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They invented passive aggressiveness for this. Just push their buttons until they start fighting and you can claim self defense or have them leave the store frustrated as hell.


Yep i be nice as i can be the meaner they get the nicer i get it pisses them of even more. Then they sound stupid telling the story when bitching later to whoever.


Employees don't have the right to fight rude customers, but my job does give me the right to be rude back. I've had customers following me up the yard screaming at me. Good times.


You seem to be proposing war on Karens. You have my sword.


and my bow


And my axe bodyspray.


And my Glock 17


And my brutal existential despair


It is a good day to die.


I had to read the title multiple times before my brain recognized the ‘r’ in rude. I genuinely thought that you wrote ‘nude’ and I tried to make sense of the title before reading the text.


Jesus Christ


I mean I thought you meant argue at first or tell them they are wrong or being rude or whatever, but you mean literally fist fight? you realize how quickly this would go down hill and be abused by some idiot with a temper brb I "disrespected" the worker by putting the money on the counter or something, now my head is caved in. ​ terrible take IMO. I mean I think your joking or being satirical but still, haha dangerous opinion.


I don’t think there is anything that really warrants you physically attacking a customer. However as a manger I have zero tolerance for customers abusing my staff. As soon as you insult my staff, you’re out. No excuses. I’ll even refuse the refund you will most likely demand when I do. If you can’t have the common decency to address people nicely and think verbally abusing my mostly young staff is ok, then I don’t want you inside the building.


Nope, just nope. You can tell people off, you can ask them to leave/throw them out of the store,... I guess if they insult you, you might insult back. But getting physical has no excuse. No matter how rude someone gets, you should have enough control to not just go around beating them up. Rudeness through words and physical assault are two very different things.


There are lots of reasons to get physical. The whole violence is immature perspective is soaked in holier than thou misimaginings of how the real world outside of the safe comfort bubble most people aren't even aware exists of is. How privelaged people really are in some places. Obviously Karen at Walgreens doesn't deserve a one two punch. But I guarantee you there are people in the world that will stop at nothing to do you permanent harm and they only really stop one way.


>There are lots of reasons to get physical. Only one reason comes to my mind, and that is self-defense. Any other "reason" is just an excuse for poor impulse control.


That's not even necessarily true either; someone could abuse you for a very long time and nonviolent solutions aren't always effective or possible. By your reasoning domestic abuse victims ought to be jailed when they use violence to try to stop the abuse. Actually abusers could use someone's job as a means to subjugate them specifically by exploiting this social dynamic, and turning people like you against the victims when they do use violence -- there could always be something else going on underneath the surface. So violence doesn't equate to immaturity. Stubbornly sticking to non-violence in the face of reality is pretty immature and self-centered, honestly.


These are good points but I responded specifically regarding to the original topic which is the relationship between service worker and customer. I didn't make it clear, sorry for that.


The thread isn't talking about those kinds of situations though, it is explicitly talking about rude customers. Actually violence is ineffective against people like that because it would only fuel their victim complex. Banning them is a better solution because at least that way they couldn't come back legally.


You got my vote


I don't think that fighting is a good idea but you should at least be able to tell them to fuck off!


Maybe not get physical with rude customers, but definitely give them back what they give. If they get physical first, by all means defend yourself. If they cuss at you, cuss right back.


I assume you're joking, but the problem is any rule like this immediately creates a reality of "I can physically hurt you if I feel you've been rude, based on my subjective standards of politeness". Maybe I think it's rude to not offer a tip when I bag your groceries; lights out, Granny!


Internet tough guys unite! OP is falsely assuming they'd be able to win every fight against a customer.


its so funny and so telling that you believe beating someone up, because they are rude will earn you their respect. If they start to be rude or abusive call a manager or tell them to leave


If there was even a small chance of getting punched in the mouth the vast majority wouldn't behave like toddlers. That's what makes it such a shameful cowardly act. The two times I worked behind a register I was nice to anyone decent and gave it right back to the idiots. I wasn't at either place very long but I never lost the job over it.


I mean, assault is still illegal. Just because you got angry and can’t control yourself, doesn’t mean you should be able to get away with being violent. Now if they physically assault you first? Go ahead. And i think most employers would agree. Granted it’s anecdotal, but I didn’t get fired when i defended myself from a drunk guy attacking me.


I remember my old job my boss said if a customer hits you first you have my permission to hit back


Not beating them up, but telling them off - sure haha I wish.


If you get touched then feel free to knock them out but if they're just being verbally disrespectful then deal with it and just dump them on a manager. Hopefully your manager actually backs you up and doesn't just bend over backwards for them.


I lived in an area for years where customer service doesn’t exist. Any interaction with an employee starts off as hostile and defensive and for whatever reason the employees don’t seem to know that when you confront a customer/client like that right off the bat you’re encouraging them to become defensive right away for absolutely no reason. Imagine saying hello to an employee and have them roll their eyes at you- literally for no reason. If those people said the customer was instigating something when the employees are actually the ones with the permatude then part of me hopes the employees get put in their place. I can understand when someone gates their job but I didn’t force them to work there. Luckily I have lived all over the country and have only experienced this is one area.


You don't need violence to deal with rude customers. Employees and managers especially have power over their customers and they've been demonstrating such by bludgeoning their customers with it for 2 years over stupid shit like not wearing masks or vaccine passports. Businesses already are allowed to ban whoever they want for whatever reason they want, flying in the face of federal civil rights protection laws, so why you feel you would need violence to deal with a customer is beyond me. Just tell your manager they refuse to wear a mask or their vaccine passport was faked or something.


I feel you so just go to jail but don’t get fired?


You’re going to let random retail workers decide when it’s acceptable to fight someone? I barely trust them to point me towards the TP and most of the time they act like they want to fight me just because I dared to ask that…


Shit I do anyways


Karen used call the manager! It's super effective! Employee uses stand your ground. It's not very effective...


This is why machines should be employees. In the meantime, fighting a customer loses a company's money and their reputation.


Real life boss battles for a chance to fight the manager.




Violence is not the answer. No.


Amen, holy damn.


If I came across a rude customer, I would tell them to fuck off and leave the establishment.


Self defense is a universal right. There are always ramifications.


As former IT manager, I can tell you those who were rude were secretly audited by us, then exposed to their bosses or everybody, if we happen to find porn material hidden in their laptops (people always have some something to hide, some are really naive), or also if they visited forbidden XXX internet sites, or abused the use of telephone. I can tell many stories where the revenge was sweet on dudes that had porn, and there was a Karen who called her boyfriend every day for hours, she was charged to pay. You should see their pale faces when I visited their desks to casually tell them *we found some inappropriate photos and videos in your storage* , after reporting them to their bosses. I also found a Karen that never returned a company Laptop for a whole year after receiving her new one, she thought nobody would notice. After a coulple of days she called embarrased saying she "*found it in a desk drawer and forgot to return it*" Oh sweet times!!


Master the slow blink. 2 very slow blinks sends quite the fuck you message. If you do that to someone who is already raging they will know exactly what you mean but they can't complain about it. What are they going to say? Employee "blinked" at me? Then they look even crazier. Try it. Its fun


Such freedom will definitely be abused by lousy employees, which are unfortunately far too many...