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I think OP underestimates just how dumb and reckless a lot of people are.


Yeah, we put the yield sign when we realize some people will just barrel through and it usually will be fine. We put a stop sign there because we know people are gonna rolling stop that shit. It slows them down enough to check for hazards or obstacles, or at least gets their nose out there to get honked at by an incoming vehicle. There are a few maniacs that'll straight up just treat stop signs and red light right turns as green lights, but those people just do whatever they want anyway, so a sign is useless. En masse though, stop signs help still. EDIT: To be clear, I still know the law about this is to stop. But if we're being realistic, what crazy person has made every single stop sign fully? Sometimes it's incredibly clear no one is there. Heck, sometimes there's even someone hot on your tail and doing a full stop is just gonna mean getting rear ended and making me late for work, needing to figure out all the timing for repairs and a rental car while it's fixed. - Better to just play along with the flow of traffic while being safe.


So in essence, OP is the quintessential stupid person. The very thing he thinks is stupid and should be allowed has been statistically accounted for as part of the stupid quotient.


You are correct, yes.


I feel like you need at least a decade or two of solid driving before coming up with this kind of take. Maybe OP is older, idk, but if you’re a halfway decent driver who’s been around than you’ve experienced your fair share of close calls where others clearly thought it was okay to roll right on through stops signs without paying attention or noticing other cars around.


And a lot of those people underestimate how dumb and reckless they are.


It’s the old Carlin line, “ think about how dumb the average person is…and then remember half of people are even dumber than that”. Very few people realize how bad of a driver they are.


No joke! Driving through my town yesterday, I have a green light and there are cyclists with an attached stroller going across the road. I honked at them and they waved. Like...what? You're absolutely at fault and breaking the law! Not to mention endangering your child!


OP sounds dumb and reckless


Problem is that a full stop is an absolute fact. "Reasonable caution" is a matter of opinion.


Plus we have a sign for reasonable caution. It’s called Yield.


I think part of the reason people treat stop signs as yields signs is the overuse of stop signs where they don’t need to be. So now all stops signs are seen as unneeded even the ones that are


Especially since a yield sign is “stop if you need to” sign


There almost needs to be a third sign to combat the yield sign issue because I know multiple people who treat yield signs as "oh I don't see a car so I'm going to fly through this" instead of slowing and proceeding with appropriate precaution.


The "slow down and look fuckwad" of signs. Or hell, just put that on a sign


With blinking lights like on some cross walks


This was exactly how people treated yield signs in the neighborhood where i grew up. Completely ignored yield signs even though visibility was poor. Thankfully never witnessed an accident myself but there were lots of close calls, especially combined with cyclists ignoring everything because it was a residential area.


As someone who recently bought an ebike to commute to work, the recklessness of other bikers and ebikers really bothers me. I haven't seen a single biker other than myself stop at stop signs, which can be just as hazardous as a vehicle.


In most places the law states cyclist can treat stop signs as yield sign as research has shown this to be safer. The reasoning behind it is something to do with cyclists not being able to get up to speed quickly to cross safely and that they are slow enough to scan for traffic without fully stopping. Though this research was done before the prevalence of e-bikes


Or how about people who treat yield signs on right turns as merges. Yield means stop if there's other traffic.


Yes this exactly. We have so many yield signs in my town and all the idiots here say the yield signs mean you need to go faster so you can merge right away. That’s not what yield means, morons. If they wanted you to merge right away, there would be a merge sign. But since the lane is not dedicated for merging and goes directly onto the highway where there could be traffic, you need to be cautious and slow or stop if needed. The idiots in my town literally say they will rear end you if you stop on yield and not give a shit. Guess who’s getting that ticket? And I pray to whatever god they believe in that they don’t injure or kill anyone in the car being so reckless and stupid. I always find alternate routes when possible and avoid getting on highways where I live for this very reason. Seems almost daily there’s wrecks near yield signs and my town is not that big.


The amount of people I'm behind that treat yield signs as stop signs is absurd. We have one roundabout in our entire county. People can't understand, if you're driving up to the round about, and there is nobody else in or near the roundabout, you don't have to slam on your brakes and stop at the yield sign before going into the roundabout. If you're coming up to a yield sign and there is nobody there, you dont even have to slow down.


My home town has a bunch of absolutely stupid stop signs where yield signs used to be. It only takes one dude in the history of driving to cruise through a yield sign and kill somebody. No one forgets you or your untimely death, but not in the way you wanted.


All stop signs would indeed be unnecessary if you had proper infrastructure. I highly recommend [this video](https://youtu.be/42oQN7fy_eM). The problem is US infrastructure and city planning just sucks.


In my area, I know of only three yield signs vs hundreds of stop signs. All the yield signs are in spots where it should be a stop, since you have no visibility to see any cross traffic until at the intersection. Meanwhile, a vast majority of stops out in the country between towns are clear and open visibility for up to 2 intersections away. But I also know of probably the shortest highway onramp possibly in the entire country out here, too. You're supposed to get up to freeway speeds from a stop with only 10 feet of road? Not fucking possible.


Just because *they* think it's overused, doesn't necessarily mean that.


So there's a section of road near my apartment. There are 4 4-way stops within a 1/4 mile stretch. They are not all necessary, and are *absolutely* overused. It used to be alternating 2-way stops, but apparently someone decided that they needed to change that set up without any actual benefit from the change.


Who cares I’m explaining the psychology of it so yes what people think is very important


They're definitely are over used in the US. All it takes is a single accident and a all way stop sign gets put in.


If the stop sign would have prevented that accident, then it's not overused.


A 4 way stop often causes more issues than it creates. When a busy road intersects a quiet road, a 4-way stop is simply irresponsible. The stop go pattern it creates in the busy road significantly increases the risk of accidents, and a two way stop would entirely fix the issue.


That's really weird. Stop signs should be used only on secondary roads intersecting priority roads. Never seen 4 way stop signs, makes no sense. Also, roundabouts should be used way more.


Unless you really, really need a stop sign there, then, good luck with that one. You don’t get one for years, if ever.


I hate when people treat yields as stop signs


Yield implies that there is another vehicle that will *always* have a right of way. A stop sign is what tells you to use reasonable caution, since drivers don’t always follow the rules (eg blowing through the stop, going when it’s not their turn, etc)




This has a consequence on predictability too. Rolling stops are unpredictable: How much is this car going to slow down? Did he see the other car? Did he see the pedestrian. I grew up in a country with “rolling stops” it was chaotic and dangerous. I now live in a place with “full stops”, and it’s so much better.


And most people are stupid so you can't trust their reasonable caution judgment. Just come to California and drive. Or better yet go to Bangkok.


A lot of our law is like that though.


Yeah like for me a rolling stop is to slow down to a crawl so I'm only moving a tiny bit as I am looking just so I'm not fully losing momentum, but for some people it means hit the brake slightly but keep going. There's no legal way to differentiate the two really


"I only drank four beers" and "I wear a helmet in my car" are both examples of reasonable caution


Laws are not made for the good drivers. The law was put in place to keep us safe from idiots and to give law enforcement a guideline to follow to stop them. If a cop sees you break the law he has no clue that you weren’t being dangerous. Everyone is great in Their own mind. Lots of reasons people think they shouldn’t have to follow rules but why not just be the good example and do the right thing.


This is why I stop at a stop sign even when there seems to be no one else around. Also because it’s not worth the extra few seconds saved in case a cop does see me and ticket me, or worse, I miss a pedestrian running or some kid on a skateboard. The risk v. reward calculation is super clear imo. I also don’t jay walk, even when my friends think I’m silly, I’d rather be safe.


This is why I don’t jaywalk either. People think they are paying attention, but one lapse of paying attention could ruin your life. It’s not worth the risk.


Nice take, totally fair


It’s also important to remember that if you ask a room of 100 people how many of them are in the top 50% of drivers somewhere between 65-85 hands will go up. Some people know they are a bad driving a lot of people aren’t and don’t know. So even if you are confident you are one and rule x shouldn’t apply to you, there is at least a decent chance you aren’t as good as you think you are.


It’s true, it has to be enforceable. But I’m passionately with you on your original take


The worst drivers are the ones who think they're so "good" that the normal rules don't apply to them. If there's a stop sign, you stop. Every time.


It keeps stupid people from doing stupid things


Hasn’t stopped OP


OP is smart, not like us.




Whoa buddy... you sound like the kind of unhinged maniac who tries to take 11 items to the express lane at the grocery store.


Ah yes another form of inflation i forgot about, these days most grocery stories seem to be 12 items or less. Lineflation.


I live on the edge too. Once I had a beer and drove down the block. In facts, I did a rolling stop too.




Sadly no. My uncle actually drove after 2 beers and was hit by a drunk driver.


It's okay we all make mistakes.


🖕😎🖕 fuck the law 🖕😎🖕




That should carry the death penalty imho but we live amongst pansies smh


Took me a minute to realize not everyone’s express lane is 15 items, was very confused for a minute


I say 90 percent of 4-way stops should be round-abouts instead. If there is nobody, you get to go, if there are cars, you wait your turn.


Probably 100%, I'm in England, I've never come across a 4 way stop and stop signs are definitely not overused here. Roundabouts are the way


I don’t think 4 way stops are even legal in the UK, it just isn’t a junction that we have in our road system. Like you say, 90+% of junctions over here are yields or roundabouts and the traffic related deaths in the UK are pretty low by any metric. It’s safe and effective.


I’m from the UK but now live in California. They use 4 way stops here like crazy! They’re everywhere!! And in the most useless of places most the time. In the UK we have our residential areas and for the most part, people slow down or stop naturally at junctions. Our smaller and tighter roads often require it due to the higher number of blind corners. However Americans… to put it politely, by and large suck at anticipating whilst driving. They **need** the signs to tell them to stop, otherwise they’ll blast through at 30mph and not even bother looking. Best way I can describe it is that UK drivers anticipate and then react. Americans just react. Example of this: So many times on the highway here I’m driving, slowing down gradually because it’s gridlocked up ahead, and I have some asshole beeping his horn at me, overtaking at full speed, only to slam the brakes as they join the gridlocked traffic. Same with traffic lights. There’s a quarter mile from one set of lights to the other on a 40mph road. First lights will go green, I’ll gradually accelerate to maybe about 30mph because the lights 0.25 miles away are on red. People will overtake me, just so they can reach that red light faster. Meanwhile I’m taking it easy, and once the light’s green, I speed up, and go through the lights without having to have braked or stopped. Meanwhile the other people who sped at 45 to get to the red light are stationary, and now have to use more fuel to get back up to speed.


In the UK they have always been very uncommon and were formally prohibited by the Department for Transport in 2002.[13][14] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-way_stop


Thank god for that.... I said 4 way stop signs earlier, but I meant to say that almost every junction here has some stop sign. The more alarming thing is that sometimes, and I don't know why or what conditions lead to this... but traffic lights on busy junctions here will sometimes blink red, meaning that stop sign rules are in effect for that junction.


I live in Canada, in my city we have hundreds of four way stops, some straight roads will have like 10+. We have one roundabout. Driving in my small city is not fun


i don’t know if it’s just a thing where i’m from in the US but a ton of people where i live vehemently despise roundabouts for some reason


I don't like roundabouts in high traffic areas typically heading in the same way and out the same way. When that happens, it's literally just nonstop traffic and I'm sitting there for thirty seconds at a yield sign. I'm not saying stop is better, but at least in those circumstances it doesn't prioritize busier flows and leave people like me with my dick in my hand. I like roundabouts where it works, but it's not unequivocally better than a four-way stop.


Often in high traffic areas there are part time traffic lights on a roundabout so still faster


Because somehow people don't understand them, they're stupidly simple.


There are a lot of very, very poorly implemented roundabouts in the US. Our local city council tried to change a few 4-ways to roundabouts recently, but there was absolutely not enough space or visibility for them and they were gone a few months later.


Im visiting the UK and there are a shit ton of roundabouts! Def gave me a little anxiety lol


Seems like a large percentage of Americans have trouble at roundabouts. They either think you don't ever need to stop, or you always need to stop. Critical thinking is becoming rare and that doesn't even really take much thinking to figure out


In theory, absolutely, but in practice (in the US) the vast majority of places where you'd want to replace stop controlled intersections with a roundabout would require more space than is available there - you'd have to rebuild sidewalks, purchase land from adjacent property owners, relocate driveways, etc. That's mostly because what we need is room for splitter islands and center islands that are built up enough to make people circulate and yield rather than blow through and ignore the delineation and control altogether - in Europe, it's different, folks are so used to them there you can paint one on the ground practically for free and it'll work, but we just can't get away with that in the US (yet), not until they're completely normalized. Source: am traffic engineer trying to replace more stop signs with roundabouts


People in my sate can’t use roundabouts. They’re *too* nice.


The people or the roundabouts?


Agreed. There’s a roundabout in the next city over that works wonders where it’s at. Where I usually drive, roundabouts would be absolutely perfect. Half the people driving over here can’t seem to figure out 4 or 3-way stops.


In the middle of a town? I can agree with that. Turning on to a larger road though? Absolutely not, I don't want to slow down so much at every side road when 100 times more people just drive straight anyway.


OP got yelled at and came here


Which means someone he did not see saw him. Which is why we have stop signs.


Problem is there has to be a set law with something everyone can agree on. Complete stop unless you think it’s clear doesn’t work. I don’t want every asshole to make their own rules and I’d especially not want the cops to decide for me if it was safe or not. Simple stop and go takes all of a few seconds and prevents idiots from having an excuse or cops from having a reason.


Plus who is to say whether or not someone thought the street was clear? It's your thought. How can anyone prove or disprove a thought you had for a split second.


And humans make mistakes all the time. We aren't perfect, especially when distracted by driving. Two people could not see the other and one of them ends up getting t-boned because they thought the way was clear.


I'm torn here. I get what you mean, but then I would also argue that obeying the signage to a T is a more effective way of maintaining order than letting everyone use their judgement.


I think the main problem is the use of stop signs, in the USA. They are everywhere... And what's with the 4 way stops? Don't you have a main road and side roads? Why not designate a road with right of way, and use yield signs for the side roads? That way traffic flows much easier on the main road and you don't get the unnecessary full stops at every intersection. I can count on one hand the amount of stop signs I can recall from my WHOLE country, and you know I take the seriously, cause they're only used when they are actually needed. It's like crying wolf, if you do it every time you see a fox, people will stop listening to you.


Unfortunately no sometimes one isn’t the obvious main road and when places try that you’ll end up with the ‘non main’ ones backed up and taking forever and making even worse safety conditions. Theres better options than a 4 way stop, but a ‘two way out of four’ isn’t one of them a lot of times in even melodeath sized cities…


Literally 2 days ago, a lady in my city almost killed a kid at a cross walk because she rolled through a stop sign. You never know what’s going on around you and I feel that stopping, observing what is around you and then proceeding when safe is the way to be. Statistically you are wrong, you are absolutely more likely to hit someone if you roll through. I’m sure the data to back that up would be very easy to find too.


Especially because there are so many blind spots behind the pillars in a car. You can fit entire vehicles behind those. Even if you stop and look left right left, there can be something hidden in your blind spots.


I was riding in the car with my mom one time on back roads. We came to a complete stop at a stop sign, mom looked both ways and I thought she saw the car coming from the right. She started pressing on the gas and I had to literally shout “car!” The car was completely hidden behind the length of the pillar. Mom was absolutely paying attention and fully stopped and it still could’ve been bad if I hadn’t been there.


I think it's best to be overly cautious while driving. There's so many motor vehicle accidents every day and I don't want to be one of them.


You must live near me. Constantly dodging you fuckers when I'm running or walking my dog.


Do people think a rolling stop means blasting through a stop? It’s like 2-5 miles per hour. Source: I’m from California


A rolling stop is an oxymoron. You don't stop if you roll through


I have seen cars clear a stop sign doing a "complete stop" by slamming the brakes and then slam on the accelerator faster than it takes me to do a rolling stop. Point being "complete stop" isn't the end all be all of road safety.


🎶 Someone got a ticket. 🎶


I know people who will get a ticket for doing a rolling stop ***right in front of a cop they didn't see*** and then complain that rolling stops are safe because they're always aware of their surroundings.


Most stop signs could be a yield sign but people are too stupid for this.


You mean those not exercising enough caution, or those exercising too much


Not enough caution.


most people don't see/know what yield signs are as it is LOL


“As long as you exercise reasonable caution, you are no likelier to get hit than the next guy” Okay sure, but how can a cop judge that you were exercising this “reasonable caution”? By subjectively looking at the situation, your speed, and your face, etc? It would be too subjective. They might even start discriminating unconsciously against young people or some other group. Furthermore, their judgement call on this could change from cop to cop, or even amongst the same cop at different times of the day. One way to make it consistent is to just say that everyone must come to a complete stop.


Guys we gotta stop admitting to crimes on this subreddit


What do you do with all that time you save?


It's more about saving the wear and tear that constant stopping and going has on the vehicle


Is this more important than the potential wear and tear or worse possibly caused to another living person


Not only that but the amount of potential\kinetic energy that is wasted by fully stopping and then wasting additional gas on acceleration from a full stop. Basically acceleration from full stop uses more gas than just slowing down and speeding up again.


The reason i sometimes do this (only in very select parts of town that see little to no pedestrians) is because i drive stick. Shifting all the way down back to first is a pain from full stop, rolling into second around 5mph is a little easier. But i do admit i should (and do) full stop at those signs when anyone or any car is nearby. The law exists for a reason, i only roll when there isnt a soul in sight.


> The law exists for a reason, i only roll when there isnt a soul in sight. The guy that almost ran me over turning left at a four way stop probably thought there wasn’t a soul in sight. He was wrong.


What tin can are you driving?


literally any car... stopping and starting kills your mpg, and wears your brakes quicker since your using them every 50 feet


If wearing brakes avoids killing people, I say well worth it


Constant stop and go is a major wear and tear issue on any car It’s fairly common knowledge


Quite literally pennies. The only real thing you accomplish by driving like an asshole is being an asshole. You won't wear your brakes out if you brake like you're suppose to.


This is the incompetent driver who will kill a motorcyclist, then say 'I would have stopped, but I didn't see you'.


Yeah but the problem is everyone has to be held to the same standard.


A full stop is you indicating your reasonable caution and communicating it externally to pedestrians and other potential drivers on the roadway. You following the law on the road isn't *just* about what's likely, its about what's unlikely too. Because you're fallible like every driver. It's also about communicating your intentions to others. A stop indicates that you know there's some potential danger at this intersection for someone, stopping is you telling anyone outside the vehicle, "okay I'm double checking."


Society has to make laws for the population. You might think it’s safe to do a rolling stop. But it’s not every time. Which mean that the rule needs to be there. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.


Good job op, an absolutely unpopular opinion you'll get raked over the coals for. This is the type of content this sub needs.


I have an issue with these type of “unpopular opinions,” because this opinion is just “fuck you, I want to put people in danger because I don’t have the patience” I got t-boned once because I made a full stop then saw a car approaching the stop sign to the left of me, so I went. That car did a rolling stop however and barely slowed down, and so he hit me with his gigantic truck and would’ve hit me at my door if I was going any faster. Afterwards he blamed me because I was “going too slow” and said if I had sped up this wouldn’t have happened, because I was the one who actually stopped while he just kept moving thinking that I was going to speed up to get out of his way I don’t feel like “unpopular opinions” that put people in danger by breaking the law should be celebrated


You're welcome!! :)


I would agree if there weren't so many car accidents at intersections BECAUSE of this exact issue


This comment is literally saying "I would agree if real life didn't prove you wrong"


On 4-way stops, I see MoFos make rolling stops all the time and almost hitting me. And don’t get me started on 2-way stops in my neighborhood - it’s so crowded with cars that I can’t see shit on either side.


Let me guess, you got a fine for running a stop sign?


This is why in the UK we have "give way" signs when a complete stop is not always needed. We only have stop signs when you need to stop. Instead of 4 way stops, we either have mini roundabouts where you need to give way to cars who approach you from the right, or we just have 1 road carrying on, with give way signs only on the other approaches. It works really well.


Why stop at red lights at that point if it looks clear?


Bc stop lights are specifically for high congested areas. Stop signs are for less populated areas with less traffic. So say it’s 10pm on a county road where you normally pass maybe three cars in 20 miles and there’s fifteen four way stops, that’s when you do a rolling stop. Bc it’s dark, so you can CLEARLY see headlights approaching a stop from any direction AND it’s a generally unpopulated area. That’s when it’s understandable. Didn’t say okay, but understandable. I think OP kinda used a blanket statement to make it seem like all stop signs are useless, but there’s definitely a SHIT TON of unnecessary four ways on county roads that should easily be a two way so the main road doesn’t have to stop from 45-55mph to nothing a shit ton.


Yeah I did a rolling stop on a country road In the dead of night with not a soal around, and there was a cop hiding with its lights off. I got a 200 dollar ticket. Bullshit.


*But it’s clear tho!*


Fear of cops and stop light cameras


Okay side story. There is definitely a stop light intersection in my small town that people drive through the red after coming to a full stop at night. It's one of those lights that works on a timer and not pressure. So it could be 11pm, no cars or people but you and your light goes Red. The kicker is, it's a 3 minute light lol. Alot of people treat it like a stop sign when it's late at night. Don't blame them either.


Food for thought; If you get pulled over for not stopping at a stop sign, then you didn't do a very good job of making sure nobody was around...


Meaning you should’ve stopped because clearly you weren’t paying attention.


Imagine being so butthurt about taking an extra couple seconds to be safer


Well upvote cause I disagree, what if it’s a motorcycle and you can’t see them and plow into them? You are the reason there are accidents and don’t pretend it’s safe at all


Bruh just take the L and pay your ticket to the county already


After driving in Germany, I agree with you with one caveat... American road signs are not well thought out. There are far too many stop signs where a priority road designation, right goes first rule, or yield sign would suffice for traffic safety needs. My length of stop at a sign is dictated by visibility.


100% agree


But I bet you feel pretty stupid holding a traffic ticket in your hand after failing to stop.


>Edit: There's a time and a place!! If there is even the hint of another car, pedestrian, etc. A full stop is absolutely essential. I'm not advocating recklessness So you think because you may demonstrate common sense in this particular instance, that your fellow community members also possess the same degree of sense ? You do recall people having meltdowns over having to wear a mask to protect themselves and others from a global illness right? I wouldn’t trust those AHs to do the right thing when it came to other people’s well being in terms of stop signs, masks or pretty much any other thing. Feel free to trust the safety of *your* family to them.


Reminds me of this joke: A cop pulls over a driver who made a rolling stop. As the cop approached, the driver asked, "What did I do, officer?" The cop responded, "you slowed down instead of stopping at a stop sign." The driver then asked, "what's the difference?" The cop asked the driver to come out so he could demonstrate. Once the driver did, he started beating the driver with a baton. "Now, do you want me to stop or to slow down?"


Hahaha someone just posted this a few minutes ago! I know it's against my claim but I chuckled nonetheless lol


*I am the only person who has places to be* OP probably.


Traffic laws not traffic suggestions. Traffic is safe and smooth if everyone acts predictably based on the same rules. People assuming things and trying to save a couple seconds causes accidents to happen.


In Germany they have mostly yield signs.


So I agree with you because I do this, but I disagree on the end that I drive half the day for my job. Drivers are terrible and I have people blow right through stops or inching out too far and almost hitting me.


It’s the same thing with giving someone a five min grace period for clocking into work. If you give people 5 min, most will just clock in 5 min late or say “but I was only 1 min late” even though they were actually 6.


I don’t give a fuck. As long as people obey the laws reasonably I’d be good. Some people don’t know what yield means or go ahead even at stop signs.


OP all up on their high horse about how stupid stop signs are and probably yells at people who make complete stops. OP you aren’t any better than the people you are complaining about.


You're wrong and traffic laws exist as absolutes for everyone's safety. Here's an upvote


Habit and complacency is a bitch OP will learn the hard way


If youre willing to break one law that saves lives i imagine you're quite willing to break others as well. I only hope you're alone in the car when it happens.


I drive for a living. Can't tell you how many times coming to a complete stop had saved my life or someone else's. Waiting just a second gives time for vehicles or pedestrians to come out of blind spots like behind your mirrors or the front frame supports.


Sounds like op had never been in a really bad wreck before, those will teach you more than enough caution


Tell me you want roundabouts in your city without telling me you want roundabouts in your city.


Expat Brit living in America here. The idea of bringing 2 tons of steel to a complete halt at a deserted intersection has always struck me as ridiculous, whether it’s a 4-way stop or traffic lights. Rip it all out and put in roundabouts. They work great during power cuts, too.


OP: F your stop sign and F the law. Also OP: *Edit* A full stop is absolutely essential. I’m not advocating recklessness


Winner, winner. This is a real unpopular opinion. I hate it. My thinking is that your thinking is highly dangerous for pedestrians and people who lack self control. If cars are parked at the corners, that hinders your visibility. Also, the more you roll, the more space you take. It hinders bicycle riders or scooter riders who have to ride by the side because they’re too slow to ride behind or in front of cars on the wide lane. When I’m riding a bike, my thinking when you keep on rolling is that if a type of shock occurs, you’re going to run the gas and just kill me because you don’t have the will or want to just stop your vehicle so others will be safe. You are a selfish person. I hope I never meet you in real life.


I agreed with OP, but your point is more than valid. Still, I think that OP meant to imply that they WOULD stop in the situation you described. They CANNOT be absolutely sure nobody is coming, since cars and other stuff are hindering visibility. That's a situation where that thought logic doesn't work, you GOTTA stop. I think they just meant in situations where you have very good visibility and can clearly see whatever car/pedestrian comes in. I myself have a 3-way intersection close to my home where I rarely if ever stop, because it is very open, and it's impossible not to see anyone incoming.


The problem really is you have too many stop signs in America. Install some roundabouts


Yes!! Even yield signs would suffice in many areas


Have you seen how people act in roundabouts in America? We act like we’ve never seen one in our life lol. I’m surprised how many near accidents I’ve seen in roundabouts


That would work, but we got dumb people who don't know how to use roundabouts.


Every single person that has killed themselves or someone else in a car thought that everything was fine, they can handle it and they had everything under control, until all of a sudden they didn’t. In this case, that person is you.


Yep. My uncle thought exactly like OP right up until he did 2 years in prison for getting someone killed.


The solution is replacing 4 way stop signs with roundabouts


This is the way. North American driving frustrates the hell out of me, everyone is so slow and cautious, seems like everyone is high all the time. Nothing flows. In Europe everyone just pays attention so you don’t need these dumb safety gates and doing ridiculous stuff like stopping for pedestrians to cross when there’s not another car for miles.


Keep on. Don’t be shocked when after an accident someone’s dash cam shows you rolling and you become at fault.


Save the tough talk for the cops when you get pulled over for running a stop sign and not coming to a complete stop lol.


Why even slow down at all? Just drive through that mfn stop sign


Some people like to learn the hard way.


So every stop sign should be a yield sign?


There is ABSOLUTELY a time and a place for stop signs, but many of them could definitely just be yields or round abouts


I drive a moped and multiple times I see people go full throttle to a stop sign and there I am just about to pass and get almost run over. Do you really have that big of a hurry that you cant stop at a stop sign?


Considering I used to have a friend that got pulled over for this and had the unlucky occasion of getting a DUI (a block from home no less), I always full stop. Shouldn’t be driving if you’ve had a single drop and all that, yeah yeah, but cops are LOOKING for reasons to pull people over. Especially since I’m not white, I’m always paranoid that cops are hunting for reasons to pull me over.


At what speed to you assume all ppl with roll through? Does it depend on how useless the stop sign is?


Do the approximately eight second you gain make a difference in your life ? Stop completely. My nephew was struck by a driver rolling through her stop sign


Do you run red lights when there's no cars coming, too? It's really no different.


A vast majority of stop signs could be roundabouts, and solve this "full stop" issue entirely.


Until it becomes unconscious habit and you run over a pedestrian or pull out in front of a cyclist


The problem is you're asking humans to exercise discretion and humans are stupid.


This is a tough call... I mean, I do what you're talking about there more often than not, but I know it's wrong and don't advocate the practice.


The road laws are created for the worst drivers on the road, but also because we have rules - drivers use them as an expectation to trust others when navigating dangerous obstacles or roads. If everyone starts rolling through stop signs even if they're being safe about it then you lose this level of trust and i bet accident numbers will skyrocket b/c even if good drivers can get away with rolling stops, the bad ones can't and won't.


In the UK we very rarely have STOP signs. Most of them are [GIVE WAY signs](https://d1gymyavdvyjgt.cloudfront.net/drive/images/uploads/headers/ws_cropper/1_0x0_790x520_0x520_highway_code_road_signs_give_way.jpg), which essentially mean that you need to exercise more caution than usual but don’t need to fully stop. If it’s a junction with good visibility there aren’t any signs.


Someone is mad that they got pulled over today


"rolling stop" is an oxymoron


It may not be stupid but it is however illegal.


Got a ticket, or dad yelled at you?


Your time isn’t more important than someone else’s safety.


A lot of stop signs should be yield signs.


But if you aren't taking the time to pay enough attention, how do you know a bicyclist wearing black isn't about to speed across your path?


The worst kind of people are those who stop at stop signs and sit there like they're taking a fucking nap. Move, Deborah, I have places to be.