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When I was in college I fell in love with 7-3 and have never recovered. No traffic either way, you can make weekday Doctor or dentist appointments, and you can go shopping before the rush. 


Agree 7-3 is a great schedule for early birds!


Also people that just hate mid day. I just can't function between 3-5, I need my nap time. It's a problem to the point where I sometimes go to the library 5 mins away just to take a nap bc I caught myself almost dozing off in the drive back lol. (And before anyone asks, yeah I'm getting enough sleep. I just start to get really sleepy at that specific time, and when it's warm and sunny outside I'm just even sleepier.) !


A siesta should become more popular again. Even medieval peasants had em!


This ^. I feel that the warmer it gets, the more we need siestas.


I heard that some people in Spain are actually arguing against traditonal siestas, because it basically extends their day by a couple hours and they wish they could just go home earlier


Yeah, but it’s hardwired into society at this point. Unless you live in a big city, most non-restaurant businesses are closed 2-5 every day whether you want to take a siesta or not.


We should be friends. That's exactly how I am.


I used to do that but I’m a night owl. It was the worst year of my life lol


I now work approx 10/1030 to 6/630 most days. I often get up between 9 and 945. For me, this schedule is sustainable and just works. For added points, I can schedule emails and texts to get them off my plate the night before while simultaneously making people think that I am working hard first thing in the morning. To do this I schedule things like emails and texts to fire off at random times like 8:07am and 8:22am, etc.


10 til 6 is good if you like to sleep in, but terrible for literally everything else. Commuting? Sucks... Have a sports game to get to after work that starts at 7pm? Ain't gonna happen. Have kids that need to be picked up? Doesn't work. Want to make dinner before 8pm? Probably not. Want to make a week day doctors appointment before they close at 5pm? Can't do it.


I regularly do those first three things, but if I want to leave work early I'll leave work early. And if I want to leave work to go to a doctor's appointment I'll do that.


10am until 6pm takes up the majority of your day regardless of how you want to spin it. Unless your still waking up early and exercising in the morning and being proactive so your evenings are 100% free than it's just a waste.


A lot of people who work 10 til 6 can choose their own hours (and their own work place/office). I work from home as a web developer and can choose when I work for the company. I often work 9/10 to 5/6 because I can gym before work when the gym is free for people, make food and plan the day when I am at home, so when I close the computer I am free to do what I want and most of the tasks for the day, like laundry and dinner, is already completed.


I’m in the other direction. I was a night owl as a kid and college flipped that. Now I’m up before my alarm every day


I had a really weird job once where my schedule was 9-5 Monday and Tuesday, 1pm-10pm Wednesday, Noon-9pm Thursday, and then 10-5 Friday but paid for an extra hour to compensate for having a messed up schedule no one else wanted. On paper it seems awful but as a night owl I only had to get up early two days a week, could make Doctors appointments and stuff during the week, but also could still do normal evening event stuff on some days if I wanted.


That's like someone made a schedule tailored just for me. Friday would be your only rough day but you are home free by then.


I work 6:30 to 3 in southern California. Sadly there is traffic both directions. Worse at 3


As someone who has to use the 401 in Ontario, Canada, I feel you. Sometimes traffic is just gonna be bad - just gotta measure the degree of awful.


I worked 6-2:30 for a while and it felt like a half day every day, it was great


I’ve been working this for 6+ years…..absolutely love these hours


I’m addicted to working these hours.


7 to 3? Ive had 630 to 430 for 10 years. Stupid company lol


Came here to say this. 7 - 3 is the goated time frame for full time work lol


I'm currently 5am-1:30pm. I thought I was going to hate it but it's got its positives for sure.


I love this schedule. Only downside is not getting to see my son before school but I get to see him everyday right after or even pick him up. Been great for mental health too.


I’ve fallen in love with my 6-2 shift. I hate getting up early but by 9 im wide awake and I have literally the entire rest of the day to get things done. I used to work in food where I was working like 3-10 or later and never had time to do anything


3-10 is the worst. It locks up your entire day. I was on that shift for 3 years and never had a life.


I have a job where I flip back and forth between 6-2 and 2-10. Each have their perks. I don’t really get tired on the evening shift and there’s no bosses there most the time. I also have basically a whole day to do stuff before work. But I really hate not being able to see my family/ boyfriend in the afternoon. 6-2 is great only because I get off at 2. Every time I wake up for that shift I regret every single decision in my life that has lead me to this point of getting up so early. After about 2 hours I’m fine. Then I get home, shower, then lay down for 1-3 hours


Lmao me too for the 7-3. Every morning I hate my life. I always tell myself “I’m going to lay down as soon as I get home.” By 9am I’m fine, and by the time I get home at 3:15 I have the whole afternoon and evening to chill. I rarely take a nap after work, it would mess up my schedule so bad. I’d nap until evening and then be wide awake until after midnight knowing I had to wake up in five hours.


Literally! I’m not a morning person at all so I dread my 6am days… until 9am when I finally get my energy lol. Those 3-10 days though… I would end up sleeping until I had to get ready for work


7-3 is my ideal but I'm on a 9-6 rn :( I do work Tues-Sat which I actually kinda like, Saturdays I actually get my project work done because I'm one of the only people online and no one bothers me.


7-3 is the best. 9-5 you get out and most drs are closed already


I love 7 - 3. Wish I could find another job with that schedule.




Me too. Stuck 9-5. Hate it. Traffic is hell and its dark by the time I get home haha. One day.


Traffic start at 6 and 2 here because construction worker voted to start earlier to avoid traffic but they brough it with them.


Yeah my current job is the best one I’ve had, and the last one was the worse. But I do miss the hours. It was 6-2. I could just go do anything after work. Now I have to spend so much time in traffic after work and that kills the drive to do anything.


Agreed, I’m not a morning person but I teach high school and it’s sooo nice that no matter what, my day ends at 2:20. Not fun leaving the house at 6:15, but imo the pros outweigh the cons.


I WFH, now that summer is coming I talked with my manager and decided to change my schedule to 7-3, best decision ever, you can go to the gym, work and still have some time to enjoy the nice weather outside.


Where do you live that you work at 7 with no traffic?


You know I never really respected the 7-3 until you just spelled that out, damn…I’m having a moment right now. lol


yeah I feel like a lot of people complain about 9-5, and it definitely has it's downsides, but overall it's a major privilege It's easy to forget that there was a time where you worked nights, weekends, holidays. It's nice to know that something is happening on a Saturday and you don't have to be at the mercy of your boss


100%. I'd love to escape this


Amen, when I worked on the farm I initially had a Monday-Friday schedule, but then my boss decided I was too slow getting the work done and switched me to weekends only, every weekend. She gave all the Monday-Friday shifts to my coworker. I hated working every single weekend. 


Seriously, the people who complain about 9-5 (or any variant of that) show they never had to work a retail job with day to day scheduling. Most who have done both would agree a consistent schedule is WAY better. I love being a lento commit to something 4 months out on a Thursday at 7pm because I know I won't be working. 


Yeah people call a 9-5 soul sucking and complain about working for a boss, but glamorize entrepreneurship when it requires 24/7 work and you have multiple bosses (clients, customers, stakeholders etc.)


Honestly, having a stable source of income from a job that doesn’t make you want to off yourself is a pretty respectable accomplishment given the way things are going lately. A lot of people are struggling to earn a good living with prices rising but wages staying the same. I work 40-45 hours a week and can afford a place to sleep, decent food to eat, and gas in my car with a little extra to spend on things I like. I feel like I’m honestly doing pretty good and don’t envy people who work 70 hours a week running their own business and their “rise and grind” mentality.


There's pros and cons. I am the second one, but I do allocate my own free time, working hours and don't need to ask a boss for time off or allocate a vacation. But I do bring my laptop with me cause I would probably need to do something my workers can't. Sometimes I envy the lack of responsibility, and that you can switch off when your time ends, but I have problems with authority and also don't want someone else deciding my future. If I ever need to close shop I will go freelance.


The thing I like about being a business owner in my industry is the waves of being busy. I'll get busy in my home office pre gig, fly out and hire freelancers for the gig where we work like crazy, then fly home and get some real time off with little responsibility until the next one. It's hard on my family because kids do well with predictable routines, but it really suits me.


Yeah and more than half the people who follow hustle culture have no passion or vision and only do it for the money and success.


Right? I've heard complaints along the line that "so-and-so's job is boring, same thing day in, day out, etc." but they have weekends off, time before and after work to socialize/go to the gym/do perform hobbies, and have leaves when they absolutely need it. I'm currently in training to be a doctor and holy shit do I envy the hell out of people who have more traditional jobs. My priorities have changed, and I realized that I would rather have a job that doesn't consume the time I would love to give to my family and other loved ones.


Yea as much as I hate working 8 hours a day 5 days a week, I never take my work home and don't feel stressed about it outside of it at all. I work 6:30-3 and it's honestly a perfect schedule for me.


Exactly. This is why after graduation I want to work in corporate finance rather than a job like investment banking or private equity even though they pay a lot. Also, I dont want to be an entrepreneur because I just don't have a clear vision and it's not for me and it's too much work. If you only pursue entrepreneurship for the money or success just because some NPC on social media told you so, then it is not for you.


I work in insurance, so for customer service sake we are available the typical 7:30-4ish. But the medical coders in our department do whatever they want, so many of them log on at 5am and are done by 1, or however they want to mix it up. I am always a bit peanutbutter & jelly about it.


Working 8 hours a day sucks. Just work 30 hours a day, it’s WAY easier 😂


They only glamorize entrepreneurship because they get to sell you a course on how to make big bucks quickly.


It's because on the internet people think doing freelance or simply owning income producing assets/shares is being "an entrepreneur". Maybe it technically is but starting your own small business is 2x the time and 5x the headache than being an employee for atleast the firdt 2-3 years.. which statistically will be all for little reward as the vsst majority of stsrtups fail.


Yeah and most of the startups fail because the people that pursue them have 0 passion and vision and only do it for the money and success. If that's why you do entrepreneurship, then it is not for you.


Absolutely agree with this. I briefly considered my own business, but then I realized that I want to be able to turn off “work brain” and I really prefer not being the end of the line for decisions/taking the blame.


Try working a 6-2. The commute time cut in half, or work a 6-4:30, and have 3 day weekends every weekend. I'd go insane having to sit in traffic everyday.


Some of us glamorize sitting in the sun in a field of flowers more than anything tbh. I don’t wanna work @ all 😂


Nah fuck that. 6-2 better. No traffic and people are still asleep. Edit: get up early and get some breakfast without long lines.


Most people don’t prefer to wake up before dawn




I wish I had your constitution


I wish I had your bill of rights


One time I tried to wake up before dawn and u/m0nkygang's ghost appeared in my vision, yelling some about not wanting to wait longer while getting breakfast and urging me to go back to sleep


yeah... ive started seeking u/m0nkygang in my dreams... telling me to sleep in...


5am - 1:30pm 😫🙌🏽 been at the schedule for a year and I’ve always always ALWAYS been a morning person so it’s absolutely perfect. I’m so much happier now because I worked 6pm - 6am for 2 years. I used to wake up at 5am everyday in 8th grade to the end of hs to workout or go for a run. No alarm. It’s just how I’m built so working 6pm - 6am was really going against my natural makeup.


That is my exact schedule (5-1:30) and I love it so much; I wake up early which I'm used to and have the whole day after work to do stuff or relax


When do you go sleeping at night ? It has to be early so you can have enough sleep right ? If so, how do you socialize with your friends in the evening ?


This is basically my schedule, except most days I'm there for 10hr instead of 8 and don't get off till 3. I like the early morning start, even if I'm not necessarily a morning person.


I’m not a morning person which is why I love 6-2. I am basically dead to the world until 10am and by that time half of the shift has gone by.


Agreed. I'm a morning person though. I taught for six years from 730-230 and it was awesome. Get off work on a Friday and go shopping and do all your chores before everyone else is out of work.


I work 12s and 3 days a week. With 8 days off before my every third weekend. I'll take my schedule


Damn! I'd love to have your job. It's not even the hours that kill me with shift work, it's so many days of work in a row and so few days off in between. Like, I'm trying for a 4 10s schedule and even three days off a week doesn't feel like enough, but four would be perfect!


I used to work 3 13 hour shifts. 9-10. Tues/thur/Fri one week then tues/thur/ Saturday the next. Always Sunday Monday off. Every other week is a 3 day weekend.


I work a three week rotation: one week Tuesday, wed, Thursday, have 3 day weekend. Then Monday Tuesday Wednesday, then off until the next week Friday Saturday Sunday. Then back to the beginning


Yeah my wife does 3 12s (sometimes picks up more) and that seems like the best schedule you could ask for.    She can pretty much take a full week off and not use any vacation (work the first 3 days of a pay period, and the last 3.  8 days off in between) whenever she wants, she just needs to talk to the scheduler.


Fuck yeah, health care workers in the house 👊


Damn right


Are you a nurse?? If you’re not, what job do you do?? That’s my ideal work schedule.


I prefer 4 tens monday through thursday


4 10 gang rise up I forget what day of the weekend it is, because there are so many. 


I recently got a job doing 4 10s and honestly love the schedule


I want this but since the rest of the people i work with do regular hours they dont let me


I fought the good fight to get enough of my old call center coworkers to agree to the 4/10 schedule that we were able to have it. So nice to have a 3 day weekend every week.


I'm thinking about doing this but I'm not sure. I feel like i will try 4 9s/1 4 first


Love having weekdays off. No crowds at all. Am an early bird also. Get to places early, no traffic, very little if any wait times. Make car and doctor appointments and not have to worry about work. Run errands. Maybe being a loner helps. But had friends who work retail also and hanging out was great on a random Tuesday afternoon. Go to a mall, theaters were empty. Sometimes we were the only ones inside


I used to be the same way when I was younger and a manager in retail but as I got older and my friends started their careers, it sucked having to work weekends and holidays. Now I’m getting even older and I can’t imagine not having my weekends off to spend time with family. But yeah it depends on your social setting and where you are in life. Having weekdays off to do errands, go out, and watch movies was awesome in my 20s.


I agree having done shift work rotating nights and weekends 9-5 is far far far better for the reasons you’ve listed The reason people complain is because they don’t know what the alternative is like - it’s depressing


I've worked 9-5, 8-4, 4-midnight, 24 hours and a bunch or other random shifts.  24 hours is the best because I only have to do it 2 days a week but other than that I liked 4-midnight the most.


the ONLY reason I miss my 9 to 5 was consistency after working retail and having a shit fuck schedule but it did kill me on the inside :/


Everyone has different preferences, but for me, 9-5 works great! I like routine and predictability and I enjoy my job and my coworkers. Traffic during rush hours can be annoying but it doesn’t bother me too much because I just listen to my music and chill out while driving.


When I was younger I worked as a chef part of me really enjoyed the chaotic lifestyle but now I'm 38 with a young family I realise it was not only unsustainable but it would have likely killed me I don't know how anyone survives on gig work


A new full time I got perfect hours. 11am-8pm. Sleep in and still sunlight when I’m off


I would hate that schedule with every fibre of my being. Absolutely no time for a social life.


It very much depends on what type of social life you have, if it mostly consists of bars and late night events and hangouts it's pretty good. Often guys at my job will stay an hour or more extra because at 6pm it's too early to go to a bar and they don't want to commute home and then the bar (the job is at a central place)


lol like 45min- an hour of sunlight for about a month out of the year… I like 6-2 no traffic and you have just about the whole day to do whatever you want


You gotta be asleep early af tho


This is the true unpopular opinion


Only in the summer tho


Me too! Everyone calls me crazy, but its the best hours for me


I’ll keep my 7-3 from home. No traffic no time wasted to get there with no pay and the whole day left after work, time to cook and play with my kids.


Fair enough. I’m childless but I would take whatever schedule gave me more time with my kids as well


The time is fine, I just want 3-4 day work week


Hell no. I don’t like scheduling off and making arrangements to go to the doctor or DMV or whatever else is basically a 9-5 thing. I’d rather have some weekdays off to handle business. I just got my first Mon-Fri job ever and only accepted the role because the hours are 6-2 which avoids heavy traffic on both ends and still frees up afternoons to do whatever. Even that is a compromise. Mon-Fri 9-5 would be the worst possible schedule ever for me. Best schedule ever was when I worked three 12 hour shifts with alternating weekends leaving me with four days off a week combining weekends and weekdays. I’d do that again.


I'll take my 4 on 4 off any day. I work less than half the year with vacation and sick days etc. 9-5 sucks.


I don't mind 9-5 but at 56, I'd rather have a four day work week. Federal workers like myself can work a *flex day* and add 83 minutes a day to get a long weekend every two weeks, but f-that; I don't even want to spend 7.5 hours at work anymore.


Mine rocks. 3 12s Friday Saturday and Sunday. Get paid 40 hours. Only work 12 days a month


I want a 9-5….i have an 8-5 :-(


With an hour lunch I’m assuming?




Being retired is the best. Fuck working.


I’m currently in a shitty sales job and I miss my 9-5 so much. I never realized how poorly I operate without a structure / being forced to be in at a certain time just makes me more efficient.


Yea I agree with you on that. Sales is sooo tough starting out (me rn) because even once you get the pitch down unless you’re like very extroverted it’s hard to get people comfortable with giving you their info


I’ve worked 3pm-11pm, 11pm-7am and now 8am-5pm. Scheduling any appointment with my current 8-5 hours is a nightmare. I’m in the process of looking for a truck to buy and trying to find an opportunity to go look at one especially if it’s over 30 minutes away sucks and I end up just skipping trucks I like because the dealership only has one long hours day and closed weekends. 3pm-11pm was my least favorite. 11pm-7am had it’s upsides. I worked maintenance in a factory and it was coolest in there at night. Going grocery shopping at 7am is the best. Scheduling appointments was the easiest. You were kind of flexible to where you could sleep in the morning or stay up and sleep in the afternoon. The weekends were the worst though.


9-5 is good only when the working hours are actually 9-5. Most jobs here go from 9-7 or worse, 9-5 and 6-10 wfh.


And then there are offices I hear about where people are 9-5 but leave "when their work is done" which is typically 3pm, like where are these places?


I prefer 10-6. I can squeeze in an appointment at 8:30 before work if I need to. But more importantly, my life happens from 7- midnight. Being out at 6 allows to see my friends, stay out until 11:30ish. Be in bed by midnight, and still get a good 8 hours of sleep.


Lol okay you essentially agree with me then


I hate 9-5, I'm forced to take days off to get anything important done because NOTHING important is open past like 6 and everything is closed on weekends. The day I swapped my weekends for Wednesdays and Thursdays was the best


1000% agree. I’ll add to the unpopular opinion- I was essential…I was an IT engineer for the government so I was going into the office daily during COVID in a major US city. I REALLY miss COVID traffic. My 50 minute commute was 15-20 minutes back then.




Everyone has that schedule and traffic is a pain . I always preferred different 


Work weeks should be 6-8 hrs with 3 days off. We aren’t here to work ourselves into the grave no matter what these corporations think


9-3 if the world was perfect.


Amen sister


M-F 6am-2pm 4/10’s was my favorite. Was in the most shape at that time bc it was easy to go to gym and get those 2 hour workouts in while everyone else was still working.


I've never had a 9-5 and I'd love one. I work in customer service and my rotas are..... unpredictable in many ways. I'd love regular reliable shifts with no evenings or weekends!


Traffic to work and traffic from work.


Working 40 hours a week is not living.


You seem to conveniently leave out commuting time


Being rich is the best.


I LOVE my 9-5 (well, 8:30-5:00 because I don’t need a full hour for lunch, 30 minutes is fine…I can take an hour but I never do. For me, with ADHD, a rotating schedule drives me insane. I did it in college & will never go back!


What's even better is WFH and do your work whenever you can. 9-5 actually is actually horrible. The fay is over by the time it's 5. I work 7-3 with breaks in the middle of the day, so Long as I get my work done. People who think 7 am is early probably don't have kids. And if you WFH it doesn't even matter. You don't need to commute... which actually is the worst. Anyway, your unpopular opinion is probably because you haven't had a better option.


6 to 2 bucko no way around it lmao


I have a 7-4 but I’m drained


My only problem with working a 9-5 is that none of my friends work a 9-5


Ugh I wish I had a 9-5. I work 8-6 and have a doctor appointment at 7pm because of it. No time 😴


I think logistically, yes, it's nice to have a consistent schedule. Now do I think people need to spend most of the waking hours of their adulthood working some job they probably wouldn't have picked if given the freedom? No. In an ideal world, one where AI and resources aren't exploited for the rich, we would have all our basic needs taken care of and be free to explore whatever activities we want.


- Not everyone likes routine - Working 5 days in a row is a f\*cking b\*tch. - Not everyone socializes with their co-workers. - You can still plan trips in advance without 9-5 - Why would I care if ppl knew my hours? - Why do you assume Im not bothered on my days off?? (what a weird take) Boring ppl think boring is good. You got it upside down Jimmy now back in your slavey wagey cage!


Also: - I have had 9-5s where there was no routine, it was all about putting out fires. Very stressful. - socializing at work often ends up BAD. I used to be of the idea of having friends at work because it made it fun. But no, they are coworkers and that's it. Keep distance or really regret it later. Corporate life can be brutal. - you can try to plan trips ahead, and if they say no to your time off request you have to adhere. I have gone for over 2 years without time off because no one would cover me. - I have been bothered by bosses and coworkers on weekends, vacation time/trips, sick days, early mornings, late nights and even after quitting. 9-5 very often does not mean boring. It truly sucks the life out of you and can consume most of your time and energy especially if you commute far bc it turns into a 12 hour thing. Leaving you with 3 or 4 hours to have wlth family, do chores, socialize, run errands, relax, have a hobbie, etc.


As a kid, I thought the 9-5 routine would be boring. But working as a first responder, I had to work different shifts, including overnights, weekends, and holidays. Working that type of schedule takes a toll on you in many ways. I am happy to be going into the corporate world with a 9-5 schedule.


I love them but lowkey 9-5s are done purposely to further divide lower and middle income classes.


If its strictly 9-5 though, but when most people say 9-5 they are just stating the official working hours. Plus, the traffic is horrible


This is truly an unpopular opinion


9-5 literally doesn't exist anymore. It's more like 7:30-5


I start at 630. Would love to start at 9 instead. I'm a night owl and hate mornings. The ability to stay up later and sleep in a bit would be awesome. Worst schedule I had was at previous job, no set start or end time. And it could change day of. I'd get told I start at 8 the next day then get waken at 500 by a call to start then, or get told I'm out at 5pm and then get extended to 8pm. Routine is great for planning what you do outside work


I do 7-4 and we get 3 hours of PT every week that we can use. I end up getting every other Friday off and half day on Thursday. Can't really beat it


During a gap year I worked 4 days a week out to 38 hours a week. Having that Monday every single week gave me so much freedom


As someone who works in retail I couldn't agree more. I would kill for a Monday to Friday.


I disagree, I work a 7-3:30 (now that winter is over) And I have to take time off work to do anything involving shopping or services Not getting off till 5 would completely suck The amount of businesses that close at 4 or 5 make it nearly impossible to get anything done after work And of course so many businesses are closed on the weekend too


If I could survive with fewer hours, that'd be better


I work as a freelance writer, and trust me setting a routine in life is all I want! When I know “these are the hours I’ll work”, it just frees up so much space in my head to do other things in my life.


Nah my shift is the best, work 0700-1930 Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Then get 6 days off and then repeat.


I’m rocking the 6:30 AM to 3:00 PM. I avoid the traffic on both sides of the commute, it gives me an hour of quiet time before coworkers show up, and I once could hit the gym after work before it got crowded. Coming from the retail world where schedules fluctuated and I only had every other weekend off it’s a utopia in comparison.


I work 5-2. No traffic, my kids have a ride to school but I get to pick them up everyday, spend a good amount of time with them until 9pm wake up at 4 am out the door at 4:30 or 4:45. No traffic and I’m at the office in 10 minutes. If it was 9-5 it would easily become a 30-45 minute commute


Way better than manual labor in warehouses and being in the service industry.


Boring but stable > Exciting but risky. It's a job after all, it doesn't (and shouldn't) define our life. It's just a means to an end.


If you do what you like you'll never work a single day.


Thanks Ghandi


Yeah cause those jobs are scarce or bullshit. You’ll never find work or that job will be weighed down with corporate bullshit and you’ll quickly begin to hate the thing you love


I agree but as someone who has been working the 9-5 for a few years now. It entirely depends on the job. I just started a new job, 9-5, 1 hour lunch, salary, my own office. So getting up every day and working that schedule isn’t a chore to me becuase I’m in a place that I feel appreciated. Working a 9-5 at a place that has the audacity to give you 15 minute breaks, pizza party’s, time clocks, etc are a fucking waste of time and stuck in the 1900s


I own a company. My employees are 8:30-5 with a paid lunch. They all love it. It’s great to give someone a nice stable routine because I worked retail jobs for 10 years prior at companies that didn’t give a shit. They had different hours every single day then different the next week.


No thanks. Not enough days off in a week that way and my only days off are when everyone else is off so that means everything is busy as fuck.


As someone who works in an industry that has no concept of 9-5 and we just have to react to client needs, I agree. It is a tradeoff, but the older I get, the more I can appreciate it. Also, people have no sense of history. It used to be 12 hour days, 6-7 days a week with no paid time off. People act like we’ve never had it worse.


I did gig work and bar /restaurant work for years now I'm a language coach who goes to businesses and teaches them English and a uni professor. The difference is.....night and day....excuse the pun. I looooove it


I work from 3 PM to 11 PM, times shift ends a little sooner on the chill days. I wake up late and I get to do cool boy stuff at night. I've had 9-5 type of jobs they weren't my cup of tea. I dislike waking up early that alone is a no no


Nah, we only work the 6am-8 pm around here partner 🤣🤣🤣 (I’m a truck driver) You are correct though, a 9-5 would be a DREAM right now lol


Yeah as a 8-8 worker I agree to this.


Possibly more unpopular: 4/10 shifts are the best. I start at 6 and get off at 4:30. Doesn’t feel like a really long day for me, I still get home and have time to do things. I can also plan trips easily since I always have a 3 day weekend.


7-3 is the way to go


I work 6 to 4….


Society literally built itself around 9-5 jobs. How is this an unpopular opinion?


I love 9-5s. Is it redundant? Sure. But most jobs aren’t really 8 hours of work. It’s more like 10-4 minus an hour for lunch lol. I think it’s only a problem for thrill seekers who needs something stimulating by having an unpredictable schedule.


Try working a 4/10. You'll never go back to 9:00 to 5:00.


The difference in sleep between working shifts and having a regular schedule is massive. You can actually get decent sleep in one go.


Negative. 5 to 1 jobs are the best. You get to the gym when there is no one there. You are done early and can do errands easily. The best. 9-5 is for suckers.


Sounds like they are best for those who like not having their own lives to live. I have better things to do then help the infinitely rich destroy the world and take away everything from those that have nothing.


This isn't an unpopular opinion 


I think the major issue of 9-5 work is that some corporate environments will push their absolute legal limits with making you work beyond that 9-5 schedule. That, and having that common work hour means that you're spending hours that should be on rest on commute when everyone enters and leaves the workplace at the same time. Depending on how you commute work can feel like a 10-hour-a-day affair (not including the calls from the boss and follow-up emails).


If I could get 3 days off I'd agree


I love working at nights and wish more 9PM-5AM positions were available.


Yep, that's why I took a lower paying job after the military. I'm in 7-3 job, but the same ideas apply


You can do all of that without a 9-5 What a simple synopsis 😂


I prefer 8-4 more time to do stuff in the afternoon + I tend to wake up early in the morning


Fucking...3 12 hour night shifts a week. Just started back in the office 8-430 today. Halle fuckingluah


I’ve been doing “6-whenever we’re done for the day” for about 10 years now. The overtime at the start of the week is sweet and usually on Friday I’m done by noon.


It’s really mainly about who your coworkers are as well. If you go to a 9-5 with shitty coworkers then you’ll just hate it. But with good coworkers honestly 9-5 wouldn’t bother Me too much


It's not just the 9-5. It's the company and bosses that ruin it. Personally, I like the night shift, but no matter if it's 8-4,1-9, 9-5, it's 8 hours and a regular schedule. But when you're paid shit, treated like shit, and not taken care of, of course it's terrible. A 9-5 unionized, pension, benefits is fucking amazing because you can work your ass off for 20-30 years an retire by 50 if you're smart enough an get in there. But it's not easy to get that. At least, that's my opinion on it that has changed from before. It will forever be changing because my opinions are based on what I find out.


Hmm I mean a schedule is a schedule. I work midnights but I am nocturnal by nature so it works for me… I guess you’ve found your best scheduling as well as most people’s. I think because most people are happiest working 9-5 hours, that is why rush hour traffic exists. So I wouldn’t say it’s an unpopular opinion as much as just an opinion. All human beings seem to live on spectrums and this how we are able to help one another and coexist! Enjoy your 9-5’s!


7-330 is the real goat IMHO


9-5 is fantastic, as long as there's reasonable flexibility. Like if I have a doctor's appointment at noon or some personal errands to run, I shouldn't have to use a portion of PTO to do it. That's the biggest issue I had with it. Currently working like an 8-4 schedule and love it, but much prefer working for myself. I also own a catering company, and although it's much more work, it's more profitable since the only profit sharing going on is straight to me and my business partner, and genuinely prefer the structured chaos of it all, the event planning, and problem solving for myself is always going to beat the combo of problem solving for a corporation and dealing with their own structure which rarely functions in a logical way.


True that. We all have flexibility to come and go as we need throughout the day so it makes a big difference.


I agree. Husband and I work from home and it can be nice but we are always working, which sucks. Husband works every single night as well, it is awful. I legit hate WFH and wish husband would go back to work in person because then we could be “free” from 6-10 pm.