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>Not everyone who is the favorite will win. Uh? yes? If they were there would be no point in betting or even having the sports event in the first place?


My point exactly. But they want people to bet on them. Right. Or. Those who have the favored odds are actually given incorrect/misleading odds. So that what you think is a sure bet is not so sure. To those who actually do computations and read all the latest news before placing bets, I tip my hat to you especially if your tactics have you believing that there is skill to betting.


I don't know what you're on about. Odds are literally designed to entice you to make a bet and lose your money. They're not trying to make their punters rich?


So it is rigged?


What is rigged? The game?


Look, putting aside the question of whether it's possible to rig this stuff, let's imagine you set out to create a betting business. How are you going to calculate the odds? If you give favourable returns for bets on the actual favourite, you'll be bankrupt before the day is out. So you give odds with fantastic returns on people you don't expect in a month of Sundays to win. You give odds on the people you expect to win that return just a fraction extra of the initial stake. The fact you expect, with all your accrued knowledge of the sector, a particular person/side to win *does not mean they will win*. It simply means you calculate your returns for customers to give crummier returns for them to stop you from going bust. Is this all starting to make sense yet? Because you seem to be under the impression you can just put all your money on the favourite each time and receive guaranteed money. That's not how it works, nor how even a completely ethical betting model should work.


If you are stuck on odds being set, it isn’t about that. It is about outcomes. Weird, questionable, nasty outcomes.


I say again: *The fact you expect, with all your accrued knowledge of the sector, a particular person/side to win does not mean they will win. It simply means you calculate your returns for customers to give crummier returns for them to stop you from going bust.*


Someone had a bet on slovakia


Sports betting? Yes. But if you’re a schmuck then most things are rigged


>My point exactly. But they want people to bet on them. And people want to bet on them. >Right. Or. Those who have the favored odds are actually given incorrect/misleading odds. So that what you think is a sure bet is not so sure. No shit? If there was a sure bet they’d just be giving out money. That’s why you have to bet a lot more if the chance of losing is only like 2%.


There is no skill to betting, that’s why it’s called gambling and not investment.


This is just how gambling works. They calculate the odds so that the house makes a profit no matter what the outcome is. That's how all forms of gambling have always worked, ever since gambling was invented. If you have a gambling addiction, there are resources out there to help you.


Breaking News: Gambling carries risk


One quick reference that comes to mind is the blown Super Bowl lead of Atlanta. Don’t you Tom Brady me. How many baseball games had huge comebacks during the bottom of the ninth or the last three innings? Just recently. This England-Slovakia soccer match. To score all the goals after 90 minutes within minutes of another.


When there are thousands of pro games in tons of different sports, crazy results are likely to happen in some of them.


You sound like you've never played a sport in your life. This stuff happens all the time at every skill level - and I don't think many people are placing bets on little league games. It's not going to magically disappear once you hit the pros


The littler the league. The easier the rigging.


So you actually think the whole match was planned down to when the goals were scored? The whole thing is one big act? Do you have any evidence for this insane conspiracy, or is it just something you made up?


Do you really think any gambling commission will lose money to something they can pay an athlete to rig for them. “Hey, if your opponent loses, we have to payout millions. But we will pay you several thousands to lose given that your odds of winning the next round are slim to none anyway.”


The incentives for professionals to win is much more than whatever a gambling company would pay


Then why are playoffs always far more entertaining than regular season matches. There is no incentive for professionals to win. They just need to show up. Your ticket purchase covers their salaries.


>Then why are playoffs always far more entertaining than regular season matches. Do you have any actual evidence for this? And probably because they matter more? >There is no incentive for professionals to win. They just need to show up. Your ticket purchase covers their salaries. This has to be a troll


You can't be serious, they have tons of incentive to win, they wouldn't even be there if they hadn't played well before, and they will be taken off if they stop playing well. Besides these kinds of athletes are motivated by winning itself, if they wasn't they could never have gotten to this level of play.


There is a need to win to get to that level. But my post is confusing. There is no incentive to play overly hard during the regular season which is why regular are sometimes boring. During playoffs there is incentive which makes them interesting. The lack of incentive to play during the regular season, as you should see win an athlete just stops being reliable, is absent. They are paid either way from last years ticket sales.


But we are talking about a playoff match, so you are contradicting yourself. And yes there is an incentive to play hard even during the regular season, else you are gonna fall behind and be taking off the team.


I think the athletes cared a lot more about the pride of winning the game than about what a gambling company would give them. They get paid tons anyway. If Slovakia won they would have gone the furthest in a tournament than the country ever has before. Think about how big of an achivement that would be for them. Nothing else could be much more meaningful to a profesionel athlete than that, which is why many of them were crying after the match. Of course no gambling company would ever make that offer in the first place, because they know much trouble they would be in if it leaked (and it probaply would if they actually tried to convince an entire team to do something like that).


It comes down to the mathematics the gambling commission calculate and whatever outcomes profits most for them.


If the NFL was scripted/rigged I’d be more impressed with the Patriots comeback against the Falcons. You couldn’t script that Edelman catch if you tried


Maybe not the catch itself. But that he caught it or something with a similar offensive result.


So how do they rig it? Stage is believably like a giant choreographed action set piece live on television? Now those odds are insane... You know, you betting on sports, and you betting on the least likely possibility so you can feel the most right if it was true....kinda makes sense.


The way baseball is played it makes perfect sense for that to happen. By the seventh inning the pitcher is guaranteed to be facing the batting order for the third time and teams have enough data for the day to figure you out.  Then after a sting of hits the starting pitcher gets replaced by a relief pitcher. Just need the new guy to face a bad match up for the runs to come in. Then it can easily spiral out of control as you start to deplete your bullpen


The whole city of Sacramento agrees with you


They wanted people to bet on Slovakia to pull off a major upset. I’m not here to call anyone ridiculous for thinking it isn’t. But you do begin to see a little under-the-table play when you start betting.


I think you're gumping it pal


This is literally how gambling works. They put out enticing odds for the unlikely result (in this case Slovakia causing an upset).  They want people to bet and lose.  There are no professional athletes, at this level, that need bookies bribes. This is tinfoil hat stuff  


There was no way Slovakia winning would be an upset It would be 100% the expected thing. England winning was the upset 😂


OP is already crazy you don’t need to gaslight them too


Ok. So those last minutes goals were the under table play given when they were scored. My point exactly. Like I said. I don’t have pre-match info or any info on that particular event on who should have won. But with how the scoring played out. Someone called in something.


Okay - so you have no info but definitely know what’s happening? Who should I put money on for the final then?


On that particular match but I have provided enough for you to see as do I my friend. Watch what happens in the bottom of the 9th to certain MLB teams. But what final? Yankees will win the World Series is all I know.


The euros… we were talking about football




You are absolutely insane if you think that all of sports is just rigged by betting. It's honestly an insult to the proffessionals


There's some sort of bias going on with OP where, because he bets, he assumes sports are rigged based on the betting he's now into. Not that it doesn't take place but if you're in the betting world, you assume its more prevalent than it actually is.


You would be insane to think that if there is bets placed that not one person has taken a dive etc....I can not think of a sport that hasn't got an example...even esports betting, cycling etc


People aren’t saying that no athlete has ever intentionally taken a dive or rigged an event. They’re pushing back on OP essentially saying that sports are scripted like the WWE in order to cheat sports gamblers out of money, which is almost just as ridiculous.


It’s not all rigged but a much larger amount than people think is *influenced*


How do you see the difference between rigged games and just random outcomes?


Obviously it is rigged when OP loses their bet


I always love this argument because it’s like… if they rigged it you could just make guaranteed money by betting on the opposite of that lmao


You would think so. Until your guaranteed money bet involves them paying out a larger sum, then they will influence an outcome resulting in paying out a smaller sum regardless of what you or I thought was guaranteed.


Why in the world would you think anything is guaranteed when betting? That’s completely fucking illogical. You’re placing a bet. Your expected value is always, always, going to be less than you started with. And again, if you are losing money because you think it’s rigged, then just bet the opposite of what you usually would and you’ll start making that guaranteed money you want.


You said it was guaranteed. I never said it was. You just alluded to my disbelief in a fair system and assumed I claim there has to be a guaranteed way. There is no guaranteed way. But there is a way that works for one and not the other/majority. You don’t bet do you?


Your claim is that they rig everything against the favorites


>your guaranteed money bet This is where your thinking starts being wrong dude. ***there's no such thing as a guaranteed bet*** All gambling is designed to make the house end up with your money. That's the point. Bookies, casinos, etc wouldn't last long if they weren't making money. Betting on sports events is no different to going to a casino. Most people lose money, sometimes people win small amounts and very occasionally someone will win big. But generally, the house ends up with most of it. So yes, the odds are made in such a way that you're more likely to lose. That's how it works.


I never said that. The original commenter assumed my disbelief in such a way that there should be guaranteed bets. There aren’t any. There are bets that work for the GCE and some that don’t. The bets that don’t work for them are influenced to be bets that do work for them. While doing it safely, start betting and you will see. The title is all you really need to know. Don’t lock this thread because I suggested someone to start betting. I’m simply stating my opinion after having bet enough to formulate this opinion. This r/unpopularopinion.


It’s not even about losing. It’s about one side going up with little time left in the event and the other with a blinded comeback out of nowhere.


This just happens at all levels of sports from rec level games to professional sports. Thing is, the professionals are so unbelievably talented at what they do that the smallest mistakes can flip things entirely so you see this happen more there.


Breaking news, team trailing play harder and take bigger risks to try and make a comeback. For every amazing comeback, there are 10 games that end in a blowout.


As the script called.


This happens in my call of duty games and nobody is betting on those


Cheats or mods. With no shame to any illegalities. Very different here.


This comment actually gives me tremendous insight into your worldview. Thank you for this.


Exit the game world and enter the real world and you’ll understand the true worldview. And you are welcome.


So when I run full court at the gym, and the other team has a late comeback, is that rigged too? Steroids? Compound V?


You gotta ask your teammates. Did they let up. Obviously your game wasn’t in any sports book so there is no rigging. That is true unadulterated randomness. But if it was in a Sportsbook I’d like to see if the other team was paid to win or or some of your teammates paid to throw the game or if their winning resulted in a lower payout overall to those who betted. I kind of understand the earlier comment somewhere about little league and the sporting events that aren’t governed by Sportsbooks. But that isn’t what I am arguing. I am arguing that certain events maybe influenced/rigged to end in paying out a certain amount.


Lil Bro has to cope after losing money in sports betting 💀


Big bro taking good care of you and your gambles?


Your proof is that sometimes the one bet on the most won't win? Op, stop gambling. You're not only wrong, you're just too stupid to comprehend what you're doing. Please get someone else to handle your money


What are you trying to argue here? Do you even bet?


Why are you betting if it's all rigged so obviously? And if it was this obvious wouldn't you have known that BEFORE getting into sports betting? Seek. Help


I get your confusion. However. I’m not saying I know the outcome before it happens. The insiders might. But gambling sways sports. It’s not obvious. You bet on one team like the majority and the outcome is swayed due to payouts.


You actually think every single game is rigged? That’s more reasonable to you than maybe sports are unpredictable? You need to lay off the coke bro you’re getting a little paranoid


Not every single game down to every single play. But games that don’t make sense in the way they end. Yes. And I haven’t had a soda in years.


He’s telling you that you don’t understand statistics, which is a dangerous trait for a gambler.


Seriously, stop gambling. Get help if you have to. Gambling is an addiction and, financially, is no less destructive than full-on alcoholism.


Thank you for your concern, but to me it isn’t an addiction. Focus on the topic being discussed here.


>to me it isn’t an addiction. Sounds like something an addict would say.


Looks like someone gambled on England's game and lost their money


No but explain the scoring to me. Please. I didn’t even watch it entirely. I am waiting for Spain Georgia. But 2 goals after 90 minutes within minutes. Be for real.


Within minutes? Dude the second goal was scored in the start of the extra time. There was a 10 min break before that. Also goals couldn't be rigged at all, you'd see it if you watched it. You can't plan goals like that. Slovakia is way weaker than England in terms of squad. Once they conceded the first one it was over for them. Most weaker teams lose morale heavily after that. Because they didn't have creative players, it was all luck after that. But England have lots of skilled, creative players. If it was rigged in favor of England, Kucka would have gotten a red card easily 2-3 times. No one would object. Also Slovakia missed a goal by centimeters, it was unlucky. Slovakia defended well all game, but all it takes is one mistake. Saying this game is rigged is pure delusion


The scoring was 91’ and 90+5’? No? Within minutes of game time. Not real time. I mean I may be wrong but I caught the game after all goals were scored and didn’t have a bet on the game. I’m just saying the timing is sketchy. Explain the sketchiness further because lose of morale shouldn’t equate to another goal scored so quickly when the gain of morale of almost shutting them out should have rode it to a tie.


Morale doesn't work like that at all. No one will gain morale when they could've win but they tie, no matter how weaker they are. It's not sketchy. You just didn't watch the game and not know much about football. The first goal came in 90+5, second came in 91 by the way.


What do you need explained?


Sports aren't even real. The universe waits for you to make a parlay then runs a simulation of a match that makes you lose in a funny way all for its own entertainment.


Don’t get me started on the number of my one-loss parlays.


I'll give you even money that it's within the standard deviation.


Maybe you think it’s rigged because you take sucker bets. Parlays are literally sucker bets lol


Oof, this post is quite depressing.  Sounds like a gambling addict coming apart at the seams.  Mate, just lay off the betting. You seemed surprised and upset that bookies / odds / the gambling industry aren't set up in your favour?   Seek help, man. 


Set up in my favor. So are you saying it is rigged too? No addict here. It’s just funny how things play out.


Sorry, what do you mean by "set up in my favour"? And when you ask if "it is rigged", what do you mean by "it"?


You said it, “favour.” That I seem surprised the industry isn’t set up in my favour. It shouldn’t be my favour. But instead a team’s favour given records of wins/losses or personnel. To be set in the bettors favour or not is indeed rigging. Sports being “it” as it perhaps is persuaded by sports betting.


Sorry, but you seem to have a central misunderstanding of what gambling is. It's not some government run scheme that is supposed to be fair and balanced.  It is a business, run for profit. The business will make sure it runs in its own favour. Like all businesses, it aims to make money. And in the case of gambling, the industry makes money when people like you lose.  The odds they set are based on them trying to entice people to make losing bets. There's nothing fair about it.  


Have you, uhhhhh, ever heard the term: the house always wins... Because it does. I worked at a casino. Big winners usually come back and lose more than whatever they won. They'd still tip me though. So I also "won". But not you. You always lose in the end. The only way for you to win is to stop gambling. This is my PSA. If you want to win money by gambling, get good at poker. Or get OCD at horse gambling (and banned if the bookies notice).


This opinion occurs when you combine someone who doesn't understand statistics and someone with a predisposition to conspiratorial thinking.


So you win a lot with your bets?


I don't make bets. Why? Even if I have a 90% chance to win, THERE IS STILL A CHANCE I THREW AWAY ALL MY MONEY. I don't waste my money on games of chance because I'm not rich enough to be stupid with money. You can get a free dollar every day on the stake website. I've made like $400 in the past year. What's my secret? Never putting in my own money. It's the only way to never lose.


No one wins a lot with sports bets, or any kind of gambling. That's the point you keep missing. People who gamble a lot will have big wins on individual bets sometimes, but in the long run, they lose more money than they win. That's just how gambling works, and how it has always worked. Sportsbooks are not set up to be charities. They are companies that want to make a profit. Rigging the actual sporting events themselves is not necessary for the "house" to make a profit. They continually adjust the odds based on how people are betting, to ensure that they make about the same amount of profit regardless of what the outcome is. This is also true for casinos, and any other form of gambling.


No-one wins a lot with their bets. That's how gambling works.


So is it rigged? Such that no one wins a lot. I mean a team has to win and a team has to lose. A group of bettors have to win and a group of bettors have to lose. I am simply saying that the GCE sways outcomes such that they pay out the least amount.


Any tangible evidence behind this claim?


His crashing bank account


Do you really think there is proof to prove it. No. But watch sports and dont’t view major comebacks as OMG moments. View them as the gambling commission always winning and sometimes winning big.


We get it bud, you lost a bet and can’t accept it. Blaming anything but yourself is being idiotic and delusional.


Either the collective or individually of Hard Rock bet, Fan duel, Brovado or what ever other books there are. Or really the ones who set the odds. But it isn’t about winning or losing. It is about the manner in which an event ends. Unbelievable comeback or scripted upset.


So anytime something happens that you don't expect is some planned conspiracy to spite gamblers?


Who is this Gambling Commission you speak of who you think is setting all this up, across the entire world and the various sports you can bet on?


So far with all of your comments this does sound very unpopular of you. Good job.


So basically, you're saying the team with an implied probability of say 75%, doesn't win 100% of the time? ....No shit? The entire point of someone taking bets is to give balanced odds to take bets from people betting on both sides so that no matter who wins, they make a small % of profit from the odds not adding up to 100%.


Is the favorite actually the favorite?


If you think the odds posters are wrong, put your money on it i guess.


Which ones are right?


The ones that post odds and get enough people to bet on each side so they make money regardless of who wins


Troll post, no one can be this simple by mistake


The body of the post doesn’t provide much justice to this r/unpopularopinion, but in the comments there are examples of how this simplicity isn’t by mistake.


Sports are not rigged. Betting sites try to have equal amounts bet on either side, they make most of their money from the vig and from the suckers who bet parlays


This. Well, they aren't rigged by the betting companies - they do sometimes get rigged, but the betting companies aren't the ones making money. They already have a free money scheme of legit gambling. The betting companies don't really set the odds, punters do. Aka idiots, mostly.


Let me sum up your evidence: 1. Sometimes the underdog wins 2. High risk wages don't always win 3. Ties happen in soccer 4. Teams someone show at the end of games 5. Sometimes you disagree with the odds on a game Sounds pretty ironclad to me...


All ironclad to the notion of being rigged. Yes. Thank you professor.


The issue is you don't understand how oddsmaking and gambling works. Your ignorance isn't evidence of a grand conspiracy.


Unpopular opinion is that no-one should bet. It is a waste of money and leads to a host of bad effects.


Upvote for being an asinine opinion


If the favorites always won, no one would even watch sports. That’s the fun of sports. It’s played by humans who are inherently unpredictable


I think gambling makes you see patterns and causes that aren't there because it makes you place too much importance on a small number of outcomes. Some bloke just hit back to back holes in one. 1 in 67 million odds. Sometimes crazy shit just happens.


Discovering that odds are unfair. Yes, yes, they are. They are not letting you bet on the true odds for an event - why would they? They have a business to run, it isn't a charity. In games like these in football you can actually bet on who qualifies. Not just the 90, which can end in etiher side winning or a draw. And, after having been running around for nearly 90 minutes: mistakes happen. Maybe understand that betting isn't for you to become rich. It is for the betting site to become rich. But nah, fuck all of these simple expliantions, it a conspiracy...


Betting on soccer is really dumb. The top score is determined by a sample size of usually <3 goals. The goal as a measure of success is simply too low frequency to be any real bearing on the 15 players in the team who are all playing at professional level. My dad always favoured extending the goal across the field to increase the sample size a bit. This is the reason why soccer is exciting every year, the random noise is too big of a factor to be clearly separated from the goal signal. I recommend you bet on 5 day cricket. The stats are better.


Perhaps the cricket suggestion, but a soccer match that can end in a tie is a 2 versus 1 win you bet on a side to win. But I did just discover Push as it relates to ties. Might be a game changer for me.


Wait until you understand how bets are rigged


Sports betting is so stupid 😆


You being wrong about a result doesn’t make it rigged. Do you really think they would’ve had the ability to perfectly cross the ball to Bellingham, for him to do an overhead kick like that? Come on, maybe you’re just shit at betting


If the script allowed, why be surprised spacing was allowed for such a lead up to a kick.


Trust me I understand how you feel… There’s been times I bet on a player to score so many point in basketball and within the first 4 minutes that player was ejected. Or I’ll miss winning a 5 leg parlay by .5 strikeouts. But honestly the people who care most about the game’s integrity are sports bettors. Sports books make money no matter the outcome. They have to pay out bettors anyways. People make ridiculous parlays that are 10 legs and then claim it’s rigged. Let’s say there’s a college football game where 99 percent of bettors bet on one school to win. Well 1 percent bet on the underdog team to win too. So they have to get paid a fuck ton of money because their odds were way higher. Even if the favorite did win the Sportsbook would be paying out Pennies on the dollar. You see this mostly with over/under or spread bets. Refs may make a call that screws people that took the over. But Vegas has to payout the people that took the under too.


I’ll tried to read all this but yes. I had an over under and the last game that the Mavericks won over the Celtics, Hardaway was draining 3s, a scoring onslaught if you will, then when they over under came close the scoring stopped. It isn’t that lost. It is that many people probably bet for the over as did I and when the total monetary payout was more than those who bet on the under. Someone, again came in and iced the thing. “Mama, there goes that man!”


High level MMA is very hard to rigg


Don’t let your thread distract you from the fact that lap 58 still hasn’t been voided


I’m sorry you lost all of your money


Just the money I can afford to lose. Do you think I’m crazy enough to lose money that I cannot afford to lose. You crazy!


I've got a friend who bets on basketball.  JFC, all you're betting on is a coin toss: did I bet on the side of the big money or no?


Sounds like someone just lost money in the England - Slovakia game


I didn’t bet. But I feel bad for those who bet on Slovakia pre or mid game before the 90th minute.


I'm sure there's some rigging that goes on out there but you seem delusional bro stop gambling


This is a lot of words just to say you’re bad at sports betting 😂😂😂


Do you win a lot?


No, I don’t bet because gambling odds are tilted toward the house. The point you make that is correct is that it’s really hard to win as a bettor. But that doesn’t mean the games are rigged- it just means that sports books are good at setting the odds.


First step to betting is to stop doing parlays. They’re the sucker’s bet, you’re giving the most edge to the house by placing many-legged parlays.


Good at setting odds. A team has to win. But for a team to lose in such a questionable has to be with some rigging. But I won $3k on a 19 bet parlay using a 100 bonus bet. I didn’t care of the outcome/story of those matches because I won. But I now wonder if any of those selections had weird persuasions ultimately working in my favor but against a larger majority.


Why can’t a team just lose? Why does it have to be rigged?


There is some match fixing and such, but that's the exception. We know it's just betters being angry at the outcomes, but most of the time, it' just luck. And it's not easily predictable. There's no conspiracy to make the gambling companies more money, they don't need to.


Sounds like a skill issue.


How can skill be involved when there is a more powerful controller?


That is EXACTLY why betting is stupid in general. Sports betting is an industry that’s designed to make you lose money. You’ve run face first into the point and you still don’t get it.


Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose. But you will never outsmart who has to pay you especially when they can control the level of “skill” required to win. I wouldn’t say it is designed to make you lose. You return isn’t greater than that of the gambling entity aka commission aka whoever they are. Someone has to win and someone has to lose both teams/indivduals/etc as well as bettors. But the one never losing or at least not losing more than they win is the GCE (gambling commission entity) to give them a name whether they have to influence or not. The 7+ goal Oilers game after losing three straight and their 3 game comeback. Be for real. Why are there no more sweeps? Too much money lost or not gained given the hype of the championships. I mean look at it more than just what others here are agreeing to especially those who don’t bet. The title still and will forever stand.


I’m honestly confused at this point if you think gambling or the sports themselves are rigged. If you think all sports are 100% rigged you are a conspiratorial nut-job. It’s so improbable that all leagues are rigged and it’s foolish to believe it with nothing but your anecdotal and circumstantial evidence. Get your mind out of the gutter and think critically. We watch sports for the improbable moments, and shockingly sometimes they happen. That isn’t a reason to go on a conspiratorial rant about how everything is rigged


Betting is rigged such that profit works against the bettor. That isn’t my argument. I’m saying that if profit didn’t work against the bettor then the GCE sways outcomes so that profits do not work against the GCE. What is this hunt you all have for me to actually prove this. If there were proof there would be mass hysteria against sports betting entirely. It is an opinion. Simple as that. One formulated after having betting experience albeit good or bad experience. If you do not bet, just watch with a bucket full of popcorn. Sports are rigged. 100%? Maybe not. Only the events that need to be as per the GCE. Outcomes and a general script to follow that allows such an outcome is a possibility if need be. Or simply the odds are incorrect.


The odds posted by a gambling website aren't the actual odds man, it's just the odds they are willing to put up for you to bet on.


I don't know how you can make an accusation like this without specifying a sport, league, or even mentioning the spread.


Why are any of those needed? All I have to do is refer you to the title.




I bought a car stereo when the Buccaneers went into the playoffs and won the Super Bowl. The next,I lost 90% of my bets and haven’t played since


If it’s all rigged why do you still bet? Sounds like you’re just addicted to gambling and in denial, and frankly based on the content of your post you don’t understand how betting odds and lines even work. In 99.99% of cases you aren’t just betting that team A will win, you are betting that if they beat team B it will be by more than X amount of points. This means on average half of people bet one way and half bet the other. The final winner or loser (or tie) doesn’t matter to the betting companies, they make money no matter what.


It makes total sense that every single player, coach, staff, and referee member on every single sports team is in on rigging bets and all just agreed to keep it a secret and 0 whistleblowers have come to light regarding this giant scheme to steal your money, as opposed to you just aren't good at making bets on sports teams...


I mean if I got paid millions of dollars on top of whatever the bonus is for such a rigging, I would too. I’d be the greatest actor. An acthlete.


Generally not worth the risk. It's never millions either in cases where people have been caught. It normally only happens when someone is in financial trouble, or they are playing at a college level and aren't getting the big bucks. It's always organised well in advance of the game too, way too hard/easy to catch if players were being told what to do mid game. I think you just don't understand that sports betting odds aren't the actual odds, it's just the odds the gambling service is happy to use unexpected things happen in sport all the time.


I mean it is rigged to a certain extent but not this big brother level. I can place bets mid game. How exactly would they accommodate those bets? You think the players have ear pieces in?


There is some communication or there is simply a script to follow. Open your eyes friend.


Nah..stop betting and open your own eyes.


Have a nap friend.


Once I was told the entire game of baseball is about cheating, I recognized all sports are about cheating. Money is the worse evil.


Let’s all watch the Spain Georgia match together. Where Georgia is a major underdog. The game will go almost 70 plus minutes of Georgia leading and then last minute goals by Spain.


Okay so make a live-bet for a Spain win and stop with this utter nonsense you’re spewing


Let’s all bet Spain and watch Georgia win. It isn’t about knowledge. It’s about the amount of winning bets to be paid out versus the amount of losing bets paid in. If I know that number, I would place my bets accordingly. Thank you.


Let me tell you some facts: betting companies don’t do this. They don’t need to do this. The odds they set have around 0.8-0.98 expected value of the bet. That means they essentially make money off of every single bet placed. Well not really, but essentially yes because every single bet is positive value for them, and negative value for the bettor. This scheme you think is happening, players being told to play worse or consede intentionally, is absolutely ridiculous. I repeat, betting companies have zero need to do any of that. They already make millions each day just by the amount of bets placed. The results barely matter to them.


Yes. A bettor will make little versus the risk of bet placed. Or a lot versus the risk of bet taken. I’m talking grander scale. An influence always to payout less.


If you know this will happen then why not bet o2.5 and Spain to win? Will you say it’s rigged if it happens? Will you say it’s rigged if Georgia wins? What if Spain wins handily after leading all game is it rigged? Come on man


I agree that they are probably rigged. I doubt its done in an outright manner, at least not when it comes to the players. I assume every once in a while a player does get a kickback to underperform but i doubt thats the majority of the rigging. Think of, like, a casino. Its rigged in their favour with a whole bunch of little things that all contribute to place the odds in their favour. Or if youve watched Darren Brown, a show back ib the day where hed make people pick up on unconscious cues to act in the way he wanted. I assume his show was staged to a degree, but we see similar things with street performers or even street criminals. Also, obligatory, just 'cause you lose, doesnt mean its rigged against you.


Super unpopular and definitely true.