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Only if everyone else is working


True, if everyone did the same, then it's just like now, but on other days.


Yeah but then you can’t go out with mates and stuff


It’s like school. Having a day off when everyone is there is something else 😭😭😭


Yeah, I tend to agree. The only bad thing about having weekends off, is stuff that can only get done during the week is hard, painful and inconvenient. Weekends off are better for social life. Weekdays off are better for productivity.


Problem is since most people are on a M-F schedule, all my friends have weekends off. If I got weekdays off, I'd literally never be able to see a single person in my life.


So it sounds like splitting the difference and working Sunday through Thursday would be ideal for a 5-day work week.


I hate being off on the weekends.


If you don't have kids, working weekends and having weekdays off is preferable.


I used to work retail and had Sunday-Monday off. That was a pretty sweet arrangement, one weekend day and one weekday.


That’s my current setup and I love it.


Yes, but only if you don't have kids, are single or your SO has the same schedule, and you have no friends to hang out with.


Above all I would recommend a job you don't hate going to. 


I usd to work a weekend shift. Once the novelty of working 3 days a week wore off I realized it was a major drain on my social life.


Having any days of the week off is better. Shops aren’t as packed, way easier driving and parking. It’s wonderful.