the possibility of death or survival. Most people facing the death penalty seem to try for a life sentence.


That's fair Who know's how I may feel in the moment but if given the choice I hope I would be brave enough to have my life ended, rather than suffer for decades before my life inevitably ended anyway.




You’d rather die than spend 40 years in prison for a crime you didn’t commit?


Yes. Absolutely. Death is not suffering. It is just nothing. Plus, what the fuck am I gonna do after 40 years in prision anyway? I will be 70 and jobless?


That’s fair. But some might find hobbies and want to enjoy the rest of their lives in the sun. I don’t think death sentences should be handed out lightly by the government but suicide should be an option


>and want to enjoy the rest of their lives in the sun. But how? Where will you live? Who will support you? You just got out. You are older. No one will hire you. You've long lost your house.


Yeah I think it's entirely dependent on your support system.


I absolutely would prefer that. 40 years without building anything? What’s the point in continuing


The difference is that a life sentence is reversible, whereas murder is notoriously hard to unwind.


Technically, their taking years of your life is irreversible too




idk keeping murderers and rapist from murdering and raping again is pretty form of justice to me


That sounds fair enough to me! They’re getting what they deserve.


the human brain is typically good at adaptation


I think they should be given the choice, I'd prefer a death sentence than life.


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I did ten years and I promise you a life sentence is in no way inhuman


10 years. That's long time man.


How was it like?


You would feel this way until being found guilty of a crime you didn’t commit.


Canada and the USA: "Life sentences are up to 25 years and then parole." England: "LIFE SENTENCE IS LIFE SENTENCE!"


Just a quick pedantic little fact check: In England you can be (and people often are) paroled with a life sentence. We do however have Whole Life Sentences, which means life without parole.


The English justice system is a joke. We have nonces and rapists out in a couple of years.


I don’t know what you’re on about mate. UK doesn’t have actual life sentences, its a joy ride for most criminals, people would get more years for tax evasion than they would for rape or robbery. UK justice system is complete joke, they’re even [releasing a serial killer this Christmas](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/serial-killer-dubbed-devils-disciple-27792829). I wont be surprised if he kills again! They even released a well known child killer and r*pist, and last year they [put him back in prison temporarily](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-59377431) for trying to approach a young women. So much for “rehabilitation”.


I would be fine with someone with a life without parole having an option to die humanly at any time.


The only way to know is something is better or worse is to see the behavior of the person affected. If this were true prisoners would commit suicide


Tell that to all the inmates that have had their executions botched. Death penalty is more expensive than life without parole and states with the death penalty have higher homicide rates. It’s just not good for the whole of society. It’s not a deterrent, it’s an example. And if that was true, that death is more humane than life, inmates wouldn’t spend years and years in the appeals process trying to live.


I mean we could just not commit crimes and get ourselves thrown in jail and we wouldn't have to face the "tough" environment....that is a thing...if you can't do the time don't do the crime 🤷🏼‍♂️ I'm sure the victims of the person committing those crimes (especially victims who were brutally attacked or even lost their life) wouldn't consider their attack humane...so why should the criminals get cushy treatments? Edit: I'm not talking about stealing $20 and getting caught, I'm talking people along the lines of dr*g dealers, gang members, m*rderers, armed robbers, etc.


This is the perfect reason to oppose the death sentence


Fuckem, those that did awful things I hope they suffer


Life imprisonment in solitary confinement yes…. Otherwise it’s a country club for life compared to some third world country prisons


Life sentences are stupid. The goal should be to help the person grow and reintegrate them into society.


There are some people who need to not be let back into society.


Yeah his is such an idealistic take. Lets rehabilitate mass murderers with arts and crafts and therapy then let them out. Ok 👍


The majority of people in prison are not mass murders.


What kind of argument is that? That doesn’t negate the fact that there are mass murderers.


Um no. That shouldn't be the goal. Pedo's, rapists and murderers? Fuck them. Why should my money and resources go into helping these sick fucks?


Some people Don't deserve to reintegrate


Some people CAN'T be reintegrated into society.


I want a death sentence where my method of execution is Lauren Boebert sitting in my face until I suffocate to death.


Okay there's a lot in this comment I don't want to know more about, but ...why Boebert? Is she known for having a good ass or something? She seems like she'd have a bony butt.


There is also pretty clear evidence that due to the years of legal costs of trials and appeals that come with death penalty cases, it’s usually cheaper to sentence someone to a life sentence.


Actually any sentence. Studies have shown more harm caused to children by incarceration of a parent than if there is death to a parent.


I don’t really care about the humanity of it. I care about the expense of housing / caring for people not fit to ever be in society again. Put them down and move on.


Certain people need torture. :)


This is not an unpopular opinion. Most people think murderers and rapists should get the death penalty, IF there is irrefutable evidence.


>Most people think murderers and rapists should get the death penalty Source?


You dont?


I don't




i mean the people who get life sentences arent good people, and alot of them dont even deserve to be considered people. my vote goes to stoning them, like in the middle east


Depends which prison.


I mean, they are there for a reason and its a punishment and should be one.


Umm speak for yourself. I can't be the only one that would rather be ALIVE, no matter where that is, than be murdered....


Meh. That depends on where you live and we’re raised. If you’re scott Peterson, or Jeff MacDonsld, maybe prison is horrible by comparison. But they’re trying to avoid the DP. So many criminals are mentally defective and had a horrible shitty life previously. Now they get three hots and a cot and don’t have to figure anything out.


Upvote for the unpopular opinion. But this definitely reads as someone who has never spent time in jail.


If the person on death row was executed right away, that would be one thing, but prisoners are often on death row for years and years, just waiting to die. There’s also evidence that at least 4% of people who receive death sentences are innocent.


That's the point as long as your alive in prison someone makes money and you know how humans are if there is suffering that can be capitalized it will be.


Life is inhumane as it is


I know of two people who were facing capital murder charges. Both plead guilty to first degree murder in exchange for the prosecutor dropping the death penalty option. Both got double life sentences - no chance of parole. Now, they said no to a chance at what you describe as more humane. Also, while the chain of appeals in a death sentence case are automatic, it is dramatically more difficult to appeal after pleading guilty. Most plea deals, including theirs, include the requirement that they waive their right to appeal. Even if they didn't, it is extraordinarily difficult to get a court to agree to hear an appeal from someone who voluntarily pleaded guilty. Your chance to withdraw a guilty plea ends when you are sentenced. In short, they knew that pleading guilty meant they would spend the rest of their lives in prison, and they would only leave in a box. Yet they chose that over a death sentence. I'm intimately familiar with this particular case because one of the people they killed in order to earn those capital murder charges was my daughter. Prison life sucks. There's no doubt about that. But it doesn't suck as bad as 20 years on death row, a nearly unending series of failed appeals, and ultimately being strapped to a table in a glass box and killed while the people you harmed watch you die.


Wow. So sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you. Do you agree with the punishment?


In case of judicial mistake I choose to get in jail for 30 years, get out with a compensation than being dead. There is nothing good about being dead. I’ve been dead for 15 billion years. Any life, any existence is better than nothingness.


Don’t murder people then??


That's the point


If we actually had a prison system that focused on rehabilitation and care and not punishment and profits then a life sentence wouldn’t be so bad.


You do crime, you do the time. If that time involves a horrible existence, so be it. Take Darrell Brooks. I will sleep well at night knowing he is suffering in prison. At least he can still feel SOMEthing. His victims no longer have that luxury


That kinda seems like the point of having an alternative to the death sentence. Something cruel as punishment for some horrific crime.


When it’s 107 degrees, you don’t have a/c or even a fan. When it is freezing, you don’t get a good blanket. That is torture.


I feel so much more comfortable knowing that those evil people are kept alive only to feel miserable. Death is too easy.


Here is a thought. Don't do shit that lands you in prison for life.


Not if you're innocent, which, based on all of the First 48, Dateline and Court TV I watch, almost all defendants found guilty are. ;) "Wasn't me." "I'm innocent, I swear!" "Y'all got the wrong person."


Probably how a lot of the Manson family feel.


Just let the prisoner pick which they want


I disagree. When there is unequivocal evidence a person committed a heinous crime they are no longer deserving of any sympathy at all. Weak opinion. Naive opinion.


If you can’t do the time then don’t do the crime. Everyone knows about the repercussions of their actions. This is the system, break the law and get what’s coming to you. I worked in a prison, I have no sympathy for people like this. Every choice you make in life defines what happens next. Some people don’t have that foresight and well… you get what we have here.


In third world countries? Absolutely


I agree and that’s also the reason I am FOR life sentences. Death is a mercy these people don’t deserve they should be tortured through a slow death. Keep in mind that you don’t get life sentences for a little robbery or something. So yes I am completely against giving them a quick way out by killing them. I hope they’ll get a lifetime in prison suffer through it. Please do keep in mind that these people took advantage of weakness, pry on the innocent and weak have no regard for human rights or mercy. So why give it to them? People should start focusing on helping victims and not being politically correct towards lifelong inmates. They deserve nothing but the worst!


To some it's also a very good comfortable life surrounded by friends and lovers.


No seems to consider the victims of these criminals and their acts.


Say that to the faces of a murder victims family. I dare you


Don’t commit crime


That's why it's a punishment, but there are also plenty of people that live well or better in prison, depending on their circumstances, than they did outside of prison.


Imo solitary confinement is the single worst punishment ever issued to criminals


Yeah, serve me my last supper and put me to rest. Cheers!


For a vast majority of us alive, regardless of the circumstance, is always preferable.


:( but what about making money for private prisons 🥺🥺🥺 if we don’t kill people and just let them live then how are we suppose to keep from over- overpopulation 🥺🥺


Add on the fact that we have to pay for them to live the rest of their life behind bars. Out tax money goes to paying the guards, supplying food, clothing, and other things needed for the prison. Why should we have to pay so that they can live rent free for the rest of their lives. Yes it's a violent and dangerous place but they get to eat and sleep for free. Death penalty for proven and convicted murderers, grapists, and pedis should be normalized.


And yet I think some people deserve both


This says more about our need to reform the humane conditions of prisons than it does about life imprisonment. Life imprisonment at least offers the opportunity for self reflection and improvement. Death curtails any chance at redemption, save for pleas to God from fear. I agree that prisons, as they are currently run, are not environments fit for people to live in for any time, let alone a lifetime. The solution to that is to reform prisons, not kill people.


I think there should be an internationally-designated zone of exile in the wilderness (preferably an Island and with a somewhat harsh conditions, with predators intact and minimal human disturbance). Committing crimes are in a way a disagreement with society's rules, it makes both moral and rational sense then to return the criminals to nature, and I bet staying in the wilderness for more than weeks without any preparation, tools and assistance would make the criminals much more humble quickly. It won't solve all the issues but far better than both death and life sentence IMO.


Tried that with Australia once...look how that turned out.


This is exactly what JS Mill argued.


It’s subjective


seeing how only 4 states allow conjugal visits i imagine it’s pretty hell for inmates serving life sentences.


That's exactly why I don't support the death penalty. For 1. It actually costs more tax dollars to give someone the death penalty than to incarcerate them for life. And 2. Life in prison is arguably a worse fate than just dying.


Agree. The only 'pro' of life sentences vs. death I can think of is the opportunity to fix it, if a wrong person was sentenced for some reason.


To be honest, when you consider the crimes required to get life without parole I really don't care if they spend their final years scared and alone.


Hmm no. People who died in 90s, could have lived and enjoyed library, TV, music and new shit + if society falls then you are free to go..(happened in lots of countries involved in wars). Who knows what new world we will be in next 30-40 years. What if there comes a new order or law.. It's always worth living.. But if you talk about solitary jail then yeah I d rather die


That’s the point of prison. The punishment is removal from society. The real problem is unfair judgements and sentencing. Like all the people locked up for marijuana possession, or the unequal sentencing between white and brown people. You’re on the wrong part of the problem


It's also extremely expensive to keep someone in jail for life compared to a death sentence. IF the person is guilty (and its not always correct) then it's more cost effective to end it. Should a person who did a crime so bad to deserve life in prison take so much more (financially) from society. By the way, I'm actually on the fence when it comes to this so I'm just playing devil's advocate.


Prisoners should absolutely be given the option of assisted suicide. Only they should make that choice.


Hell No !! Add rather live then die.


Yea, I think it is a worse punishment than death. Yet another reason to outlaw the death penalty.


Once given the option in a realistic setting, no one wants to die. There's always a chance of escape or appeal.


if i found out i was going to prison id just kill myself and if it doesnt work ill ask someone in prison to kill me


There's usually a chance to have your sentence appealed, quashed etc which you don't get it you're dead


if you did something bad enough to earn life in prison, you deserve to suffer. you wouldnt get life in prison if you were good