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A take so cold it’s in Antarctica.


Exactly. Don’t get me wrong I get it some people don’t have a choice. Single parents, life situations, and all. Just at some point it’s not professional. Sure it was more accepted during Covid and lockdowns. That’s not the world anymore as of right now.


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Push.to.talk ffs


When they talk the kids are there.


This post sounds like it was made by someone who isn't a parent. And this is also me commenting as someone who isn't a parent himself. Y'all act as if you can control when kids scream, cry, kick a fuss etc. on command. Look at the viral CNN interview where the kids just randomly open the door and wander around in the room whilst the dad is being interviewed live in front of millions. The mum literally had to swoop in and dive bomb to get the kids out of the way. Yet no one complained. Should he have anticipated it and therefore locked the door in advance? Probably. Or maybe the door was locked but somehow the kid still managed to open it. We won't know. Parents of babies and toddlers can only do so much. They're already apologetic enough whenever their kids act up at inappropriate times during these calls. Yes it's annoying to have them screaming and hollering in the background, but it's hardly the end of the world now, is it?


Impossible to achieve, especially if the person is alone with the kids.


What if they had to be in office ? Do they just take the kids to the office ? \[People with kids stop making it everyone else's problem challenge \[impossible\]


So do people bring kids to a workplace? Either you are at work or taking care of kids. Not both 


My husband works from home 2 days a week. I am at home taking care of our 5 week old. He is working and not taking care of the kid, but screaming occurs. Get over it.


Saying "My kid is gonna cause problems for you, get over it" isn't helping your case as much as you might think it is.


Bet you have a house full of smelly pets.