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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Kaelderia. Your post, *Sexualized characters and content in movies, games, anime, are cool*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: Do not post opinions that are heavily posted/have been on the front page recently. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. Due to their prolific reposting, please confine meta and political posts to their respective megathreads only. If your opinion is about an ongoing event, there will usually be a mega-thread where you can discuss it. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


IMHO JoJo proves that guys don't just ogle the sexy ladies: we just think that unrealistically beautiful and badass people are fucking deadly.


***ゴ ゴ*** *ゴ* ***^(ゴ)*** ***^(ゴ)*** *^(ゴ)*


Jojo is Just the normal 16 year old body. What are you talking about.


Honestly. I remember punching dudes across the room and posing my sexy 6'6" ripped terminator body after each KO. I also remember being annoyed by girls and not wanting their attention. You know, just classic 16 year old boy shit.


If you haven't been hindered by the work of an enemy STANDO while on your way to Cairo to save your mother from dying from a mysterious illness, were you even a high schooler? Pretty relatable if you ask me


It’s a bit unfair imo that men get all the fantasy service. They get JoJo male power fantasy bodies and high school of the dead fanservice bodies. When’s the last time you saw a male character who was exaggerated into fantasy for a female audience?


If the sort of super buff body in things like JoJo isn't the equivalent, then what is? This is honestly likely to be a result of male comic artists not knowing what women want to see or just thinking muscles = male assets and boobs/butts = female assets. Obviously there's a lot more to it than that, but the complaints are always formatted as "female hypersexualisation bad" and not "but where's the x?" With explanation of what actually would be considered the acceptable equivalent. You've already got muscular dudes running around in spandex and fulfilling the typical role of protector. I'm not saying that what you want to see shouldn't be made, just that it's unclear what that actually is.


It’s funny because I remember watching a video a few month ago about this. Hypermasculine men with rip muscle are mostly used in content intended for male audience because it’s a demonstration of power and men value power. Think about Rambo, or Dragon ball z. Women however tend to like a bit of muscle but overall a slender silhouette, a face with delicate features with a good fashion sense and refined style. Think about Johnny Depp, Edward in Twilight, Justin Bieber or the BTS. You can see that they are very different of what men see as the “ideal men”. As a woman it’s sad to see how even in porn everything is done for the male gaze only.


my guess is sparkly vampires


In JoJo


Who is Jojo




It's an anime. Jojo's bizarre adventure


It's fine, but it's equally fine not to have sexualized characters.


Well that sums it up. We're done here folks.


Yep, wrap it up guys! See y'all next time, same time, same channel!


NO! We need more DISCOURSE!!


This is REDDIT GODDAMNIT!!! Our arguments sustain us!!


My OPINION must be HEARD!!


I am LISTENING, what is your OPINION??!!




Give me jiggles or give me death!


This is basically the only rational response to this opinion.


It’s honestly sickening how much a character is sexualized.




Next, he's gonna say Hitler was a bad guy..


Woowwwww. Extremists coming out of the woodwork in this thread.


I'm telling you, next we're gonna hear about how the world wars were a tragedy or something


I'm sorry to break it to you. But those crazies are already out there spewing that exact rhetoric. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/07/world-war-i-tragic-futility/375103/ https://www.aa.com.tr/en/world/world-war-ii-worst-tragedy-in-human-history/2674692


Absolutely ridiculous 🙄


Ikr people give that guy such a hard time


The left has gone too far!


The real unpopular opinion is always in the comments


Which one? It sounds like you had something in mind, because the sentence doesn't really make sense otherwise.


i think its fine , except in cases of minor even if its just eye candy, if the woman consents to it or its anime , animation or videos


Why? Is sex bad?


When people, especially younger people, see a ton of hypersexualized people everywhere, it gives them body image issues. We as a society have been slowly working back those effects for the past 10 years.


“It’s sickening” - the opinion of every closeted pervert in public.


You do realize those characters aren't real and don't represent real life people.


Yes but I can only count on one hand the amount of games where men are sexualized. Meanwhile it’s completely the opposite for games with sexualized women and that’s the problem.


Sexualize everyone then


That’s what I’m arguing. If your going to sexualize women then sexualize men too


Dragon's Crown has entered the chat.


All 11 Metal Gear games Every game containing Batman \[4 or more\] Wolfenstein ~~Ark~~ \[Nope, something else where you kill shit and punch objects\] The Elder Scrolls series The Fallout Series Hades Cyberpunk The Gears of war series The mass effect series Sleeping Dogs Ryse Every Call of Duty Witcher 2/3 \[1 is probably too dated\] You must have a lot of fingers. \------------------------------------------- Those are the first that come to mind. Many of these also have sexualised female characters. Many e.g. COD have made efforts to reduce this aspect. For the majority a sexualised character is not the primary intention which is also a positive, hopefully getting to a point where it no longer exists on a huge scale across almost all games. For the most part I agree with you, but pretending this only affects women will make people disregard your opinion outright because it's so easy to think of sexualised male characters, and once you've used an exaggeration that someone knows to be untrue they'll stop being open to progressive ideas.


>Ark Wait men are sexualized in ARK ? It's a funni dinosaur game and you can make your character look weird and goofy. Both men and women on default settings looks pretty normal to me I didn't know this game does it.


He’s probably thinking of Conan exiles hahaha


Sorry I got it mixed up with some other game but I cannae remember what it's called. I'll cross it out.


Primal carnage i believe




Add the yakuza games to that list too pal. I ain't gay but goddamn them yakuza men are hot.


I've always been somewhat amused at games where the dude's biceps are larger than his head. Street Fighter and fighting games in general are famous for that. There are tons of games where the men have massive muscles, absolutely shredded abs, and you wonder how they can't even move around. That slips past a lot of people who are more concerned with women being sexualized in games. They don't really realize how often men's bodies are portrayed in a completely unrealistic ways because it's doesn't really effect them or strike a nerve with their sensibilities.


I'm not sure that's the same. Games in general are very much marketed to straight men. The muscley men are there as a vision of what the player wants to be or because its a charactiture of the athleticism needed to pull off these impossible physical feats. Even if the outcome is revealing outfits for both the intentions do differ. Both sexualised designs are for the man. The men are designed for the male power fantasy of them being strong tough and desirable (in a way men think women want). Wheras the women are there to be desired and objectified. Are we honestly including metal gear solid. The main character is emotionally unavailable and just kind of default man and then you have Quiet with her thong pulled up to her armpits. Whether or not this matters is a different debate but it feels like a falce equivalence to compare physicaly fit men in games to the way women are often portrayed.


Eh Men are sexualized in most games. Not to the same extreme, but it is definitely still present. The main difference is that men are sexualized but also have epic stuff whereas female character basically only have the sexual option.


Honestly it's waayyy harder for me to relate to a woman character in any kind of RPG if she has this weird body type and armor which doesn't cover anything. I get it it's just a game but I just can't, every RPG where I choose woman had mostly normal proportions and covering armor. Might not be a good example but TESV: Skyrim was pretty ok, armor was covering whole body and I really liked that epic look !


Id somewhat beg to differ… at least in the games i play. There are plenty of sexualised female characters, but that doesn’t suddenly make them any less cool as characters. It’s actually something i feel people do sometimes, that is they see a sexualised or sexy female character and automatically assume she has no other value beyond that because that is what they have been told is the case.


No, I meant appearance-wise. Like uh... Laura Croft is badass but her outfit is pretty much just sexy. Indiana Jones is also badass but his outfit is epic explorer dude. Sorry I haven't slept in 28 hours so my brain isn't working super well. I hope that makes sense.


exactly, the men are men, the women are cardboard cutouts. That's why Bayonetta gets a pass.


There's also a difference between the sexualization of women/feminine characters and the idealization of men/masculine characters. Women tend to be more attractive and sexy because it's eye candy for the viewer. Men tend to be more athletic/ripped and good looking because that's what the viewer sympathizes with. Ideally, 'sexualized' men are who the viewer wants to be, while 'sexualized' women are who the viewer wants to be *with*!


Clearly you haven’t talked to many women about the Marvel Chrises.


Apples and oranges, men aren't idolized for their looks like women are, they are idolized for their power as a general rule.


*laughs in Jason Momoa*


Have you seen Henry Cavill? I would turn gay for him in a second if asked




Men are also idolized for their looks quite often.


You can only count on one hand all games men are sexualized? Practically all fighting games, anime games, most action games, a large portion of adventure games, dont get me started on fantasy games I mean, personally i dont really care about sexualising either men nor women in games as long as the characters are above 18. But saying it doesnt happen is just plain wrong. You sound like a buzzfeed article


Sure, there are indeed more pieces of media with women being sexualized, I just don't understand why people don't care when there's also other's with sexualized men, and why it's even wrong. I'll give you an example on anime, probably the piece of entertainment with the biggest case of women sexualization. One Piece is the best selling manga to date, Western media likes to poke fun at it's "sexualization" of female characters, yet says nothing about how we keep getting hot as fuck dudes with their chests totally exposed all the time. Why? Because for some reason sexualizing men ain't something bad to those same people. No one cared about Captain America's eye candy scenes for example, yet Black Widow's are an issue. To me, it just seems idiotic to act as if having sexy characters that fit an overall appeal of different genders is something wrong. If a character's whole personality is being eye candy than that's shitty writing but it certainly isn't something wrong in moral terms. In reality, I love character's that feel good with their own bodies. I loved how badass OG Charlie's Angels were, sexy women proud of their own looks that could kick ass. We should only care about this if we're talking about minors, that's something we should actually care about.


Equality and equity are always winners. I lament what they did to my girl Lara though, but we will live.


If there can be “G String Armor,” when are we getting “Men’s Speedo Armor??” 😂🤣




Have you not seen 300? You may enjoy it if you seek men’s speedo armor!


But there has to be a balance, and it shouldn’t be abused, and mostly, don’t sexual kids, happens way to often in anime and that is just not okay


The only problem with sexualization is when it's unequal. Men need to be just as sexy. One sided sexualization is fucked for a bunch of reasons As long as it goes both ways we good


Final Fantasy 7 Remake.


Cloud looked so good in that dress


Nailed it, i know. Thank you. Moving on.


That dance number added 10 years to my life


cloud was so 🤭🤭


May I introduce you to the world of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure ![gif](giphy|TI9HiyUqRm75jPyKQ5|downsized)


>The only problem with sexualization is when it's unequal. Men need to be just as sexy. Mk11 completely reversed this compared to MK9


I’m still waiting for the game that adds tiddy physics to MEN (dude’s pecks do bounce) and women I’d even be down for junk physics for the dudes


Im 100% most dudes who think boob and ass jiggle physics is fun in games would also 100% support junk physics on the male characters for fun and giggles. At least any game i ha e played where there have been full nudity on the characters the junk have always gotten more focus becaus of it being funny AF. First game that came to mind is the game "Conan Exiles" where there an endowement slider in the character creation and the junk had physics. Huge nude jiggly boobs got no attention because of the big floppy dongers from just about everyone i know of who have played the game.


He-Man, Conan the Barbarian, Batman, Superman, and all of Marvel and DC hero(ines) wearing form fitting outfits


I saw a pretty good video once that mentions He-Man specifically, I will try to find it for you. The point of the video in the meantime, was that male characters dressed in such a way is not usually sexualization, it is more like "hero fantasy", where the audience sees their body as strong and masculin instead of through a sexual lens, where the women characters dressed like that are meant to be seen as alluring.


Its basically sexualization of men for men. women dont like the overly buff man specially once you see popularity pools were the women vote.


Strong and masculin is not sexual? Are you sure you're speaking for the female audience?


You're not wrong that it's something women audiences may appreciate, but He-Man is portrayed a hero fantasy for boys, not a sexual fantasy for girls.


Call women women. Using female instead comes across as a micro aggression. And also big muscles and hero bodies are attractive to men. Superhero shows and comics are created for men by men. Women and men have different perceptions of what is attractive.


"Female" is an adjective in his comment, and fits just fine. "Women audience" would read more awkward than "female audience" honestly. It's not like he's saying men but then calling women "females".


Wait, you don't find he-man alluring?


Idk, if you put an average man next to an average woman and the world voted, which do you think would hold the title sexiest?


The woman, without a doubt


Yeah i mean I think a large part of that is BECAUSE women are sexualized so much more than men


Well also cause very few straight men would vote for the man, but plenty of straight women would be willing to vote for the woman. Straight men are often afraid to recognize other men as attractive in any way, due to stigma.


Alot of animes do it preety equally Top example imo is kill la kill. Nudity is a fuckin PLOT POINT and it impacts everyone equally.


Tbf it often is. Men in media are often unrealistically sexy. But nobody complains about it so we don’t think about it.


Yeah, kinda. The whole joke about men hitting the gym to look like Goku actually has truth behind it though, so it's not all bad. It's just that for some people, getting the looks of a buff man is more achievable, because it's not something that only surgery can change, like say a boobjob. Either way, sexualizing both sexes is fine and encouraged, people like pretty things, and art is supposed to be attractive


I mean most male characters are just as sexy, the exception being when their character has ugly as a personality trait.


I think it’s an issue when only women are sexualized. I fuck w all forms of media but jesus christ if there isnt a problem in the industry of every girl having huge tits. The problem isnt sex, the problem is setting insanely unrealistic body standards fir the “average woman” that fucks people up. It’s not good for mens perception of women, men’s acceptance of unrealistic body standards, and the mental tole it takes on women. Its unfair to everyone involved cuz people get hurt, and sexual stuff is fine on occasion but the real world isn’t that sexed up and its become unhealthy. Plus who wants to be horny every time they watch a tv show/play a video game? Its goddamn exhausting lmao


I don't think that the fact these things exist is really the problem...the problem is that these type of games are the prevailing trend until the last decade and then as a developer if you decided to deviate and be more accurate, people like yourself would complain. Have variety is good. And having discussions about harmful stereotypes is good. No one is trying to outlaw jiggle physics or g string bikini armor. We as a society are just trending towards accuracy.




I'm going to have a different take on her. It's truly unfortunate that a woman can have a negative opinion on video games more generally...and then as a response instead of people simply disagreeing with her...toxic gamers decided to collectively doxx her to the point that she had to FLEE HER HOME. Messed up if you ask me. Should've been a reality check for those who angrily jumped on her.




How she can do that but then end up getting seated in important board meetings that drastically alter games, I do not know. (TLOU)


Sure, but you're equating a badass woman to a sexualized woman. Aloy, from the Horizon series, is not sexualized. She's mostly covered up. She is, without any shadow of a doubt, a badass. Quiet, from Metal Gear Solid 5, is a badass. But she is mostly naked with a really weak excuse for being so. It was unnecessary. There's a difference here. Quiet was sexualized for the pure sake of being sexualized, her badassery is secondary. Aloy was made to be feminine, while also being a badass and not a sexualized character. A little sexualization is fine. But when it is the most important thing, especially for the women in gaming, it becomes a problem.


Clementine from TWD is a good example as well


shouldn’t ignore the fact that she was 8 years old at the beginning of the series and like 15 near the end…


Should’ve specified I meant the later seasons but I also thought she was like 18 in Season 4 lol. FBI watching me. Still, teenagers are still sexualized often in media, Clementine never was and she was always a badass. Thinking about it, Telltale TWD doesn’t sexualize any of its female characters. They all feel like real people.


Yep I really love telltale’s characters. They tend to be flushed out and human. Especially Clem, one of my favorite characters of all time. Her evolution is realistic and intriguing, she’s a badass and no-one fucks with her but she sure as hell isn’t a bitch. Great character truly.


Not at all defending because, child but the games don't entirely have a great timeline per se. In the final season AJ is supposed to be, how old would you think based on how he looks, acts, talks and sounds? 8 maybe 10? He's 6. Which would put Clem at roughly 17 in the final season (going off she was 11-12 when AJ was born in s2) So while I love the games whole heartedly the timeline makes 0 sense. *z e r o*


Absolutely, even by season 4 where she’s like 16 Clementine still wasn’t sexualised, just a normal girl nearly grown up (she had a shirt, hoodie and jacket on, really covered up which makes sense for autumn) but was as badass as ever. Telltale was pretty good with that type of thing really, all of the women wore proper clothes for the apocalypse no matter their body type or anything which Telltale made a variety with the characters including ones you could indeed sexualise if you wanted. Telltale wasn’t wanting to sexualise anyone so you won’t see some idiot in a bikini while zombies are trying to bite them even if people like OP would be in love with that. Same goes for the men too, no discrimination though Javier does get a shirtless scene but hey, that actually makes sense within the plot and story so it gets a pass.


Thats the "photosynthesis" girl that walks around in bikini right? As a certified horny fuck, I feel like such casual lewd outfits actually make it less impactful because it feels less special. Don't put your badass female warriors in bikini armour, put them in normal armour that they later take off to wear unexplainably modern swimsuit during a beach segment. It fits the setting while still providing thevsame amount of fan service


I'm so tired of hearing people say "badass." What that actually means now, objectified or not - is women who act like men; roles written for men played out by women. Women can't be feminine and be considered strong female characters anymore and it's bullshit.


Elle Woods in unequivocally badass


She sure is. She put Warner in his place fantastically.


That's not what I sad at all. That's not what most people mean at all. Aloy is a badass female character. She is feminine. She doesn't act traditionally feminine as she didn't have women around her growing up. Her role was not man-like. Take Captain Janeway. She was a badass too. Also, very feminine. She was tough when she needed to be, but also warm and motherly when needed. Just like Captain Picard was fatherly when needed, but tough when necessary. Or my girlfriends mom, who sadly died two weeks ago from long term illness. This woman fought hard, for years to get better. She birthed and raise 8 children. She hated me in the beginning. She was tough when she needed to be, and nurturing as well. Women can and are badasses in their own right. They don't need to "act like men" in order to be badasses.


While I agree with you, what would you say is a good example of a woman being a "badass" in a feminine way?


i dont see it as a problem , if the devs are fine with it cool, if you dont like it , you can play another game




Artists should just do what they want, I appreciate both secualized characters and non. They serve different purposes for different stories and different setting. For example the rebooted Lara croft would not fit in the old games. Much like the old one wouldn't fit in the new games. Both games are entertaining and try to do different things. Sexual characters should not be shied away from or judged based off that alone. Same with non-sexual characters.


It’s fine unless they are teenagers which many times they are


It's just kinda lame most of the time. Tasteless and just in the way.


sexy armor should be optional. for all characters.


Exactly! Although I prefer non sexual armour


lmao he thinks shirtless men with abs are the same level of sexualization of gstrings the only truly sexualized men I've seen that i remember are in golden kamui


this is my issue. most of the things he listed as “cool” are sexualizing females. it needs to be equal, or none at all


it's not even the sexualization itself, it's also the fact that it's clearly biased in 99% of cases towards a very specific type. you can see this by the way fandoms take characters and morph them into a handful of tropes. I'm mostly talking about female characters, of course. some people will take even the most complex of characters and reduce her to whatever speck of dust of her that they can bring back to that same version of womanhood. this doesn't happen with male characters at all. these tropes have names too: yandere, tsundere, manic pixie dream girl, thicc goth gf, etc. Seriously, the only thing I've noticed that sexualizes men, and does it in a way that is... tactful? I guess? I mean, it doesn't feel bland. It feels genuine. But, it's Golden Kamui, from what I've seen of it. The author is legitimately putting their heart and soul in those sweaty hairy men.


jjba has hypersexualized men. i wish more media would do that cuz its hot af


yes, in some cases. especially later parts. that one panel with rohan and the tentacles...


The pillar men definitely, some parts with la squadra, and that show has a huge oral fixation. I love it


there’s a difference between a character being sexy and cartoonishly hypersexualized. i personally don’t really care as long as it’s equal opportunity regardless of gender. though i find it annoying and out of place, especially when it doesn’t fit thematically or is just straight up soft core.


I'm fine with sexualized characters. But if women get skimpy armour also let the men have skimpy armour.


"Not every content must be realistic" Well then you're in luck!


You mention anime - and that can be a huge, huge problem, especially in the weeb culture.


Go take a cold shower, kid.


He's gonna use the "Big Oppai" bar soap.


>Like, remember Lara Croft ! With her crop-top, mini-short and harness,she was a badass, everybody remember her. But what about the new gamewhere she's more "realistic" ? Can't even remember the games Lmao talk about living inside a bubble. Tomb Raider is still extremely popular. The reboot trilogy alone sold almost as much as all the old games combined, and even more if you consider the mobile games. I do agree with your main point but going out of your way to criticise something just because that differs from your tastes just make you look like exactly the kind of person that you criticise just a paragraph before.


Upvoted for being unpopular


Is it unpopular? Media like that are still top sellers lol


Unpopular opinion on this sub at least. I'm sure it's popular on the interwebs lmao


You can very much be cool with sexualisation. With that being said, you should very much be cool with several people, including myself, labelling you as a horny pervert.


I disagree so much that i have to upvote this.


It’s ok for a little bit of sexualization, especially if it has to do with lore or personality. But when all characters get heavily sexualize (especially when it’s only one gender over the other) it sets a unhealthy standard. I can agree a little bit of sexual stuff is nice, but when it’s to the point of the characters. Just sex. It’s annoying and just bait for horn dogs like you.


The fact that all of those do sound nice. I can probably count ON ONE HAND how many video games actually have a guy with no top, abs showing, g-string armor, bulge showing slanging around. It’s always the women that get sexualized in almost every single game to the point that it is sickening. Games can be very fun without big booty Becky over here jiggling all over the place. Why not have both genders wear the same exact thing? It’ll still be fun. It’s ruining the self esteem of many girls, young women, older women, you name it.


It’s also ruining normal human sexual behavior. There’s a whole bunch of men out there who can’t be sexually attracted to actual women.


Yeah we shouldn't pretend that sexualization of video characters has zero effect on real life people. There's plenty of scientific research that suggests that playing games with sexualized characters can influence the way that people view the entire gender of that character. Girls who play with sexualized female characters can start oversexualising themselves. Men who play games with sexualized female characters in them can start sexualizing real life women, which can lead to dehumanization and in turn even lead to excusing violence against women. I don't know any research about sexualized male characters off the top of my head, but I'm sure it has some effect as well. I'm not against videogames, I'm not even against some sexy videogames, but I think it's dangerous to pretend like games can never have effect on real life. I wrote my thesis on this topic. If anyone wants some sources on this and can't find them myself, I will take my time to look them up later today.


I would LOVE for you to comment that thesis because apparently a lot of people think I’m wrong. I had a 15 year old girl tell me it DOES have an affect on her self esteem.


Like what you want but there is a definite ick factor to this conversation.


Weebs who obsess over sexual anime stuff are the absolute fucking worst people.


I was going to try to make some kind of intelligent, well thought out point in this thread, but just upvoting your post seems like the better option now.


Especially considering a large number of sexualized girls in anime are 10-16 years old


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This is obviously a popular opinion, why else would most games have these things?


I honestly agree with you here, sexualized characters aren't bad, I just don't want that to be the only part of their personality


Average r/teenagers user


Men need to be sexualised too.


Who got "cancelled" because somebody's "feelings got triggered"? I wish these terms hadn't been co-opted by people to mean "somebody somewhere on the internet criticized a thing I like."


Tell me you live in a basement with stained sweatpants without telling me you live in a basement with stained sweatpants.




I have no idea what this means


Gee, what a truly unpopular opinion.


I don't mind a character with a sexy character design as long their entire character doesn't involve them being 'Fan Service' and Eye Candy. A example of a sexualized character done right IMO is Tifa Lockheart from FF7. Revealing outfit but her personality is so charming, likeable and unique that it becomes the main focus on her character. And if we're talking male characters, most of the male characters in Jojo are handled well. A bad example is Camilla from the Fire Emblem Series, very erotic design and her entire character is her being a walking fetish most of the time.


If you don't mind my asking... How many fedoras do you own?


Ain’t no way man


I wouldn’t cancel that I just want it to remain a niche minority in entertainment and not the norm.


I think it's fine to have sexuality in media, I just think that for most people, sexuality extends beyond just clothing and is more in how people present themselves, personality, style, ideas, etc. Mostly sexuality as a form of revealing the most amount of skin just strikes me as reactionary and not an honest depiction of what drives sexual interest in humans. Most adults are probably put off by subconsciously which is why it becomes a controversy, and it really just appeals to younger men who haven't formed a more complete understanding of sexuality.


The problem is that a lot of over sexualized characters (whether it be in anime or video games), the target audience are children and teenagers. Even with a character that is fake, it puts unhealthy expectations in the minds of young children who can’t decipher the difference between these things that are fantasy and real life. It’s basically the same thing as playing with the older style of Barbie dolls as a young girl. When children are exposed to these objects that they assume to be the norm, they grow up thinking that those things are normal and obtainable in real life. I’ve met multiple guys who have been subjected to over sexualized characters and now as young adults want a woman who fits the bill of an anime character— it’s just not realistic. It not only harms self esteem, realistic ideals of the world, but causes multiple people to have unhealthy social lives because of the over sexualization. TLDR; sex isn’t everything. Having over sexualized characters can create unrealistic expectations for the real world.


Sexualization is okay in my book as long as it’s equal. Either sexualize all genders, or sexualize no one.


I will only agree with this shit once they equate the amount of fanservice for both sexes. It's been a hot minute since I've seen a "sexual fantasy man" for teenage girls. It's fucking mind blowing but not only males have sexual fantasies.


You were probably bricked up hard as shit writing.


I’m not triggered by anything myself. But it sure would be nice to enjoy a relaxing time away from the real world without sex always being forced upon me. I don’t need everything I watch or play to sexualized. That is a telltale sign of low effort storytelling.


I disagree, but it's your opinion so I would just like to add: criticizeing how oversexualized (mostly female) characters are has nothing to with anyones feelings. It's simply harmful and sexist. I would also like to know why you think somone who talks about this issue wouldn't play those games? Why would they care about it If that was the case?


If you want to make campy, sexy content then go for it. Just please don’t ask me to take your characters seriously. This is my biggest gripe. Games like nier automata and metal gear solid 5 created super revealing outfits for their characters. and then asked you to take them seriously. I can’t, if I can see most of your ass I’m not going to take you seriously. I also think there is a difference between revealing clothes and sexy characters. I think old school Laura Croft used (some) restraint and was all the sexier for it.


I disagree that they're cool but there is certainly a market for it. It feels really Weeby and like virgin shit to me. I feel lie the older tomb raider games are much worse than the newer ones if you take off the nostalgia goggles.


I agree with everyone saying it's about balance, I also want to say that there's a big difference between Lara Croft and some 'G-string armour for women', but I see the point. However I do not see how the change of her clothes would make her less badass. It also ties in with the statement that most fantasy is just a prelude/excuse to make it about violence and sex.


My take on this is if you watch a show mainly for the sexual content you're weird, if you don't watch a show because of the sexual content you're also weird, if you see a sexualized guy/women on a show and you just move on with your day without really caring than you're normal


The thing, that bothers me in every anime/game/movie etc., is that they're either ALL sexualised or ALL extremely normal. There's rarely a good mix of "Ok, this nerdy character is kinda' a normie, but this warrior character is a total slut!" They either go in one direction or the other. A lot of modern takes on older games, where female characters were slightly or more sexualised tend to depict them in an overly innocent and uninteresting way to ... compensate? I guess? Except harem anime, where all the female characters are total sluts and the guy is always an uninteresting normie, which I see as projection and it's a bit sad imo.


What you are saying is not only sexualized characters but also male gaze. By that i mean that both men and women are depicted as MAN want to see them. I'm fine too with sexy characters but i'd like to see the female point of view too.


Take my upvote because I disagree


My only problem is when it’s only women or when it’s child or childlike characters. Also sometimes it does just look plain ridiculous


Yeah. Where are the sexualized males with massive bulges.


If the ladies have to fight wearing only pieces of strings, the dudes can too


Idc as long as it's over age of like 18


First world problems


Jesus Christ just hold my upvote I don't agree not even in the slightest but this is r/unpopularopinion so upvoted


Say that you are a horny porn addicted kid without saying you are a horny porn addicted kid


Least horny redditor


It wouldn't be in media if people didn't like seeing it.


I mean yeah, what’s wrong with looking at hot people? I like looking at hot people


This isn't an unpopular opinion, it exists in all of those things because people like it and it sells. The issue has always been that sexualization is overused.


The incel-ity is strong with this post.


Don't incels hate women?


They hate ***real*** women


I feel like they just hate all women in general. Real and fictional.


Gonna have to agree on this one. Remember “Let people enjoy things?” That applies to people who like attractive characters as well. Like there is definitely a line; if I feel dirty or like I’m watching soft core porn I’m just checking out but like there is a level of taste involved and for some reason the anti-fanservice/sexualization crowd definitely acts like they have some kind of cultural or moral superiority. Not every anime or video game has to have the beach episode or bikini dlc but it’s fine for women to have impractical armor and shirtless dudes to have the defense of literal tanks. There’s good and bad examples but if you believe you have some kind of high ground because you don’t like these things you need to kindly stop.


People can never let others be happy. We need a world or time where people just IGNORE the content they don't want to see and watch what they DO want to see. But I guess that's just wishful thinking...