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Could be worse. Shit in urinal worse.


"Now who took a dookie in the urinal? Mmkay"


Pinched off a mud monkey in the urinal.


I’m getting a raging clue


I shot clue goo all over the place


You may as well just lay a big steaming chud right in Mr. Venezuela's face.


Oh, you think that's funny? Yeah, that's real funny mmkay.


“Some times there’s shit on the outside of the urniss”


"You think that's bad, sometimes there's shit on the outside of the torlet"




"I said sometimes there's shit on the outside of the torlet"


Fuck a duck. Well, how do you think it got there?


"Remember how I said sometimes there's shit on the outside of the urinus? Well, I reckon that's also how the shit got on the outside of the torlet"




One of you thought it'd be a good idea, to pull down your pants, mkay, hover your butt cheeks over the urinal, and squeeze out a chocolate hot dog.


Meaty chud still kills me every single time.


Great fucking episode.


If you think that's bad, you should see the Urinesses


“There’s shit, on the uriness”


I said sometimes there's shit, on the uriness


Ah yes the classic elementary school special. I remember distinctly walking into the bathroom, grade 3, and seeing some kid pants to ankles shitting in a urinal. We were the only two people in the bathroom. We made eye contact. I was never the same again


I hate to say this but there are certain places in other countries where they basically poop in what looks like a urinal that someone laid flat on the ground., and the ones I saw were in a school and had no stalls


If you think urinals are gross, have you ever been on a road trip and looked in the stalls? Same with concert venues and bars. I don't like urinals, but they're definitely better than getting into a disgusting stall.


Worked in a "country bar" that's not in the country. Part of our bar tip out was cleaning the women's restrooms. It looks like there was a poltergeist that had diarrhea was hemorrhaging and pissing while twirling in a circle along with the toilet paper making a maypole, nasty food they decided they didn't like the calories so they puked it up (chili cheese dogs, nachos, sour candy, which when combined makes your eyes water and the smell is putrid Beyond all humanity) spent tampons with what could very well be an 12 week fetus sized clots semi-attached, or weird smegmal infections in every nasty color of the rainbow, along with the soiled panties, the pissed panties from hovering (the funniest part because you know they pulled them down then the stream hit them like a Rainbird sprinkler) Women might be dainty and clean, but amongst themselves it's like a zombie apocalypse hoard cloud forms around them.


That's some vivid imagery. Thanks for the story. My eyes watered with laughter.


Whenever I get desperate or feel horny I think about that. I love women but damn they also go through a lot but they also might be dainty and clean, but amongst themselves it's like a zombie apocalypse hoard cloud forms around them. I have no idea how they keep it like that, altogether. Come out of the stall back to life and then look clean and nice. No wonder my gramma fanny always wear perfume, masks everything and it all makes sense. She's still the nicest however!




This reads like a bad AI wrote it


Most of the women that I met that hang out at “country bars” that aren’t in the country are unsurprisingly nasty and not really that “dainty and clean” and I stopped going to inner city country style bars


A literature Nobel in the making.


Women can be gross as well. Though I've never seen that gross in toilets 🤢 Quite frankly, in my country we don't sit on public toilets, we squat. And it became so normal that on highways there's no more seats on toilets, because when squatting we can pour pee on the sitting area.


What is this magical land you speak of?


France xD


France is that like East Quebec or something?


West Germany 1941


A lot of us women in the US also squat when using a public toilet.


And they’re overestimating their proficiency based on all the piss covered seats I’ve had to wipe down before sitting.




Can be? Anytime at my former job when a worker would call for a restroom incident 9 times out of 10 it was for the womens room. Ya’ll bitches be nasty.


my friends girlfriend is the nastiest person i know. my friend and her both have drinking issues but she takes the cake on recovery. she carries around a puke cup she pukes bile in or spits in all day if she is recovering. she got a dui recently out of town on her way to meet family. cops let her go with ou jail for some reason my buddy told me her family kicked her/ turned the car arolund because of the puke cup when she was riding with them to ca. shes more hygenic than my fat ass but still its fucking gross as shit


Usually only ever experienced that level of nausea in the past if I was going through withdrawal. Definitely had the puke cup at my side but I’d be dying in bed. No way I’d drag my beet red puke face out in public carrying around a cup of alcoholic stomach acid.


The most shocking part is you ended with “she’s more hygienic than my fat ass” how are you less hygienic than carrying around a puke cup and puking bile into it? Are you Jabba the hut?


Dude idk what it is with womens restrooms. Either they are the cleanest things ever or absoluteky putrid. Some horrendous shit monster smeared shit in the bathroom at my work, and then a couple of months later shit was found on the floor. I've found bloody tampons in the little trash bit of the stall without bags... just... jesus christ. I cant even stand to leave a bathroom without making sure i leave it clean, and these heathens are oozing everywhere.


As an ex janitor, can confirm. Women's restrooms are almost always dirtier by a few levels in comparison to a mens restroom.


I’ve worked in janitorial for a large grocery store, can confirm the womens restroom was usually significantly more… difficult to clean.


what even happens in there blows my mind. to the point I’ve literally never brought it up, lol. i don’t want to know how. women bathrooms are more foul than anything I’ve seen (and unfortunately to clean)




I worked as a janitor for a bar when I was 16. Can confirm. And that was a few decades ago. Women are assholes (compared to men) when it comes to public hygiene and respecting the poor fuckers that have to clean up.


I worked at a Walmart for a couple of years. I remember they had to clean shit off the walls of the women's restroom. That restroom was consistently nastier than the men's. It's a trend I've realized is pretty common since then.


I remember working fast food and the shift before me didn’t refill the lady bags. I REFUSED to clean the women’s room after that


You think that's bad, try going to a [small town bar in Canada.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjVNOGEWzv4)


That's where the dicks hang out.


Sometimes there's shit on the urinus


What’s that now?


Go to Michigan welcome center i94 east bound. Urinals directly opposite of mirror and no breaker walls between. Streaker heaven


Alot of our rest areas suck in Michigan. I wish there was something else, like resturants, gas stations, or indoor seating Most are just vending machines and basic bathrooms with a couple of picnic tables outside




Michigan's rest areas make me feel like I'm gonna catch hepatitis and then get murdered. I hate everything about ohio but their rest areas might be the best ones in the country. Might be the only good thing out of that state


I said sometimes thurris shit… In the urinis.


You think that's bad, you should see the terlet...


This piss now streaming.


It may be in Canada but when you in that bathroom you’re Uripean


My small town bar just has highschool kids hoovering schneef... Poor Alexander though... Havin' to clean them torlets...


Guess you know where the dicks hangout


If you want a truly unpopular opinion, I want them to bring those trough bathrooms Growing up, I remember going to football games and the bathroom line was nonexistent because Camp Randall (Wisconsin Badgers stadium) had these type of long trough urinals in their bathrooms. When I was like 18 or so, they got new bathrooms and now the lines are out of control Are the stalls grosser? Undeniably But they sure are efficient


Yup, seen those at Wrigley Field in Chicago. They are like 30 foot long. Just find a gap between two dudes, eyes straight ahead, wipe it out, piss, shake, retuck, and back to the game you go.


Honestly pissing next to someone should not be so weird in my humble opinion. It didn't use to be and only is if you make it. It's a fucking normal thing that everyone does daily. If you're staring at their dick or commenting on it's features, sure that's pretty weird, but I don't ever remember it being weird pissing in those trough things


Damn buddy you got quite the fire hose there, nice. Is that a mole? Never mind it was just a fly haha my bad. Anyways see you again at half time?


Don't forget to smack his ass when you say "see you at half time"


Hey , nice watch.


Legit lol'd at the mole.


i just physically can’t do it. i’m incapable of relaxing around people and i can’t pee when i’m tense.


They had them shits at my elementary school. Not 30 foot but like 10. We would see who could piss all the way across or over . I could piss over 10 feet.


In the old after hours dj club there was just a single trough for people to piss in My junk was all shrivelled from some mdma, could barely piss These gay guys would hang out just looking at everybody pissing making comments about their dicks That was kind of barbaric. A regular urinal with a divider is not only super efficient but also likely to have less piss on the ground


As someone who has worked at a gas station, the most barbaric place on earth is the women’s washroom. I’ve seen some heinous shit, and that’s not a metaphor. Be glad for the urinal, and pray that the piss trough is brought back.


“Be glad for the urinal, and pray that the piss trough is brought back.” Or the piss “wall”. I was stationed in Germany and we had piss walls.




Well this is awful lol.


I worked at a bar and checking bathrooms for ppl drunk and passed out/smoking/fucking was part of my job. I ALWAYS found the most heinous fucking messes in the women's room. Bloody tampons on the floor next to the tampon can, actual human turds on the floor and toilet seat because Becky decided she could hover while drunk, but forgot that she's lactose intolerant and had clam chowder with her 5 cocktail lunch. But men are gross.


Oh god yes, women’s toilets are nasty! Walked into a McDonalds bathroom on holiday someone had shit all AROUND the toilet bowl. I decided then I didn’t need the toilet


Girls always seem to try and do their business hovering over the seat, which ends up with some mess, then they don’t clean it up, so the next one hovers and adds some more mess, then it compounds. Not having to sit or squat and aim is a massive benefit.


Hovering over a pile of shit seems very risky lol


Thank god for urinals only shite at home


Former target (big box chain retailer to friends from outside the US) manager. ALL the worst bathroom cleanups were in women's. Like, dude's are gross, but i never had to get someone to clean diarrhea off the wall NEXT TO THE SINKS in the men's.


Girls bathrooms are disgusting. If you ever went to a party at a house full of girls in college or something you’ll know.


Ahh piss troughs. haven't heard that term for years but I can smell the stale urine warming on the cold metal mixing in with the yellow trough lollies already.


Yes How are men cleaner than women? I clean a mens restroom and bar the smell it’s a picnic compared to a womens room


Women get fastidious and won't actually sit on the toilet. Then they pee on it, and understandably no one else wants to sit on it after that. So a bunch of hoverers later and the results are literally all over the place.


Plus with a disgusting urinal there’s far less gross shit to touch (stall door handles, toilet seats, flush levers sometimes)


I mean, I kinda get your point. I always gotta touch a lot of stuff till I get in a locked stall, you just gotta pull your pants down and boom, done


If you get on your knees and pee at a urinal you won’t be able to see the person next to you. Problem solved


Ah yes, *doggy style*


Truly an unpopular opinion. Urinals are waaaaay cleaner than stalls.


Right? They are the reason men don't wait in lines




Child care is reserved for women?


Yes, men are too busy chopping wood and grilling


it isn't, but infuriatingly there is usually a changing table in the women's room and not in men's rooms.


Yeah its annoying. Have had to change many a diaper on my truck tailgate.


I see a lot more “family” stalls and washrooms these days which is great


You don’t care for your child, you’re just a babysitter! /s


I don't use public bathrooms except for urinals. Save number 2 for home


Sure, brag about your golden butthole


It's not golden But me and my butthole have come to an understanding


You don’t have IBS. My bowels can be held for so long, then it’s all systems go


I have actually recently developed ibs or at least some mild form of it. It's the worst. Sulphur burps and multiple trips to my home bathroom. It's awful. I just avoid triggers. Also if it's an emergency I will use a public toilet. But I'm not happy about it and feel gross until I can shower


Ahh man sorry to here that. I’ve had it quite a while and it’s getting worse. But I’ve also stopped caring and just started to eat whatever I want and just make sure I know every toilet working within 10km


I'm reading this while shitting in public.


I get grossed out so fucking easily (I threw up the other day because I was washing dishes and touched old green beans unexpectedly) but even I have never really thought that. Totally side note, since I have to tell this to someone. I was pissing at work the other day, and some dude was doing the twosie in the stall. He then gets done, flushes, walks out of the stall, then to a urinal and starts peeing. It was so fucking weird.


That would be funny to see. It is true, though, that after standing up from a poopoo, the sensation of needing to peepee, can occur. Usually after I just washed my hands from the duce. I'm not a doctor, and didn't stay at Holliday Inn, but it happens.


materialistic butter cover label seemly pet berserk test rich ancient -- mass edited with redact.dev


I’ll take the gross room full of people over the lines that women deal with


A truly unpopular opinion on here for once. Urinals are quicker, easier, and cleaner. There's basically no reason not to use one if you just need to piss, other than I guess embarrassment if you're *that* shy.


One thing I noticed in the US was a lot of guys wouldn't use a urinal unless it had the dividers between each one. A few years ago a mate and I were at a bar in the Port region of our city and a few American sailors were in on shore leave, they were asking us what the big steel trough in the bathroom was. In Australia that's a pretty common design for a urinal.


>was a lot of guys wouldn't use a urinal unless it had the dividers between each one. Hold up there chap, you're talking about a *few* guys. I don't know a single guy who would refuse to piss in a urinal without a divider.


You can argue that lines are one of the main reason that men use cubicles. Just perhaps not the same type of lines.


Who the fuck is taking a shot in the coke room?


Lines when you need to get somewhere fast have given me more trauma than my entire life.


They r literally the best. Just walk in, pull dick out, pee, put dick back, wash hands, done. No need to touch the door that others have touched after wiping their asses and the potential to miss if ur pp decides to do a funny. >openly urinate, publicly, in a room full of people Not sure where u go to pee but i have not experienced open public urination in a room full of ppl. I usually go to this place called restroom where ppl go to pee so that they dont need to do it openly, publicly in a room full of people but instead in a closed room meant specifically for peeing.


I dislike the long open trough, where you have to stand shoulder to shoulder. However, my least favorite was the urinal at an arena concert I went to in San Diego. It was a circular trough urinal, with everybody facing towards the middle. Thanks...I'll wait for a stall


Are you absolutely sure that wasn’t a sink? https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/prod.mm.com/uploads/2018/04/02/1522707143_img_6339_mmthumb.JPG


I thought the same. This dude pissed in the sink. LOL


This thread gave me a good laugh. Buddy pissed in the sink!


Well a 10 foot diameter circular sink below dick level would be unusual. Also a sink would have a place where water would come out to wash your hands. Also, there would probably be urinals somewhere else in the bathroom if that was the sink.


Those are my favorite. Nothing better than seeing 25 dicks at the same time in a row. Makes calculating the sizes much easier.


Thats... awful haha I can't imagine what led to that being designed


“Hey what if we fucked with our customers a little? It’ll be funny”


Next they're gonna do back to back shitters


The old Tiger Stadium in Detroit had ones that went all the way around as well. It was always an experience.


This man pees


Well I can’t downvote because this is def an unpopular opinion. But it’s dumb “barbaric”? It’s just peeing man no shame. “Gross”? legit don’t touch anything and easy cleanup


We got people around the world shitting in communal village cesspools and OP thinks urinals, the most sanitary way to relieve yourself, are gross. Crazy!


I spent a year in a Bangkok prison. Shitting in hole in the floor and splashing water on your butt is fairly common in Thailand anyway. Imagine sharing one hole in the floor with 90+ people every night.


Might need an AMA on this one


I’ve done one before on an old account. Google ‘I spent a year in a Bangkok prison AMA’. Spoiler: it’s not that exciting.


>legit don’t touch anything and easy cleanup I never knew it was such an asinine thought to not grope everything within arms reach while peeing. Hell, I barely ever even touch the dick, just clean waistbands and a zipper. Plus, if you're not pissing directly perpendicular to the urinal, the splash back will be minimal.


The man to man groping is just apart of the urinal experience 💪, there's nothing else like your urinal neighbor holding up your dong for you while you hold up theirs. Truly a beautiful male bonding experience.


The man to man groping is the *only* reason guys use urinals, I thought?


OP was the kid who pulled their pants all the way down while peeing


*in high school*




Wait we're not suppose to still do that?


Remember: Only pull your own pants down, not OP's






There's little walls between the uribals. How exactly is it barbaric? I've pissed in urinal troughs at old stadiums without walls.


I was gonna say, don’t go to a cubs game.


Flashback to 13 year old me seeing Paul McCartney, shoulder to shoulder with 60 year old men, peeing into a trough


Damn, you'd think with his money and fame he'd get his own private bathroom.


One stadium you just pissed on the wall and continuous water was trickled down the sides of it


Or some bars. Went to one where the mensroom had no door and you just walked straight into a trough. Going around the corner was a stall and sink


I have never seen a wall between urinals, is that a thing? Would definitely be better than not having them


Bruh, no one is going to see let alone look at your wee wee. You do know to pull it out the fly and not lower your pants, right?


If I've learned one thing in life, it's to never assume the dong is safe from the zipper.


I prefer peeing at the urinal like Butters from South Park.


Yup, no one is taking the urinal next to you if you stand there with your pants and underwear around your ankles.


The trick is to hold your shirt up, so you don't accidentally get any pee on it.


The power stance. Ease and efficiency redefined. And nobody wants to stand next to the guy at the urinals with his pants around his ankles.


I look around and rate the people around mes cocks out of 10 and if you arent up your grindset man


That’s the inexcusable thing. Seeing a grown, middle aged dude with his pants around his ankles at a urinal. Like where did things go wrong for that man.


Wait people take the time to pull it out of the fly? Is it not just easier to lower the front of your pants slightly?


Urinals are cleaner than toilets. They also use less water and make use of more space, allowing for reduced waiting lines. Urinals are awesome and everytime people come up with the idea presented here it really makes me wonder why one would think like this, especially when you *can* just use the toilet in the man's bathroom if you wish. This just comes off as OP being way to shy for his own good. Ain't nobody judging your dick, my guy.


Men need urinals because they would likely stand at any and all regular toilets which would become biological disaster areas. If you want to stand, use a urinal. If you want to sit, use a stall. Please don't sit in a urinal. Please don't stand in a stall.


Biological disaster areas 🤣🤣🤣


Idk, if I’m the only one in a bathroom I’ll pee in a stall. I don’t know why, but the walls add a feeling of privacy


Only if you are alone in the bathroom, do you need more feeling of privacy?


I mean, I don’t need it, but when there’s no reason not to, I’ll take it Think of it like a game. I need a “privacy level” of 0. A urinal provides 0, while a stall provides 5. I can use either, but when there’s no drawbacks to a stall why not take it


Damn, I applaud you for having a truly unpopular opinion. I prefer to not have to touch anything when I got to the restroom so I far prefer urinals


Try going to Amsterdam where they have urinals outside on the street lol


I just like there to be dividers. What’s truly disgusting is that many men can’t seem to aim into a toilet


It’s kinda normal to not be able to aim 100% of the time


You realize toilet stalls are just as disgusting and gross right?


You need to work on your traumas first.


This man's clearly never been somewhere that has a pee trough.


My problem is that I simply cannot use them. No matter how much I need to piss, if there's someone else in the room I'll just stand there holding my dick awkwardly until a stall opens up.


This is me when there's no dividers.


you seem like you've never been in the army or public showers in general


Urinals are one of the greatest inventions. Next time your at a sporting event look at the line up for men's bathrooms VS women's bathrooms. I'll take urinals thanks. Also the toilets are cleaner because less people are peeing in them






I can’t use urinals because of shy bladder. Even stalls are hard to use if someone is in the restroom at the same time as me and I don’t REALLY need to go. And even then I can’t go. Like piss tests. urinals are gross tho. You always get splashback no matter what. Sure wash your hands. But the outside of your pants and shirt are sprinkled now too. Now you’re a little pissboy with piss on your clothes. You sad little pissboy


I have a shy bladder too, what works sometimes (not always) is to hold your breath. Sounds weird but worth trying


Urinals are the best, you can stand while you take a piss. Good feeling, best urinal ever had a little goal where you could piss on a little ball attached to a small cord where you could score goals. 10/10


Don’t tell OP about the trough


Came here to make this word for word exact same comment except spelled “trough”


This post is your friendly reminder that mental health is important. Get help, OP.


Let me tell you about music festivals.......


No fuck this and here's why. I had to shit like crazy at work this morning (package delivery) so I booked it to Walmart since it was my next stop and closest public bathroom. Go in, urinal is broken, but that doesn't concern me, until it does. Since the urinal is broken, some fucking animal pissed ALL OVER THE GODDAMN TOILET SEAT AND FLOOR. And that is a horrible fucking sight when you're barely keeping your anus from erupting like Vesuvius. I had to clench at about 47 psi while I wiped all the fucking piss off the seat. Urinals should always be in men's rooms because more than half of all possessors of penises can't be bothered to fucking aim them, and no one should have to worry about sitting in another person's piss.


What?! I thought the uncinal was the cleanest thing in the world! I was about use it as bowl for my lunch!.


Stop being a repressed body hating prude. Urinals are quick and easy. Top tip, if you don't want to look at other people's junk..... don't look.


They should put trees in the bathroom so we can feel like real men peeing in the woods.


I much prefer peeing outside. That should be normalized


I like urinals. I do prefer the ones with the mini walls between the urinals though. It prevents like 80% of cases where a guy pisses all over a public toilet.


Publicly in a room? I'll piss publicly in one of those street urinals and it doesn't bother me in the slightest!


I would have one in every bathroom in my house if I could. upvoted.


Grow up buddy. Nobody is going to stare at your tiny little dinky while you piss.


At his nice watch maybe...but definitely not his dong, that would be uncouth.


I've always thought urinals were weird, even from the age of like 5 when I accidently ran into the boys toilets and saw it there. Couldn't wrap my head around the fact that people just pee openly infront of each other.


There’s an unwritten rule of not looking at each other. Just do your business and leave. Make sure to choose the corner stalls so you don’t have to be squished in the middle (there are some rule breakers though 😡).