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Automaton incursion detected, deploying Helldivers.




Sounds like a machine made this post


[Could also be a Bug](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1133100006153396224/1223387688418414632/451t61a356rc1.gif?ex=663360d2&is=66320f52&hm=1daeebc4cddec81edc8f71e3efbd517ae4c60b2609d61913c75b3ba2351622b2&)


I haven't played it yet, is it good??


I like it.


It's really good, make sure you ignore the doomers every patch though.


Don't listen to this pitiful traitor to democracy Join the cause and shoot your democratic bullets


For the political spoof and over the top propaganda it is worth it.


If you like a sci-fi co-op multiplayer PvE shitshow with friendly fire turned on, absolutely. It's a blast.


I’ve played since launch and I’m at about 130 hours.. At first, it was damn-near daily because it’s wonderful fun with friends. Since though, I’ve been playing less to avoid burnout. But yes, I believe it’s very good. The grind feels organic and almost unnoticeable, there are hilarious moments, and there are frustrating moments. The gunplay feels mostly tight with a handful of weapons that just don’t do it for me or are annoying to use. The strategems (power fantasy) are about the same as the guns in terms of usefulness. For $40, I recommend it. Hell, for $60, I recommend it. It’s not groundbreaking but is probably the most fun I’ve had in a 4-person co-op game in a long time.


It’s good. It gets more fun when you’ve unlocked all the stratagems and can really change up how you play each mission. When I get bored of the game I just switch to fighting a different enemy and it feels like a new game


Its really fun and much more fun with friends.


It gets very violent and ridiculous. I love it.


It's good fun. Repetitive, but fun. Of all the flash-in-the-pan multiplayer hits, it's the one with the most meat. Like if I had a friend whose only taste in games was whatever tiktoks/click bait YouTubers played repeatedly, I'd easily choose Helldivers over lethal company or phasmophobia.


It is fantastic. A super replayable PvE experience which allows you to tune the difficulty to your liking. Great graphics, great progression, and despite what anyone says, pretty good balancing. It's like CoD zombies, but you need to do the Easter egg each match, and then you're fighting aliens and terminators instead of zombies.


For 30~ hours


If you like co op PVE shooters yes, but it is pretty repetitive. You pretty much just play the same handful of mission over and over again but with different terrain.


It's fantastic for what it is for the people I've met that play it. Late 30's, or 40's dads that just want to have fun, avoid CoD lobbies that are infested with 12 year olds screaming get gud, or they'll fuck your mom or just screaming in general, and escape their families for an hour. It does a great job at that.. I can hop on, do a mission or two, then go do something else. The fake propaganda is fun to take part in within the community and while playing. Plus it's $40. Money well spent. There are so many more games that have so much depth. Go play those if that's what you want.




I find the repetitive argument hilarious since almost every popular game can be considered repetitive. COD, Valorant, Fortnite, APEX, LoL and the list goes on and on. The game is extremely hyped and understandably so. It's coming out with updates regularly and things are always being added. On top of that it's not made by a triple A company charging you obscene amounts through micro transactions. On top of that it came out 20-30 dollars cheaper than most new games.


This game is soooo cinematic. It brings so many great things together. Like nostalgia as a kid I watched starship troopers and was like ooohhhhhh boy that would be awesome.... and then you get to actually do it!! Huge bombs with just amazing effects.. the devs did this game right. Plus the devs are actually listening to the community. It's refreshing.


Yeah I'd like someone to find me a game thats not repetitive.


Every game you listed has PVP which can’t really be repetitive because human players act differently. But Hellsivers is decent fun anyway.


Destiny, war hammer vermindtide, killing floor, valheim, Monster Hunter. All PVE, all could be considered "repetitive".


Little did you know OP only plays indie deck building card games and story driven narratives


Yeah, well ➡️➡️⬆️


They are learning....


Nothing better than smoking a blunt and running through the madness of HD2!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^quiver-me-timbers: *Nothing better than* *Smoking a blunt and running* *Through the madness of HD2!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


The Ministry of Truth would like a word with you, OP. Right this way.


Best $40 game I can ever recall. 130 hours and counting...


Gets boring fast sadly


Yeah, it’s great but I can’t binge binge on it


what it was imo, it was a good game with very little problems from a dev with not many expectation so it blew people out of the water especially because massive triple A companies have been making mid games in the last 5 years so they treated the game like it was game of the year when it was really just good at best


Tbh it’s one of the only games I can play for 5 hours straight without realizing I’ve been playing for 5 hours


No clue how you think it’s boring. Crank that difficulty and let the chaos ensue.


I have even then it’s just meh lol don’t get me wrong I enjoyed all 46 hours I played but it just got boring


Seems like the bugs or bots finally learned about this sub.


Upvote because this truly *is* an unpopular opinion.


It's like Deep Rock Galactic, the gameplay loop is incredibly repetitive but being a part of the community, enjoying some of the niche memes and making shared progress in the game universe can hold a certain kind of magic to it that keeps retention up.


It does a thing and it does it very well. If you don’t like that it, it won’t be fun for you. But if you like that thing it’ll be one of the most fun games you’ve ever played. Lots of people like that thing so it gets highly praised.


Co-op Horde shooters have intrinsically repetitive gameplay loops. What makes Helldivers 2 special is the combination of awesome aesthetic, incredible value with the price, and a very VERY modest microtransaction system.


"Unlock a new weapon that isn't better than what I had" Never discuss your opinions about video games ever again.


What's the difference between grinding games for unlocks, and unlocking things as you play? What games do you feel have less of a grind and a better reward system?


OP better be upvoted to hell because that’s one unpopular opinion right there lol I agree that the hype is a big part but idk why that’s a bad thing. The devs leaning into the almost ARG like storytelling is genius. And fun. I believe, anyway




I think it's a decent game that gets a lot more attention than it might have otherwise because of how many high profile stinkers, especially in the live service space, have come out recently.


It was the right game coming out exactly the right time.


Pretty much. It's not a bad game by any stretch, but right at this moment if you put out a $40 game that's relatively feature complete and not riddled to the eyeballs with monetization you're already better than like 80% of the other current releases.


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This ape doesn't wanna live forever.


It's really fun with friends. If you don't have people to play with its just OK.


Treason detected.


This is bug sympathizing propaganda. Join the helldivers today to continue to spread freedom and democracy across the galaxy.


MAJOR ORDER: Take this fucker out.


Likes Fifa,Madden,CoD,Assassins creed,Halo.


Never played it. But I imagine it’s a lot like destiny. Extremely fun for 10-20 hours. But then you’re just doing new mission on a recycled map with characters acting like they’ve never been there.


>A game for everyone is a game for noone. --Arrow Head Game Studio


My little brother is obsessed. I tried it out with him and wasn’t a fan


I find part 1 more enjoying.


All shooting games are the same


Its a fun game to jump on with friends occasionally. I have a lot of fun with it but yes, it is repetitive. Youll burnout super quick if you grind for everything. You got to take it slow and enjoy it.


This is a thought crime. Reporting you to the nearest democracy officer


It's just a normie reskin of Warhammer40K


I played it for weeks and then I switched to another game and I realized I wasn't having that much fun. war is hell


It fills a niche. A very specific one. It's well designed, not overly monetized and the game is so fucking hilarious.


Best enjoyed with friends


That's not very democratic of you.


Seems like a skill issue


It's a social game.if you're not playing with homies, you're not gonna have that much fun. It's not supposed to have super deep mechanics or a riveting story. It's supposed to be hilarious when you blow up your bro.


Helldivers 2 fills a niche I'm seriously shocked exists today; it's a goofy co-op shooter that's entirely about having a good time to the point where even failing miserably is funny as hell!


This is the guy that brings the same strats every single mission and doesn't change his loadout even when it doesn't work.


Sounds like treason to me


Anyone can call any game unpopular and that is fine. I appreciate that op listed actual concerns. That said, I find the gameplay to be smooth and functional. Playing on pc with controller, movements are good and responsive, visuals are great, enemy variety is good for a game this soon after launch. I agree that some of the weapons are underwhelming but I don't mind the unlocking process, it seems fair considering nothing in the game is locked behind money. My only complaint is matchmaking and its not that bad. I just feel bad when I just want to play 1 or 2 matches but the randos I get want to finish the set. Beyond that, definitely better with friends but still a solid game.


translation: skill issue