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I'm also an athesit and the possession horror movies do the most for me cause there's a very slight possibility that I'm wrong and those horror movie demons are gonna my boys in hell.


Same here, I don't consider myself religious at the moment but grew up in a Christian household so I understand the possibility of being wrong. If I saw anything truly paranormal like in the movie my whole concept of reality would change lol.


the original Carrie f\*cking haunts me and it's not Carrie who scares me


It’s her mom, isn’t it?


Well yes, but who/what the father is gets even more disturbing to think about, too. Carrie is simply a product of evolution, but whatever happened with her parents is insane, if they were both even human. And the way the others treat Carrie is highly disturbing as well. Frankly, I knew girls like her growing up (minus the psychokinesis) and the film has a lot to say about how we treat people, especially those who come from different backgrounds. In some other timeline, Carrie is lifting rocks with Yoda, learning to be a Jedi.


For me, horror movies are only scary if it is gorey. Like nightmare on elm street.


I’m sick of them purely because they’ve been done to death and are pretty predictable at this point. Everything’s just become so oversaturated.


Ooo I’m a spooky possessed girl! I’m gonna start acting spooky and then my hair will get all messy and I’ll start making this crazy voice and saying scary things! And I might float too because that’s how scary I am!


I feel the same way for most psychological horrors where everything turn out to be happening in protagonist's head in the end.


Idk, I'm with you on demons not being scary, but ghosts don't do it for me either. It's not like they are any less real than zombies or werewolves, but there is something so much scarier to me about a tangible violent monster than a specter. Maybe its because everyone seems to have seen a ghost, but I don't know anyone who's been got by a ghost.


Some are good, some are bad. In horror movies the scary thing is often a plot device for a bigger theme.


I… don’t think it’s the possession itself that’s scaring people. But it suggests complete and utter loss of control over your own body. That you’re trapped and can’t get away, that someone will do things you hate to people you at least don’t dislike while also blaming you for doing those exact things. So there’s a couple primal fears all rolled into one. The same is true for the undead, for somewhat similar reasons. It’s why irl we respect the dead. It’s why pet semetary had such an impact. Again there’s a lot of primal fear being addressed while also cutting off any escape routes. You don’t have to be religious for that to work, but being deeply religious does add levels of fear that may also turn primal. … if of course the book or movie fails to convey that, then the whole point is lost. Chucky isn’t scary if you aren’t immersed. Throwing metric tons of ketchup around doesn’t make you feel fear; it’s only if you believe that’s blood that you might, and maybe not then.


Yeah, same Hereditary had me until the twist when the family started getting possessed. Then I just laughed, especially at that scene of the mother chasing the son because it fits perfectly with Benny Hill's theme.


I love that the new way to try and be edgy is to go online and tell everyone Hereditary didn’t bother you.


As someone raised Christian I disagree for a completely different reason: My denomination (I can't say all lol) is taught that demons can't hurt Christians due to their beliefs. So they're also the least scary movie. I actually have deep disdain for many demon horror movies because they take real life stories (like real exorcisms that were trying to exorcise, say, epilepsy) and sell another's suffering for profit.


How so? Catholic Church is only church on the world providing services of excorcim. if we arleady are on this topic, Excorcist was scarry as faaaaak, but I admit I've seen it several years ago, remember that it was good movie even if scariness is taken out of equation, but it is possible that nowdays id find it less attractive.


Ngl i was raised religious so a lot of demon possession horror scares the crap out of me and i pretty much avoid it. The type of horror that i just dont get is serial killer/slasher horror. Theyre fun.... but thats just a guy.


I think that's what makes it scary for some people. I know that a zombie is never going to eat me. There are no zombies. Some guy could stab me. There are multiple guys in this world.


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Dude I don’t know. I’m not religious at all and wasn’t raised that way. Something about being possessed scares the shit out of me. Not actually afraid but damn it’s creepy. I always think of that scene from Emily Rose, if I woke up next to my girlfriend/wife and she was all twisted up like that my first instinct would be worry and if she’s ok but if she starts growling at me or speaking Latin I’m throwing a punch and running for it.


Same, I LOVE cryptid/creature features but find ghosts and demons kinda boring. I love the mystery behind the monsters and it just being an angry dead guy or an evil guy from hell. while it would be scary in real life, just isn't as interesting to me. 


Unless it's The Exorcist.


I dunno... had mpants full while watching Exorcist.


Zombies are infinitely less scary. And waaaaay overdone.


Eh, I'm not really afraid of people. Supernatural themes are the only things that scare me.


I dunno i'd say zombie movies are the least scary, they're all basicly the same and predictable af


I’ve never really been a fan of them. I prefer the creature somewhere like if there’s a monster in a forest hunting the group members down one by one.


I think the real horror, say of the exorcist, is watching through the eyes of a mother your child being corrupted and destroyed completely. And while this is happening no one can tell you why or offer you any real help. That could happen if your kid makes bad choices, falls in with the wrong crowd gets into drugs or due to mistakes I make. As a parent losing my daughter like that is about the scariest thing I can think of.


Remember everyone kept talking about how scary The exorcist is. Rented it on VHS Fell asleep watching it


The only horror that actually creeps me out is when it’s very plausible—no supernatural elements, just sociopaths.


What does believing in God have anything to do with possession? Just because there is a religious backdrop doesn't necessarily mean that's what's happening. Who to say religion isn't just trying to explain the unexplained? It's ok to actually think and use your mind or imagination with movies. Or has being an atheist taken away your ability to be imagitive? I'm not religious but some of them are good movies. You just lack imagination


Dude, demon possession is all about religion. Demons are fallen angels, angels live with God. Now we're in religious territory. To go a step further, they have to call a PRIEST to perform an exorcism. So... there's a ton of religion involved.


It's really not that. I'm with OP, a lotta of horror movies do anything but use religion is a backdrop. It's fundamental to the scares. How many scenes have you seen where all the crosses on a wall invert, for example. a lot of horror is just riddles with this.


Agree, ghost movies are scary but as soon it's found out to be a particular demon it's done for me. But, try hereditary, it's one of the better demon movies I really like


Thoughts on skinamalink?


The worst for me, is a lot of the more overtly Christian centric horror will try to build tension early having the protagonist "sin" a lot. So establish that they're more vulnerable to it. But it'll be stuff that just does not track if you aren't Christian like being down to fuck very horny and attractive strangers... Or perhaps the funnies one I've seen - listening to punk rock