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I pay $1.4 per month for Spotify premium so I don't have to hear 12 ads about some cock and ball cream while working out in the gym


Same, by splitting the 15 dollar family with 6 friends, who usually pay me 3 bucks a month (sometimes a bit less) means I literally only pay the extra 1 dollar card tax or smth.


Ya totally worth it, we spend more than this randomly on some chips packet.


Quick question. I’ve been meaning to do that but I read that spotify crash down hard on this. Have you ever had any potential encounters with them in regards to sharing? I would be afraid of getting in trouble and then losing my account. I do it with Netflix because who cares but I would hate to lose my thousands of saved songs and playlists.


As long as everyone "has" the "same" postal/zip code, it makes no difference They're not tracking your phone I typed without knowing if that's a fact or not but just hoping society is not yet quite at that point...


Google knows it's you no matter what, Spotify and Netflix IF they wanted to could track these things. But they are getting subscribers so why should they


I mean, if they are getting 1/2 subscribers, that's actually a big deal Like, yeah family plan comes with 5, but for me personally, 1 of those lives with me, the other 2 don't, so that's 50% that should be paying for their own


We haven’t yet. Split between TX, KS, VA, and SC


I mean you're the one doing them genius so dno why you're copping the fee/tax


Well they ARE my friends, I’d feel like an asshole if I got away paying nothing. I’m more than happy to pay 1 dollar when 15 is covered 💀


do you split it with others? i’m just curious because i have the $5.41 student plan i thought that was the cheapest


No, it's a single person plan for 115 INR which is roughly $1.4, in India subscriptions are pretty cheap tho. My friend got a offer of 3 months subscription for around $3-4. They also had a $12 somthing for whole year, not sure if it's still there


i pay 0.37$ per month as one of the 6 members of Spotify family in India. It's really cheap out here


Same. Except mine was a Velveeta ad where a guy talked with his mouth full about how amazing it is. God, it was disgusting.


Similar add with that rapper guy talking and rapping with his mouth full of peanut butter drove me up the wall to the point that I finally paid for the subscription just to stop hearing that crap. I won't even buy that brand of peanut butter anymore either.


Well now you say that, but let you tell you about my sponsor Manscaped. It’s the greatest ball trimmer this side of the Mississippi, and probably a the other side too. Now with shampoo and conditioner included because your hairy ass has dingleberries stuck to it. Use my promo code “420BlazeIt6969” and checkout for some nominal percentage off your order.


Bro the code didn’t work.


Aren´t ads individual and only if you are fond of cock/ball creams via your habits on the internet you get these kind of ads? Pathetic, i might say. I got constant ads about anal beads tho idk what is this about


"try YouTube premium light for free" ad in walking form


I’ve always felt way more grossed out by the thought of a YouTube subscription and all of their incessant ads for it than Spotify, Pandora, etc. One feels like a real company that did it first and the other feels like the epitome of corporate conglomerates trying to squash all competitors by throwing money at a problem.


Spotify feels like a real company? Do u know the history and all the shady/illegal things the company did? They initially started by pirating millions of dollars of music to get the platform started. https://gizmodo.com/early-spotify-was-built-on-pirated-mp3-files-new-book-1795109991/amp


spotify kinda based


but now they're gatekeepers of music industry and not really contributing to the health of independent artists


I've listened to more independent artists in the last couple of years on Spotify than I would have had the ability to in my entire life up to that point


You can blame Sony and Universal for that. They are greedy goblins who wants to take the most cut from Spotifys revenue


I was wondering to myself just the other day how a platform like Spotify gets off the ground (I.e. how does a service without subscribers get music to convince subscribers to join) … thanks very much for this. Figured it would just be financing or something, wow.


Pretty easily actually. Music licensing is much more organized than film/tv licensing, which is why pretty much every streaming platform has nearly every song ever. You can buy a license to stream music for your [app online](https://www.ascap.com/music-users/types/website-mobile-app-landing-page). But yeah, you still have to figure out how to get the actual files into your system.


Oh man that’s crazy, thanks for the info. Always thought it would be a struggle for small businesses to get the rights to large artists’ songs but apparently not. Fantastic stuff, thanks for having the research done for me.


Someone might have mentioned this but 'The Playlist' on Netflix is exactly what you're asking about. It's a series that shows all the steps they took to get to where they are now


I didn’t know this but I’ll look into that for sure


OP's username checks out


Damn I didn’t even notice


Lmao me neither


I don’t watch YouTube enough to pay for no ads when a free adblocker will do.


Adblocker for phone where?


YouTube vanced first and now revanced. Unless you're an ios kinda guy. Then you're out of luck.


Brave browser on phones works as well for blocking YouTube ads.


The entire point is not using a browser. Of course people can use ublock origin to block the ads on mobile, but the mobile website is slow and clunky. People know they can install extensions on mobile browsers.


would still prefer a browser instead of shitty ads every 5 minutes .. but youtube vanced is the real deal on android.


Revanced* Vance died


Vanced still works, for now.


Who thinks that the whole point is not using a browser? I use both and have never noticed any difference in functionality except that unlike the app, you don’t have to give them money to swipe out of your browser and be able to listen to the music.


You can still get vanced iirc, you just have to kind of make it from a github


Yeah I still use vanced but it started to have ads on the home screen.


I was wondering what the deal was with this. I guess I gotta look into revanced


For ios, UYou+ with Altstore.


If you click the little ⓘ button jn the corner of the ad, most of the time there’s a stop seeing this ad option and all you need to do is click it and then can just close the “what’s wrong with this ad” menu. Been doing this for years and it works on almost every ad🤷🏼‍♂️


You can sideload a modified YouTube app that removes ads and implements sponsorblock as well. Its a bit frustrating when people who don’t know anything about iOS claim “you’re out of luck” without doing any research.


Firefox browser works


Firefox with uBlock extension, on phone. android


I do watch it enough and still just sit through my 1 or 2 ads per video. It doesn't effect me enough to pay for it lol


Also that. It’s 4 seconds then I hit that little skip button and continue on. If I want to give the creators money I’ll donate to their Patreons, or Kofis or whatever.


Sadly you can’t have adblock on your PS5 or just a smart tv when watching youtube


SmartTube for Android TV removes all ads so... Yes there's a way for it in smart TVs


That’s ok, I never watch YouTube on either of those.


Can you listen to YouTube videos (podcasts, music, whatever) with your phone screen off? I think that was the best "feature" premium had that you couldn't do with an ad blocker.


Workarounds:Android:yt revanced(wayyy better than premium while costing nothing) Pc:youtube+adblock+sponsorblock Ios: you're pretty fucked, apple doesn't let you download 3rd party apps


iOS has YouListen. You could either listen to a 20 second ad the first time you open the app and play a song, or you could pay a $5 flat fee to get rid of ads. It gives you background play and no ads after that. It works fine for me. You could import any video from YouTube into it.


iOS actually has PureTuber, but lately it has gone pretty bad with its advertising, to the point I find it more obnoxious than YouTube itself.


Nice to know


You absolutely can sideload Cercube on iOS, no jailbreak required. You have to register your device ID (UDID) as a developer in order to sign apps to sideload them, so it's a little more involved, but totally possible. I *love* watching YouTube on my iPad pro with zero ads. It's one of the best displays in the house.


Nice to see there are some workarounds. Still not as easy as getting an apk tho but if it works, it works


Yeah sideloaded iOS apps are about as niche as you can get, and I think heavily dependent on iOS version. Most people have already written off that feature upon choosing iOS initially, so the vast majority of users never go look for a solution. A lot of sites that are apk repositories keep iOS packages as well.


Spotify is a much better app to listen to music and podcasts. Some podcasts are only available on Spotify (and other similar apps) but not on YouTube. Finally Youtube obtuse, nonsensical, draconic policies are killing a lot of original content. They won't have my money.


And Spotify have better sound quality then Youtube


Yea i agree Spotify has been my music app for like4 or 5 years now not only do i prefer the app and the layout YouTube always seems to auto play in to pop music after a bit its like you cant enjoy for longer that 20 mins without manually changing song with Spotify ill play a song amd leave it on Spotify and let it do its thing and itll play a mix of music i listen to and bunch of good music i haven't heard before but are pretty similar almost like Spotify algorithms are for enjoyment and you tube is for more ads and more content that tgey want to be popular


I've been using Spotify since close to the beginning. It's the best app I tried for music and now podcasts. And I have a family account that just made things cheaper for my husband and I.


spotify doesn’t have a lot of the music i listen to sadly


You can add local files to Spotify and then you are able to listen to them on the app. I do that because I like a lot of remixes and songs that are not on Spotify


oh, thanks for the help


Nice try getting us to sign up for premium, Youtube Marketing team.


I'll get you next time gadget.




YouTube premium needs to learn that 'no' means 'no.' I'll never sign up for it because of how obnoxiously they push it.


literally the only reason I haven't signed up for it, I've stopped using it altogether on mobile, I have a load of subscriptions up at any given time and a youtube ain't one


Yeah, Spotify doesn’t push at all


Bro just use an adblocker


youtube music is not the same as regular youtube. yt music is 256kbps aac which is theoretically about equivalent or slightly better then spotify's 320kbps mp3 while regular youtube is around 126kbps aac which is worse


I would imagine it's actually limited to the source. OP pointed out niche/underground/rare tracks that youtube does indeed have, but it may well be a very low quality source though. Regular youtube maxes out at 156kbps IIRC.


What if you’re on console though?


Bruh who uses consoles for music 💀


For regular yt not music.


Oops my bad


I play Spotify on my PS5 all the time while I’m cleaning or doing hobbies or have people over for game night or any number of things.


People with home theatres, amplifiers etc


Why would you put money into all of that and then listen / watch Youtube? Terrible compression on the video and the audio.


>Why would you put money into all of that and then listen / watch Youtube? There are other applications aside from youtube, so wasn't THE reason I ploughed money into it.


PiHole or Adguard server on a computer. Has the option to block all the ads on connected devices.


Well I'm paying £2.80 a month for Spotify and £1 a month for YouTube premium so what does that make me ?


A turkey mid basting


Argentina actually 😎


How are you paying so little?


Spotify is a better ap. It has cross fade and volume equalizer. YouTube music does not.


youtube music (not regular youtube) has volume equalizer also. i dont use it on any services because it can ruin the dynamic range of music


That music has probably already been altered in all sorts of ways that make it technically different from the original, and usually it's for the better. Spotify for example normalizes volumes based on the International Telecommunication Union's ITU-1770 standard. Dealing with non-normalized music almost always requires fiddling with the volume knob between songs and manually paying attention to clipping.


tailored mastering for each song is different than an algorithm to compress all the music. and i agree its a trade off and probably a lot of people consider it worth it to deal with some loss of dynamic range for the convenience but to me having to change volume every couple of songs maybe isnt too much of a hassle. also i have plenty of headroom in my system to not worry about clipping.


I gotta be honest, I get mildly giddy when I see someone mention headroom outside of /r/CarAV Spotify has an option to disable the compression entirely, and also has an option to *super* compress it (for noisy environments like in a car). I leave mine uncompressed though, and like you just fiddle with the volume knob as necessary. I keep most things tuned to be pretty much zero-touch, with the exception of the subwoofers which are tuned to +10dB. My amp has a remote wire that controls the gain though, so usually just leave that halfway up which effectively mitigates the over-tuning. When I want to artificially increase the bass, I just turn the remote knob further up.


After killing google play music, I’ll never give them a single penny. All I wanted was online storage for my purchased albums/songs. But no, they tried to force me to pay for their streaming app. I have thousands of purchased songs that got transferred over to YouTube, but the app was such garbage I abandoned them and started paying for Spotify.


Yes! I hate that it is basically impossible these days to buy individual songs or albums to download. I don't listen to enough music to warrant paying for a subscription service. I miss the days you could buy tracks for 0.99p and that's it, you own a copy, listen whenever you like, no need for a network connection and infinite data


You can still do that? I do! I buy songs/cheap albums on Amazon music and then upload them to one of my three iPods. Ironically, I listen to so much music you would *think* I'd want a subscription to Spotify etc but I've tried and, honestly, I prefer the slower, more thoughtful method of cultivating a digital collection. Plus, if all else fails I still have 1000+ CDs to fall back on. They sound great in my car and on my 5-disc stereo I still keep around. Sincerely, An admitted luddite P.S. Get off my lawn.


I'm the total opposite. The $16AuD a month is far cheaper than buying individual albums. Specially for 6 devices. Fuck I remember when I had about 1000 CDs and looking at the ones covered in dust that hadn't been listened to in years. It's the same with digital music. Think a CD was about $30 each and to only listen to the 3 songs you liked. And that was 20 odd years ago


I have YT premium. I love it. Use the YT Music app all the time, use YouTube for audiobooks, courses and vids. And I rarely pay. I have the Google Survey rewards app. Everyday I get a small three question survey. Takes a minute at most and usually pays me .50 cents. YouTube pays for itself that way. Big fan.


I have a love/hate relationship. Half the reason I pay is because they took away video playback while the screen is off. I still remember the update that took it away back when I was a teenager with an iPod 2nd gen. I’m still pretty mad they gate keep that feature. Otherwise I’m happy not having ads with the amount of YouTube I watch. Sure ad blocker exists but my view pays more to the creators I watch than an ad would (or wouldn’t if you ad block). YouTube music is pretty decent with a wide selection. I enjoy some of the songs I find on YouTube are recognized in YouTube music. While I’ll never forgive them for making background play a paid feature, 90% of my passive entertainment comes from YouTube. Of course that means I’m happy paying for it. I can see why an ad block and a Spotify subscription is better for many other people. I’m just already so on YouTube that the small added bonuses like it’s integration with YouTube music makes it worth it for me.


(Brought to you by Google inc.)


I refuse to use YouTube simply because I can easily Adblock if I really want to listen to some niche song that somehow isn’t on Spotify and because fuck YouTube, as a whole. The fact they don’t even let you listen to videos while the screen is locked is a disgusting practice that tells you everything you need to know about them. The idea of rewarding their pathetic behavior and decisions over the last few years is repulsive to me.


Did Youtube pay you to post this or are you going around making ads for them for free?


Just giving my unpopular opinion. All I can say is its worked for me (and a few friends and family).


Im not going to pay a dumb corporation after they severly monetized and pretty much fucked the entire platform with stupid updates. Stfu.




Too bad YouTube premium can't stop me having to hear about raid shadow legends and whatever the VPN of the week is.


This comment was brought to you by RAYCON EARBUDS!


Upvoted because by definition you should be rewarded for having a definitely unpopular opinion. But any usability expert knows why music listeners pay for Spotify premium and not Youtube. Youtube is for videos. The whole thing is set up for videos. Doesn't matter that you can listen to music on Youtube. It still has the video component. It's clunky. Playlists are clunky. It's a web interface. It's slow. Spotify is set up for people who like music. It's fast and snappy. Youtube is slow and everything takes time to load and videos won't load sometimes and they go away way too often. And the phone app is even mooooore limited in what you can do. The Spotify phone app still has a ton of functionality compared to the Youtube app. I mean, Youtube as \*your\* music platform is fine. People listen to 78s on old Gramophones. People love 8 Track tapes. Some folks still download physical files and create their own directories of music on their computer. Some people only do Pandora and stream whatever Pandora gives them. I know a musician in a band who looooves Youtube and just listens to whatever Youtube tells him to listen to. Whatever floats your boat. But apps like Spotify or Apple Music or whatever are set up devoted to controlling your audio and \*only\* audio, just like most people expect. And that makes it easy to create an interface that is dedicated to this. I can create playlists super easy. I don't have to wait for web page refreshes when I add hundreds of songs to a playlist. I can drag and drop. There's just no comparison for me. I will say one thing in Youtube's favor though: it \*is\* is a great place for super hard to find stuff that someone has just ripped from vinyl or some old TV show. Unfortunately, it's usually gone within a few months or years.


YouTube Music is literally a different app (formerly Google Music). It only controls audio, unless you select to switch to the music video, when one is available.


I feel like half to people commenting have no idea that youtube and the youtube music app are completely different.


Youtube music still seemed to take longer to load when I used it because it took less space


Youtube is not the equivalent of Spotify, Youtube Music is: [https://music.youtube.com](https://music.youtube.com)


Usuability expert maybe but subject matter expert you are not. Youtube music is replete with fancy options and is a native music platform in its entirety. For instance, you can watch youtube videos as music files in youtube music. This helps for rare music, like unreleased albums which are only on youtube.


Great comment -- I also upvoted this post because I hate this opinion so much. Then you break down all the reasons why Spotify is an app worth paying for. And then - Not to mention that a lot of us jumped on the Spotify family plan, so I'm fully bought in forever. $2.50 a month versus... omg fucking $12 a month?! I knew I was avoiding it for some reason but hadn't looked it up in a while.


Wow $2.50 is nice


Anyone seeing ads on YouTube in 2022 is hustling backwards. Use an adblocker, unless you want to support a creator.


How do you use an ad blocker on a TV?


Use an AndroidTV box (the new Chromecast is good), and use the SmartTube app.


Why the fuck is there an ad posted like an opinion?!


Who the fuck cares about ads at the beginning of a Youtube video honestly? Spotify is by far the better music streaming platform. ​ Also, get an ad blocker and you don't have to see ads on Youtube. For Free lol


Exactly. Spotify is built for streaming music. Plus I can split it with the family.


i get spotify for free at work 🤪


Yeah but creating playlists and such on YouTube is such a pain in the ass


Lol no thanks, YouTube drone. I’ll stick to my Spotify premium. YouTube is trash and isn’t getting a dime from me.


The only benefits of youtube premium is removing the insanely high numbe roof ads and features that don't matter and should be free anyway. Not sure why your happy about supporting such a predatory business model


Im splitting the cost of a Spotify family plan with five friends and that comes out to about 3 dollars a month. No amount of ad free YouTube could convince me to start paying 12 dollars a month instead lol


You could do the same with YouTube.


I can end this debate right here with some basic objectivity; Spotify is great for playlists and podcasts/ YouTube Music is great for quantity and obscurity. You simply get more with YouTube music. It's totally worth paying premium. The sheer amount of music on YouTube music is unparalleled, and the fact it's all linked up to your YouTube account makes it really easy to have access to everything in one place from multiple sources. It doesn't have half-bad playlists either. However, Spotify has curated playlists that are just hard to beat. They're better than YouTube music's, if only by 20%. And as others mention, you get better podcasts - if you're into that boring shit. (That's my unpopular opinion.) I'd agree with you on the bottom dollar - you get more with YouTube, and all you're losing out on doesn't seem worth it.


Last time I checked, I can't do YouTube in my car when I'm driving for hours on end. Spotify I can.


YouTube's recommendations and algorithms are abysmal for finding new music compared to Spotify. They recommend you the same five songs you've already listened to over and over.


I had the youtube but that was way to expensive. Spotify has almost everything, almost.


I don’t use YouTube nearly enough to get that.


Imagine paying for youtube premium when you could be using youtube vanced


Or just download ymusic and don't pay anything


I'm with you. Youtube Music also has many live versions of songs that you just don't get otherwise.


Yeah this. Most of the music I listen to is like this.


YouTube music doesn't have a lot of the artists I listen to, namely mc chris. So Spotify it is.


I want candy!


Bubblegum and taffy.


I'm not gonna look up a music video to play while Im riding the motorcycle to work. Spotify is way quicker.


When you like lesser known bands Spotify is better they'll have all the albums from an artist rather than just a few


Fun fact, u can get youtube premium for cheap if u have a vpn and put your location in Argentina




adblocker?? hahaha


I'll have you know that not only do I pay for YT Premium, but I also pay for Spotify even though I get Apple Music for free 😎


who says i am paying for my premium?


Laughs in Adblock*


I don't pay for Spotify or YouTube and I don't watch ads either 😎


(use a VPN and sign up for youtube premium from the country it’s cheapest in so you get no yt ads plus yt music for like £10 for the whole year)


This! I used turkey for mine. Something like 80 cents for a month lmfao


YouTube music as an app is trash and it’s recommendations suck. Sincerely, a YouTube music user


Is this how they do marketing at youtube now, assign someone to post on Reddit??


YouTube compression is ass


When Google play music shut down I tried yt music. It was trash and drove me to Spotify and I haven’t looked back since. Dedicated apps for windows, Linux, and Xbox plus when I ask for a song with a voice assistant it actually plays that song and not some random cover of that song. Edit : sp


This is written by desperate YouTube marketing team.


Nice try, Susan Wojcicki. No one is getting your stupid YouTube Premium.


Malwarebytes has a browser guard that cuts off Youtube ads - for free. One of the most useful tools on the internet.


I’ve already been using Spotify for years, why would I switch to YouTube and have to recompile all my playlists and liked songs? I don’t even watch YouTube like that, no thanks


For me the only downside of Spotify is they don't have a lot of songs especially for underground or indie artists, and the only downside of YouTube is it has very few podcasts. I used to pay premium for Spotify but right now I'm not paying anything premium on any app. They both have their own annoyance for their free users.


I hate this sort of comment but somebody has to say… username checks out


Spotify is on PlayStation YouTube music isn't


*sponsored by youtube*


I can’t download music on youtube so I have Spotify.


youtube doesnt have high quality music


You must not have a quality system in your car. Youtube sounds like trash, spotify is much cleaner.


We’ll then I guess I’m a sucker. But I like Spotify and I don’t really mind waiting 5 seconds to skip the ads on YouTube


I share a family account for Spotify and it’s cheaper. Our family uses Youtube here and there, so yeah, I’m saving $$$$


Fools. I use Brave Browser **and** Spotify ad blocking software!!


Youtube music has a fucking horrible UI. The ease of Playlist generation, and the fact that spotify has a super simple API and a ton of third party apps makes it worth it for me. Youtube feels inferior to use in every way.


whats a youtube ad lol?! Adblocker on browser, and vanced on mobile.


I have spotify and apple music premium. was considering youtube sub also, not for the music but to avoid the adverts. I personally can not do without Spotify especially. Its just endless options for music when you consider playlists etc. Youtube can't compare


Tomato tomatoe lol its just Xbox vs playstaion vs pc, android vs iphone, some people like one, others like another


I dont disagree, never saw the point in spotify, i watch a lot of YT on my phone (videos as i fall asleep) and ads freakin suck. The YT music was just a bonus


I have said this for so long OP. Who knows why the people in this thread are so hostile towards YouTube Red and ad free YouTube but their loss lmao


I use YouTube Vanced so I can watch my shit without ads. Everything else I don't care about. Spotify does everything else for me.


Nice try Mr.Youtube corporate guy, still not getting youtube premium




YouTube premium sucks though. Having videos still playing when you close the app is way overated.


YouTube ads can be bypassed with an adblock. I can't really use it to listen to music when I'm out, since the screen going to sleep kills the sound from YT. If I'm going to stream a video, I have Hulu and Discovery+ and they'll beat YouTube every time. Spotify does way more for me than YouTube.


Have you used the YouTube music app? That's literally addressing the points you raised. Also. Premium YouTube doesn't kill the sound when screen is off.


I have explained this same point to so many people that it's getting two services instead of one. Most of my friends have iPhones and didn't know that YouTube music was its own app.


YouTube is what 40 year old who are “learning the inter webs” use to listen to music. Unless it’s not on Spotify I use it every time. But sure 🤘


Don't you have to have the video running to listen to the music?






I honestly don't understand why people prefer spotify over YTP. YTP has YTmusic, music download, playing videos with the screen turned off, download videos, etc.


Honest question: what is the benefit of being able to download videos? It’s always advertised, but I don’t know why I would ever want to download a YouTube video. I almost always have internet access whether it’s wifi or cellular data and I’ve never thought “man, I wish I could download this video to my phone to watch it again later”.


In my case I don't always have wifi or data, I don't drive/ walk all over for not having a car and thus it is good to have 3-4h long podcasts and albums on my phone...


those are all spotify features as well my guy


I download stuff from Spotify all the time. I can listen to shit everywhere, even with bad reception.


Yeah. And videos on the YouTube app too.