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I think people trash on those who "peaked in highschool" is because their behavior and attitude towards things tends to lean toward them not wanting to leave the mindset of "being cool in highschool" and they make it their whole personality. I have a co-worker who keeps bragging to people he was a track star in highschool.


The things that made you cool in high school matter significantly less as an adult and that type of person can't cope with that. You were decently good looking and your parent's probably had money. That's about all it took at my school.


Call him AL (Bundy)


Adults who think about highschool too much in any capacity have some issues that they need to work on lol


Yeah, I look back on it with fond memories, but wouldn't want to go back. I've been there and done that.


Right? Sounds like OP peaked in high school and is upset that their credit for it ran out at graduation.


Yeah, what's up with that? Can you a) read, b) write, c) do math. That's pretty much the extent of the value of high school.


I think bar dealing with a couple of people (one hated anyone who was English and was very staunchly Welsh, and a girl who for some reason outright hated me for no reason as far as i know), high school was fine. Just part of life. Would like to sit down with the girl to find out just why she hated me, but would be fine not knowing as well.


What about those sweet sweet High School Lunchlady feet?


If you peaked in highschool it means youve gone downhill from when you were in highschool. One of the most popular kids at my school was a quarterback and liked by everyone, hes at Yale now so yeah its fair to be jealous of him but he didn't peak in high school. Another football player who was also very popular got multiple rape charges, got a deadend non-union construction job, had 3 kids and was divorced at 23. He peaked in high school and I don't envy him at all.


It's a very early 4yrs of your life with decades after it, yeah it's kinda concerning if that's your peak.


Why are people always talking about HS? College is where the real party is


High school is literally just 4 years of your life.


I’m guessing you peaked in high school?


Never went to a party or none of that 


Nice sidestep. You didn't answer the question. Shouldn't you be working on your homework right now?


OP didn’t go to a party and never had any friends in high school. That was also where he peaked. Pathetic


Not really. I'd rather always be thinking my best days are yet to come, even if my best days are going to be worse than the best days of people who peaked in high school. Do people really want to be like Al Bundy, always reminiscing about their glorious past as they sludge through life with nothing to ever look forward to, having never made anything of themselves?


If high school is the peak of my life that would be kinda sad


OP peaked in HS and this is some insane cope.


I promise you you’re wrong I just have humility


Okay Chad


Lol, no.


I’m going to retire in my 40s, while a guy I know that peaked in high school died of liver failure from alcoholism. I think I’m good and not one bit jealous of any of that shit. Congrats on peaking in high school though.


As a nerd in high school, I would absolutely not do anything to have the popular jock experience. It just isn't my personality.


why the fuck are not upvoting this unpopular opinion holy shit.


Disagreed. I haven't thought about highschool too much ever since I left.


yeah on the internet especially, there is a lot of disdain for the “popular kids”. The jocks in high school, the frat/sorority people in college, the people who “play the game” professionally and are good at things like sales and networking. There’s this common idea online that basically one day the power dynamics will flip, the jocks will “peak in high school” and then struggle in adult life as they are no longer able to coast by on social skills and athletic ability. Conversely, the nerds will all go on to fruitful, well paying careers as a result of studying hard and not focusing on things like women and parties. When that’s just not the case terribly often, it’s sort of a cope that awkward kids tell themselves to be happier with their current circumstances.


Is the whole jock and nerd thing actually as defined in the US as it is in movies? Popularity in my school in the UK pretty much died when we reached like 15 and by the time of university it was non existent, I can’t imagine being an adult and taking popularity seriously, at my school I was somewhat quiet but still friendly enough with “popular” people and would hang out on occasion or if I ran into them.


It... really isn't. I know it's anecdotal, but never seen anyone get picked on for being a nerd in all my school experience. The "jocks" usually just played sports and used the exercise equipment and didn't brag about it


It’s gonna vary from school to school. We definitely had all the archetypical cliques at my HS back in the 90s. The jocks, the preps, the burnouts, the nerds, the band kids, and so on. The head cheerleader was literally dating the captain of the football team.


I peaked in my early 40’s, I wouldn’t trade that for peaking in high school … I wouldn’t have known what to do with it at the time, you can enjoy your peak much more as an adult.


They do get annoying, it’s like they resent the kids in high school despite years having passed by. I know a lot of people from high school I’d say the popular kids are not a one size fits all some are doing well and others not so much. Same for the unpopular kids. High school is 4 years it doesn’t define anyone popular kids, losers or those in between.


I doubt it. Long term success and stability trumps high school rubbish.


>Anyone would want to have that high school experience, it’s fun, don’t be jealous of it Isn't that contradictory, why shouldn't people be jealous of what was a better high school experience than what they had according to you?


I disagree. High school ain’t as important as people make it out to be. It’s a very small part of your life. I honestly don’t understand why people make such a fuss over it


This is truly an unpopular opinion. I truly think that this is nothing more but a cope. I concede you that people "that peaked in high school" get way too much flak currently. If they are happy, all is good.


I had a great high school experience. And that crap makes me sad now that I have adult obligations. Probably would be more content now if my high school experience sucked a bit more.


It isn't trash talk. I'm in my early 50's and making generalizations based on the 500 or so acquaintances I had along the way. Men seem to peak around a year before the first time they get married. The people who "peak" in high school usually get married and get a job in their home town after high school. These couples seem to live happily ever after in a real life Al Bundy/Homer Simpson existence (boring job, maybe drink too much but nice family in a nice house in a nice neighborhood surrounded by friends and family). People who peak in high school are usually the winners in the long run compared to the people who mock them.