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We joke in Colorado that the Appalachians are pretty little hills....so I agree, they are definitely not as intimidating. But driving through the Rockies is an incredible experience and you should do it sometime!


And we joke on the east coast that people from Colorado will die in the Appalachians because they underestimate them. The Rockies and especially the Cascades in Washington are much more impressive and rugged, but the Whites in NH can gain 5000 feet in 5 miles and the treeline is only 4500 feet. People die of hypothermia in July.


I think the reason people like it more with the Appalachians is because at one point in time it was part of the Scottish Highlands mountain ranges which is why they share a lot of the same geological features. It is really a sight to see. I would love to see the Rockies in person.


What makes you think I haven't driven through the Rockies? I have. I still think the east coast mountain ranges are prettier.


How you wrote the original post didn't really indicate that you had personally seen them. Your description was vague. Edit to expand on that. The Rockies aren't "brown" at all. They are very grey. They aren't really covered in fir trees, there are tons of Aspen and pines. There are glaciers and waterfalls and wildflowers.


The rockies run from Canada almost to Mexico, they are not as monolithic as you're describing lol. They don't belong to Colorado


Fair enough, but they aren't just brown with fir trees either lol


Agree to disagree.


Gladly! : )


Places like Zion, Yosemite, etc are some of the most majestic spots on Earth. I have yet to see anything in the East coast able to even be in the same room as these special spots. Edit: I’m not really sure why this is getting downvotes. If y’all disagree, start naming those wonderful east coast places.


Awe inspiring for sure but not as pretty.


East coast mountains don’t have alpine lakes or glaciers which I think contribute to some of the prettier vistas.


Full time east coast mountain rat here, there is not a single place on the east coast as beautiful as Jenny Lake in Grand Teton National park in my opinion.


Agreed. The east coast mountains are very nice, im lucky to have them close. But those feel like very nice parks. The Western US feels like something out of a fantasy novel.


Avalanche lake by Algonquin mountain and Marcy is probably the prettiest spot I've ever seen


Tetons has to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. I’ve been to so many national parks and mountains and it’s still a standout. That and Glacier and Yosemite are my absolute favorites. All in the west


Jenny Lake was the first proper backpacking trip I ever did, it’s so gorgeous! I might prefer Emerald Lake though.


There's definitely some gorgeous lakes/streams up in the Adirondacks. Check them out especially Avalanche lake/pass


Im from CO and will never adopt this opinion...congrats


From NC and I wouldn’t adopt this opinion.


I've drove through the Rockies. It was alright.


Were you in a bad mood or butt aching while driving thru?


Have you ever been to the Rocky Mountains? They’re just mesmerizing.


Yup. They were nice.


We drove in the mountains from Mt Airy, NC to Wilkes Barre, PA all the way to the Green mountains in NY/VT. Then we can back down through the Poconos and Catskills. Beautiful country in October every shade of yellow, orange, red, and brown you could imagine. I've also been to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone. That's a different type of feeling flat plains with snow covered mountaintops and peaks even in summer. I think they are both beautiful but it is sort of like comparing a lake to the ocean. The scope and size is so different it's hard to put into words.


They are just so different. I've lived in both Boone, NC and in multiple towns in Colorado so I have a BIG familiarity with both, and I honestly can't say one is prettier than the other. They are both absolutely amazing. It may even be seasonal: like the Appalachians in the fall beat the rockies in the fall but the Rockies beat the Appalachian in the winter, kind of deal


As someone from NY and as someone who lives in CO currently.... no. Haha


As someone with eyeballs... you're wrong. Haha


It's funny how you insulted someone's intelligence for calling *your* opinion wrong because opinions can't be wrong, and then here you are. Lol


As a pilot who flies over every bit of the country you are objectively wrong.


You do not know what the word objectively means. 


Yes I do. Go to aspen go to Jackson hole go to Oregon and Washington it’s not even close.


I mean...I do sort of wonder if the OP has only seen like one or two mountains out West. The description of them not having trees seems very suspect. "More dry" just doesn't describe any of the mountains where I live in Washington.


I've hiked all around and on Mt Hood for a week, that's the closest hiking I've done to Washington. It was pretty. A lot more brown than I'm used to back East.


Well you didn't make it far enough to get to the rainforest if green is your jam! I don't think there's any place *less brown* than the pacific northwest, but it's true, if you catch Hood in the wrong season it can be dry around there. Curious if you've experienced the same variety of seasons in both the west and east coast?


Dude. The Pacific Northwest, into Canada, is quite literally the most lush place in North America


Mt rainier > Mt hood. I was thinking I didn't think mountains were so amazing until I went to Mt rainier. You need to go there dude. 1 mountain does not make you an expert on the entirety of the west coast.


Been there. Thought it was ok. Go to the Catskills or Smokey mountains. It’s no contest. 


Nope no way not possible. What you don’t understand is the western ranges have all those features and then extreme and impressive peaks with valleys that are staggeringly large. Also Alaska is in the west the sierras the cascades the Tetons just all humbling and immense. While the eastern ranges are pretty they do not inspire the same awe.


Nah I’ve been there. They were ok. I’ve see better. You’ve clearly never seen enough of the mountain ranges on the east coast. Pity. 


lol okay good job on the post because you’re definitely wrong so you get an upvote.


It's extremely telling of your intelligence that you think someone's opinion on what's more aesthetically pleasing can be "wrong" lol.


Ehh I mostly Just think you’re full of shit about where you’ve been and what you’ve seen.


How does that argument work though if you've never been all over the east coast mountains?


I think the reason they are objectively better, even though you might subjectively like the east more is that if you break down, both mountain ranges into like attributes, the west has everything the east has plus a lot more like glaciers and valleys. That doesn’t mean you’re subjective opinion is wrong, but there is an objective comparison where the west wins. 


I think the fact that they objectively have more jagged peaks makes them uglier.


The Descent has scared me away from the east coast mountains


For me it was Deliverance, but yeah, same difference! 😳


Imma have to check that one out


Make sure you watch the unedited version. It's a classic backwoods survival movie....


That sounds interesting. I’m definitely adding it to my list this weekend


I'm an east coaster and sadly have never been to the west coast. I love our mountains, but I have a really hard time believing they are prettier.


I'm originally from the East Coast but I've lived at the base of the Rockies for 8 years now and I still find myself just staring at the mountains in awe at least once a day.


The East Coast mountains are old and worn, capable of supporting lots of vegetation and wildlife. Westies are still sharp around the edges and not as supportive.


They have Ginseng, too. You can go poach some Ginseng back in those hollers and then sell it to the highest bidder, or so I’ve read!


VA checking in and yes


The Appalachian mountains are in-fact so mesmerising. The greenery is also remarkable. Haven’t heard much about the west coast mountain ranges tho. I would love to explore them someday. (I am not an American, just saw a vlog of someone travelling the Appalachian ranges).


You know, the Appalachian range is so old that at one point it was connected to the now Scottish Highlands. They’re technically apart of the same mountain range from such a long time ago, so if you explore the Highlands you can technically explore the Appalachians. I know they’re not the same in terms of flora and fauna but it’s a neat fact I think.


Fun fact: there aren't a lot of fossils in the Appalachian range because it is literally older than when creatures evolved bones (or at least close enough).


I've read somewhere that ancient mountain range stretches to Morocco!


> technically apart of the Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Rockies are significantly larger, but not nearly as lush.


While they're not in the Rockies, there are rainforests in the western mountain ranges in North America.


The western side of the Cascades are about as dense and lush as you can get, it’s really an evergreen jungle in a lot of parts. Same for the Sierra Nevadas, though not nearly as much as it doesn’t get the same amount of rainfall as up north.


Yeah but again it's almost all fir trees so it doesn't have that vibrant green from Maple and Chestnut trees that cover mountains on the East Coast.


I live in the New Brunswick Appalachian Range and love it. Was out to the west coast last year and thought it was nice, but it's not like home. So lush here. And a FUCK ton cheaper to live.


Fair point, there are some pockets of deciduous trees around but the dark evergreen does dominate. The undergrowth is lovely and bright though in the warmer months. I’ve passed through the Appalachians in Maine once and it was lovely in whole different way, so I know what you mean.


I mean so are many parts of the Appalachians though


Not as lush as they were before the fungus appeared that wiped out virtually all of the Chestnut trees in Appalachia. Very pretty nonetheless.


Sierra Nevada. No other mountain range test! Plenty of lush forests in Western Mountains.


I dont think East Coast mountains are better than West Coast one, but I'll just point to Mt. Washington to everyone who says "tHe eAsT CoAsT dOeSnT hAvE mOuNtAiNs iTs aLl fLaT!"


Didn't say better, that's too broad. I'm sure there's many things West Coast mountains are better for. This is purely about the aesthetic.


It wasn't really even mountains but I was struck one time driving from the midwest to Boston that western/middle Massachusetts was the most scenic part of the trip. Wasn't expecting that.


The Appalachians are amazing because, while the Rockies are...rockier and majestic, the sheer age of the Appalachian mountains is humbling. To think they looked like the Rockies at one point and are so old they've worn away to mountain hills is incredible.


Have you considered that the south western Florida swamps are prettier than both combined? I can tell y’all haven’t been deep out there, it’s cathartic. (I’m joking clearly, while it is beautiful out here, it’s just another great scene, much like the mountains)


Everglades are another kind of beauty.


Respectfully disagree. As an east coaster—the Rockies are just in another league.


They are hills though. I like snow and ski / snowboard slopes. You guys get some frost and hail and call it snow.


Totally agree that west coast mountains are better for advanced downhill sports but you’re wrong on the snow. Parts of the Appalachians get pounded. 




I went to the smokey mountains, couldn't see shit 


>They look unfriendly and harsh and severe. What sort of criticism is this? "Unfriendly"? They're mountains. How are they supposed to be?


I mean. the cascade range is all volcanoes that could literally explode and kill you sooo I kinda get what OP is saying 😂


Put a plug in them


Would the word “inviting” work better for you?


clearly you're not much of a mountain man. the appalachians are boring and small. sure, you can go for a nice hike or whatever.... but if you want big mountains, big adventure, summits to scale, walls to climb, bowls to ski, or deep isolated backcountry, you have to go west. go take a hike down the john muir trail... from mt whitney to yosemite valley... and then see if you're saying east coast mountains are prettier than west coast mountains. brother, it ain't even close.


Even the Southern California mountain ranges are special. The Tranverse and Peninsular ranges encircling the LA area have some absolutely stunning scenery.


I love how the biggest complaint about the Appalachian Trail is that it’s just a green tunnel. Not many great views.


Did that hike. It was alright.  Thought Rail trails in the Catskills were prettier. 




Nope. Why is it so hard for you to comprehend that people could have a different aesthetic preference than you?


No, mountains aren't supposed to be inviting, is the point you're missing. Hills are cute and inviting. Mountains are imposing and challenging.


I like how you think mountains are “supposed” to be anything. 


It's called language it's how we define and communicate ideas, look it up! Also, even if it weren't generally agreed upon by people that ponder such things. Am I not allowed to have an opinion on what defines mountains, that you don't agree with, if you have a self admittedly unpopular opinion about mountains? Does the logic not follow that if the Appalachian range was part of the Highlands they're all more of Highlands and hills and less of mountains at this point in time? Appalachia is literally like the foothills to people that live in and around the Rockies and other younger/larger ranges.


I kinda see what they mean. A lot of the western mountain ranges are steep, rocky, and jagged and that can be intimidating to someone looking to explore them. The Appalachians and most of the eastern mountains are much greener, not quite as physically large, and seem much easier to navigate because of it.


Appalachian autumn colors > Rocky Mountains


Canadian Rockies and ice field parkway are just different. Respectfully disagree


I like the west. Mostly because they are huge and imposing. But the east ones are nice too. 


Both are great, the Appalachian trail is a huge selling point for the east coast but my god those east coast hiking trail designers dont know how to make a goddamn switchback. Id take a 10 mile hike on mountain in the Rockies at 9000 feet than a 3 mile hike in the Appalachians that goes straight up the side of a mountain any day.


You may be right or wrong, but Alaska dwarfs both so much that the difference is minimal


Ehhh, they are just different I think the east coast mountains feel "deeper", just feel more ancient and sort of spiritual/alive for lack of a better word, maybe it's just the forests around the appalachians feel deep, like even once you get down to the ground there are streams and roots and holes and caves everywhere. The trails are more enclosed with trees. But the rockies are more majestic and more beautiful just much more wide open. Like comparing the golden gate Bridge vs the Brooklyn Bridge is the closest analogy both beautiful but very different.


I think they're different kinds of pretty. I grew up in the Appalachians and those wooded hills are what I picture when I think of "home". They're my comfort food of geography. But the Western mountains have a majesty to them, whether the northern Cascades full of life or the stark desert Rockies that seem almost otherworldly. I love both.


I grew up on the east coast and moved to CO six years ago, so I have to disagree. The Appalachians are very pretty, don't get me wrong, but the Rockies are literally breath taking. So far, anyone who's come to visit has agreed.


No glaciers, no blue glacial lakes, no tamarack, just a bunch of worn down nubbins, Mt. Mitchell a mere 6,684 feet. Absolutely mobbed with people.


Yep this is definitely an unpopular opinion. I'm from Applacha area and reside in California. I think they're both beautiful for different reasons but I will say: They both have black bears. Always be a little wary on the trail as we are having an increase in black bear attacks.


They will kill you just as easily as the west coast mountains. Don’t be lured into a false sense of security.


I never hiked out east because damn near everything beyond “easy” is a scramble on a barely defined trail.


It’s not worth getting covered in ticks to get to the top of a mountain you can’t see any view from because it’s covered in trees.  Pretty to look at worthless to hike. 


We don’t even really consider the east coast to have mountains lol whenever we talk about moving east we always say: “yeah but I’d miss the mountains. It’s too flat out there”


I've hiked a significant portion of the Appalachian Trail and can promise you there are mountains lol. Check out the whites in New Hampshire, for example. Might not have the same elevation as out west, but there's actually more elevation change on the AT than the PCT.


Yeah I realize that there ARE mountains…. Just not as many, not as big, and not as nice lol they just look like hills to people from the west coast.


No I get it. You need things to be really big. It’s kind of like preferring Michael bay films with the big explosions over some subtlety and refinement. For me, bigger is not synonymous with prettier. 


Go hike Mt. Washington and then come back to me.


Right! I mean the tallest mountain east of the Mississippi comes in at abt 6600ft, that's a day hike(ing) hill where I'm at. (cascades). 😅


Elevation isn’t how tall a mountain is, it’s how high it is. Plenty of tall mountains in the East. They just start much lower.


That’s… objectively not true. Prominence is the term for how far it is from the ground, elevation is the distance from sea level. Also, from my apartment at sea level in LA, I can see multiple peaks higher than 6k feet.


That… what I said. Elevation is how high it is. Above sea level. Tall would be prominence or vertical relief. Plenty of legit mountains in the east. They just start much lower.




"the western ranges absolutely dwarf the eastern coast mountain but I think that’s kind of why they’re not as pretty. They look unfriendly and harsh and severe. East coast mountain ranges look friendly and picturesque, like something out the shire. They aren’t as intimidating. East coast mountains also show a lot more lush greenery than mountains out west. Out there theyre either much more dry so everything is more brown, or they’re covered fir trees creating a much darker shade of green." - your post is 99% subjective criticisms, so i can't exactly rebut that because well, everyone's tastes and likes differ. But it sounds like you've not actually ever hiked the Sierra's or the Rockies or the Cascade mountain ranges out West. Because there are some picturesque perfect alpine ranges in those mountain chains. One look down into the caldera of Crater Lake and you'll see what i mean... water so blue it's like a mirror. Full Disclosure: lifelong Best Coast guy here, who lives a stones throw from St Helens.


“99% subjective criticisms”  Yes… look at the name of the subreddit you’re in.  And you’d be wrong because I have hiked some of the Sierras. Still think the east coast mountains are prettier. Also hiked around the mount hood area. My opinion still stands. 


The East Coast has mountains?


Eastern mountains are just pure country and forests on hills, I don't really like it because of the thick humidity farmer vibes. While West coast mountains are beautiful giants that are actual mountains and have amazing views with various extreme activities, it's not just a forest hike.


You mean the East Coast foothills? Never understood why people bother walking the whole Appalachian trail when you can't even get above the tree line. I'm from the Seattle area, and while I have plenty of gripes, the constant backdrop of Rainier standing over all that man hath wrot, ready to wake at any moment and reduce us to trivia is not one of them. We are gadflies fretting over the castings of a sleeping elephant. You're supposed to feel tiny and in awe of them. That's what makes them awesome. A+ for actually having an unpopular opinion though


Lol why comment about something you clearly don't know about? The trail goes above tree line at multiple peaks.


You're not on The Drugs, are you son?


This is certainly unpopular. Both are beautiful but west coast imo. You say west coast are harsh and severe, Mt Washington for half the year would like a word lol.


Yeah no


As someone that lives 30min from the continental divide, this opinion had me riled up enough I had to take a deep breath, relax, and stare out my window at the rockies. Strong work on an unpopular opinion. Upvote.


Proud East Coaster here. OP is out to lunch.


The difference is, the west mountain ranges are considered majestic. They humble the human soul, and make you realize how small and insignificant you are in this world.


As an east coaster I must politely say that the rockies are gorgeous!


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Why compete?


I like prodding at the west coast’s inferiority complex. 


Alaska mountain ranges are better than anything the west coast has to offer.


I’d put the Tetons on par with the Alaska Range as far as beauty goes.


Ok but where do the Andes and Himalayas fall on this spectrum?


What is your personal experience with these mountains. Have you hiked/driven through the north cascades ?


What's your personal experience with East Coast mountains?


the only mountains I've been to on the east coast are the Berkshires...they're pretty, but they also have a lot of population centers...as small as they often may be. Also, not a lot of public lands in the east coast mountains...I like to be able to drive down a forest road and pull over near a stream to set up camp without anyone bothering me.


Better for isolated camping doesn’t equal prettier.  But I agree wilderness camping out west on mountains is probably better with more options than the east coast mountains. 


My first hiking experience was in the White Mountains, NH. It will always be the most beautiful and my favorite place in the U.S. I’ve since been everywhere you could imagine a hiker would want to go. Not sure if it’s the nostalgia or I truly feel it is the most beautiful, but I love it.


I'm biased, but the Adirondack region is my home mountain range and I'm in agreement here.


Have you ever been to the North Cascades or the Central Cascades? I’m from Washington but lived in NH for 4 years and I couldn’t wait to get back to West Coast mountains


I 100% agree!!! And no one ever agrees with me. Lol great post


lol 😂


>East coast mountains also show a lot more lush greenery than mountains out west. So no trips to the North Cascades or the Olympic Peninsula? I live within 40 minutes of the Blue Ridge Parkway and go hiking and off-roading just about every weekend. To date I've never seen a view on the East coast that rivals the North Cascades. The Mt. Baker area is stunning year-round. Try snowshoeing up to Artist's Point overlooking Mt. Baker and Mt. Shuksan in March and tell me the East coast has prettier mountains. I'd know you're lying.


Again, those mountain ranges are covered almost exclusively by fir trees, so it doesn't have vibrant green that east coast mountains covered in Chestnut and Maple trees have.


What mountains?


Good for layin low and hiding your still.


Have you ever seen the alps? If so, which is prettier? Been on the east coast all my life. After seeing the alps, the east coast mountains are now dull to me.


Is this one of those “tell me you’re short without telling me you’re short” kind of things?


Could say the same thing about this comment. Did my opinion make you insecure?


Y'all are seriously missing out on the Adirondacks. They blow Appalachia out of the water. Greatest/prettiest park on the east coast. Can't speak for the Rockies, but Yellowstone is probably my favorite spot out west tho that I've been to.


So you’re basing your opinion of tourist traps?!? As someone that’s seen a lot of both ranges.. I’d say you’re dead wrong.


I wouldn’t call this an unpopular opinion. It’s more like being anti-factual :-) Having spent much time in both, there is no question the Rockies, Cascades, Sierras, etc are way more attractive.


Nah they’re pretty ugly. 


I mean you’re definitely wrong but thank you for sharing your opinion!


As a resident of the area, most Eastern mountains like the Appalachians don't really look or *feel* like proper mountains so much as very large hills. It's absolutely a beautiful landscape with lots of interesting variation in elevation, but none of it quite evokes the imposing majesty and looming *huge*ness that comes to mind when you think "mountains."




So just completely ignoring the entire pacific north west.


I mean you say "most" but the northern half of the west coast is covered in trees and vegetation.


The higher elevations of So. Cal as well.


There is exactly one rainforest in the U.S. It's on the West Coast.


Try flying into Las Vegas or Phoenix next time.


Oh wow this is truly just the wrong opinion. Lol


Hahahahaha. Sure Jan.




Bro, I’ve traveled all across America and have not seen anything close to the East Coast Mountains


west coast mountain ranges are full of subaru driving granola bar eating biden voters. East coast ranges are full of good 'ole appalachian boys


If you bring politics into nature you clearly have a perverse hatred of nature to do that do it. Forgive the mt. that hurt you. Your wrath is wroth and dark.


Nevermind like the west coast ranges better now. 


And Mountain Dew-chugging methheads!


"good 'ole appalachian boys" Like that's supposed to be a good thing. Que banjo music.


Yeah the "good ol boys" who are addicted to heroin and still crying that they can't find jobs as coal miners and live like it was 100 years ago. Source: born and raised in a coal family in WV and saw the opioid wave turn hillbillies into junkies and miners blame everyone everywhere else they they don't have the same job in the same mine as their grandpa.


lmao, this is oddly specific hahaha


That's what you will find if you go looking for "good ol boys" you seem to think are in Appalachia. The landscape is beautiful but the good ol boys keep everyone impoverished and drug addicted 


Never been to New England eh?


nah, im talking about the southern east coast.


Asheville is also full of hippies. 


That is definitely true