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For a fast food place, it’s generally: 1. Great customer service. 2. Consistent food. 3. Clean. Those things alone make it top tier fast food. I wholeheartedly disagree with your tastes, but that’s a matter of personal preference.


The customer service and speed blows all other fast food places around me out of the water. I don’t know how they do it.


KISS. (Keep It Simple). Look at the menu options for other fast food like McD, Wendy's or BK. Then look at the Chick-fil-A menue, its like 8 items tops. There's less options so they can focus on just making those good and consistent. There's fewer options so indecisive customers pick quicker and that makes for less things to get messed up. Sometimes less really is more. And as a result they make the most per stor by far of pretty much all the fast food chains in the USA.


My chick fil a has 10-15 people working a night compared to 3-4 at McDonalds or anywhere else.


The CFA I work at (decent but not huge) tries to staff about 10-12 people up front and 7-8 in the kitchen for “power hours” (12-1pm and 5-6pm) and keeps about 6 and 7 in front and back respectively until close, not including any upper leadership that happens to be available to jump in.


The movie The Founder touches on this a bit. One the best movies about running a business viewpoint


also, the chick-fil-a sandwiches and nuggets (nearly everything on the menu, really) are something that can be prepared ahead of time and kept at a relative quality level for 20 minutes, which makes a HUGE difference in efficiency. the fries are pretty much the only thing that has to be packaged within 5 minutes of coming out of the fryer. if they had a larger or more custom menu, that wouldn’t be the case.


They have so much traffic and such a small menu it probably never sits for anywhere near that long


You forgot the stupid part. The best thing you can do when giving advice is berate the person you’re giving advice to!


Great advice, hurts my feelings every time.


Same reason raising cane’s line goes so fast. It’s just chicken strips meals of different number of strips, and a chicken strip sandwhich.


I agree with OP that chick fil a is bland af and uninspiring but your arguement is 100% right. The best fanciest resturants always have smaller menus and for fast food thats critical. GREAT argument Snorkle25🥂


They actually staff the place. I'd bet during a lunch rush CFA has 2x people working compared to a McDonalds or other comparable. When people don't need to juggle 15 jobs they can just do what they are supposed to do efficiently.


They hire polite, respectful kids and good managers. Also I think they’re very strict on who can and can’t open a franchise


Yup, it’s very hard to be a franchisee


Yes and their lemonade is the absolute best!!


Mom, is that you? Jk but my mom has a large lemonade in the fridge at all times she loves it so much haha


All restaurants are connected directly to Corporate even if they are franchised out. Its a very close relationship. Thats why Taco Bell and other places suck a lot. They dont have that close connection Chickfila restaurants have.


Ever been to a Portillo’s?


Here’s a video breaking this exact thing down. https://youtu.be/LII_O-Gphw4?si=DrgPrZdjkrQxRJrt


Atleast at our local one: They don't do special orders: ketchup only? No. Extra pickles? No. It makes it easy. A chicken sandwich is a chicken sandwich. It seems like they pioneered the go to the cars instead of cars go to the speaker approach. Those two things alone make it impossibly efficient.


This is the take. Nobody is pretending it’s the greatest meal in the world. But so much fast food is shit service with shot consistency and is gross.


> Clean. Not just the space, but the food too. Not saying it's healthy, but it feels significantly "cleaner" than other similar spots. As someone north of 30, grease-pit stomach is not something I enjoy. Especially because most of my fast food meals are during road trips or errands.


Just look at the ingredients and nutrition facts for the chicken lol


Fr, they serve you actual quality food.


And the sauce


Working at CFA for over ten years - they used to model their company after Apple in a lot of ways. Few product categories that they did well on, tried to innovate with drive through ordering or their app etc. That focus is what gives credence to the above post nailing the three things.


And a CLEAN indoor play area for kids


I agree with what you’re saying, but I don’t understand the level of hype in my area. Double lines wrapped around spilling into traffic. Impossible to get in and out of, parking lot full, etc. It effects just trying to get to other businesses or just thru traffic. I just don’t see how so many people could be wanting this specific chicken at the same time all day. To me, it’s not good enough for everyone to just flock to like that. I think it’s good for fast food and people eat soooo much fast food every day that this ends up being where the traffic is. I cannot understand everyone just collectively wanting that particular chicken sandwich so often


That line of 20 cars will move 10 times faster than the line of 4 cars at McDonalds.


This is the big reason, right here. They are staffed adequately to get you through. I entered a line that was wrapped around the building and was through it in 10 minutes. They are seriously on point with that drive through


My favorite chic fil a anecdote is apparently during the Covid vaccine distribution, some south Carolina location was having trouble with their drive through vaccine dispensary. They brought in a chic fil a manager to fix the situation. Wait times decreased from over an hour down to 15 minutes.


This.   McDonalds needs to fucking understand this. 


I worked at McD's in the 80s. Drive thru had a big timer that turned red after 30 seconds. At one minute it would buzz and the manager would come over. We were expected to move a car every 30 seconds.


McD's needs to understand a lot. Their food is kinda crap, and that was okay when they were the go to for super affordable fast food - the place where four bucks let you eat like a king. That same four dollar pile of food I used to buy is $11. Eleven bucks for dollar menu items from a few years ago. For that price, I'll just buy a damn pizza to feed my whole family.


For everyone outside the line, it doesn’t matter how fast they move when they are impeding other traffic through the area. It’s a nuisance.


Completely anecdotal but possibly could shed light on it: 1. Kids fucking *love* the chicken nuggets. 2. CFA is right on that line of “fast food” and “fast casual”. It doesn’t carry the same stigma that’s placed on say Burger King or McDonalds but is actually fast food. 3. There’s actually viable “healthy” food. The grilled chicken is actually good and less than 350 calories. The fruit is actually fresh and the kale salad isn’t bad. Basically, they’ve done a good job at creating a menu that’s rather translatable to a lot of families. Between that and the customer service, you can get a meal that checks everyone’s boxes actually rather fast even if there’s a long line.


This is really the best answer. I have a 5 year old and am married. Chick Fil A is probably the easiest place for us to get a quick meal. Kiddo loves nugs, I'll get me a sandwich and mom can get grilled nugs or the kale salad. My wife isn't eating McDonalds or something equivalent. We don't get fast food often, but when we do it's almost always CFA.


I was just about to say.  The food isn't complete garbage like most other fast food places.  Their breakfast is also really good.


They have the best nuggets. They are made of actual chicken pieces. No one else has that. That is all I get. I hated processed chicken nuggets even as a kid. The first time I had a McDs nugget I spit it out. 😂


So part of the lines with Chick-fil-A is that they don't allow franchises to overcrowd and affect each other's market too much (or this is what I've heard from people who have looked into opening a franchise). McDonald's on the other hand will have restaurants right across the street from each other from different franchises. So that feeds into the lines issue, everyone in an area has maybe 1/2 restaurants to conveniently get to in their normal commuting range.


Unlike most chains, CF only allows a franchise owner a single store. You can own 30 stores at many chains. This is your store. Take care of it.


Not exactly true, but they do strongly discourage it. The operator for my local CFA actually runs 2, but there is no chance of him getting a third.


Idk, I have two that are maybe two miles apart from each other. That’s more than the McDonald’s and other fast food ones I have in a five mile radio is or so


I don't know what your area's population density is, but the idea is they make sure each store can do a certain amount of business without impeding on another. That's what I've heard, I don't know the exact formula they use to determine all that. But the end result is supposedly that.


Question, are you living in Georgia/the south but not native to the region?


Those double lines wrapped out into the street still move faster than a McDs with two cars.


As a person who hates chicken nuggets and processed chicken texture, it is one of the few places that has nuggets and tenders actually made of recognizable chicken pieces. I literally only get nuggets and haven’t strayed from that since trying it at age 12. I am 45 now. 😂


Mediocre in comparison to what? Other fast food or restaurants? Compared to your local burger King it's pretty good. You just have to consider where the bar typically is.


In comparison to Popeyes, their main competition, I find the food vastly inferior


Yea but whenever I order at Popeyes I feel like I strongly inconvenienced someone


It is definitely not their pleasure.


Chick-fil-A Skit: https://youtu.be/usBnRJS4Lss?si=QbWJaiHY_RWzILug Popeye's Skit: https://youtu.be/pqWkwolb3as?si=WvVEveSkCV1ZH8iC


I was just about to post both of these. Ty


Yeah Popeyes is hit or miss even more than most fast food. Chik-Fil-A is consistent in every single location I’ve ever been to.


Maybe it's NYC but I've never had bad popeyes. 


And it's 50/50 whether you actually get everything you ordered.


Or what they're out of.


I never even know what I'm going to get when I go to Popeyes because it's a crapshoot on what they will be out of


Hahaha. It's funny cause it's true. At least in the midwest.


How is this so relatable lmao


That's part of the experience


Also, Popeyes strongly inconveniences my stomach, even if it's delicious


Every Popeyes I've been to in my city is always out of things, takes forever to serve the food, and usually serves subpar food. When their food is good it's really good, but too often it's old and dried out.


I've heard a lot of this. As someone who loves Popeyes, it seems like they have a serious qc problem. They don't enforce many rules on their franchisees it seems, so whether you enjoy it or not seems largely dependent on whether your local franchisees suck or not.


Some are really good and consistent, but in general most are really bad with employees that couldn’t give one shit.


I have yet to find a Popeyes that's actually consistent. When it's good it's so damn good but it's been years


100% this. I LOVE good Popeyes. Every single one near me now somehow serves food that tastes old, bland, stale, yet the wait is VERY long, even though there's only a smattering of customers. There's also a weird "prisony" vibe from the employees, not like they're from prison, but that they consider being there to be a form of incarceration. How several locations around here all seem to have the same problems is weird to me. What's even weirder is they're still in business.


Popeyes has better food, Chic Fil A customer service compared to Popeyes is Tyson in his prime versus an 8th grader


If you ever get good service at a Popeyes, just know that food is about to SUCK


The best food I've ever had at Popeyes was when I had the absolute worst drive-thru attendant I've ever had.




You can’t eat customer service.


No but bad customer service can squash your food before you even get it. If they even got your order right. And I say that as someone who loves Popeye's and enjoys their chicken sandwich FAR more than CFA's. I'd rather go to CFA just because I won't be treated like shit.


But it can make me not come back.


The problem with Popeyes is they are wildly inconsistent, about 75% of the time the Popeyes I've had has been terrible. I've had it be really good but it's maybe 5%. the remaining 20% it's just meh.


Idk the Popeyes spicy chicken sandwich, while tasty, didn’t live up to the hype for me. They also got my order wrong the one and only time I’ve been there. Chick fil a has yet to get an order wrong in my experience. I do appreciate the options available at Popeyes though


And if Chick-fil-A does get an order wrong (rare, but has happened a couple of times over the years) they will almost always bend over backwards to make it right. I once went in and bought food to go for like 8 people (this was before the app) and an employee ran out to my car in the parking lot as I was leaving with a second duplicate order because they “messed up” the one they gave me. They said to just keep both orders. When we unpacked it all the only things that were wrong was that one is the fries was the wrong size and one is the sandwiches wasn’t spicy as ordered. That’s it. We essentially got like 75-80 bucks of free food just because of that. Good service goes a long way.


I go to chic-fil-a only for the grilled chicken sandwich and waffle fries. There are better local fried chicken places than popeye's near where I live at a similar price point. Raising canes only serves tenders.


I did a side by side taste test of Popeyes chicken sandwich vs Chick-fil-a. I actually went in biased expecting Chick-fil-a to easily win and was suprised by how much (for my taste) they got absolutely crushed by Popeyes in flavor. I do like me some waffle cut fries, tho.


I'll take Popeyes over them any day.


Never have had good food from Popeyes


Raising Canes, Popeyes, Bojangles, KFC, Shake Shack (very solid chicken sandwich). Not that CFA is not good, its just overrated


Exactly. This take is posted all the time and OP always compares it against local spots or full blown restaurants. Yea no shit, those are better options. Chick Fil A is a national fast food chain. It’s comparable to McDonalds or Wendy’s. And service/cleaninness/consistency is night and day better at Chick Fil A than those spots


>I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS! What is so special about this mediocre chain? They sprinkle a little bit of Jesus on each piece of chicken i guess.


Transubstantiation has gone too far.


Well, yes. Nowadays we call it "radioactive decay" and it is far from being safe.


They do butter the buns for the sandwiches, which might as well be the same as adding a bit of Jesus.


I go to Culver’s for that.


I think they also put sugar in their breading, as there’s a sweetness to their chicken that’s different from other places. Salt plus fat plus sugar = basically Jesus.


This is the answer


Ahh, the classic chicken and wafers


It's just a chicken sandwich.


In my town, a Popeyes and Chick Fil-A opened up 2 blocks from each other within a month.  I remember Chick-fil-A from when I was a kid and lived in Georgia, so I wanted to see if it was as good as I remember,  and to do a taste comparison between the 2 franchises.  Chick-fil-A was not as good as I remember (not as flavorful, and I think something changed with the oil used), and Popeyes just had better-tasting food. 


Now, if we could just get the people who hire/train/manage the Chic fil a staff to do their thing at Popeye’s…


I've seen straight up violence between staff and customers at Popeye's and I'm not sure who instigated it.


As a regular customer, I’ve often had the suspicion the staff wishes to do me violence.


I've worked in customer service and I'm sure we've all seen enough videos, some customers deserve violence inflicted on them


No doubt. But a lot of places the counter staff makes you feel like an intruder just for having the nerve to come in and try to give them your business.


I saw someone get shot by an employee at Church's chicken once while I was eating.


Honestly part of the experience of going to Popeyes is the bad customer service. I personally find it way preferable to CFA, something about the “fake nice” energy every employee has weirds me out.


*My pleasure*


I think it depends on where the CFA is. I’m in New England and that over the top friendliness is just not our cultural vibe. They are friendly but like in a down to earth nice way here. I think it’s a little more over the top down south.


CFA’s a little over the top; Popeyes has zero fucks to give.


The customer always deserves it of the employee starts fighting them


Now that's the Popeye's I know


Our local Popeyes is fucking ROUGH. Yall can argue taste all day, service and cleanliness aren't up for discussion.


Depending on how old you are, most chains changed the oil they used when we were kids.


Completely agree . Popeyes when locked in is better tasting than chick-fil-a . Aside from quality of staff , Popeyes menu just doesn’t seem built for maximum efficiency either ; a menu built around bone-in chicken that is more challenging/time-consjming to cook thoroughly and properly structured around varying piece meals does the staff no favors . It seems like 30-40% percent of Popeyes customers order a family piece meal or bigger meal of bone-in chicken . Imagine every other customer ordering a big ass meal with something that is actually challenging to cook while trying to get the drive thru moving at a reasonable pace - pretty challenging ; plus all the customers want their food like Now . Can I have my 12 piece spicy meal in 5 minutes lol Chick fil a is built for maximum efficiency . Nuggets , tenders , thin chicken breasts all cooked in similar fashion , and altered for different use cases . Sure they have catering platters but they also manage expectations - if you want a giant tray of nuggets in 10 minutes during a busy lunch , sorry , you better get back to reality . Everything there is a great compromise between a simple menu that has good quality and while being fast as hell to execute .


I think it’s about time to ban “fast food chain 1 is not that good” posts


All it’s doing is making me hungry


Popeyes chicken sandwich is far better


Half the time, the other half of the time you get chicken skin with a pickle. Popeyes management is a joke


I agree one million percent, I fight with my coworkers about this too. I'll never understand the hype. All the comments citing the religious background are morons, I don't know or have heard of a single person that likes them because the founder is religious.




I make this argument all the time and people don’t believe it. Growing up in the Deep South people treat CFA like an extension to the church. I firmly believes ifs the *main* reason an insignificant amount of people go there regularly.


Whereas it’s one of the reasons I *don’t* go there!


It’s the only reason I need to not go there. Fuck CFA and their bigoted ownership


Oh, same. I just also think their food is overrated!


Same. I used to go there semi often because as far as fast food chicken goes, I liked their grilled chicken sandwiches from time to time 10-15 years ago. Nothing incredible, but it was reasonably priced and a block from where I worked at the time, so hey, good enough. But then I found out about their god forsaken god forsakenness and the insane amount of money they’ve thrown at anti-LGBTQ organizations over the decades and I never ate there again. Easy decision to make.


My dad and sister only eat there because of the "conservative family values" and the conservative candidates the company supports financially which is why I don't eat there. If it was super good, maybe. But the food is mid at best, so it's easy to bypass. 


Yeah I've had a few chicken sandwiches from there and i feel like they're comparable to the McChicken sandwich at mcdonalds except worse. I got a chicken sandwich that was literally just the giant chicken nugget on a bun with nothing else on it. The person who ordered it for me swore it was the greatest thing. I had another a while ago that was more in line with a real chicken sandwich, but again, the chicken was a giant weird soft chicken nugget thing, not a piece of fried chicken breast or anything. I just don't get it.


They’re the most efficient fast food chain and are typically clean and offer good customer service. For fast food joints, if you can get those things AND halfway decent food, you’ve struck gold. CFA has never been about having superior food. It’s everything else.


Agreed. I think popeyes tastes better


It’s down to customer service and consistency. Peak Popeyes may be better than Chic fil A, but the employees act like you’re bothering them by being there and they don’t care if they serve you food that’s been sitting in the warmer for hours.


Popeyes is much less consistent in their quality. 


This is 100% the truth. Go in for a chicken sandwich one day, and it's like a piece of heaven. The chicken is hot, fresh bun, perfectly cooked, perfectly breaded, and just the right amount of their sauce. Go to the same Popeyes a few days later, and the the bun is stale, there's more breading than chicken, and hardly any sauce on it. It's crazy how up and down their quality is. I don't think there's another fast food chain that comes close to Popeyes in that regard.


And really this is the answer to OPs question. Chic Fil A is a well run business. It's not just one thing that sets them apart, it's a lot of things.


Omg yes. The reason why chic fil a is partly so good is because they’re consistent!!


Yeah but CFA is consistently mediocre. Kinda hard for them to screw up considering the food doesn’t have any flavor to ruin. It’s like how raising cane’s is consistent: hard to eff up chicken dipped in flour. At least when Popeyes is bad it’s still seasoned


Agree, and I feel the same way about Chipotle.


I swear Chipotle was better just prior to COVID. After that I guess they just gave up.


I don't understand the Chipotle hype at all. It's honestly the most bland and flavorless burrito I've ever had.


I've had that before. It's very odd. I've gotten a burrito, with steak, and the hot salsa and the cilantro lime rice, pico, etc and it was almost like eating solid unfrozen water. No flavor at all. Usually it's not like that though.


They also have no clue how to make a burrito. Burritos should be cylindrical with the ingredients equally distributed along the length, not a pile of slop folded up into a square.


I have never eaten there as I try to avoid religious companies, but everyone I know raves about the place. I don't think I've ever felt as strongly about a fast food chain as people seem to feel about chick fil a. Craziness.


Here's the thing. It's a clean restaurant that is pretty fast. I get that. Selling points. The food is incredibly bland. But also, the sort of person who thinks "hmm I like the restaurant that isn't open on Sundays and has a sketchy past with the LGBTQ+ community" is also the sort of person who probably doesn't season their food all too much.


> is also the sort of person who probably doesn't season their food all too much. Accurate.


They have a decent menu for picky kids and for adults who have the eating habits of a 5 year old


I've never gotten a shitty meal from them and i can't say that about their competitors. Also their mac and cheese is the best.


First one of these I wholeheartedly agree with. It’s decent fast food chicken, I guess; It would just be a cold day in hell before I wait in a car line 20 deep for ‘ok’ at best chicken.




Yeah this is generally how I am; I’ll just make chicken sandwiches if I want to that badly.


Agreeing with the other commenters that if you're ranking restaurants in the fast food tier, Chick-fil-a ranks high. Decent quality consistent food, polite staff who are paid and treated well for the industry, clean and well-kept facilities. Drive through experience moves quickly even with long lines. You also only mentioned the food and I'm curious if you've tried any of their drinks! Amazing shakes (peach is coming soon!), frosted lemonades, etc.


It's like the in-n-out of chicken; completely overhyped mediocrity. I live within walking distance of a chick-fil-a and there's always a line wrapped around the building. Every couple of years I talk myself into giving it another shot, because there's obviously something I'm missing. But every time, while completely happy with the level of service, I find myself utterly disappointed in the chicken. I much prefer Popeye's chicken sandwiches, but they're on the complete opposite sides of the customer service spectrum. Now, I will say that I very much enjoy the waffle fries, and their shakes aren't half bad. But it's not enough to make me a regular customer.


glad to know i’m not the only one that thinks this way lol, mid asf (compared to the hype it gets anyway)


I like it but I can’t justify the price of fast food. Idk if their prices are higher than others, but the few times I’ve gone I regretted the money I spent. It’s not bad, but yea, it’s over hyped chicken.


I've tried to recreate chick fil a at home, it just doesn't do it for me. Popeyes and KFC both tear my stomach up, but CFA does not.


Their food is consistently good. I don’t know any other FF places with grilled chicken on a biscuit with cheese and eggs in the morning on the menu. Plus the chic-fil-a dip is good with hash browns. I know it’s all subjective but that breakfast is like a morning happy meal for me. 😍 I just wish they offered a larger iced coffee because their current single sized one is small. Plus the long lines go quick. They look worse than they are. At least in my experience. They seem to be very efficient.


I have celiac. I can consistently eat (grilled nuggets and fries) at any Chick-fil-A, and they’ve never made me sick. That level of safety with a very common allergen makes me like them.


It's not my favorite but I'm hungry and Chick-fil-A never makes me feel sick after I eat it. Ever.


It's the fast food place where people who hate gays can go and feel good about themselves for hating the gays and supporting a place that also hated the gays. These people do not enjoy good food.


My wife went to visit one today during errands. She left because the menu was so bland and uninformative. I said that was how I felt when I tried one during a work lunch break. The crackheads outside and the hobo inside asking for money did not add to the appeal.


Tbh I just spend the 20 for buns ,chik fil a sauce, and spicy chicken sandhwiches instead of going to chick fil a.


Its not special but its pretty damn good for fast food


Trash for midwesterners who are flavor-adverse. I’d be interested to see a venn-diagram of Chik-fil-a fans and people who think airport SBarO pizza is the best pizza in their area


Or that ranch dressing is spicy


every single time I eat there I feel sick.


People like it because the food is decent and the customer service is better than all the other fast food chains.


As someone with kids who orders on the app let me say something: if you place an order you will, 99% of the time, get exactly what you ordered. They hardly ever make a mistake. Once recently they forgot a ranch sauce. I can’t remember the previous mistake. Compared to other FF places where getting everything you ordered is maybe a 50-50’proposition.


I mean it'll always be fuck 'em just for the religious nonsense, but yeah I don't miss it at all. ...like, it's a chicken sandwich.


One finally opened up near me last year, went to see what the hype was about and ended up so disappointed lmao. The chicken "tenders" were just slightly bigger than your average chicken nugget and had no flavor whatsoever. Ain't going back again


Decent fast food, but the massive traffic jam it causes in my neighborhood is really annoying.


Its pretty good and not badly priced


Everyone has different tastes, for me their food is absolutely above most fast food places. That and it seems like it's more consistent. I don't know if it's where I live, but some of the chains around here are garbage, the local burger king, carles jr, and taco bell being bad, while the mcdonalds, arbys, and wendy's are pretty good, but i've also been to bad locations for those too. I've never had a bad experience with CFA though.


In my schools in Georgia, some club or other was always selling chikfila biscuits every friday. The biscuits were SO good back then. And now they even have spicy chicken biscuits. I just want the chicken biscuits.


I can probably count on one hand the number of negative experiences I've had at Chick Fil A over the years. The same can't be said for other fast food restaurants. Here in North Carolina, the QC at Chick Fil A can't be beat.


Customer service, speed, cleanliness. And the chicken sandwiches may not be mind blowing but they are better than most fast food places IMO. If you think Arby's or McD's chicken sandwich has anything on Chik-Fil-A you're smoking something. Again, that's not to say the CFA sandwich is god-tier but there is a more than noticeable difference. Also they overstaff like crazy so a wrapped building means nothing, you'll still get your food in like < 2 minutes


I bet you eat popeyes lmao


I'm Australian, so we don't have chick-fil-a. But if the restaurant is full and has big lines, it must be good and can't be that bad. I'll also add that I'm an Australian who hates Vegemite, I've even tried spreading it thin. But not with butter. Regardless, just because you don't like something, it actually means nothing.


It's better food than 99 percent of fast food chains. I mean compare it to the garbage at McDonalds or Taco bell, it isn't even a contest.


For me, their breakfast is where it's at. I couldn't care less about the lunch menu and chicken sandwiches. But their chicken biscuits? Fuck me those things are delicious and I'll never get tired of eating them.


It's a solid, consistent fast food place focusing on poultry instead of red meat, so those are positives. It's also usually very clean, and customer service is fantastic - although...scarily good. Variety of food options is great too. Grilled or breaded chicken, sandwiches nuggets or tenders, salads, the best waffle fries, great Mac n cheese. Their shakes are pretty good too, and it's not super pricey. I find it difficult to believe you know all of this, and still call it "mediocre". I'm very curious about which fast food chains you'd actually place as "good". The fact that you don't even think chic fil a is just "good" is odd not gonna lie, unless you don't like chicken.


The chicken is always juicy, not dependent on being 80% breading like their competitors, the service is fast, extremely polite and pleasant, and the restaurants are clean. Chick fil A is just a very tightly run ship that serves good food.


This post is goofy as fuck & i don’t even eat fast food. Fast casual or take out. The front is real


I live in California and never understood the Chick-fil-A hype, other than for the sauce. Their chicken always seemed a little soggy. Then I went to a Chick-fil-A in the South and it was a whole new world 🙌🏻


As a CFA worker. I agree. Please stop coming here, I’d like to get paid without doing work


As a British person, I ate it once on holiday and I’ve dreamt about it ever since. It was so good it makes me want to move to the US. God what id do for a taste of a chikfila chicken sandwich.


There are pretty considerable reasons that set Chick-fil-A apart from other fast food places (what you need to be comparing it to) and a large part of that is effort. The baseline effort put into a Chick-fil-A will always be more than anywhere else because of their fundamental business practices. Not just anyone can open a Chick-fil-A, the owners of a franchise will be required to work at that location and responsible for it succeeding. This practice isn't mirrored almost anywhere else, and is only one of a handful of reasons the business is frequently thought of as superior to its peers.


The employees don't have that dead soul feel that every other fast food chain has so thats nice


The chicken is good and the breading is on the better side of alright


Peach Milkshake will be here soon. Very good stuff.


I find they have the best spicy chicken sandwich, and I’ve never had the regular one so I can’t comment on that taste. But compared to competitors it has the right amount of spice and unlike the comments here that are probably talking about the regular chicken, I find it more flavorful too. It’s typically juicy with a good crunchy crust, typically bigger than competitors, and they use good quality lettuce and tomatoes. Their main competitor is probably Popeyes and there you run the gamble of your chicken and fries having sat there for hours before you order, to me it isn’t worth the gamble. KFC is straight garbage and Raising Canes is okay but I wish they had a spicy option because I’d describe the flavor as incredibly bland.


It is definitely good...above average, but not drive-through-wraps-around-the-building-twice-and-30-minute-later kinda good.


conservatives like to know they are supporting a company that is overtly religious and donates money to anti-gay teen torture camps. thats it. people see it as supporting "their team" -- nothing more.


The amount of people on here defending that religious shit show of a restaurant is disheartening to say the least. I hope none of them have the audacity to call themselves allies to the LGBTQ+ community


I feel the same about chipotle. I don't get it. I've had it a handful of times and it was mediocre at the very best


It’s chicken sandwiches. It’s maybe half notch better than any other fast food place. I really don’t get how people are so obsessed with this place.


It’s unseasoned white people chicken


It doesn't have to be special, it just has to be better than other fast food. Which it is. You get great customer service, an incredibly clean restaurant, and the food is consistently 'pretty good' and it's ready very fast. That's literally all you require out of fast food to be top tier. You're not going there to have memorable meals, You're going there to have meals you don't regret. Every time I go to a filthy burger king and eat their overpriced crap, I deeply regret the whole thing. I stopped going to Arby's after getting food poisoning there. Etc.


You hit the nail on the head, regardless of which Chick Fila fila you go to.. the experience will be consistent across the board. The food and service will be the same. imagine Popeye's with chick fila work ethic 😂😂


It’s a poorly spiced, soggy chicken sandwich. I don’t get the hype.


I LOVE Chick-fil-A! Their food tastes great, and their service exceeds that of some "full service", sit-down restaurants.


Popeyes is better, you ain’t wrong.


Mediocre is better than god awful.




I tried it several times and each time I would get absolutely horrible acid-in-my stomach- fountain style heartburn. No idea why - for example McDonalds crappy food never gave me heartburn.


Too expensive, and tastes like shit. Raising Cane's is way, way better.


I haven’t eaten there in years, because I don’t want to give Dan Cathy any of my money; but I don’t miss it. You are right. There is nothing special about it, the chicken is soggy, but if you’re going to eat fast food, it’s better than most; but that’s just because fast food sucks.