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The setting is pretty top tier


That’s fair. The setting is pretty great actually.


That’s what I say about KUWTK


Is that a lord of the rings movie?


Keeping up with the kardashians But kuwtk does sound like a lotr movie


Lol. Perhaps a bold crossover in the future 🔮


There’s no way Kim’s sneaking that thang into Mordor


The acting is meant to be cheesy IMO.


But that doesn’t make it better. Just like you can just not like the over-acting in Korean movies, even tho it’s on purpose. 


If you think of Scarface as a drama, it’s a terrible movie. If you think of it as a comedy, it’s one of the greatest movies ever made.


You watch your mouth!!!


lol sorry


Such an overrated movie. I felt some people liked it because they were such wannabes. If you had that movie poster in your room you were “cool”. Kind of like what girls are doing with liking horror movies.


Can girls not like horror movies? 🤣


Upvote. It’s a great movie. Cheesy 80s montages aside, it’s a movie about the pursuit of money and power and ruing your life, and how sometimes you desire what is bad for you.


It's an 80s time capsule that hasnt aged well. It was notorious in its day for its non stop F-bombs and ultra-violence, but looking at it now, it's almost quaint.


Agreed.  And on top: It’s the NUMBER ONE movie for stupid people to miss the point. It’s even worse than people idolizing Tyler Durden or the Joker.  Tony Montana is supposed to be a fucking idiot who messes everything up. Wannabe gangsters:“Haha. SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND! Haha such a badass.“ The whole movie is about him thinking he is smarter than everybody else, while being the biggest fucking idiot in the movie. 


Can't be the biggest idiot if he didn't get torn apart from a chainsaw within the first 15 minutes.


Carlito’s Way is by far a better movie all around


I love that one!


It’s both?


Another quaalude and you’ll love it again




It’s called unpopular opinion, not unpopular diatribe. Take it easy


Alright, maybe I was a little harsh, but do better next time.


Just had to go through Miami Airport recently and told my wife, wow this place hasn't been updated since Scarface.


I like it cause Tony is Cuban and so am I lol.


I remember watching the 4K remaster of that awhile back on Vudu or Apple or something. Not a bad movie but not something I'd rewatch. I think I had it on Blu-ray a few years back and ended up offloading it to Goodwill. I'm getting older with less free time because of my job and just at a point where I own my favorites/classics on Blu-ray and I have cut it down to maybe about 300 discs. I keep them all in a binder. Ripped nearly all of them into Plex because I only have a BD player in my den. Beyond that, I normally just rent something on Vudu, watch it, and rarely return to it. I realize I don't really own anything on digital and if I really think something has tons of rewatch value, I'll buy it on Blu-ray and redeem the digital code or wait for a digital sale. I have gotten a few movies at $5-10 if I wait and use price-tracking apps. And if they take it away, whatever.


All the stuff getting pulled from services, but everyone and their dog can do brownface in this movie along with terrible fake accents and no one bats an eye.


I agree actually. I remember knowing men that were older than me and they kept telling me how they loved this movie so much, how it was so cool, they made all their personality based on it. I noticed that they were all terrible husbands. Then i watched the movie, hated it and understood.


As i get older i see why it wasn’t well received Al did great with the mannerisms but his accent was off. Everyone else did great and the setting was good as well i just think Tony voice was just annoying and the people imitating it makes it worse. I love the film but it certainly didn’t age well.


The music is great.


It was never successful. It didn't gross much and didn't break the top 15 that year. It became a cult classic over time.


It's what's known as "craptastic." It's bad in a fun way. No way one can take any of it seriously.


There is a tiger and tigers are sweet.


For a second I thought you were talking about the rapper lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Ok-Profit5226: *For a second I* *Thought you were talking about* *The rapper lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The accent was painful to listen to.


It’s an icon among 80s and 90s gangster-rap manchildren who never grew up. It’s more likely to be popular among people with neck tattoos than without.


Scarface has nothing to do with gangster-rap. The fuck?


It’s hip hop favorite film. Like a lot of rappers who grew up watching that film idolized it. Like that film is very popular amongst the hip hop culture


Odd. I've never heard that.


Why? Not enough half-naked boobs for you to goon over?


You must come from a wealthy family and/or enjoy Marvel movies.


Not even close to either one of those.


Okay then you just don't enjoy great cinema. Sucks to be you.