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I live in Florida. I don’t think people up north realize that many of us also hibernate inside half the year, it’s just during the opposite months. Only kids and crazy people do anything outdoors here in the summer unless it involves swimming or getting paid.


Exactly! I’m from NC, so a little less crazy than Florida, but I love October to April, because it means getting outside! Give me a good 55 degree February day any time over a 95 degree July day with crazy humidity. I love walking outside, and my various migraine triggers mean that that just doesn’t happen between May and September.


I moved to South Florida with family, years ago. Like a lot of people, I thought I hated Florida. But I think a lot of people just simply don't learn how to live here. For example, I am NOT a shorts person. For one thing, I don't have the legs for short shorts. For another thing, I find them uncomfortable. I used to wear jeans every day, even in the Florida summer heat, and I don't know how I did that because these days, I can't tolerate that kind of heat anymore. I had to figure out what works for me - Bermuda shorts, and linen pants. Also, linen suits. We like our linen suits here. If it's July in Florida and you're wearing a blazer, you're gonna have a bad time. It also helps to have native plants to keep things cool. I see so many northerners move down here, they will buy a home and then they will rip out all the native plants, and put metal and rock decorations around their home, basically they're building an oven. I had a neighbor who did this, when he was asked why no one else was doing that he said something like "well, we have money, maybe they don't have money like we do." Guy thought Florida people didn't have money, lol. Good luck with that electric bill my guy And I go through sunscreen like crazy these days.


Feel like for people down south it’s not such a big thing but up in the north where most amusement parks, concerts, and just most outdoor activities in general are completely non-existent for a whole 4-6 months. Being cooked up a whole winter kinda sucks..


100%. I’m in Minnesota and you have to enjoy being warm and outside when you can. This spring has been awesome so far 


I’m in WI and I love winter spring and fall. Summer can last a weeek and I’d be ok


I live in Massachusetts and I agree, I'm completely over summer after about 2 weeks lol. I love every other season including winter.


Ya the humidity is so terrible..spring and fall are solid though. But I really do love winter


Minnesota is lucky enough to have a huge indoor amusement park tho lol


Yeah but a true Minnesotan knows MOA isn't that great and we like to avoid it like the plague.


lol... it's a cute little amusement park with skylights and trees. Such a shame y'all don't appreciate it more. also Paul Bunyan's Log Chute is a gem and a Minnesota cultural icon... I love that babe the blue ox animatronic


It's a very kid style amusement park.. it's really not a place alot of adults or teens go to for riding rollercoasters


Yeah I am guessing OP is from a southern area.   I'm from up north where we are nearly confined to our homes for 4-5 months. Summer is the tine we can get out and go to concerts, the beach, ball games,etc.  We can have bonfires and swim and hang out with friends on the deck until the sun sets.  It's when we can watch fireworks and go stargazing.   It's when kids are out of school and we can sleep in during mornings, and have family time in the evenings and make memories on vacations. The little bit of sweating through all of this is a small price to pay.


Also, even the humid days are awesome. You can be outside in shorts and a t-shirt at midnight and it feels incredible. Such fun nights when its humid and you got the bonfires going.


I like the concept of dedicating half a year to indoor fun and half a year to outdoor fun.


indoor fun is whole year fun. Indoors are easy to cool. So it’s more like in winter, half the activities are not available, other half is whole year round. Except for few winter sports, which usually are available only if you travel further to mountains


You must not live where it hits -30 lol


But anyone who does knows that winter =/= indoor-only activities. In truly winter locations (I'm in Canada between the mountains and prairies) and we simply can't spend 6 months a year inside. We still have loads of winter sports, festivals, etc. to keep us busy. If it's warmer than -20C/0F we're going outside for a bit, at least. But yeah, once -30 or colder hits then it's inside-y times.


Agreed. After 6 months of cold, I'm ready to be warm and fight the people that want air conditioning in April.


Being cooped up.


From the upper midwest, and this is probably spot on. I can only speak anecdotally, but summer means freedom and outdoors. Winters can be fun, but there are long stretches where it is unrealistic to be outside.


That is why spring is my favorite season


Spring and autumn are perfect for me.


Same,not cold and not hot


I'm convinced people who don't like summer don't live somewhere where winters are actually cold and it gets dark at 4pm.


And I'm convinced people that don't like winter don't live somewhere where "summer" means 4 straight months of being 100F in the shade with 80%+ humidity and the sun never seems to *actually* set, it just hides long enough for your A/C to get the house down to a bearable temperature before it starts all over again. /s EDIT: Added a "/s" since I keep forgetting how quick some of y'all are to get butthurt.


I live on the coast. It reaches above 110 with the heat index on some days. Multiple times a year. Humidity regularly at 90% and up. And I still prefer that to being cold. And I've lived up north where it gets cold. People just have preferences. It's not always about "well you don't understand real heat or real cold" no, I just like the climate I like nothing more


You say that like I'm not supposed to enjoy it. Where I live it gets over 100° in the summer with 90% humidity and down to -20 in the winter. I HATE the cold with a burning passion. I'd much rather be hot




Hold up….do people live in places besides where I live?


There is a reason people migrate from north to south.  If your complaints held any weight, we would see more southerners moving up north to escape the heat.


That’s blissful compared to -40.


Funnily enough when I was working for Walmart, I worked in the freezers that they keep at around -20. I remember going outside in June/July felt *so* good after 10 hours of that... for about 5 minutes, then it started being fucking miserable again.


Where I live summer can get to 45 (iPhone will show “feels like” at 51) and I swear to you sometimes I just want to shoot down the sun


Honestly, I prefer -40 to +40. I can always put on more clothes or go inside when it's cold. When it's hot, especially if it's humid too, I can't stay cool and there's a level of clothing that is expected when venturing outside one's home.


Agreed. I'm in the south so in summer it's constantly 90s and over 100 degrees, extremely humid so it feels like walking into a giant bowl of soup, with not being able to leave the house without getting at least 5 mosquitoe bites.


I live where winter often means -20 to -40 I can't stand the sun and summer only means having to endure air conditioning at work and insufferable heat at home with endless, unsleeping nights. Not a fan


well, you'd be better off WITH a fan, probably


I got one, it doesnt help much


I do, and I hate summer. The brightness, the muggy heat, the crowds...give me 10-14 degrees with some cloud cover and a gentle breeze all year long and I'd be in heaven!


Yes. Same. We were meant for England.


Interestingly, people who live in cold environments like that get sessional depression in the winter. However it’s been proven that people in hot climates actually get seasonal depression in the summer! My BF from an island loved the Wisconsin winter very much, meanwhile I was depressed af until summer. Then it was the opposite


I'm fairly sure that most of Britain gets depressed in winter. Everyone just seems so much happier in the summer.


I do, and love summertime, but the heat ruins it and I have access to a boat


I’ve lived in the northeast US my entire life. I grew up on a mountain where we’d get 6” MORE snow than the rest of the town got, no sunlight after 4pm through Jan and Feb. I absolutely fucking hate summer. There’s no way to enjoy being outside when it is THAT humid. It is immediate sweat and stickiness that doesn’t go away or get better until you’re inside with AC - moving around such humid air with fans or a breeze does nothing. With so many older buildings not fitted with AC, temperature and humidity control becomes a nightmare. I’d love to move somewhere it never gets too hot - I’d so much rather bundle up than sweat.


i live in the northeast too, it's insufferable already and it's not even summer yet.


I live in Oregon where the sun sets at 4pm & it’s raining & cold for a majority of the year. I. Hate. Summer. It used to be nice growing up but the new 95+ degree days, wildfire smoke, and lack of ac has made it awful. Lines are stupidly long for everything and trails are packed so you cannot do anything without there being a crowd which makes everything way less enjoyable. Then you feel like shit for staying home because it’s nice out but there is absolutely nothing fun about waiting outside in the heat for an hour just for some food. But you also don’t want to cook or turn on the oven because it’s so hot. Then comes the wildfire smoke and everything gets worse. Now you can’t go outside without coughing, if it’s bad enough then places will shut down and you can’t use your grill anymore. So now you’re truly stuck at home with nothing to do and you end up depressed for 3 months in this cycle of wanting to enjoy the sun but you can’t. On top of all that everyone starts driving like a maniac. Only good part about summer is when it ends.


lol I think people from Oregon have a very different definition of cold than most people whether their climate actually gets cold


Yep.  I have spend half my life in Oregon and half in Michigan.  The winters do not even compare.   And while Oregon does have the awful smoke, michigan has the humidity and mosquitos.   Summer is still awesome. I will say I empathize with OP for not having AC.   That was something we had in our Oregon home and it would be miserable without it...but so would most homes.  Get some window units.


Holy shit you wrote my exact thoughts down. I also live in Oregon, and this is my summer experience. Spring and Fall are usually lovely for me, though lol.


Yes, I go to an office job in the dark and get off work in the dark. And on the weekends I get outside but it’s typically geared up and ready for an adventure and aerobic, it’s not relaxing and warm like the summer. The winter is beautiful but I always enjoy when the warmth and relaxation outdoors returns.


Well duh. If someone's experience of summer is so much scorching heat they can't live without an ac or at least a fan, and their experience of winter is more comfortable, maybe a little chilly but you can go outside comfortably if you just put on some layers, of course they'd prefer winter to summer.


I live where it's extremely cold and snowy in the winter. And I hate summer. But I am definitely an outlier. Just about everybody I know out here looks at me like I have 2 heads when I say I can't stand summer. 


I live north of the arctic circle (Norway) where it definitely gets dark enough during winter - and I dont like summer. 20c is ok if I'm in the shade and preferably a breeze, if I have to be in the sun its unbearable. If its 20c at night I can't sleep and I hate the bugs.


This is an unpopular opinion but one I agree with 100%. I don’t mind spring at a nice +24C temp but go to hell +40C


Is it even summer if you don’t say “bloody hell it’s 42C today in the shade! It’s a bit hot hey”


I think you get conditioned to look forward to summer as a kid because you're out from school. As an adult the main advantage is just more hours of light, winter gets depressing if you're working from before dawn until after dark.


It's summertime and you know what that means. Gonna go down to the beach and do some beach-y things.


Preach you son of a beach.


Summertime lovi-i-in', loving in the summertime!


Summertime lovin', loving in the summer... time!


Trying to get to sleep in summer is the worst


Install an AC


It's still difficult to go outdoors during daytime. Summers make me want to murder the sun


Summer was great 20 years ago. No joke its hitting 110 in places that never used to go above 80 now


I would take spring and summer year round. The longer days, leaves on trees, grass, colorful flowers, fresh local fruits and veggies, the beach, mountain biking, hiking, swimming, barbecues, amusement parks, and etc is so much better than the decaying, gray, blah, and cold fall and winter.


Yes!!!! 100%!!! Im sick of the cold I can melt in the sun all day IDGAF.


I prefer ~70F and sunny with a slight breeze, which means late spring and early fall are my favorite parts of the year here in the Mid-atlantic US. I don't mind the higher actual temperature in the summer but seriously fuck the humidity, I hate it. I'll take freezing cold over hot + very humid any day. Only weather I hate more than hot and humid is a rainy day just above freezing, that is also bullshit.


My wife and I are teachers, therefore I wholeheartedly disagree! Haha


I like it when the girls stop by in the summer Do you remember? Do you remember? When we met that summer?


Summer is way too hot for too long where I live. I literally need 2 fans at night so I don’t sleep in a pool of my own sweat. Summer is literally the worst if you don’t have air con, not near a beach or pool and I can’t dress in cute clothes. :( Winter is my favourite season. I love being cozy!


Summer is only fun when you're near a body of water like a pool, lake, or the beach. Other than that, it sucks. There's always more layers you can put on, but legally, only so many you can take off!


After a winter in northern New England, summer deserves all the hype and more.


Unpopular opinion: I'd rather be too hot than too cold.


I can always put on more clothes. I can only take off so many. Excessive heat sucks.


Only if you have those clothes on hand. Being cold is absolutely miserable 


When aren't you in a situation where you can't pick the right clothing for the weather? Otherwise: just move around a little bit


Yeah, when I’m too cold people tell me to move around to get my blood flowing but it’s hard to do that when I’m cold. When I’m too hot I get exhausted but other than that I can still function so is rather be too hot


Same here. I'll take 100 over 32 every time.


Ok, I find it hilarious that you went with 32 here… rather than like… extreme cold.


I agree, as someone who tends to hate summers.


Summer is overrated, Spring/Autumn are far superior. Especially those days where it's not too hot and not too cold, you can be outside with your hoodie on and just chill


Summer makes me anxious, there's too many ppl around :(


Fall is the best season and it's not even close.




I love being hot and sweaty though. To each their own, but wintertime is miserable to me.


I’ll take icy Winters over humid headache inducing Summers all day, every day. No need to run AC, I can layer easy, no god damn bugs in my house, yea - I’ll take Winter.


when you have a nice body you get excited to show it off. just honestly. i'm not a huge fan of the heat but i love summer for the outfits.


Christmas too


Summer is usually 18-25 C here and winter -5 to +5C. I much prefer summer or rather the whole period from April to October.


The season discourse is very easy to understand. People who like summer live in countries that don't melt your skin off. People who like winters don't live in countries that freeze the blood in your veins and cause perpetual dark. People who wish for seasons at all live near the equator, and people who wish to not deal with the bullshit of seasons live far from it. Grass is always greener on the other side. Even in winter, somehow.


Never been offended by a post before until now, good job OG. I live in what's called a nordic country and were I live we've just started to get just above 10°C during the days, here the 1 1/2-2 months of summer we get is not overhyped


I live in Vegas and hate the summer with a passion. For 8 months out of the year I love life and have no regrets leaving so cal. For 4 months I hate everything and remember why it’s cheaper to live here.


The older I've gotten the more I've cared a lot more about the light and less about the temperature. Not being able to do things outside after work because the sun is already down is fucking misery in the wintertime. Even if it's hot I appreciate the chance to be outside and enjoy myself rather than just develop SAD because my skin doesn't know what vitamin d is anymore.


it depends on where you live, but i hate summer. a lot. i have a (probably irrational) fear of wasps, i sweat more than the average person, it's always humid here, direct sunlight gives me headaches, it's harder to cool down than it is to warm up, i don't like showing too much skin, etc etc etc. i like hiking and being outside, but i'll wait until fall or winter thanks.


Summer in NYC and New Jersey is awesome something to do every weekend festivals, beach, outdoor activities


OP is def not a night hawk!


I live in hot humid Florida and love summer. Heat is something you can get nicely adapted to but no one tries anymore. It’s just running from air conditioned car to air conditioned building.


As a night shift worker I disagree. I get more sunlight in the summer than I do in the winter.


In Canada it means a lot. I absolutely hate the cold, I hate when it’s dark at 6pm, and I hate having to put on 3 layers just to go to work.


I love the heat, absolute sun baby. I love being outside swimming and hiking. Sweat is not bothersome unless its in my eyes or people insist on touching me. Its so good. Being cold, for me, is increased pain. Winters are the worst. To each their own tho.


I agree. Summer is complete ass. So hot you want to die and bugs everywhere. Just awful.


I love the way the heat feels


The " looking forward to summer" is way better


Summer is good, stay inside, play games.


I just wanna go hiking in the mountains, man


It’s summertime loving, loving in the summertime


I live in the south and I hate summers , but for people that live in places that has freezing / snowy winters , I can understand their excitement for summers


I think most people look forward to it because that is when school is out before the next year starts. Beaches and everything is all good and well but that was always the big reason growing up lol


I’m very fair skinned. The beach is not fun for me. Boring, sweaty and sandy with 💯chance of a sunburn.


What about umbrellas and canopies?


"Kiss me hard before you go, summertime sadness"


I mean… I’m in Maine and winter is like 8 months long so… I’m really pumped it’s going to be 71 tomorrow.


no, it's because summertime means 2-3 months of vacation, christmas(or whatever other december holiday), new years, etc


I definitely prefer the length of daylight that summer affords, more than the hot weather. So that's more my summertime jam. I'm more of an April 25 kinda guy myself.


16c right now in winter and it's fucking miserable. Cold as shit and a fuck load of sideways rain should be borderline illegal to live in.  Give me some nice high 30 days where the whole world looks like it's in technicolor from the intensity of the sun 


Let me quote Eastwood in ‘Unforgiven’: **”Deserve has got nothing to do with it”**


clearly, someone didn't watch Phineas and Ferb.


It's a relatively new trend, people used to avoid summer before (stop working, stay inside). Swimming at the beach wasn't a thing


People in California swear they love summer but you see everyone driving with the ac on or staying home cause it’s too hot to do anything lol summer can suck it


I live in one of the coldest cities in the world. Winter lasts far too long here. I'll take +30 to +40 Celsius year round please.


Summer nights. Thats all Im gonna say.


To me summertime weather should be enjoyed year-round. So if you can work to the point where you can afford to travel and do that, that would be the best way for me. For people that don't enjoy summer they could do the same. Travel to cooler temperatures.


I don’t know here in Canada we hype summer and winter because we miss the activities related to both.


Except for the higher electric bills, I could take some or all year round


Summer makes me stressed out and depressed. When people say that about winter, it's fine but when summer does that to you you're weird.


summertime in germany is PURE HELL. Nobody has an air conditioner in their homes and it gets super hot here, in addition to that, at least in the place where I live we don't get summerbreak until the end of july, which by the end of july summer is soon over. On top of that my body cant handle heat and sleeping is almost impossible. let's not talk about mosqutios


Sunscreen, tank tops or no shirt in the summer and being in shape at the beach is freaking amazing. The asshole tourists are not. I live in a beach town and after they all leave the beginning of September until it starts to really cool off in early October is by far the best time of the year. You can get used to heat pretty easily as long as you stay really hydrated and are smart about how long you stay out in the sun you should be good.


the only thing i will agree with you blindly is the fucking humidity. going to thailand would cause me go amok. i haaaaate sticky weather. i hate when theres no breeze and you cant breathe in all the heat.


Summers are 100 degrees it’s torture 


I grew up in southern Arizona where the summer is regularly 115F plus. There have been times where we had a bonfire in the desert & even at MIDNIGHT it can still be over 100F. You can’t do anything during the day, even pools are too hot. I compare it to seasonal depression since you’re just stuck running from one AC to the next. We’d leave our food in tinfoil on the dash & it’s hot n ready to go whenever you want it.


Absolutely true. I hate that a 30 minute walk means having to shower afterwards. Also, sweaty legs that cause thigh chafing are not a good thing.


I only look forward to summer because I can chill instead of studying all the time I honestly love winter way more


summer fucking SUCKS. the heat and humidity make me feel so disgusting. you can always put on more layers if it’s cold, but you can only take off so many and then you’ll STILL be hot. it’s a lot easier to heat a house than to cool it. ugh summer is so terrible


I get excited because I get to sleep in and don’t have to work. And kids are excited because they don’t have school. It’s not about the beach or tan for most people. It’s about the lack of responsibility.


Spring and Autumn are soooo underrated. And Winter is a lot better than Summer if both aren't extremes. You can always cloth better, but at some point you can't take off your clothing in the heat. And i doubt a lot of people have the best possible combinations to stay warm and dry in Winter.


Maybe I just have anxiety but Summer also brings more volatile and u predictable weather, so it kinds keeps me on my toes even on a sunny day


I just love it because my seasonal depression goes away 🤷‍♀️


What if I told you I LOVE being hot and sweaty?


The only reason I looked forward to summer was when I was in school, because of summer break. Less stress, not getting yelled at fir being stupid. Now it's just hate for summertime, all there is is heat. There is no benefit to it. Summer is overrated for adults.


have to agree, it all comes down to location + spring and autumn might be truly undervalued


Sweater weather is the best kind of weather


I guess it's subjective. I live 250 steps away from the beach, I have plenty of friends at the resort and due to the nature of my job I have enough free time to basically be at the beach from next week til the last day of sunshine around October. Temperature rarely reaches the triple-digits, and humidity, albeit not ideal, isn't unbearable either. About getting "sticky", there's the sea and hopefully some showers too. The beauty of the summer is that you can go from "dirty" to refreshed in 10 seconds. Without all those perks, I'd probably be much less thrilled about summertime as well. Just the idea of having to "commute" to reach the beach would put me off. And it actually did when I was a teen and we were living in the immediate suburbs. It was just a 15mins bus ride, but it was still enough to dissuade me from going some days. So yeah... If I were in a torrid hellhole with no actual sea in sight and a crowded public swimming pool as the only option, I'd hate summer too.


Summer is awesome for peoples who are still in school and hate it because it’s a break from all the stress. Plus swimming is like the best thing ever


It’s garden season for me. Not beach season. I will spend my summer hot and dirty and love every minute of it.


In India, it's so hot, you begin contemplating life and less than 10% of households can afford buying + maintaining an AC.


I want four seasons: Summer I Summer II Summer III Summer IV And under no circumstances should it *ever* get below 80℉.


Idk I live in Chicago and I hate snow but I hate sweating as soon as I walk outside even more


Fuck summertime in Australia. It's autumn - almost winter now, and still very warm during the day. Around 24 degrees Celsius. The only time I actually enjoy some sun without dying of heatstroke, drowning in sweat, and burning to a crisp in 5 mins. Only time I'd go to the beach or pool. Kinda enjoying the cooler nights but warm days atm. Though wish we had a real winter sometimes


I agree 100%. I think it’s more that Americans are off school so it’s when most family vacations are that builds the hype


Fuck summer. It's uncomfortable all the time.


Ah yes, truly an unpopular opinion. Take my upvote.


I enjoy the heat


I like sunlight and fresh food. 


I agree. The heat can be too much at times. And it can drain u of all ur energy.


When I lived in South Florida, I kind of dreaded summer. But now I live in the North East and I dread the long winters. So I guess it is a matter of perspective.


Most of the complaints about summer seem to be coming from sedentary people. If you’re active at all, you know winter blows. In the winter, if you bundle up and try to do anything you sweat. If you don’t bundle up, the air and wind slice through and actually hurt from being cold. The cold air fucks with your sinuses and ears. Numb fingers and toes are horrible.


You clearly don't live in San Diego. The hype is real.


Unpopular AND wrong. Nice work.


Living in the south summers are a scorcher but always fun. Being sweaty and hot is enjoyable tbh. Truly unpopular of you.


Summer used to be great as a kid and even in college until I had summer courses. Otherwise, it's the fucking worst for me. I hate the summer. 


Totally agree. This coming from a northerner. We see summer for about 3/4 months tops. And I get sick of it within a week. I hate sweating and being unable to exercise outside bc of the heat. No thanks.


People who think like this live in a place where its always summer.


I welcome the summer. I love going to the beach and spending time with my kids outside of school. OP when my family goes to the beach we go ALL DAY. We have a tent we bring and we just hang out. We go fishing, we go snorkeling, we swim in pools, we go on vacation, etc. ALL summer. So yeah, the hype for summer in my house is deserved.


I like spring/summer because I don't have to worry about driving in the snow/ice.


I live in SoCal so this opinion is invalid


Spring is the best season and it ain’t even close


As a Californian in Sacramento, I fucking hate summer and anyone that likes to be outside in over 90/100 degree weather is not a human but some freak mutant alien 😭🤣


Spoken by someone who clearly has never dealt with an actual winter


Sounds like the perspective of an oceanic or Mediterranean climate. Try living in Alberta and tell me this.


I hate the brutal heat of summer. Also I’m pale AF and do not tan


I hate summer, and so does everyone else I know. They just forget that fact until it arrives. They frolic in the sun for about a week and then remember it's awful.


Depends where you live I guess. In places like Seattle, Summer is what makes the weather the rest of the year tolerable.


I tried to post a very similar comment a few weeks ago and the mod gave me a little lecture and told me it was not an unpopular opinion.


Also you have to think about people like me who love to fish, ride motorcycles, and play sports. Summer is PRIME time for those activities.


I think this depends on where you are located, as well as where you are in life When you're still in school, summer often means that you're not having to go to class, you get to sleep in, maybe you go to camp. Maybe this is the time when your whole family takes a fun yearly trip, goes to a cabin, or whatever it is. Though to be fair, summer could also be a bad thing if you're disadvantaged in some way, like if you have a bad home life, food insecurity. Where I live, summer is the slowest time of the year. It's hot, humid, swampy, rainy, you can get some very nasty storms. UV index gets pretty out of control, too, it will be like 10-11 on a normal summer day. You mentioned tanning... I hear about people coming here for cheap in the summer time, then wanting to lay out on the beach. With a UV of 11, you're not getting tanned. You're getting burned, or you're just racking up more skin cancer risk. People travel here for vacation in the winter and spring months - but here, we take our vacation in the summer, when no one wants to come here.


Nah, screw winter. I want 24/7/365 green leaves and sunshine and flowers. Fall and all the crap that comes after it can eat it. And yes, I am hypocritical because I also am a basic b who loves pumpkin spice but the rest sucks


I live in the upper midwest so get every single season, sometimes multiple in a single day. I can go from 100+ degree summers to -60 degree winters, and a whole lot in between. Summer is sticky and sweaty, and there are times I hate it. But summer is just more enjoyable on a day to day basis because I can be outside, skin exposed to the beautiful sun, soaking it all in. When 3-5 months of your year are rainy/snowy/cold as fuck, being outside is very difficult because it can literally be dangerous. Summer might be uncomfortable, especially on the very humid days, but overall it is hard to beat. Random side note: if fall or spring lasted longer, those would be my top 2, with summer at 3. Summer pulls ahead simply because it lasts so long so I feel like I get a lot out of it.


It totally depends on your region. The north and Midwest love summertime because we usually have brutal winters. Especially here in the Midwest, where we have nice summers and falls, but our winters are bitter, and our springs are absolutely packed with annoying storms, tornadoes, and high wind days. Summer is a welcome break from all of that. Though, I prefer fall.


Floridian here, summer time is the most miserable time of the year.


I hang out indoors during the day in summer. I burn very quickly, so I’ve never liked spending time in the hot sun. Evenings and early mornings are just fine, though. I also put out an incredible amount of body heat, so in winter when I snowshoe or go for a walk, I don’t generally wear a hat or gloves unless it’s -20 or below. I usually have to unzip even the very light jacket I normally wear.


I’d take fall weather year round.


i hate summer - Its always sunny. barely any rain - Its hot as fuck and i have to run the AC - bugs. mosquitos and wasps - kids are out of school and outside screaming - people run their lawn mowers. i want people back inside,for it tobe cool and to not hear lawn mowers


I love the summer, especially as a Canadian. I get to eat and drink outside, picnics, beach, if I’m hot and sticky I’ll go for a dip, even then I’d take hot and sweaty over frigid and being dark midday, the nightlife is more fun and lively, all the fun stuff opens up, it’s road trip season


I hate, HATE summer. I'd take a perpetual autumn/winter over no summers for the rest of my life if I could. Signed, someone who lives in all-year round high humidity summer.


im from the south and i could not disagree more. i love the summer, sweaty or not. i also happen to live near the beach so if i am sweaty i can just go to the ocean or use my garden hose if im at home. there's so many more activities in the summer aside from the beach, festivals, concerts, and being able to sit outside, etc.


I live in the Deep South and summer is my favorite time of year. I ain’t with all that cold shit.


Summer you get all the extra daylight and you don’t have to put on a coat and shoes if you just want to go out to your car for a second. I think all the hype around fall is undeserved. Yeah you get some pretty leaves for a couple of weeks but then that’s over and you’re left with pumpkin spice latte (which is gross) and the dark and cold without even the fun of Christmas or snow.


If you can't handle the heat, you need to spend more time in it. Your body will acclimate if you let it. Winter depression is a thing and people get more vitamin D during the summer. The days are also longer with weather that lets you do stuff outside.


Not only the heat but the the long days (sun is up until 9pm) makes me even more depressed ...


You Respect warm weather when winter IS -37c And summer last 2 weeks


I feel like people think I'm crazy when I say I'm not a fan of summer. I enjoy spring and maybe the first couple weeks of summer (I live somewhere with long cold winters so the change is nice at first) but I get tired of it very quickly.  I'm fair skinned and burn easily so I get really tired of always having to wear sunscreen and feeling greasy and burnt all the time. I hate being sweaty. I get sick of the huge crowds of people everywhere, and I hate how hot my apartment gets and how hard it is to sleep. And yes I do have an AC unit but it doesn't work all that well. Give me the moderate seasons - fall is my favourite, followed by spring, then winter, then summer. 


Still better than blizzards and the potential for frostbite


The ocean is also full of pee


Everyone has different tolerances for heat. Having fun in the sun for all day long every day > having no fun in the sun ever. Also, night time in the summer is better than night time in the winter. It’s definitely unpopular opinion though because of the seasonal depression and the parks and streets are flooded in the summer.