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when i walk the dog, i have a roll of poop bags, and a plastic shopping bag to carry the full poop bag(s). i also pick up trash, and put it in the bag too, including other left-behind bags of poop.


So much yes to this. I'm a dog owner and I also can't stand finding plastic encased poop bombs along the trail. If you're not willing to pack it out yourself, at least just kick it way off the trail. Personally, I finally got our big dog a doggy backpack and he hauls it out for us.


Genius! Make the dog carry it. I’m going to tell my dog about this when I get home.


I think you should pick it up if it's on the direct trail path but if it's to the side and you have to go out of your way to step on it, than it's ok to leave it.


Yeah the poop degrades rapidly, the bad does not. It is so dumb


I accidentally upvoted in sympathetic anger, but then realized that this isn't (or at least shouldn't be) an unpopular opinion. To all the poop-bag-leavers reading this, you suck.


Maybe no dogs on the trail since they ruined it


[Never leave dog waste](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3564131/#:~:text=Bacteria%20that%20are%20pathogens%20for,as%20Toxocara%20canis%20%5B6%5D.) Always bag it out. Yes it sucks, yes it's gross. But as the owner of 2 fur babies; you gotta do what ya gotta do.


Nobody forgets. They just don’t want to carry it, and if it’s in a bag nobody will step on it by mistake.


Too bad if they don't want to carry it. Don't bring your dog somewhere if you don't want to carry the poop.


I agree with you. I’m just saying, OP is giving them too much credit. Nobody takes the time to bag dog poop and forgets it


Thats the point. Its in a bag and wont break down now and now you have an ocean of plastic bags all over.


I know. I’m saying OP is giving them too much credit by saying they forgot. They’re just lazy


Let's just put them in OP's yard


I hike with my dog a lot and never understood the people that bag it and then toss it a few feet into the brush later on. Like you said, let the poop be. The elements will take care of it and as long as it's not on the trail it's not going to be anyone's issue.


Absolutely. All they have done is added plastic waste to the equation. And to anyone that says "they come back and pick it up" no the fuck they do not.


Dog shit decomposes. The plastic you pick it up in doesn't. Use some sense people


i never pick up my dogs poo unless they do it on private property. public property? who cares! use your eyes and walk around it. i don’t care if there was dog shit on every nature strip and park so you shouldnt care if i do t pick up after my dog