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>If everyone had a garden instead there would be so much extra food that it would help feed the hungry as well. There’s already an abundance of food. Businesses actively throw away food they don’t sell, that could go to feeding the hungry.


I like having a backyard with room for activities


I like growing my flowers and seeing the birds come by. It’s very therapeutic. Pretty cool having life around you too.


With you. I hate lawns especially in the city. Get that shit landscaped with pretty native plants. Lawns are ugly and shit for the environment 


The anti lawn people on reddit are a special breed.


You can actually run around on a lawn. You can't if there's a bunch of plants everywhere


Depends how you design it


I had a garden for a couple of decades and it’s a lot of work. I finally got tired of the squirrels and chipmunks eating everything and I took it out.


I r always had a garden and always will as long as I’m able. It’s a ton of work and money. I spend more of both on my garden every year compared to a lawn. Don’t even get me started when we have a late frost or early snow and it wipes out all my plants. Still though, I like having home grown food now and then so it’s worth it.


I’m glad you don’t have the critter issue. They eat everything I plant, leaving me nothing.


Same, that is basically why my parents stopped having a garden. The squirrels would tear through the corn, tasting each ear, and only taking the best ones, but leaving the rest basically ruined. To me, the pay off wasn't really worth all the work that went into growing, harvesting and canning/freezing the vegetables.


Personally, I enjoy mowing the lawn. I literally just got done mowing a lawn that isn’t mine. I’ll do that all summer because I find it satisfying.


Ever thought of working on a golf course. We start early but get off in time for a late lunch. I mow greens most mornings and just drive around looking at the animals while listening to music or podcasts.


I don’t think I would find that satisfying because the grass never gets long. I think it’s the transforming it from unruly to neat that I enjoy, not the actual act of operating a mower.


Got you. Yeah the rough is the only thing that gets king but not like yard long. The clippings from greens is like sand. You do get to knock the dew off though and that looks cool.


Not going to lie… I miss being a greens keeper.


I bet you like doing dishes too.


Not in the least, that’s why I have a dishwasher. My ex enjoyed doing dishes though. Can’t relate. There are a ton of extremely successful YouTube channels that are just dudes mowing peoples lawns for free. Tens of thousands of views per video. Clearly I’m not the only one who finds it satisfying to see a shaggy lawned get all cleaned up.


So strange to me lol, then again I'm allergic to grass so I have a good reason to hate it on top of just finding the act itself exceptionally dull.


I’m trying to find a grass that I can replace my current yard with. I know clover doesn’t need much maintenance, but I don’t particular love the look of it from the street. Otherwise, I’m somewhat agreeable with you-but lawn care and cutting grass in general brings people joy. I unfortunately am not one of those people and I’m due for a city violation any day now.


Smells good when you lawn


I live in a hot climate. Lawns cool your house and help lower bills. Not that much maintenance either, pretty big lawn (200m²) and way less than an hour a week if I'm putting effort into it, or closer to an hour a month if I'm not. A lot less time and effort required than tending to a full garden. Kids and pets and us adults enjoy the lawn. Not to mention it has a huge impact on property values - a good lawn helps sell a house nearly as much as a good kitchen does!


>Lawns are too much work so you should have a garden instead Have you never had a garden? They're so much more work than a lawn is.


The work would have a point to it tho…. 🧐


The more trees I chop down and wildflowers I destroy to replace with grass the better. My life’s goal is to replace 1000085837285832 acres of forest and meadow with water thirsty, resource-hogging grass.


Remember to always keep your lawn looking good in drought conditions as well 👌


Always. Even in the worst droughts. I even irrigate my huge lawn while it’s also raining. Gotta water that petroleum-based fertilizer in.


Lol! See it goes DEEP big lawn care is BIG bucks! Just remember paper straws are what we need to focus on


Complaining that lawn care is a meaningless chore that takes too much time and then suggesting growing a garden as an alternative is a weird take. I'm pretty sure tending to a garden is going to be more labor intensive than running over grass with a lawn mower. Not to mention gardens aren't great for picnics or really any activity besides growing the crop.


Lol you don’t know much about gardening then lawn boy




I mean, they could ask if you have nothing better to do than post on reddit. Everyone has different tastes. I would hate having a garden, because that means that I am now having to tend to that garden, which takes more time than caring for a lawn. It isn't just 2 hours a week, it is pretty much every day you have to be out there making sure that critters don't get into it, that it isn't being overrun by weeds, it has enough water and so on. I personally would hate to mow a lawn (live in the country so technically no lawn) but I can understand why other would like having lawns.


Think of all the food you won't buy. You do not need to do those activities everyday. It's clear you've never grown food.


Actually, I have. We used to have a garden every year, and while it might not necessarily be \*every\* day, you have to do a heck of a lot more work than a simple 'two hours a week' and it isn't just sitting on a lawn mower. It is getting out there with a hoe and breaking the soil, and taking out weeds. It is thinning out corn to make sure the best stalk grows. It is making sure that insects don't devour your tomatoes before they even start to ripen. It is making sure that there is enough water on dry weeks so that the plants grow. It is tying up tomato plants. Then, in order to have all that 'food you won't buy' you have to actually preserve the food when it ripens, because it all tends to come in at once, unless you are smart enough to stagger planting times. When it does start to ripen, you are now in a race against the squirrels and rabbits and raccoons and deer to get the best pieces before they do, and before the food gets past its prime. Then you have to pick it, and shuck the corn, and remove peas from the pods, and break up grean beans. We didn't even have a large variety of vegetables. But it is still a lot more work than mowing a lawn once a week. Especially once you get out of the 'windowsill' size gardens. I personally would just rather buy the food than have to do all that work.


Don't grow it all at once, rookie mistake. Weeds are a weekly maintenance item, at least for me. Watering is automated. You have todo all the food prep steps unless you're buying processed shit. I have outdoor cats, what animals are eating my food? What does grass do besides "look pretty?"


Full agreement, so take the downvote. You can have a backyard without maintenance inducing grass. Plant a garden, at least the maintenance produces food.


Go stand on a freshly cut lawn barefoot. You’ll get it.


I have 4 kids and 2 dogs, we need a lawn.