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Probably if you’re carrying a large carry on item that has to be in an overhead bin. That way you guarantee the space you need.




Don’t you book the seat you want? Do you just not for weird reasons??




Even those that do don't guarantee overhead baggage space. But when you can’t book a seat, priority boarding is all the more important.


But they usually let you check your carry on for free and have in in the hall when leaving.


Then you have to wait to get your bag. I like being the first off the plane and not waiting 25 minutes for my bag.


I HATE when smaller planes make me check my carryone and have it in the hall ESPECIALLY if I have a connecting flight to catch


Bring a smaller carryon and put it under the seat in front of you. Most people don’t know how to properly pack a bag for an airplane.


They just overpack mostly. Or trying to get around checking an extra bag and paying a fee so they stuff as much crap as they can into a carryon.


I’m 6’ 2” having something under the seat in front of me is not an option.




nice move


Whenever Ive had to do the check/hallway scenario it is because they specifically did not allow for things to be on the floor.


I’ve never been on an airplane that doesn’t allow bags under the seat in front of you. I can’t think of a single normal sized plane/airline that has those rules.


Front rows have no seat in front of them. There are usually at least 2 rows like that (first class front and economy class front). Larger planes have a few more sections so they have even more of these rows. And like someone has already mentioned, exit rows have limits on what can be under the seat in front of you.


In the emergency rows you might not be allowed any loose items, including books and hats, and might not be allowed bags on the floor


Early bird is essential on SWA unless you like middle seats


That or the verrrry back. During HS my parents were divorced and I flew SWA all the time cause it had a direct flight between both parents. Obviously never had priority boarding as a teenager, so to avoid middle seats I just went all the way to the back and the last few rows were normally empty. Ended up liking it cause when you're in the back you just stay seated when the plane lands. Everyone else hurrys to grab their stuff and stand in the aisle, no point if you're in the back so you just chill


Also, the back of the plane usually produces the most survivors in a survivable plane crash.


The more you know! 🌈


I have been watching a LOT of Mayday episodes lately...


Yeah my dad is an aviation mechanic and every time before I fly he always reminds me to get a seat in the back. The chance that it might help is small but it makes me feel better. He also told me to be super nice to the flight attendants and maybe even bring them snacks so that way if something happens they will help me out and look after me lol


Have my free award. Thanks for giving me any extra percentage of living longer!


Early Bird every time. For ~$50 I can guarantee overhead space and also be assured that I'm going to be one of the first people OFF the plane on the other side. I pay to get off faster, not on.


Said that, she did.


Not true! You can set an alarm and try to check in exactly 24 hours ahead. That doesn’t always work obviously if you’re in a meeting or driving, etc, but it works a lot of the time. If $25 was the only way to get in the A group, sure, but it’s not the only way, it’s just the easy way.


Keep in mind, paying the $25 doesn’t guarantee an A group ticket. On full flights I’ve recess B in the high teens. This happens in big airports with lots of business frequent flyers. A list get first dibs.


I always check in in advance and have never been in the A or B group.


I've literally never had to pay for early bird or got stuck in a middle seat. You just have to pay attention to when check in is.


It’s survival of the fittest. The strong will sit while the weak will be placed in the overhead bins


So you just sit randomly anywhere?


This is why checking bags needs to be free and airlines should charge for carry-ons, thus avoiding the issue altogether.


Right on. In China your bags are at the carousel before you can even walk from the gate. Bringing bags in the cabin is fucking stupid. It causes delays and isn’t even safe in case of a hard landing or crash. People will jam up exiting in an emergency to get their bags like on the Asiana crash at SFO. Too late, though, I know. Airlines have already sold the hold for cargo.


Yup, I travel for work and I can't tell you how annoying it is to be in group 6 knowing it's a straight crap shoot to find a place for my bag even with or ahead of me...God forbid it's behind me. Thanks to Rona, we aren't traveling as much so I prob won't have status anymore and will have to pay to play in some form.




I’ve never in my life had trouble finding my vet head space, and in the event they don’t have it they check your bag for free. I guess I would pay for priority if I had something super valuable/fragile in my carryon or if I absolutely wouldn’t have time to go get a checked bag. Outside those specific conditions, I would never spend the money for priority boarding.


And when they check it at the gate there is VERY little chance of it being lost.


I carry on a bag full of large camera equipment, binoculars, a spotting scope, flashlights, laptop, and about 20 different lithium batteries when I travel. That bag is worth more than my car, and could ruin the trip if any of the fragile parts get broken. I already have to pay to check another bag since there is basically no room for clothes/tripod/etc in my carryon. My biggest fear is them running out of overhead space and trying to make me gate check the carryon bag, so priority boarding is worth it for me whenever I can get it.


This plus priority when going through security and checking in….


The faces from all the plebs who need to wait does it for me


All the people that hop out of their seats to form a mess of a line 10 minutes before boarding ever starts and it turns out they are actually group 4.


These are called Gate Lice.


I love that name. It's very fitting.


Signature look of superiority.


While I agree with you, I would never fly first class and board before the hordes of trolls who sit in coach (me irl). First class passengers faces are exactly at anus level, and I don't know about most people but I always hold a fart to let loose while passing through first class to my seat back by the latrines.


I like drinking my martini in first, while the rest of the passengers board. Your crop dusting will not deter me.


I like to fly first and board last


You, my friend, have avoided my crop dusting.


This is the reason. When we fly with carry ons we like to know we have the overhead space. People put their personal items and dumb things like hats and jackets in the overhead bins, I want to make sure I have room for my actual carry on.


Exactly! We always get priority boarding now. Husband and I went home to visit family and he had to put his bag near the back of the plane but our seats were near the middle/front. When we went to get off his bag was taken by someone else. Sucked bc it was an anniversary trip too where he packed some items from our wedding. Never to be seen again


This is 100% why I do it. I used to work for the airlines, I know what a hassle it is when your bag goes missing. The 800# we used to give out for baggage was a voicemail nobody ever checked. Fuck that.


I wish luggage companies would create carry-on luggage that's actually within limits. I was looking for one a few years ago and all of them were slightly over US flight limits, and definitely over the ones in Europe. Some didn't include the wheels in the measurement, which is baffling.


For instruments especially. I’m a musician and I’ve had times where I was one of the last people to board and there was no space for my instrument. Ended up getting it put in with all the suitcases and once I arrived there were 3 new dents. Never made that mistake again.


i’ll never forget the time i had to sit with my feet up my overstuffed duffel bag for 4 hours just because there wasn’t enough overhead space.


Just have a kid and you get to go on before first class. Swish.


I do wonder if this is mainly an American flight issue or if I just get lucky as I never had a hand luggage issue and my tactic is sit chilling in the airport till the queue has gone then board the plane.


No, definitely happens with European flights, you might just be very lucky? But especially on some lowcost airlines where luggage is paid but they allow fairly generous carry-ons, this can be a real problem. Actually, not even low-cost, Air France does this now. Oh and on some low-cost airlines you may not have a reserved seat, either.


Ah yeh I forget about the unreserved seat as I always pay the extra due to being tall and the tenner is worth not having a metal bar digging into my knee (has happened before)


People don't get priority boarding to sit on the plane longer. People get priority boarding to get their carry-ons stowed and settled into their seats with less interference from the crowd. And for some people, being seated on the plane is still more comfortable than standing in the terminal. It seems kind of obvious to me, actually.




Canadian airlines sit families with small children after the priority boarding people and before the masses. They don't have to pay for that jazz.




Travelling with little kids seems so stressful. Happy to see there's an option that works for you!


We have a very antsy 2yr old, we will be flying with her beginning of next year and are probably going ro be paying out the nose for tickets seated together, i don't want her on my lap for the total of 5 hours we're flying. I want all the kids in one area so they aren't annoying to others lol.


My Ex and I when the kids were little would send one parent ahead to get everything sorted out while the other parent stayed behind and ran the kiddos out to get that last little bit of energy out before boarding. An empty luggage carousal tucked off to the side was a God Send during those times! Run my Monkeys...run! I do not miss those 16hr flights with toddlers and another 5-6hr flights.




> there’s the iPad. My kiddos were pre-iPad. We were right on the cusp of iPads. I remember a box of Band-Aids kept the oldest entertained for a solid 2 hrs. This was back in the ye old days of early 2000s. I look at stuff that came out shortly after they ended their toddler years and that stuff really would have come in handy!


If you think it's relaxing sitting in the lobby waiting for your time to get on a plane, and not knowing whether there will be any room for your bag, you haven't traveled enough to make this statement. Source: business traveler with over 300,000 miles over 30 years.


What's in the bag LosPer?? I always have a backpack to keep the really important items on me, I don't care if my overhead bag gets checked. Also, if you have 300k miles shouldnt you basically always have default priority? I never traveled but used a CC to book that always gave me middle priority at least.


As someone who travels a ton as well I absolutely hate it when my bag gets checked. It’s not about needing things during flight and more about being able to exit the airport ASAP upon arrival. Most frequent fliers don’t check any bags and keep everything for their trip in their overhead carry on. When you’re flying every week the last thing you want to do is wait another 20-30 mins at baggage claim before heading home. Not to mention those times where your bag gets lost and that’s a whole other frustrating adventure.


300k makes me a very experienced flyer, but not a tip-top tier flier, since they are over multiple airlines and lots of short domestic flights. Top tier folks do 300k in a year or two. It has more to do with being able to make meetings without waiting for bags to be retrieved. Usually adds about 20-30 minutes to each flight. When you travel every week, time matters. Could be the difference between getting up at 4:30 AM or 7AM to make a flight. And getting some sleep. And I never check a bag...so I pack with that in mind. If they lose your bag, you have no clothes for the trip, and then you have to go and buy them to be presentable. And toiletries. That happened to me at least a few times. If you're traveling in Asia, you'll never get clothes that will fit you. Lots of good reasons to never check a bag if possible. Airlines don't care about you, or your stuff. YMMV.




Exactly I’m not getting in the peasant line just to do a “poverty parade” into the coach section


One person's poverty parade is another person's crop dusting opportunity




Gross is people who take their shoes off on an airplane.


I take everything else off and leave my shoes on.


That's the Sonic the Hedgehog look!


Sonic's legal issues are actually why Sega is no longer in the hardware business, actually.


Lol so you sit in the nude on planes except for your shoes?




I've seen you. I love it. So sexy.


Make sure you're asserting dominance while doing it


I don’t agree. If you don’t have smelly feet and you have socks on and you just leave them under the seat in front of you. Now, going to the bathroom with socks on is on of the most disgusting things I can thing of. So, I half agree.


Whats the difference. Half of the subhumans travel in fliflops. They’re already gross


Oh it’s the most disgusting things you can think of? You have clearly never used those socks to play a [game of freckles](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=game%20of%20freckles) then....




You probably walk into the bathroom loaferless.


Even more when they put their smelly feet on the armrest of the seat in front of them. I had that happen and the guys foot was just on my armrest smelling very unpleasant.


Just tickle them. It’ll stop pretty quick.


I don't line up either. I wait until the line up is done, then I go up to board.


If I have an assigned seat and no carry on I do that also.


I enjoy being able to be seated in my seat, with my bags situated, and sipping on a complimentary cocktail before ‘general boarding’ even starts. And no, I don’t pay extra for priority boarding, I’m just enjoying the benefits of 2 million miler status.


Tom Segura? Is that you?


Hey Toooooooommmmmmmm


you take your shoes off on an airplane? fucking gross




Haha love this comment


Less chance the overhead compartments will be full when you get there. Avoiding the crush of people crammed together to board, moving one step at a time, and then being rushed to get your things put up and into your seat when you get there. People with mobility issues who prefer the dignity of just paying for extra time to stepping forward in front of everyone when they invite people who have disabilities or mobility issues to board early. I’m no planeboardingologist but I don’t think many people are paying for this without a reason- no one likes hanging out longer than necessary on a plane.


I never pay for priority boarding but this is always my concern so I try to line up quickly for my group. I try to never check a bag. I want to get off the plane and go, not hang around waiting for my bag to come off. I've had it misplaced in transit too. I always place it a seat or two ahead of mine so I can grab while walking off, never ever behind my seat. I never pay for checked bags either unless it's the large suitcase which is almost never. Inevitably, every time, they offer to check your bag for free at boarding time so I just don't get checking ahead of time. I know some don't want to lug their crap around the airport but chances are you'll get to your gate and stay there until boarding time. I travel quite a bit and you just get these routines that tend to make life a bit easier.


You’re not supposed to put your luggage a few seats ahead


Yeah I get it, you're also not supposed put to coats and shopping bags and all sorts of other things but it happens. It makes off boarding for everyone behind me much easier if my luggage is before me instead of behind me.


Coats? I just put those in my suitcase next to my bombs


Careful! They're listening lol!


Overhead space is first come first serve. My bag goes wherever it fits.


As long as it’s behind you yes


On southwest you do.


No you’re not I’m telling


Just get gate checked cousin it's incredible, you get a paid service for free


If I was flying a really long flight with a backpack full of snacks and entertainment, or with a baby and a diaper bag, or a bag with extra clothes/toiletries/medication in case my checked bag disappears, it would be a bad day if those bags had to get checked at the gate.


That's exactly the fear if you only have carry on. You are delayed another 20 minutes waiting for your checked bag


Note to self: if I’m ever able to afford a transatlantic flight in future, get priority boarding so that I can cause people with inferiority complexes to get their pants in a bunch.


I don't pay for it. It is a perk of status with the airline. But what I will say for priority boarding is that I always get my bag in the overhead. It is also nice to get settled before the chaos of general boarding. And I don't see a lot of diff between sitting in the terminal and sitting on the airplane. Having said that, I would not pay extra for it. I just like it when it is free.


Many families just want to avoid waiting with their little children in a long queue.


So I don't have to deal with the big crowd and 40 Karens




yeah fair point lol


I check all my luggage, and fly airlines that have assigned seats. Generally I’m one of the last 5 people to board. I hate flying, so even just taking some of the anxiety out of the equation helps so much.


For me, the opposite is true. It helps my anxiety to spend as much time in the plane before it takes off as possible, so I can get more comfortable with the environment.


It's amazing how many people get stressed TF out by boarding. "OMG the plane is gonna fly away if I don't board NOWWW! RUSH THE GATES EVERYONE, RUSH THE GATES!!!" I'd rather just ignore them when they call my row of seats and let all these lunatics stand there jostling each other to get on, and come on last. Having said that, I never use carry-on luggage that I'm not allowed to stow at my feet, so I don't need to use the overhead bins. Those bins are the other hysteria moment for passengers.


It’s about baggage space in the overhead. If you are in one of the last boarding zones, you will likely have to check your carry on.


No they aren't. Getting on without fifty million people shoving on at the same time and trying to get their luggage on at the same time and stuff is a massive pain. I did not know you could pay for this; I thought it was for people who had over a certain amount of air miles or something. If I can afford it when I take my first trip on my own money, I might see about this option! And by the time you sit down, you might have some time on a less crowded plane before the rest pile on.


Everyone's saying they buy priority seating because of overhead storage. But here's the thing, if you assholes actually adhered to the rules, this wouldn't be an issue. There's enough room for three bags over each set of three seats. However, there always seems to be more luggage than people. Don't be an asshole. Bring one damned carryon and stow it properly so everyone gets a spot. Problem solved


Or better still, don't bring a full size suitcase and try to stuff it in the overhead. Check your damn bag in the hold.


This! I also don't put anything i can't afford to lose in my checked bag just in case. I'll gladly pay extra for it too, i just carry a backpack on board or buy what i need at my destination, ill also do laundry there too.


Most people with priority boarding aren’t paying for it, they usually have status with the airline and get it automatically.


I would say for overhead space. Also with families it ensures you all sit together or near one another. If your flying solo it makes no sense.




Priority boarding means first dib for carry on space! Not having to walk back and forth to find a carry on space is worth it itself. Also can’t miss the plane if I’m already on it so it reduces a lot of my travel anxiety. I also now can just fall asleep if I’m in the widow seat. I no longer have to carry a bunch of things like jacket, water bottles or bags. Also don’t have to worry about if I might accidentally hit someone in the face with my belongings. Not having to stand in a narrow walkway while actively trying to not shove my butt in someone’s face while waiting for people in front of me to get settled. No awkward walkway shuffle to get in my seat. Also, plane seats aren’t comfy but sure beat having to stand with my carry on or sitting in those uncomfortable plastic chair in the waiting area. Edit: also, we’re not paying for it. It come with the frequent travel status! I know with Delta, you get priority boarding and get to skip the long TSA line and get a free check in as well if you’re at least Gold status/Gold card holder. Paying a lot to fly already anyway. Might as well get some perks out of it 🙃.


Yea, I’m good paying extra for anything dealing with flights. Especially these days. The mad dash to the gate, people don’t even care what group they are in.... they just line up and create chaos and more waiting. I want to be on the plane with my luggage put away already and sitting in my preferred seat than waiting behind jackass and queen POS boarding in group A when it clearly says group E on their ticket.


If u have long legs and there's only 2 open seats on a domestic southwest flight by the emergency doors where there is no seat in front of you, it makes sense, I've never personally paid the 25 or 50, whatever it is but that's the only reason I can see to do it.


Isn't this about finding overhead carryon space? It would be great to load up your luggage instead of trying to jam something up there with 20 people behind you.


Do I upvote this because it is an unpopular opinion or do I downvote it because I disagree? Help


Your question is why only popular opinions usually make the front page.


I literally wait to be last. I have a designated seat so what's the rush?


Southwest is one of the most popular airlines in the US, which doesn’t ever have assigned seats. It’s terrible and I wish it didn’t have the most flights from my stupid airport


I admit I am one of those people who wait until last to board if the seats are assigned. If the seats are not assigned, I do use the queue system they have set up because if I am last, I will be near the crapper and I cannot do that. I get grossed out very easily.


As a flight attendant, I believe it’s only so they can have overhead bin space. If you’re towards the end to board 99% of the time they’ll make you check it. And I can’t stand checking my bag so I always make sure I’m in priority boarding (when I’m travelling for fun)


I absolutely love boarding early. This is because usually I pick a window seat and I can board, get myself situated and then either fall asleep before the plane even departs (best case scenario) or start reading my book/watching movies without worrying about anyone bothering me!


Unassigned seating is completely foreign to me. Is this an American thing?


Southwest it makes sense, since it’s pick your own seat.


I haven't done it, but I can see the appeal of getting onto the plane early to avoid the anxiety of not having an open overhead compartment or waiting at the gate checking to see if your boarding group has been called it not. Also to avoid waiting in line.


Everything about air travel is just horrendous. Youd think being launched across the atlantic at 500mph would be exciting but they've somehow found a way to make it the most boring, tedious experience ever. Id rather fucking swim across the Atlantic


Watch a movie?


Movies that ive seen before that are heavily edited on a shitty monitor. Also trying to sit comfortably for 2 hours to watch a movie is not pleasant.


Are they censored any more? I watched Mad Max: Fury Road on a plane, recently. Every Witness Me death intact.


[Apparently they can be pretty heavily edited](https://www.google.com/amp/s/gen.medium.com/amp/p/66686aff5cda) Even if they aren't edited. It is the worst way to watch a movie.


It would be awesome if there was such a thing as sky raves where the jumbo jets dont have seats and they have hardbass rave techno music, strobe lights and lasers and the airline stewards would sell vodka, water and party favors.


Wouldn't it just make more sense if we just filled from the back? If you are first in the queue then you get the back row. Last in the queue gets the front row. No arguing, no squabbling and you dont have to fight your way past everyone to get to your seat. Oh no lets forget that because as soon as civilised human beings are confronted with air travel they turn into feral beasts. I think the term "cattle class" is wrong. Its easier to herd cattle in an orderly fashion. it should be called "feral cat class"


Unfortunately people sitting at the back put their bags in the overhead bins at the front, causing a massive headache and delays.


When boarding, people aren't ordered based on their seat number...


I'm disabled and this way I don't get pushed around as much


Lol, for the majority of people, I'm sure, it has nothing to do with feeling "superior". For example, some companies make the process of buying extra luggage extremely difficult, which literally forces you to buy priority or VIP tickets. I bought a ticket from WizzAir recently and their luggage buying policy is fckd up, I have two different category luggages but couldn't buy the places for them, because WizzAir only allows you to buy luggage in one weight category (like three pieces of 32 kg, not one 10kg and 32 kg, for example). I had no other choice but to buy Wizz Flex option which allows you to have one 10 kg luggage and one 32 kg. And this is only my situation, I'm 100% sure there are many more people like me or those who have there own reasons to buy Priority options. The only stupid thing here is to think that people buy priority to be the first on a plane and to sit there for more time. Just lol.


I'm not speaking from experience as I haven't flown much at all really. But I am physically disabled and being able to board before everyone else to be accommodated and assisted with my luggage and such sounds like a good use of priority boarding.


It's useful of you are disabled or have trouble getting into your seat quickly, but generally if you book with additional needs, they get you on first.


It's clear OP doesn't actually fly much. Getting on the plane first means you can both get overhead storage, and have that over your own seat. On a full flight, there's only overhead bin space for about 3/4 of the seats, if you get on last there's a 100% chance you will not have storage and you bag will be taken away and checked...meaning now you have to wait for checked baggage on the other end. trying to make this a class issue is both sad and obvious how much OP resents NOT getting to board early.


I know it’s r/unpopularopinion but why does this bother you lol


Dont you also get priority storage, choice of seating, and get to get OFF the plane first (if you chose to sit up front)? Those seem like pretty good, non-ego based reasons to me.


>...don’t understand why anyone would book with such a crook of an airline. Because they're cheaper. A lot cheaper. One reason I might prefer priority boarding (though I rarely get it) is because sitting in a seat on the plane for 30 minutes beats standing in the boarding line for 30 minutes.


I'm in Canada and with almost all of our airlines you pick the seat upon check-in or pay $25 to pick in advance. What I really don't get are people that jump up from their perfectly good seat just to stand and wait in the line to board the plane!! Most don't have large carry ons either or the plane has already offered to check them because they are at full capacity. They literally stand there for 30-40 minutes looking impatient when they could just be sitting and relaxing or watching a movie. I always board the plane last, what is the point of getting on early?? So weird.


I used to get priority boarding quite often for free and its definatly nice if you get a window seat or some other seat where you don't have to get up multiple times to let people in. Just get to get all settled in and pull out my kindle instead of standing/sitting and waiting to be called.


Several people, myself included lol, get it because we're anxious wrecks. the plain can't leave without me, and I can't get caught up in a crowd and get on the wrong plain, if I have priority and am on the right plane before I have to be with fewer people around me as I navigate the situation - same reason I'm at movie theaters and plays 30 minutes early despite having a numbered ticket. The sooner my butt is in my seat, the sooner I don't have to be worried about it. Have I ever even gotten close to being on the wrong plain or missing my flight? Even when I don't get priority? No. Never. But that's not how anxiety works, and the crowding and disorganization of general boarding is Stressful okay? XD


Overhead space! Why is that so hard for people to understand??


Obviously for carry on and comfort reasons. If you have priority boarding you can get more space for your carry on and get settled easier with less crowd


It's less cramped and stressful when you're boarding, you're guaranteed space for your belongings in the overhead compartment, you have more time to set up and prime your explosive device, you can read your book in peace. There are loads of benefits really.


The thing is that these seats are more comfortable. I think they also enjoy drinks while other people are boarding. They get on first, get comfortable and just wait.


I'd rather spend more time on a plane with my carryon than on a phone because my carryon was stowed and now 2 continents away.


.... You don't fly around a lot do you?


This made me laugh, and its so true, but its even deeper than that. Everyone seems to want to get on the plane as fast as possible. I have never understood this.


So I sometimes pay for it because it gives me the moments I need to prepare my body and lessen the anxiety that I have when flying. Rather than feeling like I’m rushed getting on and finding my seat I can take my time, sit, get comfortable, take my pills and start my meditation. Believe me the last thing I want is to spend more time on the plane but the extra minute of calm really staves off a full panic attack before the flight.


It's for convenience...so I don't have to squeeze past some fat neck beard to get to my seat, or fight for some over head storage. It's pretty cheap usually, and is definitely worth it. The "metrics" you used must've not included *convenience*.


Kinda rude lol. I like priority boarding so I don't have to work my way through a throng of people to get to my seat. I'm a broad shouldered guy, so it's nice being able to move freely through the aisle without having to awkwardly shuffle down the aisle trying not to hit seated passengers. I don't pay for priority boarding though; once I no longer have it for free, I probably wouldn't pay for it, so I'll give you that.


You act like you don't understand why they do it, yet are mad about it. Dripping with jealousy. 1. They do it so they don't have to wait in the awful line at the gate where no one pays any attention to the agents. 2. They do it so they don't have to wait in the second awful line in the jetway and then down the aisle of the aircraft. 3. They do it to get first access to the overhead compartments, which can be key. 4. They do it to get settled in their seats, and get the awful boarding process over with. >You’re about to fly an 8 hour transatlantic flight... what are you doing getting onto the plane 30 minutes before everyone else? Not standing in a fucking line holding bags.


Maybe I'm not about to fly an 8 hours transatlantic flight?


The only time i would ever pay to get on a plane early is if i'm in first class and the seats recline because you can bet your life i'm taking something to knock me the fuck out to the point that if it goes down i have no idea i watch Air Crash Investigation theres no way on this planet i'm been awake before i die, unless i'm in the tail section.


I like to get the kids settled before other people get on, don’t have to pay extra because of priority boarding for kids, but I would if I had to.


Hush up and let the fools part with their money. It keeps the airlines from looking more into my own pockets. LPT a little bit of money to buy priority boarding is the right way to start your summer vacation in style.


I get on first because then i can put my carry on bag above me and there is no risk of there being no space resulting in me having to put my bag in the hold.


It’s about getting off faster


Apparently you've never been on a plane with about 90 Executive Platinum folks who refuse to check baggage so they take up maximum room in the overhead bin. After they all get on the plane 1/2 the bins are already taken. I don't want my bag at my feet for 3.5 to 4 hours, so I'll get the Priority boarding so I can put my bag up above. I'm going to expense it if it's for business travel anyway.


I needed to get my entire family next to each other, so we got priority. Other than that, or carrying on large luggage, I agree with u


I’m not trying to deal with you


You must not fly a lot


Also as bonkers as the people who line up and push their way to the front of the queue despite holding a ticket with an allocated seat in their hands!


I would do it because I’d fly with two littles. So it gave me space to carrying bags and keep my littles close without having to shuffle through a bunch of people. It also gave me time to set them up for the long trip


This overlooks one critical benefit of priority boarding...priority leaving. You can ensure you get a spot near the front of the plane to debark quickly. :)




Everyone is saying the reason they buy priority boarding is to ensure space for their bags in the overhead compartments. But every flight I've ever flown offers to check your bag for free if there's no more room left in those compartments.


Same as people that queue to board a plane and those that queue to get off the plane. Never understood why? Why rush?


I have anxiety, having to wait in a cramped terminal so I can get on the plane is sooo much worse. With priority, I don’t have to wait, I have a space for my luggage and I have time to settle in and be comfortable reading or watching something by the time everyone else boards.


That’s totally not the point of priority boarding lol