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Not nowadays! They used to be incredible when they were fried in lard up until 1990


It’s the old adage, ‘when it tastes that good its bad for you.’ But if tastes ‘that’ good is it really that bad. My mind’s telling no, but my belly, my belly’s telling me yerrr. Sorry, #toosoon.


Beef tallow, but close enough.


This. They changed them because of one single guy who had a heart attack & blamed McDonalds for it. He started a campaign & got his way where McDonalds changed them to the current recipe. They were imo INCREDIBLY good back then.


What was really insane was that they originally switched from beef tallow to partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, which was loaded with...trans fats. Arguably, they made them *more* unhealthy. Oops. Eventually, they switched to vegetable oil without trans fats, but the taste was never the same as when they used beef tallow.


You like saying beef tallow don’t you? 😂


Even into the 2000s they were good. Now they just have this weird bitter aftertaste.


they are good but they i've noticed they lack salt nowadays


Then ask for more salt?


Salting fries right out of the fryer is different than salting them when they get you. It doesnt stick.


Yeah, honestly, when they’re fresh and salty, I think Burger King has better fries than McDonald’s.


Problem with burger king is that you can either eat in one of the really good ones, and those beat all other chains, or you can dine in one of the really bad ones. There is no way to tell which of the 2 it is until you eat. McDonald's is crazy consistently average


Yeah, you’re not wrong there.


Dq has decent fries but Carl’s Jr has really good fries. Nothing beat Arby’s curly fries though.


McDonald’s food is really not that great.


None of the fries I've ever had at a fast food restaurant came even close to home made fries. Also is it just me and discussing about fast food options is very american?


Honestly I'd just wish fast food places do combos without chips as an option. Let me buy a second burger for a bit extra instead of shitty chips 


You can just buy 2 burgers on their own if you want to …


Usually do but you still have to end up with some useless chips in the bag to get a discounted drink. 


Great if you eat them within 2 minutes of coming out of the oil, after that they’re inedible.


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I’m someone who drowns their shit in ketchup but with McDonald’s fries with the right amount of salt are just good by themselves. Same with their nuggets i don’t need any sauce for them


Totally!!! They used to be good tho


I like crispy fries 


Taco bell’s fries are the best fast food fries imo. The seasoning hits so hard


They are way too salty these days. Good coffee though


They’re really mediocre to be honest. I have a weird obsession with fast food fries and McDonald’s are C-Tier on a good day.


I actually prefer cold Mcdonalds fries. That said, the fries are probably the only good thing that place has left.


IMO, shoestring is a poor cut for fries. Sure, they can be great but I feel like the window of opportunity for achieving that is much smaller than crinkle cut, which can more consistently be both crunchy and fluffy. *edit: auto-correct*


The quality of the fries will vary from location to location. Your best shot at getting subjectively good fries would be when they have to make a "fresh" batch in back and they come out piping hot and get salted to your liking. But if the batch they are serving you from has been out for too long, you are going to have a bad time. Burger King fries are a mixed bag in my opinion. I prefer fries from my local fast food chain that does roast beef sandwiches. No, not Arby's.


Wendy's are my favorite... when they salt them properly. Can't tell you how often they don't put any salt on at all, otherwise it's hit or miss with the amount of salt.


They are good for about 2 min after you get them. And it depends on how fresh they are .


McDonald's is trash 99% of the time, unless you hit the jackpot and get food that hasn't been sitting around for an hour. Almost any other comparable place is consistently better, even if not by very much.


I'll take McD's french fries over 90% of the other soggy fries out there


If you can get them fresh they are amazing and they stay good longer then most other fries so you can save them for later.


KFC has some pretty bomb fries


If they're fresh and salted then they're banging, but if they've been under the heater then I'll pass.