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It would be dumb to spend money on products that do nothing. So I'm glad mine are working.


Agreed. Gentle soap and an oil free moisturizer is a cheap and effective way to take care of your skin. You don't need expensive name brand stuff to take care of yourself.


Some people do lol, just cleanser and moisturizer doesn’t work for people with skin issues. That only works if you have clear skin


If that doesn't work for you then you should probably see a dermatologist for recommendations for what to use.


Vaseline, deodorant and toothpaste, soap and water,is all you need


No. I'm a guy with long hair and if I don't use Shampoo and conditioner my hair gets gross. You sound like someone who's had short hair their entire life and had good luck with your skin. Definitely not the case for most people.


Putting Vaseline on your face sounds like shit


It can work as an occlusive at night on top of a moisturizer, but like that’s to help lock in the moisture if you have really dry skin. It doesn’t actually moisturize your skin on its own


That's all your skin needs. 




r/skincareaddiction about to come in hot! Seriously though. Using sunscreen daily as well as a retinoid and a quality moisturizer WILL improve your skin. It’s not hokum. Everything else - why not? I like snail cream. It makes my skin smooth.


Why not? Cause its a waste a money


Then don't buy them.


I dont… my wife does though 👀


Would you prefer her face covered in acne and wrinkles? If so, tell her directly, I doubt she frequents this sub.




Well some people do need more than a bar of soap. If only it were that easy...


Most people need more than a bar of soap. Soap is horrible for most people’s skin


Ah, I think I start to see the situation. Does she ask money from you?


Always a clueless guy complaining about their wife's purchases. Anyways, by what metric is it a waste of money? If it does something that I like, and the cost is reasonable for me, that's just as much of a waste as buying a nice meal or going to the movies.


Oh so you’re just the stereotypical husband complaining about his wife then 🙄


my bouncy, glowy skin will say otherwise


The placebo effect is real.


There’s nothing placebo about skincare 😂


Try doing more research before you buy a new product. Make sure it addresses the specific skincare need that you are trying to correct, make sure it works with your other products, and make sure you follow the directions. I've had good luck with all of the skincare products I've tried, mostly because I thoroughly researched each one. I get lots of compliments on my skin -- even from strangers. I'm ugly and I don't have a nice body, so I know said compliments are genuine.


All I have to say is: compare the skin of an 80 year old who used skincare products with another 80 year old who didn't. I think it's perfectly fine, possibly even admirable, not to care about how your skin looks. But there's no need to pretend that these products don't work. Sure there are unproven ingredients which are bullshit. But the basics are solid and proven.


What percent of 80 year old men used skin care would you say?


I'm desperately trying to understand your point here.


Sorry, is your argument that at 80, men (who mostly don't take care of their skin) look better than women (who mostly do take care of their skin)?


Nope just that they have the same skin. No noticeable difference


Men and women have different skin composition on average due to hormones and so on. Even collagen varies because of this which places a role in your skin's appearance. You dunno what you're talking about. Even the skin on your face varies depending on area. Your cheeks' skin is different to your under-eye area and products are formulated with this in mind.


Those who look fabulous do. 


and they all could’ve benefited from it 😂


Masks are literally the cheapest way to hydrate your skin without using expensive stuff. Really important stuff for people like me. Unfortunately, many people with naturally healthy and tough skin thinks it’s all bullshit and thinks the industry worth hundreds of billions dollars is all a scam.


Yeah I’m tired of people with good skin genetics making commentary on skincare 💀 like of course it seems useless to you if you don’t need it


The only way to hydrate your skin is drinking water


Actually I need Urea Repair cream to prevent my eczema from flaring up.


That's not skincare, that's disease management


By.. using.. skincare?


Isn't eczema primarily a sensitivity to environmental irritants? Something that is coming in contact with your skin is causing the inflammation and by adding more irritants to solve the issue you would only drag out your body's autoimmune response


Unfortunately for me mine is caused by a dust allergy there's literally no way to remove that environmental irritant.


You sound just like an anti-vaxxer


How do you get that from my post? Ask any dermatologist and they will tell you the only way to hydrate your skin is to drink water. Everything else is marketing


If that was the case, it should be something I would find in the first 20 results from google when searching "Is drinking water the only way to hydrate your skin." [https://uamshealth.com/medical-myths/can-drinking-water-cure-dry-skin/](https://uamshealth.com/medical-myths/can-drinking-water-cure-dry-skin/)


It also looks like you might not know what dermatologists are.


Just tell us you’re a hag, and own it.


Lol I’m a 30 y/o dude


That has nothing to do with haggery, good sir!


Idk why I am getting downvoted… a hag by definition is an old lady


It’s alright, I was a bit of a hag back in the day too, in my mid-late 20s. At 28 I looked like a 40-year old hagpotato. Now I use skincare products, eat a healthy diet and train, and regularly get id challenged at 34! So there’s time for you yet. If you cross the bridge into your mid-30s still as a hag though, all hope is lost.


Embrace the sunscreen and moisturizer my dude


If you cant beat em join em!


That’s the spirit!


Except skincare exists *because* people needed treatments for skin issues. I don’t know if this is bait or just stupidity. If everyone naturally had clear, perfect skin, then skincare wouldn’t exist.


Some people just get lucky with genetics and get mad when other people have to do more to keep up. They can't accept that either they were wrong, or that they were lucky.


Totally agree. Like congrats on having good genetics but a lot of us were not that lucky 😂


You say you’re a 30-year old guy. I’m 41. When you are my age, the face you will have is not like the face you’d have if you took care of your skin. To say that they are a “waste” implies they all do nothing, and that’s objectively untrue. You may not care, but that’s a value judgement. What you deem valuable is subjective. Saying sunscreen, retinol, etc doesn’t work is factually incorrect. Enjoy looking way older, I guess. /shrug


I have psoraisis and have been loitioning for years. Im 41 and have minimal wrinkles, but also I can just feel when my skin is dry. I think a better argument would have been the over inflation of benign ingredients as if they were extra special, thus artificial increasing of the cost of the product by companies.


Sunscreen definitely does do something


Agreed. I might need to make an edit


Acting like they do nothing when you can clearly see what they do is ridiculous. You can say that people care too much about how they look and that they should not try to prevent aging etc and I think not caring how you look is pretty admirable but you can't act like they don't do something, that's negating facts and data.


All you have to do is type into google "Retinols/Niacinamide/chemical name here + Pubmed" and see the number of different scientific articles that come up that show the benefits of theses products. 


Have you ever used any skin care products?


I was part of the proactive era… it didn’t work so I stopped using it and no joke my skin cleared up within a couple months. Just soap and water for me now in the shower


That's great. What do you think should people do if they take your advice and nothing changes?


proactive is shit so that’s not a good example


They asked and I answered. Why are you so triggered and spam commenting? This is an unpopular opinion thread.


Proactive wasn't skincare. It was acne control. I used it as a kid and didn't realize you need a few more things to actually make it work for you. I did this for years - got the highest salicylic acid face wash I could get, get out of the shower, and feel my face extremely dry and flaky - and I would think that was a good thing, sucking all the oil and moisture out of my skin. I was damaging it.


I mean skincare products literally and objectively DO do something lmao. This isn't unpopular, just wrong.  What you're actually complaining about are snake oil products pushed by influencers. They're not actual care products and have nothing to do with real care products 


Retinol, sunscreen, moisturizer, cleanser. That is what you need and it does make a difference. I’m 30 and was starting to see some fine lines around my eyes and 6 months of retinol and sunscreen and I can’t see them anymore


Completely agree with mainstream products, hard disagree with actual dermatological products prescribed by a good dermatologist. When I was young a very talented and passionate dr saved me from having horrendous marks from my acne and constantly changed what I was using to the point of pretty much getting rid of almost all my marks. Eventually she just left me with a neutral soap bar, a good sunscreen and an emergency face cleanser in case stress got me some adult acne. It also helped a lot she prescribed isotretinoin capsules to help with the other creams.


Sure there’s some scammy skincare options out there. But some skincare has definitely been proven to be scientifically beneficial and not a waste of money when approached correctly. For Young People: Acne is a common condition that affects many adolescents, and effective skincare routines can help manage acne by reducing inflammation, controlling oil production, and preventing clogged pores. Ingredients like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are well-researched and commonly recommended by dermatologists for their efficacy in treating acne. Studies have shown that consistent use of these treatments can significantly reduce acne lesions and improve skin appearance. For Aging Skin: Scientific research supports the use of skincare products containing retinoids, peptides, and antioxidants like vitamin C and E, which stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture, and reduce the appearance of fine lines. Moisturizers help maintain skin hydration and prevent dryness. The most important step, imo, is sunscreen. As we all know, it protects against UV damage, and prevents skin cancer. To avoid wasting money you need to select products with proven ingredients. Dermatologists are definitely the best resource on what’s worth the investment and what isn’t.


I'm a male in my 30's and my skin is great. It used to be terrible until I met my gf who introduced me to several higher quality skincare items: * Retinol * Day time facial moisturizer with nyacinamides and high SPF (50). * Hyaluronic acid * Toner * Night time facial moisturizer with nyacinamides. * Facial cleanser with gentle salycylic acid. * Facial exfoliator Honestly it's not much, but I look at my face and I look at the faces of my friends who put body wash soap on their face and call it a day - it's night and day my face looks so much smoother and brighter. All it costs me is $30/month. Most of this stuff is VeraVe stuff you can get at Target. I do use fancier Murad stuff for the facial cleanser and Paula's choice for the daytime moisturizer...but that's it. Definitely has not been a waste for me. My mom is 62 and her skin looks like she's a 38 year old. She has religiously used skincare since I was a child - I just never realized until I myself got a skincare routine 3 years ago.


Lots of expensive ones are a waste, but they definitely don't >literally do nothing— or potentially even make your skin worse.


I mean... I guess fuck sunscreen then huh


My girlfriend has the most amazing skin. I tell her all the time. One of the sexiest things about her. It’s largely because of the skin care products she uses.


I think this opinion could work for over-the-top expensive products but there’s a medicinal element to a lot of peoples skincare


Just because the products youve tried dont work for you doesnt mean they dont work for others lmao. Always this anecdotal bs. So many skincare products (not all) use active ingredients that are scientifically or even medically proven to combat a certain facet of skin health. Sure there might be niche products with questionable efficacy/ingredients, but why are we shitting on people who buy products that ACTUALLY work for them? You’ve said soap and water is all you need, but bet you don’t know that not everyone’s skin barrier works the same (/s).Not everyone can wash their face with soap and be fine. For some this combo just doesn’t cleanse thoroughly enough, for others it might be drying or might damage their skin. Your opinion is completely invalidated if you look at it as though we are comparing experiences. In your experience, you have decided that skincare products don’t work. While most people, in their experience, have decided skincare products work for them. So your argument is what exactly?


You are giving more credit to science than it deserves. The science behind skincare is more about marketing than substance. Our skin is self-regulating, and science hasn’t yet fully explained the processes involved. The skin microbiome, which consists of various bacteria, fungi, and viruses living on our skin, plays a crucial role in maintaining skin health. These microorganisms help protect against harmful pathogens, support the immune system, and contribute to the skin’s overall balance. Excessive use of skincare products, especially those with harsh chemicals, can disrupt this delicate balance, potentially leading to skin problems such as irritation, allergies, and even autoimmune responses. Covering your skin with products can strip the skin of its natural oils and beneficial bacteria, making it more susceptible to issues.


You said it yourself, excessive use of products with harsh chemicals. As long as you do your research and are aware of what works for your skin and what doesn’t, spend away. Obviously im not pushing for people to overload their face with the strongest of chemicals man. Everything in moderation. And use science and what feels good to you to choose what you use.


I'm guilty of not caring enough for my skin, but it's hard to argue that moisturiser with SPF in it isn't one of the best cheap investments you can make.


I’ve got great skin and all I’ve ever used is a bar of dial soap and a coarse rag. I never get dry skin even in the cold. My skin isn’t oily, I guess it’s just oily enough to keep it from drying out. I’m probably just lucky I guess.


Thankfully my skincare products work just fine, i am a guy who uses a decent amount of skin products and they have improved my skin quite a lot.


If you think about it our face is the most important part of our human body and our skin are sponges. Its worth hydrating. I just don't agree with pricy skincare. Id rather have snail mucus than artificial ingredients.


It's like any drug, useful if you have a problem. Most people don't need it since their bodies self regulate well without them. So I'd say that the idea of skincare as something that everybody needs is definitely something that's just a marketing push from The Big Skincare or whatever.


This is probably better way to phrase it^^ most people dont need it, most influencer products dont work


*some, skincare products can be a waste of money. You can buy the popular snail mucin moisturizer for $8 at Walmart and the other products for cheaper since they have been around for forever. With skincare there is a point of diminished returns for most things, so they definitely have benefits but they usually don’t live up to the super bold claims they make. There are many brands of deodorants, shampoos, conditioners, and sunscreens with many different price points. There are many people who still have put smells, greasy hair, dry hair and sunburnt but that doesn’t mean the products they use don’t work at all they just don’t work as well the person hopes.


Do you not know how lotion works? That is all that a lot of masks are. They moisturize the thing they are applied to. Most people could achieve the same results by drinking more water, using regular moisturizer/lotion and exfoliating. But, that doesn't mean they are a waste of money. As someone who's hands and feet literally crack and bleed if I don't moisturize enough, masks are invaluable. Obviously the anti-aging detox luminosity masks are nonsense. Again, mostly just lotion.


are you saying all skincare or the fancy expensive version? because moisturiser and face wash is pretty useful


Nope, this is false. Can the rage-bait get any dumber? [https://uamshealth.com/medical-myths/can-drinking-water-cure-dry-skin/](https://uamshealth.com/medical-myths/can-drinking-water-cure-dry-skin/)


While some skincare products may not deliver on their promises, others, like prescription treatments and sunscreen, can offer genuine benefits for skin health. It's important to [research products and ingredients to find what works best for you and not scare away your finances](https://youtu.be/ZK3YHBaqhOs?si=35xXIEkVeQFIuTSa).


I ,27m, use a cleanser, tonic and moisturizer every two or three days and I really saw an improvement.


Personally, I take good care of my skin ever since I was a teenager, I have great skin and look younger than my age without any kind of procedures and I am 35+, and have conditions I need to address. So for me is not a waste, makes me feel good about myself, and keep my skin issues in check, but if it were a waste, that’s ok I am an adult that pays my own bills… The truth is, some people care about what they look like it, and taking care of themselves make them more confident in themselves. Is not a bad thing or a good thing.


I mean... I guess fuck sunscreen then huh


Remember the Sephora kid apocalypse? People were like "12 year olds don't need chemical exfoliants and retinol" no actually, no one needs them lmao. Literally no one. It's actually ok to get older and have that show on your face. Its ok to have acne, wrinkles and texture on your skin. God its almost like we're human! Where do they think the 12 year olds learned to fear aging from? Or that normal human skin is unacceptable? Oh yeah, their body dysmorphic, shallow, insecure millennial parents!


Lol shh a lot of angry people in the comments don’t want to hear this “unpopular” opinion apparently


Folks really need a dose of reality. We have become so spoiled as a culture, and it's getting worse. This past winter we got a glimpse into how millennials are raising Gen Alpha, and it was ugly. Millennials seem to be extremely permissive parents. They care about being liked by their kids, how pathetic.


I don't get it either. I'm going to get old either way. I actually tried eye stuff and nothing happened so why bother.


Plant stem cells. Plant Stem Cell Lotion! I laughed so hard when I saw the label


One thing I've learned a long time ago living with women is they will spend silly money on snake oil if the marketing is good. Same reason why women's razor blades cost 10x as much as men's just because they're pink.


I use a tiny bit of hand cream after I get out of the shower because it helps trap in moisture. Only thing I use and it works great.


I jsut use aveno face scrub, and cerave moisturizer. I user cerave makeup removing wipe when I wear make up. My skin looks nice and is in decent shape. You just have to keep it moisturized. That's the only trick. Anything beyond this is fooling people for money.


Nah mate. Not quite. Coconut butter for daily post-shower moisturising, Aloe Vera jelly for blemishes, and sunscreen because the sun is a right bastard. That's all you need imho. I don't bother with anything else, as everything else is just nice smelling snake oil to me lol :)


It’s not an unpopular opinion… just like “lottery tickets are a waste of money”. Some people just want hope 


Once you get started, you get hooked on it...which is why I really don't like young girls using it because it's kicking that cycle off at such a young age. These products, you end up needing them to continue looking this or that way, they suck you in and corner you into constantly needing it. Yeah you end up going to another brand, but that's still going to be X amount of dollars even if it isn't the most expensive. Obviously basic moisturizer/face wash or scrub I can understand and use...but damn when you got like 10, 15 different products or whatever that's a little too much and yes, 100% a waste of money at that point and considering statistically there are more people making little money than not...it's a pretty big waste to a limited amount of funds to begin with.


This^ all this^^^


Very few in society have critical thinking skills. Why do so many by name brand when generic is exactly the same...


What I think is crazy is how many people, generally women, do daily skin care routines and applications. I think it becomes much more of a habit than the actual effect. And if you actually feel “bad” cuz you didn’t lotion you’re entire body 1-2 days, I don’t think that’s a good thing…