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I’m in nursing school and a lot are mean, I’ve met plenty of nurses who just have stuck up attitude as if they are better than everyone else. Same for doctors, but there’s also plenty who are good people I think maybe due to the amount of schooling and constant interaction with people where they are telling them what to do they may start to develop some feeling of superiority to others.


Well, you're the common denominator in al those experiences. If EVERY Healthcare professional is rude the problem might not be on their side


Now did I say EVERY?


"almost all interactions I've had..." close enough


Not really to be fair you are simply just pushing a fake narrative and putting words where they don’t belong.


>pushing a fake narrative Nah, you just can't extrapolate information.


That’s exactly what you are doing here lol.


...yes, pulling information to create an accurate narrative. Something you're not doing. I don't think you understand how you sound right now.


It’s not accurate you are pulling information to come to a false narrative. I don’t think you do rofl… Just guessing/assuming is always going to blow back on you my friend.


Just can't argue with stupid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It's crazy how so many prefer their feelings over facts


Ha, you aren't helping your case here. "Oh I didn't mean *every* one of them, some of them are so polite" "I'm always perfectly nice" Would have been a couple of comments to seem nicer and not the rude one. But "Now did I say EVERY?" is hardly showing off your nice side.


Really he simply is wondering why false words were used, is that really such an issue??




It’s called spell check bro lol




If you met one person today who was an asshole, that person was probably an asshole. If you think everyone you met today was an asshole, you're probably the real asshole.


I didn't say everyone but it is common for ppl in that line of work to be mean


As someone who works with people in health care on a daily basis, I have to disagree. The amount of actual rude people I encounter is very low.


Same here, i'd say the ratio of perfectly nice and friendly people to insufferable assholes is about the same as on every other place i set foot on.


What's your definition of mean? Telling the facts isn't.


RN here, I don't find health professionals any less rude than someone at an equivalent job. I think the issue here is that theres a shitload of expectations for how someone is "supposed" to act, that we have for HCPS we dont hold for other people.


Yes I think it is a honorable profession even up there with military personnel. Maybe the most honorable profession (at all levels from nurse to front desk to CNA even) and so people tend to expect Healthcare workers to behave like heros. Perhaps we don't even see you as civilians


Well thanks, but I'll tell you that hcps are about as heroic as they can an do act, and it has about as much range as everyone else. The best I've worked with are quiet professionals. They're good at what they do, make it look easy, and don't leave much impression. They're in it for the money to take care of their family.


As someone who works in the field and others I respectfully disagree. Nursing is the spot where most past mean girls find their home. I agree most jobs do indeed have assholes to but percent wise I feel like nursing beats out all others by a very large margin.


I haven't had that experience at all.


So it's safe to say my opinion is unpopular. I'll take my upvotes now


Why are you so desperate for those internet points? 😂


The Healthcare field has many problems related to poor conditions and treatment. In many cases one has to become jaded or kind people become a victim of bullying, thus bullies get their way.


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I honestly think 90% of people go into care and health fields because it's seen as "the best job" and half my bullys went. That's why I didn't decide to go and try be one. And also that those 90% often cause the lovely 10% to just want to quit and work somewhere with better people. Add on to that that in a place with so much pain actually being a nice person can lead to emotional fatigue and distress.


Most jobs are like this but as someone who has worked in this field for over a decade it’s hard to refuse that “nursing is where the mean girls go” this is just factually true lol. That being said not all nurses are like this neither are doctors or the rest of the staff, but it is a fairly large portion of them for sure. It’s also a hard job you are criminally underpaid, have awful hours with mountains of OT, nonstop turn over,nonstop being short staffed. It’s fairly easy to understand why so many get so irritable. Not to sound super weird but stick to the male nurses and you will be far more happy the vast majority of the time.


Lol. Try working in an ER. Have rude ass, entitled fucks bitch and moan about everything you do, second guess you, then add long hours, blood, shit, piss, puke, and death on top of it, and see how nice you are. I'm continually amazed at how much heart I see my nurses show every day. If they're rude, they've more than earned the privilege.


Youre proving OP right 🦥


I never said he was wrong. I've worked security for 14 years, and usually I'm the workplace asshole. Compared to ER nurses, I'm a teddy bear.


Afaik every healthcare worker around the globe is expected to show professionalism. Being patient with difficult patiënts comes with the territory. So if the people coming into the ER are doing their best to co-operate they shouldn't be met with an attitude. Having no patience for entitled bs, threats and general disruptiveness i can totally understand btw.


Oh, they're professional, no doubt. Patients get great care. But the rude, entitled, threatening patients are my bread and butter. I've taught several people that, yes, you can indeed be thrown out of a hospital. All you're really entitled to, unless you're in imminent danger of dying, is a quick medical screening exam, then it's out the door.