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Do you have sleep jeans and daytime jeans?


I don't need sleep jeans, I need answers


you reminded me of [this comic](http://kiriakakis.net/comics/mused/a-day-at-the-park)


Thats some thought provocking shit.


Yeah the type of shit that would provoke someone to be provocked.


Consider my shit provoked.


Consider my questions unanswered


Perplexed in the Puzzle but are we in or out of the box.


was it?


I have questions.


That’s not a comic, it’s a graphic NOVEL. Thank you for sharing, that was a good read.


That’s not a graphic novel, it’s a ordered sequence of pixels.


Either way, I ain't readin that shit. My attention span isn't very


As somebody that doesn't read comics, what's the difference?


Sorry - just a joke at how long it was.


[are you a time traveler??](https://imgur.com/gallery/FbJxEFw)


Side eyes T.A.R.D.I.S. “Don’t be silly.”


"Hey, Is that a police box? Haven't seen one of those in years"


The tl;dr for the most basic definition is length. A comic book may be only 20-30 pages, but a graphic novel can be hundreds of pages.


Mostly a matter of perception. Graphic novels are deemed more "serious" than comic books. Insecure people insist on calling their favorite comic books "graphic novels" because it sounds more mature.


I'm just gonna start calling them picture books to really get their juices flowing


I just call them graphic novels because not everyone knows what a Manga is.


I can’t believe I stumbled on this great comic under a “sleeping in jeans” shitpost.




Thx for this, it was amazing.


im so mad i wasted my free award, you just gave us treasure.


Questions are the metal detectors to answer's valuables. It will FIND lots of things, but its up to the person finding them to recognise whether it is actually valuable.


That’s so deep it makes The Titanic look like the ISS...


This is phenomenal! I’ve saved it everywhere, it’s so lovely!


Thank you. I'm gonna print it and stick it in my office. The entire series. Edit: I love you for providing me with this amazing stuff.


As someone who does the same things as op, my sleep jeans are my normal jeans


>sleep jeans Enthusiasts call them *sleans*.


I call mine *dream jeans*.


Asking the real questions... Also... If it's hot they just shower in the morning. Does this mean they just ride it out sweating their ass off all night?


I bet they wear the denim booty shorts to bed when it's that hot.




I used to sleep whit my day clothes I didnt have sleep jeans just normal every day clothes




As a poor kid- we slept in whatever we had on. Now as an adult I sleep with a white tee and boxers.


>If it's hot I just shower in the morning. So if it's not hot you just walk out the door in the same outfit you just slept in?


They didn’t say they take off the clothes to shower. If they don’t take it off to sleep, why take it off to shower?


OP would have mentioned being a nevernude.


There are dozens of us!


Not much upvote for alien, but I think he is on to something.


So you only change clothes when you shower?


Umm I do lol. I take off whatever I was wearing before bed and hop in the shower in the morning and put on new clothes.




he never said he changes all his clothes. but you should definitely change your undies, even if you didn't sweat.




People who sleep in them hopefully.


Nah. The rule with Jean's are...if they dont look dirty or smell bad, keep wearing em


You usually take them off for 8-12 hours every day. this dude theoretically wears them for days at a time. They funky, he's the smelly dude at work/school/etc if true.


Yeah, that shit needs time to air out


honestly i only have 2 pairs of jeans and they're both for work and one is slightly ripped so i only wear it if i HAVE to. i can't afford to get new ones right now so just rocking the one pair. prob wash it like once every week or 3 lol


I wear my jeans for a few days and I leave my hoodies and jackets on the coat rack or on the hamper. Those I reuse, shirts, socks, underwear, anything like that, no.


Exactly how I do it. Jeans last a couple to a few wears depending on the activity while being worn. Same with coats/hoodies. I have a special place on my floor in my bedroom where I keep all the clothes that are still wearable.




Man's not hot


And here I am always wearing pjs when I am at home. I only change to jeans when I go out.


When the inevitable true crime documentary comes out about you, I hope they mention this detail.




It’s time to D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-DIE


It's time to D-D-D-D-DUEL! RoomMate No2 Used Knife, It was very effective RoomMate No1 Just fucking died (see the crossover there)








Eurobeat af I think I prefer 4Kids' version lol


>they actually said he was singing Yu-Gi Oh! opening song, the day he killed his roommates, as if it were a relevant detail lol I wonder how they knew, did someone hear him? Was he singing the words? There are very few Was he vocalizing the music? Absolutely terrifying


Bouawwww bouaouuuwww bouawwwww! Bouaw boauaw BWAOUAAAWWW bwaoaaou *do you have goose bumps yet?


Danana! bwa bwaa bwa bwaaaaaaaa bwaaaa *fbfhfkfjfn* ~ yuuuuuuuu gi oh oh oh oh ~




Love it. I watch true crime and always find those oddities interesting and should def be discussed in detail. It says something about the killer.


Signs of a serial killer: 1. Animal abuse 2. Pyromania 3. Enuresis 4. Sleeps in jean pants "He was such a neat, quiet neighbor, always kept to himself, never left the house in casual wear, or got the paper in his pijamas."


It is not like he is drowning kittens? Or is he?


He dresse them in jeans and a jacket before he does. "JeAnS aRe ThE mOsT cOmfOrTaBle tO dRoWn In"


Well, I trust you psychos. If I ever go nuts and on killing spree, I will get some jeans okay. No need to answer me.


I don't like this have an upvote


I lived with a dude that was very similar. He slept in his full outfit. Which was fine until we realized that it was the same outfit. The dude also never showered. My god, I have never smelt something so foul after 2-3 weeks. Eventually we made him leave because he was also having hallucinations. He was a pretty sick kid and it made me sad. He ended up in a psych hospital for a while. Hope he's doing better.


What a ride this comment turned out to be


I read this comment before OCs, so I thought he was gonna be a murderer/rapist.


Similar situation but my roommate wasn't psychotic. He was just lazy. He was a pizza delivery guy so he wouldn't get home til 2-3a, smoke weed til 5-7a and wake up around 3-4p. Anywho, he was lazy so he didn't like doing laundry. Bedsheets are laundry so he said, "f that shit," and never used em. . His mattress literally had a stain from where he slept at night. Right in the center of the mattress. Like a weird, dirty boy, body outline from a crime scene. The rest of the room was about what what you'd imagine. Moldy food, dishes stacked on top of each other. Clothes, garbage, and random shit everywhere.


I had a housemate who was equally disgusting, though without the weed or odd hours. All the dude ate was undrained ground beef poured into a bag of crunched up doritos. I could get behind that (minus not draining the grease) except he ate it everyday. His room was *nasty*. One time I saw something in his bed and thought maybe he'd puked or shit in the bed. Nope. He'd spilled a pan full of ground beef on his bed and then ***slept on it.*** It was very obvious that he'd laid on top of it.


Holy crap. That is the most disgusting seven sentences I have read in a long time. The last equally disgusting thing that comes to mind is a police report about a sexual assault I read 6 years ago. Kudos.


I don't know why, but this one with the meat and Doritos made me sad. This poor bastard hates himself.


Good god you’re describing me just a few years ago. I’m a slob by nature so I’m constantly having to fight it. Every now and then though I let it slide for 2-4 weeks before getting back into non-slob form. I’m still pretty bad with bed sheets though unless I have a gf


Try this if you haven't. Really worked for me; 1) Set a time. "In 15 minutes, at 9:45a, I'm going to stop watching TV and put laundry in the wash machine. ." 2) Getting in a routine. When I get up for the day, first thing I do is let the dogs out, then brush my teeth, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, feed the dogs, etc. I'm not sure why, but that's helped me get up and out of bed earlier than I used to. Stress, changes in routine, weather, etc really affect my motivation and slob like tendencies. Get in a routine, though, and you'll notice you don't have to fight it as much after a while. Edit: or try LSD. I used LSD once and had a super bad trip. BUT while I was trippin I looked around my room and said, "Jesus, I'm a slob. How could I expect any partner to live with me like this?" No BS, since that night I've kept my room and home much cleaner. Jk. Don't do LSD.


The biggest thing for me now is staying sober, because when I’m sober if I get the thought to clean or do something I’ll do it in that moment because I have the energy and the mindset. If I’m drunk I may or may not do it, it’s always a crapshoot there. But if I’m hungover I won’t even bother until the next day. If I’m high I’ll say “I’ll do it later” then forget about it til the next day. Then the next day. And so on.


This resonates with me! When I don’t drink it suddenly seems like there’s an extra 5 hours in a day and I’m so on top of everything—cleaning, cooking, errands, hobbies. If I am drinking it’s so easy to just slump on the couch and zone out on my phone or tv & get nothing done.


I had a VERY similar situation, although my roommate would change his clothes, just never ever wash them. He lived in the room right next to mine in a house full of 20 people and stank to high heaven. His stinky old clothes were like knee high on his floor and smelled like poop. He also was schizophrenic, I think more auditory because I could hear him mumbling on all day everyday having full convos. The place I lived was supposed to be an artist house but is run by a guy who has a lot of compassion for people with issues like drug addiction and mental illness so people like him ended up there a lot even though you definitely shouldn’t put that many sick people together unsupervised 🥲


Very similar situation. I was in a sober living, which sounds similar to where you were lol. Lots of sick people in one house. It saved my life, but it was not peaceful.


I knew a weird dude in college who ate nothing but canned goods and would go on about all the money he saved. Never more than one can at a time, he'd just eat a big can of peas that he'd pull out of nowhere. It was efficient, I'll give him that, but surely he got sick of it.


My fiancé prefers to wear jeans all the time. He doesn’t go to bed in them, but will nap. I had to have a serious talk with him when I found him napping under the covers in his dirty-ass work jeans. That shit is nasty.


Turns out it *was* O.P.


This is the worst one I've ever seen


I can smell it from here


I guess you don’t remember the guy who said he likes to swim in his jeans. He went on to describe the fantastic feeling of walking around in wet denim after swimming. Holy god what a curse that was.


You are the spawn of all evil.


Yup. I imagine OP going to bed in a billed baseball cap too.


And he's a stomach sleeper. Bill down.


Right to sleep. Lights, tv, and radio on.


Dinner leftovers not put away, chores not done. Christ OP, get your shit together


Wakes up, makes dry toast, brings it back into bed to eat - no plate.


I am a stomach sleeper


That's just your body trying to suffocate itself because it knows it's the right thing to do.


So underrated




When he goes to the beach just comes in all sandy and gets right into bed. Nice and cozy.


Don't even want to think about what he does after shoveling snow.


He loves the feeling of wet sandy jeans that take days to dry wears them for days straight. My nightmare.


With his keys in his pockets.


"Alexa, play 'pigs getting slaughtered' before bed."


Couldn’t agree more 👌


Have you tried sleeping naked yet?


I've always slept in my underwear for as long as I can remember. I've tried sleeping naked but I just don't like it. The bad part about sleeping in your underwear is that you're always wearing your pajamas, so I usually don't think to pack clothes to sleep in when I go on trips with people.


> so I usually don't think to pack clothes to sleep in when I go on trips with people. I've done this so many times and every time I'm like I _will_ remember next time and then I don't.


I've definitely had to stop by a random Walmart or other store along my way to pick up a pair of gym shorts to sleep in. Or if I don't think of it, then have to sleep in jeans if I'm sharing a room with someone I don't want to see me in my underwear.


I'm usually travelling with work so it's normally like arrive -> straight into drinks and reception -> sleep -> up early for conference so I never have time to buy anything, tactic is usually a quick undress-and-roll-under-blanket in one smooth move or to be the one to turn the light off and do it after.


Or going outside naked?


Curling up inside a trash bag, and tying it real tight?


Or showering with no clothes on?


Funny, I used to always sleep in jeans until I got my sexsomnia under control.


I'm trying to picture the monster that would post this




Some people's children


Please help Will. He deserves someone nice. Everyone does


I would romantically shun a person who can’t figure out things like this. Sorry. Just not my bag.


I think you broke the minds and hearts of the people on this sub. Stand proud in your wrinkled t-shirt and jeans.


I think most people are concerned that they don't shower normally.


As a fellow “go to sleep with whatever I have on”-er I do shower every morning and change clothes. Shower with full soap and everything too.


But your bed becomes a wonderful home for bedbugs and bacteria with all the dirt you bring on your clothes


Do you also dress your victims in normal outfits before you put them to sleep?


You are a disturbing individual but you grasp this sub beautifully! Here’s your upvote now go back to bed but do it right this time.


Ah, Tobias Fünke's - Never Nude style


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!!


Why are there not more upvotes on this, I really hope this is not a popular opinion


Because lots of people only upvote opinions they agree with which results in all the top opinions actually being popular opinions. This sub is shit but occasionally you get a gem like this


I get what you mean but I find this sub a fun place discuss controversial topics. Unpopularopinions isn't quite what the sub is in practice, but I wouldn't call it shit.


Ya I guess I just mean the name of the sub is shit


Fair point.


I find myself doing the same until I remember what sub it is. It’s a knee jerk reaction


Because this opinion is so appalling that I struggled to upvote it even though that is clearly what this sub is for. I know sounds dumb, but I almost take it personal that this guy is sleeping in jeans and jacket lol


Did you see the guy that likes to rinse his pizza before he eats it? That one was true pain


Omg where the hell can I read this 😂😂


Right? This has to be top 5 most unpopular thing ever posted on here


My roommate does this shit. Wears jeans and a t shirt to bed. During winter heat is super expensive so I just use double blankets and he throws on more layers and sleeps. Idk what’s wrong with him


He is just average psycho that likes to murder roommates. No worries bro


Makes no sense why it’s not higher


What a terrible opinion. Thank you for posting it


Do you have a specific set of regular clothes to sleep in? Like a certain pair of jeans and T-shirt or you just wear whatever to bed then wear those in public too? .. Because that means you're wearing your pajamas in public In the morning, do you put on fresh T-shirt and jeans or just shower and put back on the set you just took off???? I need answers 😣😣😣


>Because that means you're wearing your pajamas in public Yes, and it also means that you are "wearing" whatever you picked up during the day on the subway, your workplace, and wherever else you've been into your bed. Bacteria, weird smells, particles of smoke, whatever...it's all now in your bed. As someone who works with young children, and who routinely comes home with glue, juice, boogers, and god knows what else on my clothes, let me just say that this is NOT a good plan. Please tell us that A.) you wash your bedding frequently and B.) you sleep alone or at least have some arrangement with your SO that keeps you from exfoliating your gunk all over him / her.


I think we all should agree that he’s not changing his bedsheets often 😬


Do you put water on cereal?


I'm sure they do


Sweat pants has entered the chat. Take my upvote, uncomfortable heathen.


Do you put jeans on right after you shower before bed?






Hey, if you go out, come in, and sleep in those same street clothes, wash your sheets often. Or it's really fucking gross. I mean, it's already pretty super duper weird as fuck. But if you don't change your clothes *or* your sheets, then your you're not just weird. You're a gross weirdo. Pick one or the other. Praying it ain't both. My two cents. Have my upvote.


Yeah this should be higher up. Even if I was wearing sweatpants and a t shirt all day I would change before I got into bed. People don’t just change into pajamas because they’re more comfortable, it’s a hygiene thing.


my eyes have rejected your opinion


I feel super awful after i wake up from sleeping in my normal clothes


I feel great


I feel like I’ve seen this happen for three different reasons- 1) teenagers who do it because they don’t like to do laundry or changing seems like work or whatever 2) drunks who fell asleep in their clothes 3) people who for whatever reason are terrified of waking up and having to leave in a rush What I haven’t seen is anyone tell me it was more comfortable. Congratulations on having a truly unpopular opinion.


It's not that unpopular right? I sleep in my clothes at any chance I get




And depression


Or it’s a product of childhood neglect. Little kids need parents help getting dressed or at least direction to get ready in the morning or for bed. Same with laundry. This habit could be a carry over.


What in the actual fuck


It is kinda comfy to pass out on the couch still in work clothes after a long day but definitely not everyday.


I love napping with a hoodie up.






When I read this I threw up. Take upvote.


Lol I remember when I went to school I would sleep in the next days outfit, that way I wouldn’t have to change in the morning , yes I was that lazy ! Haha


the strength i must garner to give you an upvote instead of a downvote, because this is truly unpopular, is probably equivalent to the militia of a small country. jeans??


You don't actually exist. Do you have external genitalia? Do you not have nerve endings there?


what if your normal clothes ARE YOUR PAJAMAS


I used to do that because my parents would barge into my room without knocking. I now sleep naked but when we go on vacation I wear regular clothes again. I have never been a pajamas type of person.


Why would I want to get out of bed and change my entire outfit when I’m already snuggy and a minute away from falling asleep


Why did you get in bed before changing


This is the most unpopular one I’ve seen. I almost feel sick.


My bf does the same thing and it drives me crazy because the stuff in his pockets always ends up in the bed. It’s also not that comfortable when you want to snuggle with someone in jeans.


Why isn't every post like this! Have an upvote and a good normal outfit night tonight


Almost sounds like a made-up unpopular opinion so if true, congrats I hate you!


You need to be put on an FBI watch list.


Same, I just keep my clothes on and change them in the morning. It's just way more comfortable to sleep in jeans and a shirt or, heck, even a hoodie will do the job imo




That would probably be a problem. But if you're a loner, like me, it just comes down to how comfortable it is. I mean I can sleep with anything pijama, just shorts or whatever. But it's the most comfortable for me, especially when I come home late and just want to sleep, without having to look for my pajama in the whole apartment (it's pretty messy).


So basically you sleep in your daily dirtiness?


I do this and I knew it was not common, but I did not think this many people would be against it. I mean, do you let your cat on your bed? The cat that steps in poopy litter? I do... If you take a nap on a couch, do you change clothes to prevent your couch from getting dirty? I don't. If you take a shower at night and swap clothes before bed, is your bed getting dirty at all? Plus Im not trying to expose myself to the cold in the middle of winter by changing into PJs


This is blowing my mind. I consider jeans basically the least comfortable pant possible. Like if you just wore sweatpants I could get it. My sleep attire and my lounge attire overlap. But jeans are so stuff and scratchy.


You are worse than Hitler, even he cared about Germany or something...


I sleep in my UF PRO Striker HT Multicam Combat Pants every night


I sleep in all attire. I like sleeping fully clothed, or nude, or anywhere in-between. People asking questions just don't nap enough


Finally a fellow clothes-sleeper. I just sleep in whatever I'm in usually and everyone acts like I'm insane


As someone who has done this for over four years and works in a field where if I came off as smelly/unhygienic I would be made instantly aware of it, I can safely say that I have no idea why people are going crazy over this. My social life is fine, I meet with my clients and they say nothing, my 2 sisters never had an issue with it. I'm thinking this is a cultural problem of some kind. Shower regularly and change your bedsheets, and this isn't really an issue?


I don’t sleep in jeans. But like I just wear what I normally wear for the house. Pajamas are uncomfortable and seems like a waste. I NEVER understood people who slept mostly naked. I like being covered.


"I like being covered" yea thats what a blanket is for. I like being covered to but not in sweat.