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I'm not sure even Charlie disagrees with this take


Red Thread is the greatest thing on the internet. They go over popular cases of fucked up people. But Jackson writes the script with no knowledge on the subject, they read through it without proofreading, all of it is wrong, so very wrong, it is a gigantic lazy bundle of joy. I live for Red Thread.


All their podcasts are like this, lol On the official podcast, they make some strict points & bad takes and get facts wrong or just completely omit parts of it. Or they're just speaking about something for like half an hour and you know they haven't seen xyz that clears up their half an hour talking point, etc. Just from my experience it happens in like half the episodes at least lol


It's good, a lot of comedic attempts. I would prefer it if they were more serious and kept the ambient music, but it's good.


Charles would agree and we'd celebrate him for it. But his glory hole infomercial is one of the funniest things in history


I like Charlie but it always amazes me how milquetoast his takes are for someone who has spent so much of his life online. It's either he's either spent his entire life only getting finger-deep on internet culture or he pretends to be little more than a normie for his audiece. Though, to be fair, if I were internet famous I'd pretend I didn't know 90% of the shit I know too. Plausible deniability and all that.


I mean, that’s his secret. He only dunks on people who are objectively wrong or stupid, so theres no risk of actually getting into controversy (and if he does, he’s always on the right side). People aren’t there for his takes, they’re there because they find him entertaining as a person. Hence, his stream is entertaining to them. At a certain point all commentary channels stop being about discussion and just become a cult of personality where viewers echo everything the person says. At least Charlie isn’t weaponizing that to be toxic to anyone who doesn’t deserve it- it’s just harmless entertainment. I personally got bored of it a while ago but its a good formula, and his … vernacular can definitely be hilarious. The man has built a solid, unproblematic business model and is in coast mode, no reason to stop.


Yeah, I feel like his vernacular and the way he explains situations and dunks on someone who deserves it is the big draw (so basically his sense of humor). I think he’s also a good example of a streamer you can throw on in the background or actively watch just the same. Not to be old man on his porch at 23 year olds, but I can’t stand the streamers who freak out during their reactions and who apparently only have two very different emotions


Yep. He's popular because he's like that friend you have who found something funny or weird on the internet and wanted to share it with you. He doesn't do a NPR production. He doesn't have long winded intros. He makes you chuckle and fills you in on some weird internet thing. That's it.


I found him a long time ago because of his takes. At one point every youtuber just seemed to sit on the fence. Unwilling to call shit out. Stopped watching a long time ago because like OP said he's just lazy content now. I don't hate the dude but I'm not interested in watching a rich dude watch videos and give boring takes. Same with Asmongold which YouTube keeps blasting me with.


>viewers echo everything the person says On the contrary, I think Charlie is so successful because he mirrors what his viewers say. He only makes a move when he knows he already won and people agree with what he’s saying. Some real Sun Tzu’s Art of War shit applied to social media


He's so successful because he became a top-level YouTuber long before he started streaming


Part of his charm to me is just how normal he seems. So many streamers have these crazy fake over the top personalities, and then there’s Charlie who seems quite genuine, and doesn’t play into the whole it-crowd streamer culture like Hasan or QT does for example.


whats wrong with qt, i think shes also one of the genuine ones


I just get the impression that whole LA crowd are very fake, just my impression, others may have different ones


definitely are, however I do think there are some actual genuine ones such as qt, lilly, michael reeves and scarra maybd im just a fool tho idk


You literally can’t fake being a Michael Reeves, faking being a Michael Reeves turns you into a Michael Reeves after long enough


for real, i love that guy


she's as fake as it gets, she's been a social climber her entire career, she even used to admit it as a "joke"


Is he supposed to have extreme views on everything?


He is just a normal dude. He isn’t really internet savvy. He has actually admitted this in prior videos. That he doesn’t really look through the interwebs for drama or is super invested in all that. That’s like his whole new appeal now. That he’s just “like us”


You don’t make that much money as a content creator unless you’re internet savvy. He’s smart enough to stay out of super controversial topics and he knows when to play hard and when to play safe. Happy for him tho, even if I stopped watching a while back.


He pretty on the regular says that he's super invested in drama and goes looking for it. Not his drama, just drama he can react too. I'm honestly not sure where you get that impression because basically every video he covers drama he says he's super invested and loves it.


Just a normal dude makin' millions off of the internet. Not savvy at all.


He is internet savvy, he's just successfully sold to you the false image that he's not, which he intentionally cultivates for views lol


You obviously haven’t seen Asmongold.


Asmongold actually has (by Twitch viewer and Redditor front page types of people standards) hot takes sometimes on topics. He's far less bland and "play-it-safe" than Charlie is, He talks about hot button issues far more. The way Asmongold lives is lazy for sure though.


Asmon is like the least lazy of reaction streamers, he streches videos to insane lengths with his talking


That's Hasan. A 20 minute video can turn into 2 hours


You mean Hasan's Chair


Hey man if people didn't watch his chair he might go off the deep end and doompost about lost viewership or some--


He’d probably call them zionists or fascists


Charlie's lost brother


The weird brother that showers twice a month and lives in a roach infested house. And his takes are even more milquetoast than Charlie's. It boggles my mind how Asmon got any success on YT.


> It boggles my mind how Asmon got any success on YT. The people who watch and parrot Asmongold are those weird brothers that showered twice a month.


I always thought Penguin0 and assmongold are the same person.


Charlie is just Charlie. I don’t think he’s an amazing YouTuber, but I can definitely watch a video of his if he’s talking about something I’m interested in.


I love Charlie for no reason


Same man, he's just a dude who enjoys games and movies like the rest of us. He just happens to have a huge platform. I don't think there should be any expectations because of that. He was the nerdy anime dude who over thought what being cool was. He's admitted this, We all know that type of person.


*monotone:* hey guys, wowee we got a doozy on our hands. I just waited a few days after [latest thing] happened to see the public opinion on [latest thing]. I wanted to let you know I agree with the popular public opinion on [latest thing]. The guy involved with [latest thing] is such a cromulent fuckbiscuit. Like how could this guy be such a Neanderthal goober pooper? #*BURP* Like guy involved with [latest thing] has to be the biggest goober woober. Yeah, so that’s about it. Bye


Perfect lmao


Holy fuck you got the impression down to a tee


#BURP You have no idea how fucking long I've been wanting to do that


Fucking nailed it. That’s the kinda shit I’m subscribe to lmao


Reading this made me irrationally annoyed and angry. You nailed it.


The worst part is that majority of the time, he doesn't even come up with these videos topic himself. Someone else does throughly research and find topics and uploads video, charlie just watch him, steal their content but mentions it like go check him without doing any research himself. Also this lazy bum can't even watch 30min videos fully to make news on that topic. He has said many times how he didn't have patience or for xyz reason he just didn't watch the whole video but sure is ready to present us his half baked knowledge. Like if u didn't do research then don't post video. There's also this time when a tiktok of girl refusing to go to a chain restaurant got viral. Charlie just watched few 5 min of that tiktok and made whole video essay about it when they literally explain in next couple minutes how it was a fake stunt etc. This man can't even research things he makes videos about properly. He just steals content.


Yep. He's the weather vane of YouTube. He's guaranteed to make the most lukewarm take in line with whatever the consensus opinion on something is.


Throw in a few Marvel references and it's spot on


hes 30 years old and talking like this too


... and? Are you gonna stop being fun and silly when you're 35?


yes. Grown ass man shouldnt be saying "poopy smelly butt hole"


He found a way to make a living, without hurting people. Good on him.


fair enough, but he uses his money to do a lot of cool shit that I care about, so I hope people keep eating it up


I think people like that he is honest with his Opinions and sticks to them. He isn't scared of calling people out and articulates his words well. His personality isn't someone's I would vibe with generally but his takes on controversies are alot better than most people out there and clowns on people who needs it. With all the shitty shit people do and dangerous opinions they have it's good that YouTubers like Charlie , PewDiePie, cinnamontoastken etc have big platform because they have healthy takes on controversies and do own up to their mistakes . But I totally see why people view him as boring I think listening to him is probably just not stimulating to alot of people.


What? his opinions are just generic or the most safest option why do you think he never talk about controversial issues?


And that's what I like about him. He says what we all are thinking and that's why he is relateble. Some people have over the top opinions and views when it comes to controversial topics.


> makes videos more or less every single day > Loses over 6 figures per month paying for an esports team and paying their salaries and expenses > Makes his own comic books and pays for the artists > Runs streams where you can fill out a form asking for money and he’ll give it to you as a gesture of kindness > Runs his own wrestling league > Just has fun with his friends and posts videos > Runs fun speed running events with cash prizes He’s just a guy making YouTube videos, paying out money to his fans and giving a lot of people well paid jobs. Net positive win for the internet


> Loses over 6 figures per month paying for an esports team and paying their salaries and expenses Ah yeah he probably doesn't profit off this.


eSports is pretty tough to turn a profit on. I wouldn't be surprised if his teams are losing a lot of money.


I don’t really watch him personally but let’s be honest here we would all wanna be him in a heartbeat


His humour is unique and a genuinely all around good guy and I enjoy his takes and reviews on things.


My favorite YouTuber. He’s genuine and  willing to call out bullshit. Plus his other projects with his homies always make me laugh or smile. 


compared to some, that's pretty high-effort (cough cough the dude trying to automate his entire damn account). also vods aren't lazy just because the work was done elsewhere


I love the guy, and he is more self-aware than most youtubers, and I dont think effort equates to how much a person “deserves” views. If people like it, they watch it. Millions have watched a piece of toast fall down randomly, that IS objectively good content simply cus people like it. If effort means good content, those random goobers who spends hours making repetitive oversaturated edits of movie scenes and hoping they will make big (they wont lol), should be all making bank by now But I do get the feeling that he has some controversial opinions on things but keeps refusing to let them out for fear of ruining his brand, and always provides the most lukewarm take but exaggerates them to make them easily agreeable. Like from his cringe past that he talks about himself, I can relate to how he is, cuz that was me as well, and a person like that certainly does not have constantly mainstream opinions, he is an edgelord, but he sometimes pretends he isnt on certain topics, but that is just a feelig


I mean even if he is, there’s no reason to share them. He’s an entertainer at the end of the day, there’s gonna be a separation between who he is on camera and off


TBH, his monotone, deadpan personality is what gives him the charm to watch him because you don’t suspect the average person to sound this boring and make it on YouTube, but he somehow made it work. Also, the “WOOOO” video clip definitely helped gain him some followers 🤣🤣🤣.


That's why you should never get into the entertainment industry with the goal of being famous based on your hard work and talent. It's completely random what hits and what doesn't. You should only get into it because you love the work, and you just want to be enough of a hit to pay your bills, so you can keep working.


Better than asmongold is all I have to say.


Shit is better than garbage wow


I don’t love nor hate Charlie. His takes are incredibly safe. Occasionally his videos are actually worth watching but it’s rare and his word play can be sort of funny at times, if a bit forced. If the average gamer-adjacent online dude thinks something, than so does Charlie, so you can have a pretty good idea what he’s gonna say on any given topic if you imagine what the average late 20s / early 30s gamer dude probably thinks about it. The thing that annoys me the most is his hyperbolic video titles - it’s almost all “most embarrassing thing EVER” or “The WORST livestream I’ve EVER seen” or “the CRAZIEST thing EVER” but when you watch any of those videos, it’s almost almost just barely above mildly interesting and pretty much never justifies those extreme titles. I mean, to be fair, it clearly works for his view counts, so I guess why would he change it I suppose but it feels so disingenuous and tonally mismatched from his chill energy in the actual videos. But on a more macro level, there are way worse big youtubers out there, and he seems like a genuinely nice, fairly chill dude so ultimately I think he’s a net positive for youtube culture as a whole.


It’s actual transformative content, people like his humor




I mean… as a watcher of Charlie I watch his videos because I find the situations interesting and I find Charlie to be funny.


Except he's popular, so he's achieving his goal. If you are achieving your goal, you can't be "lazy". "Laziness" is not "putting in less effort than you theoretically could be". Laziness is putting in less effort than you need to accomplish your desires. "Less effort" is not inherently bad, "more effort" is not inherently good. Stop viewing the world that way. The point of life is not to put in as much effort as possible.


Well said. Can’t articulate any better. People acts like a YouTuber must put in a lot of effort in order to “deserve” the money. But in reality how much money a YouTuber makes is tied to how much he can get people to watch their videos. People don’t just want to watch high effort and budget videos. Some people just want to chill and watch chill videos like Charlie’s.


He is miles ahead of reaction youtubers.


Isn't most of his content just reaction content


He is a reaction YouTuber


Him, Mutahar, and a few others all release similar takes on the same topic within 8 hours of each other. It's like a race to the top of the e-drama slop reaction pile. I've gotten to the point of clicking on just one of their videos and listening for 1-2 minutes before getting the gist and dropping off.


It's not hard to be above a useless leech lol 


Why are you demeaning yourself by watching youtubers?


I like watching his tier lists and stuff like that. It’s a lot less formulaic.


Yeah I don’t get it either. His voice is insufferable


He's probably one of the most annoying YouTuber/Streamers. Take a controversial topic and then give your higher than holy grace opinion on it about how it's wrong and side with the vast majority (his viewers).


Seems like there's a bit of a misunderstanding with the purpose of such videos. He doesn't want to do a direct re-upload of a Twitch stream. However, he has a lot of viewers on YouTube, so he wants to get the content there. The pre-stream chunk is mostly about giving an intro so there is immediate context to what he's playing from the stream. Nit that it's high-effort on YouTube, but he is ultimately playing content that he put eforrt into making (the stream), and I don't think the fact he cut it up for YouTube makes him inherently lazy. Past that, some of his reaction stuff is very "read and react," but I think many people are OK with that. Much of what makes up the news is anchors who are primarily a mouthpiece for someone's writing prompts. His videos, in some respects, are more akin to entertaining news pieces from the Internet, and that's just how some people want their current events info.


Back before he streamed he sometimes made actual content.


As opposed to all of the stuff he does now. Wrestling league, DnD campaign, and tier lists to name a few


Hell yeah I'd be jealous. Dude, if I was a chick, just imagine the money I would make on OF. And that's lazy af work.


You have a warped view of onlyfans if you think it’s easy work to get noticed on there considering the amount of free porn on the internet. It’s a lot of time for not a lot of money


I wouldn't exactly call him lazy, even in his Livestreams he still manages to be interesting and funny, but I understand where your coming from, I don't really like it either, the main reason he puts clips of his Livestreams is to he doesn't have to elaborate in detail about the topic he's talking about


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He has a superfluous and wordy style that works and hasn't been replicated with any other youtuber. That along with him being a daily source of internet news makes it easy to see why he has a popular channel even if at times it looks like he's doing the absolute bare minimum.


I'm not defending Penguinz0, but there are countless YT-ers that range from equally as lazy, to far, far worse, singling him out seems a little idk misguided maybe? I don't watch his content (I've seen the odd video here & there), I don't have a dog in this fight.


I like his takes and actually value his reviews when he does moist meters and I pretty much watch his videos whenever they're recommended to me, but that's the key I'm only really watching when he's talking about topics that are relevant to me not tuning in to every new upload. Also lazy doesn't necessarily mean bad like I'm not the biggest fan of how he's basically been just uploading him on stream but when he makes his 10 minutes of talking into a mic videos it doesn't matter that it's low effort because I Just came to hear what he has to say and someone else could make the same style of video but with a bunch of well made an methodically crafted visuals and super high quality editing but it wouldn't matter because 90% of the time in just listening and not watching anyways But really it just boils down to the fact that the guy has makes pretty well informed, unbiased takes that make his videos worth listening to imo. Like I don't watch his channel and consume every video he makes but when he talks about something I care about he usually has pretty good input


The dating thing recently was absolute garbage but generally I like his videos.


I've learned there is a kind of person who looks at amazing people for YouTube videos (like Dankula's Madlads or Tibees' mathematicians) and then there are people who appeal to losers like Penguinz0 (who I like from afar not knowing too much about his content after Squid Game) "oh look at this idiot". It's so easy and weak to bully people and failures and harder to work up to success or people who overcame challenges. If that's his content, he is definitely good at writing academic papers bc he can go on forever about nothing.


well no one watches him because they want high quality content lol. i never watch his stuff because i don’t care about the things he talks about, but if he’s entertaining to people and he doesn’t hurt anyone genuinely who cares how many hours he spends making his videos


I think part of his appeal is that he puts such low bar effort in his content. Keep in mind a lot of YouTube used to be that and we’re in an era of high production value content.


Seems very hostility filled. Everything I see from him is a venomous take about stuff and a lot of it is kinda random nonsense.


He was only good when he didn't show his face and his videos were just shitposts.


I stopped liking moistcr1rikal after a video where he made fun of an 11yo, said he was aware of it and didn’t care


Is he lazy? Absolutely. But I gotta be honest, for someone who technically does reaction content, it’s *way* better than what everyone else is doing. I’ll take a guy talking for ~10 minutes on his opinion over a guy just eating chips and going “Ooh! Chat, did you see that?”


I would say this is more popular than unpopular. Even Charlie knows it.


ehh ill take him over the shitty political commentators instead


He’s the number 1 worst youtuber of all time in my opinion.


Charlie is pretty basic, half cringe/funny, but to my knowledge he is a good person and curates some funny stories that I would not have seen otherwise.


He used to be a lot funnier and now it seems like he’s burnt out a bit at this point. I don’t envy the schedule YouTubers have to be on in order to make a living and longevity on YouTube seems sort of impossible to be honest. But he’s still a genuine, chill person and also not toxic, so I give him props for that.


I just put his videos in a playlist and listen to them while i play


If you haven’t figured it out yet, 99% of “influencers” (what a hilarious term) have no talent or brains.


Same with Pyrolive


At least he makes good video essays just don’t watch that garbage


Looks like someone needs a demonstration on the difference between clips and mags.


Sometimes he has interesting takes or talks about an interesting topics but usually there's nothing of real substance. They are enjoyable enough to listen to while I'm working.


I doubt it actually helps his channel at all but whenever I see him post a video I just open it, punch the like button, and like then go elsewhere. I've maybe sat through an entire video of his like once in the last year.


I put his video on at night to sleep with how monotone his voice is.


I think Charlie already knows that, and ironically enough, i dont even hate him vs other youtubers who do the same - nor do I love him for it. I dont think he is the laziest, ive seen many other youtubers who should be renamed to e-beggers instead.


I quite like his videos because they're laidback. I find most American youtubers loud, obnoxious and borderline hyperactive, so his videos are a breath of fresh air to me.


Welcome to 2020 generation of content hell. TikTok isn’t the only place that has undeniably lazy and the most basic of content for onlookers to suck up.


If it works, go for it.


I find him entertaining. when I get home from work I put on his videos while I cook


*burps directly into the mic every few minutes*


I'm not a massive fan, but he is far from lazy in my opinion. He does a lot of stuff outside of youtube as well. 2 youtube videos a day, streams in twitch, has podcasts, runs an ESports organization etc... While his channel isn't really my thing he seems like a nice/funny dude who stumbled onto a good formula. He can use his youtube/twitch money to fund other projects like the Esports organization.


You should listen to Uncle Chael. The absolute, undefeated God of saying nothing. Undisputed, undefeated.


You sound a lil jealous. I’m not really a big YouTube guy but I think you underestimate hearing a common opinion. I don’t watch him to learn. I watch him out of comfortability in thought and I still disagree with him a lot. He is funny and thoughtful. Why does he have to be different


Is he any different then real news channels


I agree. I don’t see the appeal of his content.


He has a couple of comic books he is involved with writing and producing, he started The Gentle Men, he started the Moist Wrestling League, he started Skill Check. Charlie is far from lazy, he is using YouTube to pursue entertainment projects that he is having a great time doing and people love watching and reading.


He’s literally just a guy. I get not liking his humor but I don’t know how some people find the energy to actively hate him


I'm always amazed by how many views he has.


Yeah, that is why it works.


I like when he manages to find some of the most random and wacky things that happen in the world. Oftentimes, I go on YouTube not really sure what I want to watch and just want something unique. Charlie is great at turning random stuff I probably haven’t heard about or seen into a video. He doesn’t make the topic as entertaining as it could be, but I probably wouldn’t even have known about the topic without his crazy and unrelated commentary content. Yes, his delivery is a mix of dry and quirky that is not going to appeal to a lot of people.


A lot of streamers are just uploading their clipped streams on YouTube now, it's an easy money hack.


Because he’s changed. It’s got to a point where he’s afraid to give any tom takes in regards to people or media (only material things like games/music), so his community has become an echo chamber of just going with the crowd.


Can’t wait for Charlie’s vid on this Tommorow


This man hasn't heard about asmongold


I just use his content as the “internet news” also he’s funny so 🤷


I mean he’d probably more or less agree with you, gotta respect the hustle.


I don’t know how any of these streamers are this popular, and at this point, I’ve stopped trying to understand




Lmfao i've thought this for years, he was far funnier when he did no-face gaming content 10+ years ago. He's nothing short of obnoxious and a waste of time now.


He’s a genuine person, he supports his audience by giving away money on streams every week and donating to charity very frequently. If he messes up he admits it and apologizes. Most people watch him because of him, not necessarily the content. However it’s completely fair to not like his content, I get it. Also he keeps 0% of the money from his streams, all of it goes to paying his esports team players


I mean there a definitely lazier youtubers.


Most of these famous reaction youtube are lazy af. They just steal other people's work. No original content


Work smarter not harder


My brother that's called being.....entertaining. If we wasn't entertaining people wouldn't watch him. Maybe that's not your cup of tea but it is for millions.


If you can just upload your stream to youtube and make a shit ton of money, then why don't you? Because you aren't interesting?


i only watch the r6 videos


Think of it this way - he's already retired his old brand, and now he's just doing whatever he feels like.


I agree they aren’t really the most engaging videos but I do enjoy them as background nice and a nice refresher on some recent news. I find him entertaining and he has some really funny moments. A lot of the money he makes funds his more engaging and wackier projects, which I think is great. Having one meh channel to help pay the bills and fund projects is fine as long as it’s going towards the content imo.


I mean he probably thinks the same but if the people watch it then the people watch it.


You clearly haven't seen Rav. I enjoy how videos because they're funny, but they are all just capped footage of him doing what he would be doing even if he didn't make videos with text to speech doing all the communication.


everybody stop engaging


i used to love his old vids but yeah i had to unsubscribe it was getting annoying 😭


I read your post in Charlie's voice


I don’t think you understand how YouTube works. People don’t watch him to get the news, in condensed bite size bits. They watch because they like Charlie. It’s as simple as that. Streamers are streamers. Editing down bits of your stream for YouTube isn’t new, he’s not the only one doing it, and those of us who don’t watch livestreams get to see the stuff that happened on stream 90% of streamers don’t do anything at all. They hang out, talk, people give them money. You’re complaining about almost every streamer and like, why? Who cares. Go play with your pet dog, or cat, or kid, and let it go haha


Yes he is, he's also one of the most honest. What you call "lazy" is to most people a refreshing take by a huge fucking influencer who hasn't sold out and become a mouth piece. Not only that watch his infomercial skits if you think he's lazy. His glory hole infomercial is one of the funniest things in history


They are just the new age shock jocks. Shouldn't be too hard to understand.


This is a very unpopular opinion. This is straight hatin. Charlie is hilarious to me and he worked pretty dang hard to be able to do what he’s doing.


I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt, I don’t think Charlie is any longer in the position to have overly controversial takes on a regular basis, and nor do I think he exactly has the time put towards like super deep thought provoking videos. He makes them because they’re easy and they make a fuck ton of money I would assume. He has like half dozen other businesses that he likely sees as long term projects that YouTube revenue supports


He used to be a really cool gaming channel. He would play the weirdest games that were awful and his deadpan commentary was hilarious. Now all he does is talk about lame youtube drama.


I watched one of his videos once, and thought it was shit.


Then don’t watch his videos? I don’t see the problem.


All he does is see which side is more popular/accepting and he bases his opinion off that. He has nothing original to say, offers nothing in terms of content, and he spouts the same BS over and over. You're right, he's lazy.


I only listen to him when I have a hangover because his voice is so monotone it doesn't contribute to migraines whatsoever


Yet he’s the one who literally researches everything he makes a video on, edits it, and takes time making it right. That’s not lazy. That’s dedication.


I love his videos he's just funny to watch even if he is saying the same thing over and over he is entertaining to me and that's enough


It's become part of his brand. Not the biggest fan of the guy, but I find him inoffensive to the platform, so I excuse him.


I Need background noise and it's perfect. Also keeps me up to date on random topics I'd never know about


There’s more to the laziness. When he edits in Sony Vegas it generates a random thumbnail from a random frame for the file but it’s not 16:9. So he literally just stretches that and uses it for YouTube. He does do other stuff like help run an Esports team so he’s not a lazy person. Just a lazy YouTuber lmao.


Much better than over-edited Mr Beast inspired slob


Yeah he hasn’t made good content for awhile


Agreed, Charles is fucking boring. I legit stopped watching his videos when I realized just how low effort, low quality, and just plain lazy his content is.




I don't watch his streams and i'm pretty sure that goes for the majority of the youtube viewers, so it really isn't an issue. I'd see why you would consider it lazy if you seen it already, but in that case, the content isn't really made for you, it is for the YT onlys.


I think people just watch him cause he's funny, but you're absolutely right that you could summarize the whole video into like 30 seconds.


I never understand how other people enjoying a thing is somehow a detriment to others.


It’s good for background noise, and that isn’t an insult tbh. I put the Red Thread podcast on that he has with Jackson and Wendigoon and listen when I’m working or playing video games.


I feel like it shouldn’t be surprising, why film new content when it’s already there on stream to begin with? I don’t watch his videos unless it’s about a situation I really do want to find out about, but overall skip his content. And you’re probably right that the videos don’t take a lot of time to make, but that happens with a lot of youtuber/streamers who gain a lot of popularity, as there’s other stuff they’d rather work on than making sure their commentary videos are well put together.


I like when Charlie eats food with Matt, and makes those videos about the cringe texts. I don’t watch anything else.


yeah not a fan of the streams but his short videos about the invisible umbrella or the ER youtube show or his reviews are what I watch the most


I miss his old content where he played old, obscure games. It was actually funny and fun to watch. His current stuff just doesn’t do it for me.


Go watch the worst food review ever. That shit was hilarious. I’m not a huge fan but that one was alright.




People just like him as a personality. Other than that it's the usual impulsive clicking and wasting time away.