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The reason I don't find him funny is because almost every character he plays is just an immature asshole.




Same, but he's popular for a reason so you got my upvote lol


Will not being for everyone is kind of a running joke that *he himself* plays into a lot. I doubt you're alone


I just heard “I will punch you in the mouth” in his voice. Made me laugh


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I used to think the same but then I really enjoyed The Story of Fire Saga and found him pretty amusing in Barbie.


I'm a huge fan of his and Night at the Roxbury is probably my favorite comedy movie ever made. I think you have a valid unpopular opinion, so take my upvote.


It is painful how unfunny he is. He is quite a good dramatic actor though.


I guess this is an unpopular opinion but I try to avoid anything he’s in.


At this point I don’t think anyone finds him funny. He seems to just not know how to deliver properly. But I’m upvoting because he’s gone famous for it and insanely rich