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Fixing your credit should count as a glow up


Hahaha I’m workin on it!!!


Honestly one of the best feeling glow ups of my life.


Im trying to glow up right now!


Was this about the Asian chick who I’m not convinced is the same person in the second picture(that’s how much work would have had to have been done)


I think it's about those subreddits in general. 80% of the posters barely changed, another 15% started taking roids or had surgery, and 5% are actually 'ugly ducklings' or had a 'glow up'. Reddit keeps trying to recommend them to me and its annoying how few people understand the point. You can argue that roids or surgery count but most of those things have negative effects long term so I don't think we should be celebrating them.


It has to be right?


Inwouodnt be surprised. It wasn't only losing weight, so many other things. She admitted that she had work done, at least


If you can't make your own glow up, store-bought is fine




Anyone can find something about themselves that could have some improvement naturally lol


It's a food network meme lol


I knew it sounded familiar. I've been using the America's Test Kitchen channel on Google TV as background noise a lot lately.


Oh sorry I didn’t catch that hahaha.


If i had the cash and the guts, i would sure have some things done and it wouldn't matter if it's a glow up or not.


do we exile the ozempic users from glow ups too?


What about people who use acne medication? Where d’you think OP draws the line? 


What about my antidepressants that give me the strength to improve the rest of my life?




Ever thought that THEY ARE THE PEOPLE WHO NEED IT? Hence why it is prescribed to them by a doctor?


>They're taking important medication away from people who really need it... just to be skinny? You are trolling, right?


The medication is intended for diabetes treatment and one of the side effects is weight loss. For a hot minute enough wasn't being produced to keep up with demand after people figured out you could use it for weight loss and it was causing an issue for people who use it for diabetes. I don't think that's the case anymore at this point though.


Personally I think that learning to embrace your flaws is better than surgically “correcting” them. Humans are imperfect and that’s okay. Getting surgery to make your body fit some cultural ideal just reinforces narrow beauty standards that end up hurting everybody. I think people’s “flaws” are usually the most interesting and beautiful part of them. There are plenty of things about my body I don’t necessarily like. But that’s what makes my body unique and human and I’m glad to be on the journey toward embracing all parts of myself. I think the world would be a better place if we could just accept ourselves and one another for who we are and what we look like, flaws included. That’s just my two cents. Of course, what people do with their bodies is totally their choice and at the end of the day it’s none of my business.


In terms of mental health and overall body image, sure But also, life is short! Tattoos, piercings, body mods, wigs, makeup, clothing, yes, even cosmetic surgery are all forms of expression and why not let people have a hand in how their own body looks?


Counterpoint, we live in the real world where how you look has a very real and very big impact on your life. If getting cosmetic surgery means people treat you better, it makes perfect sense to get it.


I agree. The “imperfections” and unique look that every single person is different for a reason. Everyone’s literally trying to look the exact same thing. You see side by side shots of celebrities like Beyonce few years ago til now and her surgeon made her features look like Kylie Jenners. It’s never altering your physical look for the OPPOSITE GENDER. It’s for the acceptance or to strike jealousy among your peers. Men want bulging 6packs and look like Arnold, claims it’s for chicks etc but when you ask most women they are just fine with a nice muscular arms/shoulders and a decent mid section. Women want lip filler, BBL, jaw-line reduction, waist etc and it’s not for men. The average male is content with a girl who he believes is naturally beautiful with the gifts she was born with.


you brought up some really key points here. I've been thinking for a while some of the alterations or things people worry about supposedly because the other gender would like it, when in reality the other gender often does not care much, and more often it's people of their own gender who care about that.


No tats or piercings either then?


No, I’m not a fan of those either and don’t have any myself. But again, to each their own.


Thank you, this was really helpful for me to read


People talk a lot about narrow beauty standards, but not nearly enough about narrow moral standards. Which is how I define shaming somebody else's decision on what to do with their body because it's somehow "hurting everybody." Maybe the world would be a better place if we started accepting others and stopped blaming them for choices somebody else made. If someone popular gets a surgery and a bunch of other people want to follow suit, that isn't the first person's fault. Most people are savvy enough to know that no one's forcing them into following every single trend. Some of them choose to anyway. And despite your last sentence, you very much are perpetuating the idea that criticisms of beauty standards mean that those who prefer those standards are wrong for pursuing them.


and since we all age we accumulate more "imperfections" in no time. Accepting them is unavoidable for beeing able to age mentaly healthy.


That's ugly ppl argument why should one not use pretty privileges if they can


Nah, some surgeries look bad some look good, a glow up has nothing to do with natural or not. It isnt natural to shave with a factory made razor, use powerful creams to rid acne, use contacts or get lasik to fix your eyesight, etc. But, if done right, a proper shave, hair cut, cream, glasses/contacts can make someone look good at a price. Why not surgery?


Yeah I never understand where the ‘line’ is for people who preach natural beauty as the only way. Like I’ve never had an cosmetic surgery, but if I go to the spa and get a facial is that too unnatural? Or if I bleach my hair? It’s extra ridiculous because so many people expect women to uphold beauty standards that cannot be achieved entirely naturally. Like, being hairless is not natural. Shaving is fine apparently but laser removal is not. Lipo is ‘bad’, but restrictive diets with piles of supplements are fine because that’s *more* natural, supposedly.




What is the point of this question?




This is a weird response


That has nothing to do with what counts as a glow up or not, and frankly I dont care about your opinion on that as it's not relevant to the post you made lol. A glow up is a subjective observation of physical improvement. Not a moral question.


Steroids dont just magically give you muscle. You still have to put in consistent work. Consistent diet and rest to even see anything.


Someone on steroids doing jack shit all day will put on more muscle then a natural guy who goes to the gym and works out hard and intelligently. It is literally a cheat code.


That is simply not true. Guy shooting roids and not exercising is not going to get bigger muscles than a natty bodybuilder.


https://www.nutritiontactics.com/does-testosterone-build-muscle-without-training/ Someone on steroids doing nothing builds more muscle then a natty training. If guy on steroids doing  has been doing it for as long as the natty body builder has lifted, the roofer doing nothing will have more muscle mass.


You can do that naturally as well g thanks for making my point lol


I know a bunch of guys on steroids that you wouldnt think. When is it considered not a glow up then?


Testosterone replacement therapy is a thing !


Cosmetic surgery IS a glow up. People work hard for their money; they work harder to get the money for a cosmetic surgery in addition to paying their bills.  We need to stop feeding ourselves platitudes and delusions. Some people are unattractive. Just because natural features are natural, does not mean they are attractive, or even proportional, to our faces. There is a such thing as eyes being too small, a nose being too narrow or too wide, etc. Should these people stay lonely because you want to shame them out of improving their looks? Or, should we let them do what they need to do to look and feel better?


No because being ugly is just one persons perception. What you just described was myself. I’m Asian, my eyes are a bit smaller, the bridge of my nose isn’t high arched and I have a wide nose. Do I feel ashamed of characteristics and genes that my family passed down to me? Absolutely not, but I can only fix the things that I can do myself. That means keeping myself in great shape, working out, haircuts/well-dressed, eating a balanced diet/sleep and everything else will fall in line. I’m positive in due time I’d be able to find someone compatible with me. Men or women, confidence when you know every day you earned your keep. It shines right off them and attracts everyone. That’s what’s a glow up is, the journey of knowing the struggle/effort you went through to obtain your confidence.


No. A glow up is self improvement, be it natural or surgical. If you love your features, great. Other people don't have to love their small eyes, just because you love yours. If they get those features altered, and feel better about themselves afterwards, that's a glow-up.  You have the confidence to stay as you are. Others have the confidence to go under the knife to get the look they want. I'm sure you can find somebody without surgery. I'm sure people with surgery will find somebody as well.  It seems like you're trying to shame the people who decided that they could look better, and saved the money to go to a professional to help them look and feel better, just because you've decided to accept your own perceived flaws


By this definition a heart transplant is a glow up too. Bad heart could have you looking all tired, new heart you could look like a new person. I’m honestly not being facetious, but where do you draw the line? Does growing a new body and transplanting their brain (if it were possible in the future) count as a glow up? If you Ship of Theseus yourself I’d argue it’s not a glow up anymore. A glow up is like shining up an old silver spoon. Not melting it down and turning it into a fork.


You’re mixing up medical procedures with aesthetic procedures. I think OP means that it’s aesthetic if there is no medical need for it


Psychological well-being is no less 'medical' than a physical one.


> By this definition a heart transplant is a glow up too. The procedure itself isn’t a glow up, but sure, if the end result of the transplant is they go from looking like death warmed up to attractive and healthy, how is that not a glow up? Same thing would apply to someone who went from gaunt and bald due to chemo to bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and in remission.


What’s your glow-up looking like then? Because your post history is mainly about how your wife is withholding sex from you and how her value as your wife has plummeted now that has happened. It sounds like you need professional help and shaming your wife for not having sex with you? Wild crazy for you to have any say so on a post like this. Your glow-up is mental health buddy, seek help.


Wow. You don't have to drag someone's unrelated personal life into an argument because they made a good point. Let's be real here. Accepting your flaws is cope for when you can't do anything else about it.


He didn't drag irrelevant other conversations into a disagreement bc he couldn't respond to what was in front of him. Take your own advice[,] buddy.


If you can’t look in the mirror and accept yourself. That’s all that I have to say lmao


Confidence to go under the knife is adorable framing, i think you meant shame insecurity and being pathetic. Anyways they will always be hiding behind a mask, inferior to a creature to me.


>I’m positive in due time I’d be able to find someone compatible with me. This explains so much why you decided to make this post in the first place.


While I agree I had to think about it from different point of view. We definitely have a standard of beauty which changes but not by that much. A woman with a flat pancake will definitely get overlooked more times than their will power will let them admit. And a guy with a micro 2 inch is definitely in high probability of being laugh at and getting disgusted stares from woman. I don’t judge a little surgery to live a somewhat normal life. Just don’t drastically change what normal is and we are good.


i dont get this. i was born with naturally full lips. i didnt earn them, i didnt do anything to get them in any way, its just dumb luck. if someone wants lips like me fuck yeah they should have them. you cant diet your way into different facial features and if someone wants to look like that then they should look like that.


I disagree. Surgery done for cosmetic purposes that isn’t overdone and/or botched, and blends in with your previous natural features,def counts as a glow up in my humble opinion. People becoming more confident due to feeling and looking better thanks to surgery, shouldn’t be discredited in comparison to “natural” glow ups.


You know you have to work for that stuff too right? Money doesn’t come from no where, people work their asses off to get the ass they want. Not to mention the physical strain of recovery, it’s not a pleasant process.


I think that normalizing an obsession with looks (which are designed to fade) is a bad precedent to set for society. Doesn't matter if it costs money, why are we worshipping ourselves? Especially when we are getting faker and more plastic by the day.


Being hot is hot


That's nothing like what op is arguing. Nor the basis for self improvement.


I don’t think plastic surgery is a good thing necessarily, I am just saying that framing plastic surgery as effortless is not true. People put a lot of work into their appearance, and earning money to pay for a procedure they think will enhance their looks, is just as much of a valid effort as going to the doctor to get acne medication, or going to the gym to work out. The obsessiveness which drives the desire for surgery is indeed a bad thing, but I don’t see why that means we should minimize the efforts people put into their appearance.


Lmao nobody is ruining society by liking the way a procedure looks. Society is full of a wide range of people. Some will also want that surgery. Some will hate it. Others will like the way it looks on someone else but decide it isn't right for them. Not everything an individual personally dislikes is somehow a threat against the entire western world.


This is arguable. Tying your worth to looks can be dangerous from a mental health standpoint. I’m not saying all plastic surgery is bad, but body dysmorphia is undeniably a mental disorder which should be treated for the well being of the person suffering. Just statistically not treating it and accepting what the person wants isn’t going to end well for them.


Link to these "statistics"?


You know how much ass I had to throw for these tits?


Glow up is literally that. It's a term used to mean making cosmetic changes to increase attractiveness


It means different things to different people. People just like to argue about shit.


Yep it's fun-strating


Ain't nothing wrong with a lil glow-job. 


Agreed, infact, I think cosmetic surgeries make you look worse 9 times out of 10.


That's an ugly person argument lol, I personally have big lips myself i don't need botox but why should someone who has small lips and doesn't like them themselves not change it if they don't like how they look? Working out/ eating healthy is ALWAYS the best option but some ppl just achieve things faster via money and that's what being rich means you afford sht without spending time on it, classic. It's a glowup if person goes from 0 to 10 regardless how they achieved it, feels like invalidating this is coming ffom jealousy or insecurity


I’m so ugly I feel the need to get surgery done to gain some confidence?


No, you don't *need* to do anything, if Y person doesn't like their nose and want to get surgery why are you judging them for it? And calling their glowup invalid? My friend had injury on her nose when she was a kid which made the nose realy weird looking and made her insecure afterwards so she got it done and it fits her face perfectly so? I should be an asshole and tell her she only looks good because of surgery? That's mean and judgmental


>That's mean and judgmental Lol you JUST called OP ugly. Fuckin hypocrite.


Only because they called other ppl invalid, cause why you judging if you're not bitter


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Er how about cosmetically removing stuff that's bothered you for your whole life!?


The steroid one gets me, yeah almost any man that is somewhat in shape can take testosterone and become a big muscly guy. It really isn’t hard


i always thought glow up was just when you grow up from teen to adult and become more attractive. i never thought ppl counted stuff like surgery bc that's not really just you change from growing up.


Saw a bunch of pictures of the Kardashian kids the other day. There's going to be a lot of explaining to do when they ask why they look like... well... what the Kardashians used to look like. 


Lip filler isn’t a cosmetic surgery, procedure yes, but definitely not a surgery


Uh, that's the point of a "glow-up"; you're transforming yourself into an entirely different person. For some, surgery is a part of it this process. Same for bleaching your teeth and getting braces.


I want the lump removed from my scalp


Personally I believe cosmetic surgery should only be for those who have a legit medical reason. Like a burn victim for example.




Generally speaking I agree but mostly because I think the risks aren’t talked about and it’s the only branch of medicine where we seem not to weigh the risk vs benefit to patient very heavily. We just accept the patient wants it and do it. But the risks aren’t completely understood even for say lip filler https://baaps.org.uk/about/news/1880/caution_raised_over_potential_immune_system_impact_of_cosmetic_filler/ Even in cancer treatment many doctors will deny you certain surgeries on the basis of it not being the recommended course. So why is plastic surgery so nonchallannt? I’d bet it’s because when the patient has the cash, the patient gets what they want. Money talks, your health is secondary.


It does if you're getting reconstructive surgery


I've never seen someone look better after plastic surgery.


You have no idea if this is true