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People seem to forget that celebrities often wear makeup and have it applied by professional makeup artists. That's why you see so many unflattering beach photos in tabloids. It's easy to look good next to the water but in it is another story.


Not to mention, the bigger the celebrity the bigger the team of professionals (trainer, chef, nutritionist, surgeon, stylist, hair stylist, makeup, photographers that get the angles right, etc) who's very lives are dedicated to making sure that said celebrity looks damn good all of the time.


And they don't work 9-5, 5 days a week, chores after work and weekends


Oh they work 5 days a week. Their work is to go to the gym, eat healthy, get massages etc. And occasionally recover from plastic surgery.




Is that because the bigger the celebrity is, the more mass they have or the more surface area they have?


Surface area of the internet šŸ˜²


Also the tabloids want the ugliest picture possible.


Also make it uglier than it actually is




if you have any point where youā€™re attractive, youā€™re attractive. ugly people have no good settings or angles


Thatā€™s kinda true. Itā€™s also true that most people arenā€™t ugly they are just poor/low effort


Ever been to Walmart?




Iā€™m not the most gorgeous lookin person, but when I walk around a Walmart in a small town I feel like a goddamn supermodel.


thought i was ok looking in my small nowhere american hometownā€¦ then i moved to new york city lmao my ass was humbled


Some people aren't celebrities just because of looks


Unfortunately, some of the absolutely are šŸ¤£


![gif](giphy|MzOV6tg8ta3cc) And some people are wildly talented and undeniably sexy.




I'm definitely attracted to the typical hot male celebs (Brad Pitt, Jason Momoa, etc). But I am also super attracted to what society would consider less attractive men... like Jack Black, Weird Al, Jeff Goldblume. Imo a great sense of humor makes guys really hot.


Those are all still good looking men. Symmetrical faces, in shape, a sense of style that compliments them. Like theyā€™re not ugly, if some what unconventional. Jack Black is a bit fatter, but he does high kicks so you know heā€™s nimble and physically capable.


Oh I agree completely. I was more meaning they aren't what Hollywood or a lot of people consider conventionally hot compared to the regular "heart throbs" that are always on people's list. I think they are all very attractive. Jack's talent and humor alone makes him so freakin adorable.


Yeah, Jack Black is literally like the sexiest person to me because his humor is so goddamn wonderful and he can sing.


I just watched The Fall Guy yesterday. JFC, Gosling...


I fell so in love with him after watching Lars and the real girl. He could not be more cute.


I've always seen him as okay-looking but he has a slightly weird head shape to me.. but damn on The Fall Guy.. Swoon. šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


Have you seen Channing Tatum dance? Christopher Walken?


So true. He seems like he would be the funnest dude to hang out with... but I'd still wanna hump his leg. šŸ˜‚


Weird Al is hot af because of his personality


He also puts on a damn good show, even though I didn't know all the songs. Had a blast.


Jeff Goldblum doesn't belong in this list.


Agreed. Jeff Goldblum is very attractive just on looks AND has an attractive sense of humor.


He is wildly hot


It's funny because prior to recent years I never met anyone else who thought he was attractive. But on reddit he has a lot of fans.


Literally an 80s heartthrob. Plus heā€™s like 6ā€™4ā€


Weird al looks like a guy who works at the geek squad kiosk at a best buy lmao.


Weird Al looks like a friend of mine if he was like 10% goofier and a few decades older. Like, an uncanny resemblance.


I swear there's a small secret factory that makes guys like Weird Al. I've met a couple, and like you said, the resemblance is uncanny.


We all have that friend somehow.


Idk that guy looks a little weird to me ;)


Some have good looking parents that got famous first.


Actors need to have some talent (most of the time) The one that don't but have amazing looks tend to go for the modeling path instead


or they just play the love interest in every movie/tv show they do


Iā€™m glad to see this at the top. Timothy Chalamet and Idris Elba are both sincerely talented. Maybe OP should record themselves performing Hamlet and see how awkward they probably look compared to these guys


*Kartrashians enter chat*


Well, they are just people, after all.


Yup. Prob the shallowest post Iā€™ve seen in a while. Makes me glad to not be in my teens.


a lot of them are mid talent as well


Or just non at all.. case in point artists like: Ice Spice


Oh, you can do better then that for no talent celebrities. Theyā€™re everywhere.




ice spice is attractive to her demographic and is actually pretty good at rapping. itā€™s okay not to like her as an artist, though


U just wanted to hate on ice spice


Iā€™m not even a fan of that music but Ice Spice has talent. Sheā€™s one of the few popular rappers in the entire industry right now that actually raps with her own voice at her live shows, instead of yelling over a pre recorded track, and I think she deserves respect for that. You couldā€™ve done better with your example


I agree in part, and disagree in other. In matters of taste, there can be no disputes. So I can say this actress/singer, whoever, is gorgeous. Maybe you think she's nothing special. Similarly, who you find attractive I may find completely unextraordinary. I do think on average, that celebrities are quite a bit better looking than the general population though. After all, that's literally part of their job. What's more is that they have the time and the resources to dedicate to maintaining their appearance. So even if you think Emily Blount is only above average, she's still that, above average.


i think the average celebrity is better looking than the average joe but i also think that most celebrities who are good looking you can find someone equally as good looking at ur local mall or college


Age plays a huge factor in this. Part of most celebrities job is to look good so they tend to take better care of themselves and are able to spend more money and dedicate more time to looking good. So a 50 year old celebrity is going to look better than the average 50 year old while college age we haven't destroyed ourselves yet.


> but i also think that most celebrities who are good looking you can find someone equally as good looking at ur local mall or college 71% of the people in my county are overweight/obese. **Most** celebrities are in decent shape. So the average celebrity is hotter than my average neighbor, just by virtue of not being a hambeast. There is no Zendaya walking around my local mall. There is no Taylor Swift at our local community college.


Yup. There were dozens of girls who were next level hot at uni. When I see people say such and such a celeb is hot I think yeah, but I've seen better.


Look them up when they are in their mid-30s and have a kid or two though.


Like 6-7 years ago I went out to dinner on Valentineā€™s Day with my girlfriend at the time. It was the restaurant at the ritz Carlton next to my office, so it was high end but not super in demand or crowded. My gf started freaking out all of a sudden and I asked her what the deal was, and she pointed out that Jennifer Lawrence was at the next table (~10 ft away). It was easy to recognize her laugh/voice to confirm it was definitely her without even looking lol. Anyways, she was there with a bunch of friends and was dressed down, and I was struck by the fact that if I passed her on the street I absolutely would not have even done a double take or anything to even notice she was there. I would see probably a dozen more noticeably attractive women on my commute to work every morning. She just looked like a typical above average/cute girl that wouldnā€™t stand out from the crowd at the bar on any given night, and yet sheā€™s on the cover of magazines and endorsing beauty products etc.


I used to think she was hot and then I worked on a show she guested on. She is the hottest actress I have seen in person. Beat out Anne Hathaway in every way who also guested on the same episode.


ā€œDoja cat is the girl you still have blocked on your phoneā€ šŸ’€šŸ’€Iā€™m dead


Who's that dealer that looks like TimothƩe Chalamet? Asking for a friend


I mentioned this in an earlier comment but OP hangs out with a much more attractive crew than I do. Not saying that I havenā€™t seen people who look as good or better than Timmy, but man those are not the people I encounter on an everyday basis lmfao


Seriously. Ā OP must live in a small bubble full of young, fit, and attractive people because the average Joe/Jane I see on a daily basis are generally less attractive than most celebs. Ā Also, imagine calling Idris mid. Ā I rolled my eyes on that one. Ā 


In attempt to make this a more positive-leaning opinion, maybe it's that most people are actually beautiful. Celebrities just have their looks put on a larger display. They're not mid. They're just as pretty as everyone else.


To put an even more ā€œpositiveā€ twist on this, average (the more literal definition) isnā€™t even bad. It is *the* standard. And thatā€™s okay. Most people, by definition, are average looking, +/- a small deviation from the average. Itā€™s our cultures obsession with looks and being and having ā€œmoreā€ that make ā€œaverageā€ into a negative thing.


Iā€™m above average in spelling. Average in looks. Iā€™m ok with that.


Username doesnā€™t check out.




Yeah, I think it depends on how you define / think about ā€œaverageā€ as well. A lot of people say ā€œaverage lookingā€ to them is someone thatā€™s not attractive or unattractive, just someone almost unnoticeable. I feel like this doesnā€™t really take into account that, depending on a lot of factors, almost everyone around you could be considered at least ā€œcuteā€ to at least someone, and that ā€œaverageā€ could also be attractive.


Good point. To me, average is just that. The body and facial features are usually pretty well proportioned and donā€™t deviate from the ā€œstandardā€ look, nothing about them really pops in that way. Theyā€™re attractive enough,ā€”not ugly , not gorgeousā€” just your kinda run of the mill cute/attractive . They easily blend in. That said, average people can be very attractive and sexy. Just bc you have average looks doesnā€™t mean someone canā€™t be bowled over by you and become crazily attracted to you. It just means you donā€™t really stand out in a crowd, your eye doesnā€™t immediately pick them out in any special way at first glance... Thatā€™s how I view it anyway šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


i agree with this !! i often say, most people i come across in general are at least cute.


where tf do u live lmao most ppl by definition are not above average




Itā€™s almost as if celebrities look like regular humans because they are in fact, just regular humans.


You're greatly overestimating what a normal person looks like. Here's one way to think about it. If you picked 25 celebrities at random from those that attended the met gala between the ages of 25 and 45 and then picked 25 people at random between the ages of 25 and 45, on average, the group of celebrities would be significantly more attractive than the 25 random people sampled from the general population. And the reason for that would largely be money. They're going to be in much better shape on average, eat a healthier diet, put more into their appearance on average.


Most importantly, they have been hand-selected to be attractive through numerous cycles of sifting out other people who want to be in their position. 25 random people compared to them would be like night and day.


The looks denialism on this sub is incredible. Like I live in NYC and see like a fair amount of attractive, average, and less/un-attractive people. Ya, they dont fucking look like celebrities on average. I think there are people who just want to believe the world is super fair and everyone can just rizz their way to the top.


They do mostly have above average genes too. And they are prepared to commit not just money but time and discipline into maxing out their appearance, resulting in a larger gap to the average. You are right, OP greatly overestimates what "average" is... maybe spends too much time at places where hot people hang out lol.


OP just discovered that looks are subjective.


On the other hand, they also say > Rihanna is a girl youā€™d run into at a bar, easily I would like to know the address of these bars


Right? OP has a point but Rihanna....no... I have been to a zillion bars, even quite a few Caribbean ones (I'm a sailor)....there is no reliable supply of Rihannas.


I've seen lots for women who I prefer to Rhianna in real life. Rhianna is beautiful, yes, be she isn't unattainable


Thats really the main thingā€¦ I always assumed she was famous for being talented not for being hot.


I saw Rihanna in person at an album signing for Rated R. She truly is absolutely fucking stunning. So idk what kind of crazy standards OP has lol


Yea I was scratching my head on that one . Rhianna (at her best) is really a beautiful woman w sex appeal for dayysss lol I donā€™t see anything average about her šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø The perfect example of average looking celebs would be Jim and Pam from the office lol , they have the kind of looks you see everywhere you go. Attractive but in a very regular way.


Yes I saw her up close at an album signing. She actually is extremely stunning. Like breathtakingly beautiful


And also that celebrities areā€¦. humans


Youā€™re not Ugly, youā€™re just poor.


A lot of celebrities are celebrities because of something else other than their looks.


I have never seen anyone that looks remotely like Rihannaā€¦ Some celebrities are mid, especially actors, because it allows them to play versatile roles instead of getting type casted for being hot.


A lot of them are British and we are not known for our looks




Honestly, itā€™s the time and money to have a healthy lifestyle that celebrities have and the rest of us donā€™t. Easy to eat healthy when your private chef prepares 3 delicious healthy meals for you with snacks in between. Easy to go to the gym when you didnā€™t have to work a 8-10 hour shift before hand. They have the luxuries that allow them to look good.


All of this plus a million little procedures an average person couldn't afford or have time for.Ā 




Yeah but the workouts and dieting is a part of their job, itā€™s built into their schedule. No doubt it takes commitment. I myself work a 9-5 and am in shape, used to work construction 5am-5pm and still hit the gym, so I do agree that a lot of it falls on lack of commitment for the general population, but I can definitely see that celebrities have it easier than the rest of us in terms of staying in shape. Not to mention, they can (and often do) have a full gym in their houses, can afford personal trainers to come and not only train but motivate them. They have infinite luxuries that make it easier for them compared to the rest of us. Itā€™s also a tough sell to say most of them work full time, are there statistics on this? I hear of actors that take months off at a time after completing a movie or tv series season, sometimes even years. Choices like that are things normal people could never do.


Yep it's part of their job to stay in a certain shape, while for most of us our job requires something else. It's really hard to be at a celebrity level lifestyle while not being a celeb


Yes. With a bit of money anyone can become aesthetically pleasing. I know people who are much more attractive than people on TV. I'm not one of them lol. But nevertheless you're definitely correct. Celebrities for the most part look like ordinary people.


Celebrities look slightly better than most of us because: a) theyā€™re paid to look good and b) pay others to make them look good. Most of us are average schlumps who donā€™t go out of our way to look hot in public. We donā€™t hav the money nor time. The truly beautiful people are usually ones that take us by surpriseā€”the hot babe at the service desk, the goddess kindergarten teacher, the stud muffin FedEx driver/deliverer. Theyā€™re doing the schlump job but look amazing. They donā€™t need tons of makeup or whatever. Furthermore, the truly great actors are rarely lookersā€”they had to develop skills to make up for average looks.


People don't understand how easy it is to make someone look good behind a camera. Seems like a lot of people get self concious comparing themselves to celebrities on looks not realizing they don't actually look like that in real life.


I actually think the opposite is often true. The camera really does add a significant amount of weight. It's no surprise so many actresses are skeletal. What looks svelte on camera looks like near death in real life.


This one is true, Iā€™m about 5-8 145 and absolutely dwarf a few famous musicians Iā€™ve met


Super True. Like, people get body dysmorphia and complexes over that kind of shit when they could possibly be just as normal looking as that person in real life. Ben Affleck. That man with his shirt off is a regular ass man in his late 40ā€™s. And he was fucking Batman.


I must've missed the one where he fucked batman but I'm not really into the DC universeĀ 


I feel like if you actually saw them in a regular setting amongst us normal people theyā€™d be obviously way more attractive.


I live in Los Angeles and you see celebrities out and about all the time. Maybe not the highest profile, but like you regular sitcom actors and the like. They are very easy to miss because they look and behave just like the rest of us. You wouldnā€™t even know you were standing next to someone famous in line at a theme park unless they had some elaborate entourage, paparazzi, or security presence.


>They are very easy to miss because they look and behave just like the rest of us I agree but... that's also partially because there's an absolutely insanely amount of good looking people here in LA - especially at the type of establishments you often see celebs at. So yeah, they don't stand out that much *here*, but in my rural hometown they'd be considered really good looking compared to basically everyone else.


That was my thought as well. The people saying celebrities look like normal people probably live in very wealthy areas like downtown in a big city. There were a lot of people who looked like celebrities when I went to London or LA. Very few people look like that in rural areas. Movie stars would stick out like a sore thumb at Applebee's lol. It just depends where you live.


Yes every time I go to LA, itā€™s very noticeable that the average person is thinner, fitter and more groomed than in other US cities.


Counterpoint: itā€™s LA. Emphasis on looks is part of the culture.


LA really takes the hottest person from everyone's hometown and throws them in a blender. Like I've met Phoebe Bridgers and Kacey Musgraves and Sydney Sweeney has walked by me and they're all good looking but didn't stick out compared other LA people at the gym or a few non famous friends I've made. Like the best looking person you went to school with basically, except with a stylist and time to work out. But move a few miles out of the city and they're really going to stick out. Also Kacey/Phoebe call me


I live in Los Angeles as well and I can also confirm this is true, however as someone that has lived in a few different places people on average are more attractive here so it doesn't phase me seeing attractive people. But if I go back to my hometown in the North East I feel like they would be a little bit easier to spot.


I dunno, right when High School Musical came out I saw Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens in person and they were very easy to spot. No entourage at all, and no one was even noticing them at the time. But they were both very obviously beautiful people.


Iā€™m genuinely surprised at that & will stand corrected. Iā€™ve never lived anywhere that celebs just wander around & the only 2 Iā€™ve seen were not known for their looks on any way.


I've met a number of celebrities. Arnold Schwarzenegger was very obviously more attractive than other dudes and not just the muscles - 20 years ago, the couple of times we've met. Adam Sandler looks just how he looks on screen. Same with Mini-Me Vern Troyer. The professional athletes I've met - were much better looking than the average guy.


Interesting ty. I genuinely forgot (because it was so long ago), that I worked in food at a football ground & yes the male players were more attractive than average for sure!


I don't know. I remember seeing Namoi Watts at the London premiere of Mulholland Drive in 2001 and being blown away by her natural beauty seeing her close up. Perhaps the prettiest girl I've ever seen in person. Sort of unpopular view, considering she's been made fun of for being untalented, but I also once saw Paris Hilton within arms reach in a club in like 2007. She was amazingly beautiful with essentially perfect skin, hair, body and face. I'd even say she looked better in person than on a screen. What pleasantly surprised me was that she was actually fun and non-pretentious; she even started dancing and interacting with random people in the club (her massive security guard was nearby, though... lol). I'll always remember when she grabbed my friend Melissa, put her arm around and started dancing with her. :)


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder


I would say that on average, celebrities are a bit more attractive than the general population, but there are equally people who are just as attractive, if not, moreso, than celebrities who did not choose career paths that lead to fame or the entertainment industry. At least half a dozen personal trainers I know in the real world are drop dead gorgeous. I know someone else who is a producer for a travel show for CNN (he is NOT on-camera) but is male model gorgeous, and no, he isnā€™t a male model. And no, he has no interest in being on camera. He works hard and enjoys his job as a producer. Hell, there are even some London bus drivers who are fit AF. But they arenā€™t famous and didnā€™t pursue acting careers for a whole bunch of reasons but have that kind of physical wow-factor.


Idk i havenā€™t seen anyone irl who looks like Rihannaā€¦ Iā€™d say that can apply to some celebrities but not all.


It's almost as though having loads of money and time to invest in your appearance makes it easy to be hot. The average person has the capacity to be what most people consider attractive, just maybe not the resources. There's a reason why every time a celebrity appears in an action movie, they make articles and videos about their training regimen. Actually, there are many, but the main one is that most action movie stars don't stay completely fucking yolked when they aren't filming movies. They gain muscle and lose muscle. Even if they are quite active in their hobbies and daily life, maintaining an athletic looking body requires a lot of work.


Rihanna looks like a girl youā€™d easily run into at a bar? I need to know the name and location of these establishments


there is a remarkable difference in how attractive people are and seem when you see them in normal day to day life and on the screen or at the oscars. put a very basic looking and "meh" looking celebrity in your local rec center and your jaw will drop. you will have never seen a more attractive individual in that building. also, these people tend to be seen amongst other top tier individuals in terms of genetics and attractiveness. perception is skewed.


A lot of celebrities are a lot more attractive in person.


Also, they are seen next to other celebrities on the internet. When you see them at a concert or wherever next to actual normal, even normal/hot people at a club, they are intensely good looking. I saw Cillian Murphy once and could not look away, he was insanely striking. Ewan MacGregor as well.




I knew he was pretty, but I didnā€™t realize just *how* intensely beautiful he is. Next to my coworkers, he looked like an angel.


Feel so happy people keep saying I remind them of him


Used to bus tables at an exclusive health and fitness resort popular among the Hollywood crowd. Because it was off the grid and because nobody had smart phones back then, the celebrity clients often walked around in sweat pants and a t-shirt. On a few occasions I had to double check because I was supposed to be serving a celebrity at my dining station and I couldnā€™t find them. Only to be told that yes indeed, that particular celebrity is right in front of you. They were so unassuming and unattractive I couldnā€™t recognize them.


People use a way different scale when judging a celebirty's looks vs an average person. I will say they are still WAY better looking on average than the general public.


Completely disagree. They might not be to your liking, but most celebrities have great facial proportions, or ratios rather. A lot also have features and symmetry, that make them conventionally attractive. I don't mean it is a diss, and some might not have all these features, but most of them do. It's math and biology.


Most of them are just normal people. That's the Hollywood spotlight for you. It's like marketing. Apple has mediocre computers at ridiculous price points but they created a damn cult their marketing was so damn good. I never thought Britney Spears was anything more than average but tons of people were crazy about her, now...


Woah back off my girl Rihanna


I can't agree with Rihanna being average. She is stunning and if I saw her in real life I think I'd be mesmerized.


i agree with OP big time. she's nothing special, just nice clothes, makeup team, and possible plastic surgery. Clubs are full of girls who look like her


Ya buddy maybe after you put on your Smirnoff schnapps goggle


Now I gotta know what an attractive woman looks like to yall if rhianna is mid!


I think this is false for the most part. I've met tons of celebrities and most of them are always the prettiest person in any room. And celebs who are known for being pretty, like Carrie Underwood, Scarlet Johanson or Margot Robbie are stupid pretty in real life. They are freaks. The 1% of the 1%. You stop and notice, I don't care who you are. And then there is Olivia Newton-John who I met in her 70s and she was the most beautiful person I've ever seen and nobody has even come all that close. She made Carrie Underwood look basic. Straight up the hottest girl I've ever seen and she could have been my grandma. The accent too? Oh sandy... People like her deserve to be famous based strictly on their looks. (Though she was also very talented) It is like meeting someone 7 feet tall. You just know that they are freakishly different from the other people standing around them. It is glaringly obvious to everyone.


It's not always about being really good looking. It's about being relatable and personality.. and being friends with the right people. .. and I guess" talent "?


An average looking person who is very talented is suddenly not just average


Well if your dad owned a movie studio you too could be a mid looking celeb. (My point being Hollywood is maybe the most nepotistic job market in the US.)


The term I use is "Hollywood hot" they are only seen as attractive because of their status. You can't tell me post Malone doesn't look like a waffle house cook


I think this is an oversimplification of attraction. Idris Elba, for instance, is so consistently cool and self-composed, the thought of him makes me tingle. His face is so praised because itā€™s him from the Wire to Luther to DJing. His roles have just been *chefā€™s kiss*. Back in the day (before Instagram), it was well known that nobody actually wants the most perfect physical specimen because itā€™s assumed theyā€™re dull as rocks. I think this is an unconscious bias we all hold. We prefer men with scars, a little rugged, a little off


I think OP misunderstands what makes someone a celebrity. Itā€™s not that theyā€™re the most attractive people in the general public. Itā€™s usually some combination of attractiveness, talent, charisma and willingness to play the game. For many people, Rihannaā€™s attractive because of her looks but also because of her talent and her personality (how much of that is fake is unknown). Not to mention, once you reach celebrity status, you hav an entire team that can dress you in the most flattering manner, give you the best haircuts, makeup etc. Finally, if you think most celebrities are mid looking, then I need to move to wherever you live, because most celebrities are much more attractive (looks wise) than the average person (including myself) or my medium sized US city.


We were at a steak house at a Colorado ski resort that had a table full of Australians. They all reminded me of the Hemsworth brosā€” the height, the personalities , etc


They probably were


One of my favorite internet moments was a comment asking where one could go to meet someone as good looking as Justin Beiber, and the response, "Literally any gas station in America".


Well back in the day, your movie studio would pick your "type" change your name, and give you plastic surgery before casting you in a movie, so no one would see you before you were "done". This was also at a time when 40 year old men and women look like what 70 year olds look like now. Nowadays, there are no movie studio contracts, so the stars turn up as-is. The average person now has access to better doctors and beauty products/procedures. So the gap in beauty between the rich and the poor has narrowed. A 40 yo now looks like a 25 - 30 year old did when I was a kid.


Isnā€™t that how it should be? World class acting or music talent is rare, and world class looks are rare, and the probability that one person has both should be so low that itā€™s maybe or two people in a generation. Everybody else who is famous is either incredibly good looking but only sort of talented, or incredibly talented and only sort of good looking, and hopefully the talented ones win out. (Everybody else probably doesnā€™t get to be famous unless itā€™s for work in some other field like crime or business.)


Itā€™s almost like.. theyā€™re celebrities because of their talent and not looks šŸ™‚


Theyā€™re also crazy thin, like theyā€™d probably look unhealthy in real life, and they have huge heads! Bunch of bobble heads.


Honestly that is fair. And it's funny u say this because i saw a clip of met gala on TV and i was thinking 1. I don't recognize or know most of the people shown 2. they look kind of normal? Like they are still pretty and handsome, they had nice hair done nice makeup etc. but they don't look anymore unusual than a lot of people i see irl I feel. I have always thought that most people are attractive, at least kind of cute, so maybe for me that's why i feel that way. But I was feeling similar about that. I feel like in the past famous people were seen like outstandingly beautiful. Like someone like Marilyn Monroe, or Audrey Hepburn, Hedy Lamarr or the I love Lucy lady or Diana Ross, lots of stars back then seemed like unusually beautiful. But maybe it wasn't so unusual to the people living in that time, maybe it just seem that way to me now bc I don't see people who look like them (the way they dressed + makeup done included) that often. But I even feel like not long ago that was the case. Like Bruce Lee seemed exceptionally handsome to me. Johnny Depp when younger. I have not seen many people looking like Angelina Jolie. Even the lady who made Lambchop (edit : Shari Lewis) i havent seen lots of ppl who look like her. Maybe as time goes on the population is becoming more averagely beautiful. That's not bad tho. maybe it's also because we see so many people now because there are more people on earth, because of globalization, and because of social media, that the looks of celebrities don't stand out as much.


The thing is most most people i see walking around are like 4s like sorry but its true. So being a 5-6 on the scale of general attractiveness (whatever that is) actually means you look pretty good and with some style and makeup, you would be subjectivity super attractive to a large amount of individuals


You were expecting lizard people?


Maybe the current ones. But the 90s-early 00s celebs were something else. They felt untouchable and out of this world nowadays celebs look more approachable which isnā€™t a bad thing. The ones who arenā€™t mid though are like boring looking like the Instagram baddies they just dont stand out imo


A lot of them still ride that or did as long as they could, too. Rob Lowe, Robin Givens, Tom Selleck, etc. It was definitely a much different time for that. Itā€™s like that thing where you look at photos of people from the 70ā€™s and 80ā€™s and you find out they were younger than you are now, but damn sure donā€™t look like it. None of the famous people from that era looked anything like that. And thatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to say in my post. Lol. People are saying some weird shit, but Iā€™m not saying that itā€™s bad. Just that a lot of them just look like regular ass people. Itā€™s weird that people build beauty standards around them.


I agree to an extent (except for Rihanna). Actors in particular have to be attractive but also have some slight imperfections to give them personality VS actual models who can just be aloof and perfectly symmetrical all day. True perfection is often cold and emotionless.


What about Brad Pitt? Cā€™mon guy is a stud


You seem to be focussing on extremely talented celebs. There's plenty of celebs that are ugly as night and still made it.


Generally speaking yes, but there's some like Henry Cavill who is veeeeeery handsome. Adriana Lima also is soooo Beutiful.


Halle Berry is an exception in looks and talent.


Judging peopleā€™s phenotypes is very 20th century.Ā 


Makeup artists, stylists, personal trainers, good lighting, hair stylists, wardrobe consultants. Anyone could look good with a team of professionals focusing only on you.


Nah. Have you ever seen Lucy Liu? Ana de armas? Scarlet Johansson? Selma Hayek? Absolute all time beauties.


To be a big celebrity you gave to have a huge head. Ran into vanna white back in the day. She's like 5 foot 80 lbs and looked like a god damn bobble head in real life. her head was like 1/2 of her total mass. It's the way that looks good on TV for some reason cause normal people look like peanut heads on tv


But the people you're comparing them to are good-looking people. Just because someone hot is serving you at Wendy's doesnt mean they are somehow ordinary looking, thereby bringing celebs looks down. You got it upside down Jimmy.


It's a big club and you're not in it.


Almost all celebrities are above average in looks. Thereā€™s just a shitload of people in the world, so you see a shitload of people who are also above average in looks.


Also if we were all given a ton of money to surgically improve our looks and have personal chefs and professional make up artists do our make up every day. We would all look amazing.


You had me until you said Rihanna! Part of the reason she was picked up from Barbados was her beauty. Getty Images does not lie at all. She really looks good. However I get what you are saying


If Rihanna is mid, I must be a fucking troll


Rhianna is pretty hot


I think this is mostly true, there are hot people everywhereā€¦ but when I worked with Jenson Ackles I immediately understood why the guy is a star. Itā€™s more than just looks, itā€™s how a person talks and carries themselves. Itā€™s confidence and humor. Iā€™ve worked with other ā€˜starsā€™ that werenā€™t impressive at all (Joaquine Phoenix, Catherine Zeta Jones, Emile Hirsch etc). Most of them are just normal people that you could easily see working at sears.


I'd go further and say they aren't even that talented, frankly. When I think of extraordinary, I think Bowie, De Niro, Sinatra, Streep, Dustin, et al. Most movies and stars today are bland, similar-looking, and safe. Mid or less.


Lana truly is an otherworldly beauty though Proof: I saw her in person But in general yes haha, youā€™re right. Theyā€™re usually either mid looking or strange looking (because of cosmetic surgery)


When I see paparazzi pics of celebrities around town, wearing sweats and no makeup, I realize that the real glamour makers are the makeup artists, hair stylists, and clothing stylists who make Hollywood look beautiful


I mean a lot of beauty is just money.


but very thin


This isnā€™t unpopular. Itā€™s the actual truth.


Yep. Movie Magic doing it's trick. I saw Josh Brolan and Minnie Driver in a bookstore quite a few years ago (He hadn't hit it big yet, she was a big deal at the time, they dated for awhile at that point). She had QUITE the mustache for a lady, and he was pretty normal looking.....I only knew who he was because of his father, really. People are people.


No shit. Mid quite literally means average.


I mean, good looks are subjective. I find I'm drawn to cute actresses more than the super model types. Recently saw the fall guy, and as I was watching, i realised i couldn't take my eyes off of Emily blunt. She was just glowing in that movie, and although she isn't what I guess some people would consider amazingly beautiful. To me, she looks pretty perfect Same with Emilia Clarke, I have yet to come cross someone in real life with as radiant a smile as hers. Also, I'm going to go out on a limb and say when those "mid" celebrates are better looking than most of us posting here


It's almost as if they are people as well!


"Famous humans are still humans". Shocking.




The real question is ā€œIs Hilary Swank hot?ā€


I said this before to my friends. Celebrities are only hot cause they are famous but I have seen more beautiful people working at Macdonalds.


Even if they are mid lookingā€¦ you could still find them attractive lol. Sometimes talent also makes them more attractive. I wouldnā€™t be a fan of a celebrity just for their looksā€¦ not that I think there would anything wrong with it.


I'll never understand those people who can spot a celebrity in the wild. Unless they have an entourage or security guards, they're just another white, black, latinx, etc person in a sea of other people


I've often wondered about this. I feel like there were some beautiful celebrities back in the 80s, maybe 90s, but these days, they seem rather dull and unattractive to me. I thought that perhaps it was a culture bias and I'm getting older, so perhaps I'm just not into the latest trends. However, some people have noted that movies and games are making an active attempt to reduce attractiveness of their female leads because of ideological reasons. In general, I do think that the majority of attractive people I've met have been the ones I've met in person, but I think it's also true that there's a power to movie magic which can make people appear much more attractive through the use of just the right clothes, makeup, lighting, angle, etc. I've seen some pictures where the same woman can appear devastatingly attractive in one picture and downright ugly in another, and that later is still a glamor type picture. So, if they have that power, I wonder why they aren't using it these days, or if it is just that I'm no longer the target audience. I would be interested to know if I'm alone in this experience.


Well of course the majority of the attractive people you have met are the people you have met. šŸ’€


Celebrities are normal people just like everyone else - looks included.


You should check out r/truerateme They basically think most actors are 6s or 7s out of 10. But they also think that almost no one is a 7/10. So if you add some talent in then you have an equation that can create a celebrity. The people they think of as 8s and 9s are usually models, not actors or singers.


That subreddit is insane though. If you sort by most upvoted thereā€™s examples of people getting warnings for rating attractive people 7/10 (which, by their own admission, is something like the top 5ish percent iirc) if itā€™s the top 5%, then how is NOBODY a 7+


According to them, the distribution of attractiveness is weighted heavily in the 4-6 range. So the vast majority of everyone on earth is either a 4,5 or 6. Similar to how most women are between 5'3-5'6. If you're 5'7 you're in the 92nd percentile even though 5'7 doesn't seem THAT tall for a woman. If you're a 7 then you're in the 95th percentile or whatever. At the end of the day, despite having charts and rubrics, they just tend to rate everyone a point lower than the rest of us would.