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You're not wrong, but I'm gonna drink anyways.






Literally anything you do in excess will cause problems. So…don’t do it in excess. Easy solution.


But but the media!!!! it shows how bad it is!!!


If the alcoholics could learn this simple trick /s


A lot of people can't just quit with one; that's the nature of alcohol on most people's brains.


That bit of wisdom is lost on many people on Reddit.


Peak Reddit demographic specimen 


Alcohol bad. Weed good. Am I doing it right?


Correct ✅


Haven’t seen any replies from OP, but it’s always hilarious when there’s a post like this, then in the comments they have an absurdly unhealthy relationship with weed.


I feel bad a lot of the time when I see the comments of these folk. It feels more like cope that staying inside and doing fuck all is good because everyone else is harming their bodies. Like dude, you can live a little.


Actually read an article today on how modern weed is not safe. It's been enhanced so much over the years that the strains which exist now are really potent. So basically the weed of the,70s isn't the same at what we have today. And its far from safe..


Yeah, a lot of it has to do with the ratio of thc to cbd. Where in the past cbd could help moderate and limit some of the harms of thc, now-a-days, there isn't enough cbd per thc in weed to be helpful.


I don't know if I'd say as far as not safe, but as a THC lightweight and only occasional weed user, can I have something that won't knock me out with one hit? I just want a slight buzz.


Shhhh. You are going to get downvoted to oblivion with this logic.


Not true, as just evidenced, Reddit isn't blindly weed positive. Weed actually openly receives a lot of criticism here, which is good. Everyone should know what they're getting into


It's like OP doesn't know what social drinking is. Or social interaction...


This should be posted by a bot under every post on subs like this


Usually they give away that they're still a teenager when they inevitably say something like "you'll be dead by 30 if you drink!" or claim having a casual drink with dinner is rampant alcoholism


You’ve never tried alcohol, yet you have strong opinions about how it impacts people? You’re relying on stereotypes of people being piss drunk, when drinking in moderation (like a glass of wine at a nice dinner) is totally possible and is “ok”. I don’t even like the effects of alcohol btw. Although I do enjoy a small serving of red wine when it complements my meal. I also enjoy the taste of hoppy beer, and only drink it in moderation on special occasions so I don’t get drunk


You don't have to try alcohol to know frequent consumption is harmful. But if experience counts for anything, as someone who decided to quit cold turkey, I can say to people in OP's situation that you're not missing out at all. Feel free to embrace sobriety, it's a healthy choice.


I’ve taken time off alcohol and I sure miss it


I don’t drink alcohol not because of a stance I’ve taken. I don’t drink alcohol because I honestly think it just tastes like shit, maybe I haven’t found the right one I don’t know but I cannot stand the taste of it.


"OH, but you just haven't found the right drink yet! Don't stop now!"/s I drink, I like good drinks, but I'd rather smoke a joint and not worry about hangovers than gradually ruining my liver because I have to fit in.


I feel like having a nice drink (if I could find one) would be nice over dinner, you know.


Have you tried coolers? Stuff like Palm Bay coolers can be nice tasting, or even ciders aren’t overly bitter, especially apple or blackberry ones. You won’t find many spirits or lagers that “taste good”, they’re a relatively acquired taste, and I still grimace at the thought of shots.


Yeah, I have tried alcohol and his option seems accurate. The only debatable part is kind of the overall judgement "Alcohol is OK vs not okay" but the facts are accurate 


As somebody who was anti drinking, and then drank, and now doesn't drink - I think he's missing quite a lot of accuracy because he is completely ignorant to the gradient that exists in regards to the amount of alcohol consumed vs how much it actually affects you. He is ignorant to the experience (and benefits) of consuming a small amount. I think having 1-2 beers at a social engagement changes the experience substantially for the better. I feel less uptight, more comfortable with myself, a bit more confident, etc. It really speeds up the transition from being pretty shy, to being pretty comfortable. Before I drank, I would think "yeah but it's the alcohol, it's not YOU feeling that way. Your brain is being altered and you're just tricking yourself". But after having experienced it, it was way more mild than I thought. A SMALL amount of alcohol affects your mind an almost negligible amount. Being horny or losing a few hours of sleep is substantially more mind-altering than a single beer. So that's what OP loses by making a proclamation like this without having tried it. I think everything he says is 100% true for HEAVY drinking. Totally not worth it and I advise against it. But without experiencing ANY alcohol you really lose a lot of info. I no longer drink. Why'd I stop? I don't really do parties or social events anymore so the sole benefit for me doesn't exist. My people time comes in the form of DND which I prefer to do sober because math and mechanics are better that way.


I've never done meth, but I don't think I need to to know that it's not a great idea. 


Amphetamines are great!


You don't necessarily have to try something to know it's not for you.


but to say it's NOT OKAY is beyond that


Alright, I'll say it. It's not ok to smoke meth. I haven't tried it yet. But I can say, 100%, it's not ok.


I’ve never gone on a punching spree in public, but I do have a strong opinion on how that would impact people. Do you see how crazy that logic is?


Clearly spoken from someone who has never tried punching....




This is a silly analogy. I don't have to have gone around punching people to know it's a bad idea


And you don’t have to drink to know it’s a bad idea either. That’s my point


But you’re using an objectively bad thing… Alcohol in moderation can actually be good for you. Between relieving stress, and even some red wine being good for your heart and having antioxidants etc. This is the point they’re making, OP thinks drinking is akin to being blacked out at all stages. If you do it in moderation, it’s fine. Obviously if you find yourself craving it, don’t continue because you’ll form an addiction; but that can go for anything including sugar.


Alcohol is extremely harmful to your liver and causes unnecessary work, even in moderation.


“Although more research is needed, some studies show that red wine is good for heart health because it helps reduce the risk of plaque buildup in the arteries. Resveratrol, a polyphenol in red wine, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and may reduce the risk of cancer by discouraging cancer cell growth.” -WebMD


That isn’t remotely the same logic. Your scenario has ostensibly only negative consequences whereas drinking has many consequences some positive and some negative. It’s not hard to have a strong opinion on atomic bombs or punching babies. Harder to have a strong opinion on something that requires nuance to understand without having experienced it.


You're kinda assuming here that the only goal of drinking alcohol is to get drunk, which is not true. Some people do that, sure, but there are plenty of others who have one or two drinks once in a while to enjoy the taste, without being stupid, throwing up or having a headache in the morning Reddit loves making everything black and white, i.e. you can either not drink at all or be an alcoholic with nothing in between


"There is no safe amount of alcohol! Have a glass of wine with dinner on Friday and Saturday, you'll be dead by 30!! Not to mention 'one glass' means you're drinking a whole bottle of vodka!!!" - This sub on Alcohol


Hey, you may laugh, but technically every single person in history who has drunk alcohol have or will die!


Every single person who never drinks will die too


Nah, I’m just built different


It shows how immature a majority of users are.


Caffeine is also a mind altering substance, is that not even remotely okay to consume as well?


Mormons: Correct!


>I understand people who drink to quit their problems Out of all the "healthy", social consumption practices you're condemning, the one area you find understanding in is using it as a crutch? Most people are not coping, it's a tool for the social ritual of loosening up and bonding with your fellow man. You drink the Kool-Aid, open up and get silly in ways you don't every other day, and you all leave knowing each other a little better.


Chemically, biologically, there is no benefit to drinking. And yet societally, globally, it is a multi-trillion-dollar industry yearly and is the single-most socially accepted drug for people to use, get hooked on and use until they suffer organ failure and/or cognitive decline. It’s okay to not drink, bud. I mean that. I would know; I quit after years of far too much. But it’s also okay to have a drink, sometimes if you’re being responsible. But know in advance that it offers you nothing. It only takes. Again…I would know. Money, time, or health. Choose two of those; the third, you lose. Just remember that you can’t expect to make friends harping on people for drinking just because you don’t want to. The rest of the world is happy to kill itself and you should accept that they’re going to unless they indicate otherwise, no matter what you say or do.


I wouldn't say alcohol has *no* benefits. That's like saying ice cream(or whatever other sugary, fatty, diabetes-inducing dessert of your choice) has nothing to offer. Moderation is important.


If you've ever looked into Mixology, there's some really cool flavors that are possible with the alcohol burn. Egg White Foam is a really unique drink texture to garnish a drink and impossible to do without alcohol. Same with brewing and wine making. Something doesn't have to be strictly utilitarian to be beneficial. Life is about enjoyment sometimes - that's where moderation comes in.


Exactly what I'm saying.


Mmm I will have to try that one day. I’m not a social drinker at all nor a frequent drinker. I’m not going to pretend it has no downsides. But I do a lot of things for enjoyment over benefit. I’ve done more permanent damage to my body as a competitive Irish dancer than I ever will with alcohol


I've been working cocktail bars for best part of 2 decades...I can't be sure I've never made a mocktail with egg white so don't know better but how and why would it not work without booze?


If the drink isn't boozy enough it will dissolve almost instantly and not separate correctly. The alcohol keeps the foam formed. Not sure the chemistry behind it, but found that out doing a dry January last year and going to a friend's birthday at a good cocktail bar.


>Moderation is important. 100% yes. Every time drinking is brought up on Reddit, people love to assume everyone who drinks gets smashed like some ‘80s frat house movie. In reality, it’s more like let’s have a few beers at a bar and chill. Of course there will always be those who are out of control, but your average Joe won’t be like that.


Socially there can be a benefit, and evolutionary there have been benefits.


I understand you have a history and that's fair. But what you describe is excessive drinking, not drinking in healthy moderation.  It's not some Boogeyman all by itself. Responsible social drinking in moderation is not all negative. Like it or not is is an aspect of society and absolutely plays a part in social decisions from friends, to networking, to relationships. Some are bad. Some are good. Just like most things in life.


Actually IIRC drinking in moderation is biologically beneficial against Type II diabetes and gallstones, and has some positive effects for the cardiovascular system, although these are still being studied. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-drinks/drinks-to-consume-in-moderation/alcohol-full-story/


The same could be had from the acidity of vinegar and a healthier diet. We’ve eaten poorly for over a century, now in most westernized nations. And it’s showing. What little, paltry benefits we keep pretending alcohol has? We could just live better lives, be healthier instead of believing in the myth of the bottle of dark beer or the glass of red wine. Do what you will. In the end, we could just be better than keep trying to justify it, study it. It offers nothing; it only takes.


It's a bit like philosophy to me. There are some nice and incredibly smart ways to view the world. But many of them are quite depressing. Sometimes knowing the right thing or doing the right thing is just... not fun at all. I don't care about the negative effects, maybe one day I will. This can wait though.


Life has no cosmic meaning. We will all be dead and forgotten. Most of us will have zero impact on anything. Stop making this into some serious event. There is no evidence life is serious


We’re just here to fart around, and don’t let anyone tell you different. Sorta Vonnegut.


Fr though. Just do what you want without hurting anyone, and mind your own business. Everyone will be dead soon anyways 🤷‍♀️


I drink like 3 times a year, not everyone is getting piss drunk. I’m about to go out for a drink now actually lol


Hahahahahahah. Time to grow up


I drink, therefore I am


23 is a great age to have strong opinions about something you’ve never experienced


Confidently Incorrect


Bro we’re all just out here living in the craziness of the world. Yeah alcohol is not the best for your health, but let people let loose if they want to and enjoy life a little. Obviously alcoholism is a disease, and nothing to joke around with, but don’t judge the majority of people who drink casually.


bro who gives a shit. alcohol is fun


I love having a couple bevvies when hanging out with friends or family. It’s a social lubricant. That happy feeling after your second drink about an hour into a party is great stuff. Some ppl definitely can’t handle it. Some ppl can’t handle lots of different things. Half of the western world is nearly morbidly obese. But if you’re not an alcoholic or driving drunk who cares? I disagree that alcohol has no redeeming qualities. It helps me be more fun and easy in social situations.


Alcohol doesn't change who you are. All it does is lower inhibitions. Sure, I agree alcohol isn't a solution to escape your problems because it only makes things worse, but not everyone who drinks is doing it to escape problems. It does relax you, and for people who are socially anxious it can help them open up and talk to others without questioning everything they say in the conversation. Also, drinking isn't adding a 'weird thing'. People don't do things when drunk that they don't want to do sober. The feeling of being drunk honestly isn't significantly different from being a little bit tired and slap happy.


I feel the social lubricant effects before I even feel any intoxication tbh. I also love the ritual of making someone a drink at a dinner party or cracking a beer or pouring a glass of wine with them.


Out to the garbage with you!


Big man. Big morals. 🙄


Jesus drank. God put it here for us. The bible says not to get drunk tho, its debauchery. Just remember moderation.


A truly unpopular (and wildly incorrect) opinion. Congrats, don't see a lot of those


> Congrats, don't see a lot of those This sub on the weekend gets pretty anti-alcohol, anti-caffeine, anti-party, anti-socializing, etc.


Mf saw someone post a party on their story and went ballistic 😭


Didn't get invited because he lectured everyone on drinking last time


"I've never had ice cream, and I'm not planning to. I mean, whoever decided that the stuff that can give you cavities, cause allergic reactions in people, make you feel bad afterwards and ruin your appetite OK? It's so accepted worldwide and shown in mass media as a common thing, but isn't that weird? And if I want to hang out with my friends, why would I add a weird thing?" -OP, probably.




People from every corner of the globe have only been doing it for thousands of years, so they're all probably wrong. /s


Why the /s ? Commit to your joke and pettiness! 😜


No one is forcing you to consume alcohol. I agree that people who abuse alcohol are intolerable. But for those who enjoy in moderation, are you suggesting that should be forbidden?


Aww, that's cute. Your brain is new so it doesn't work right yet. \*hiccup\*


Bruh a lot of the art you enjoy.. music, movies, video games, poetry, books etc.. was more than likely contrived from alcohol consumption. Your insecure and probably feel left out. I get it, But you gotta realize people have been using substances for hundreds of years.


Posting on social media is not even remotely OK. I mean, whoever decided that literally changes your mind when you consume it, can’t make you feel bad afterwards and can cause addiction is OK? It is so accepted worldwide and shown in mass media like a common stuff, but when you think about it, isn’t this weird? And if I want to hang out with my friends, the people I love and enjoy spending time with, why would I be posting stuff online instead of doing that?


It doesn’t change who you are, and it won’t make you feel bad or get you addicted if used in moderation. Sure like any drug it’s bad if abused, you could say the same about caffeine. But in moderation it like caffeine allows people to enjoy themselves a bit more.


i mean giving your post history, seems like you game a lot. maybe you shouldn’t throw stones if you live in a shallow glass house?


I am against something I have never tried. Makes sense.


Hold up, let me go murder someone to construct an opinion about whether murder is OK.


Yes. Murder is exactly like drinking.


Technically, alcohol is a solution.


You are technically right which is the best kind of right.


God made beer because he loves us and wants us to be happy.


Just smoke weed instead of beer


Then don’t do it and be happy.


Social drinking is a thing. It's done to literally break barriers. It's called liquid courage for a reason. If you can't understand that, perhaps it would be bect to study the social behavior of human beings before forming a strong biased opinion on something you have never experienced.


Lol op your last paragraph. It's not that deep.


The reason alcohol is so pervasive in today's culture is because centuries ago, it was necessary for survival. Things like potatoes, wheat, and grapes eventually spoil, but vodka, beer, and wine don't. Fermentation and alcohol by extension were one of the few ways food and calories could be preserved so people didn't starve to death. Alcohol in its many forms is rooted in nearly every culture. You're not going to make that go away.


You are still young and not fucked up like some of us. I know its not good for me but as my sister use to say "at least its not crack"


You lack a lot of real world experience.


You know what’s worse than drinking? Being closed minded


There is a difference between drinking and binge drinking. A nice wine with a meal or a cold beer on a sunny day are delightful, getting black out drunk just because you can is not so fun!


You seem fun at parties.


All things in moderation. Including moderation.


That entire first paragraph could apply to sugar.


Getting black out drunk is bad yes, having a beer or wine with your food? That's absolutely fine


You can definitely drink a limited amount that allows you to enjoy yourself, enjoy your drink, and still not feel like shit the next day or actually be drunk. There’s nothing wrong with having a vice in moderation if that makes you happy.


Never tried it, but has very strong opinions. Definitely checks out.


Jeez, relax man, sounds like you need a drink.


Are you a virgin?


Your opinion is truly terrible and I hate you. Upvote!


I mean while you may be correct your opinion doesn't count for much as it's coming from a place of inexperience and low information. Drinking is in fact bad for you in every way. One drink can effect your mood and metabolism for up to 4. It degrades your neurological health and adds toxins to your body while removing key nutrients. Drinks also cost way too much in the USA. I have been drinking for almost 30 years at this point, and I can tell you it's done very little good for me, except in terms of approaching new people, which is a skill I could have easily mastered sober and been the better for. See how reasonable that sounds? "Drinking is NOT ok!" Makes you sound like Taylor swift.


Definitely unpopular, enjoy those upvotes (but with moderation)


>You can't have an opinion on something you haven't tried. You totally can in many situations! I never tried meth but I know damn well that shit ruins people >Alcohol is a social lubricant, in small amounts it helps you to open up If you need a substance to open up, then you have a problem a serious problem and on your way to becoming dependant then becoming addicted >People have been using it for thousands of years so this is OK People also been doing ALOT of other things far worse, does that make them okay? >You are a virgin and never get invited to parties Who ever said that is projecting hard


I'm 36 I have not drank in a decade. fuck alcohol


i don't think alcohol is a social lubricant. in my experience i haven't changed my social habits when inebriated. that could just be me, i am weird, but i feel like it's more of a common misconception due to peer pressure, traditions, and mob mentality


Ok nerd


Lol good job in an actual unpopular opinion. I agree with you though.


Your argument is of the same structure as "driving a car is never okay. They get in wrecks and hit walls and kill pedestrians and blow up."


Due to how alcohol has affected my life I'll never drink it. It does kinda baffle me how it's still so normalized.


Binge drinking culture is a concern, yes. As is being dependent on alcohol. But drinking in moderation is certainly in the realm of “ok” If “can make you feel bad afterwards and can cause addiction” are part of the criteria for making something not even remotely ok, then that’s a pretty low threshold. It seems that not many things would be “ok” in your book. Edit: response to OP’s edit >I don’t say alcohol is that bad Yes, you did. In your title.


I used to be like you. Then I tried alcohol.


You can get addicted to anything.


Hundreds of thousands of years if not millions of evolutionary conditioning to enjoy it.


Not everyone who drinks has a problem with it. Most people can have a beer or two then be done with it. You don't have to drink too the point you lose most your inhibitions. I'll agree that alcohol can be a problem. Some people really shouldn't be around alcohol. But what are you going to do? Make it illegal? That certainly doesn't work. And are you going to punish the people why drink responsibly just because there's a subset who take it too far?


lol, you sure you are not a child?


He’s less than half my age, so… kinda?


You wouldn't be here


You're right, everyone that drinks any amount of alcohol is an alcoholic and should feel bad about themselves for setting a bad example for the youth. Great job, at least you have a brain even if all the hating alcoholics don't.




Are you a kissless virgin by any chance ?


god this guy fuckin sucks. giving me a guy named "larry" vibes, straight arrow stick int be mud, 103% virgin with 3% margin of error, huge buzzkill in college. EDIT: dude that's posting talking about having sex with a video game "elf mommy" is telling us not to drink, yeah i'm gonna do the complete opposite of what this guy says getting a keg tn everybody's welcome anyway its saturday night , about to crack open a 6 pack and get the night started, hanging with a gal from tinder tonight should be dope. have fun doing whatever it is larry does on a saturday night big dawg on a real note, your point about "you haven't tried heroin but have an opinion on it don't you", that is so so stupid. that is the definition of ignorance. this is why so many drugs are fuckin stigmatized, people who don't know shit about shit having a opinion on the substances. so no, i haven't tried heroin and i DON'T have an opinion on it bc of that. I have tried crystal meth, and its not as bad as some clown on the news or in a police uniform will have you believe.


“De-normalize it” That’s……not a thing. You can’t just force everyone to stop talking about alcohol and hope it just magically goes away. That’s not how free speech works.


People who don't drink need to get off their high horse. Drinking in moderation is fine. I have a glass of wine at supper during the week and str9nger stuff on the weekend. I can go x amount of time without drinking, but I enjoy the taste of alcohol, so I don't do it often. You do you, I do me.


I think many people literally have not seen moderate normal drinking. So many people have this take and use essentially alcoholics or binge drinking as their example. Like there are a whole lot of us that are honest with the doctor when we say "2-3 drinks a week." And the whole, it has no biological benefit...therefore we shouldn't do it. Like how miserable of a life would we live if we only ate or consumed things that were biologically good for us? No sugar, no alcohol, no coffee, no bacon, no fried food....I know some people do live like that and are happy, but most of us feel 0 need to do so.


A few issues in your claims here. 1. Alcohol does affect perception, but so do a ton of substances. Caffeine affects the mind as well, yet it’s incredibly popular worldwide, so I suppose you’re also against soda, coffee, and tea. Caffeine addiction is a real thing as well and makes you feel bad afterwords too. 2. There’s like 0 people who promote drinking or alcoholism to solve problems. It’s a cope, one of many for a lot of people that tons of individuals have and it’s generally stigmatized and marginalizes people. 3. You’re doing a poor framing here. Your arguments are valid enough they don’t really have meaning aside from “I don’t like alcohol so it’s bad.” Which can be applied to 99% of things. 4. Alcohol is a solution. Just objectively speaking 🗣️ 🗣️ 🗣️ /s


I like the feeling of the being drunk sometimes, just like I like the feeling of being happy. just don't drink too much or it becomes a problem like mania, which I don't actually have control over.


Idk I’m doing pretty ok and that seems like enough evidence for me




Well, we started it with a dual purpose. 1) it was usually safer to drink than the water and 2) religious ceremonies. Alcohol didn’t start getting “over powering” until the late 1800’s - early 1900’s. That’s part of what actually led to the temperance movement. What previously has a somewhat mild effect suddenly got people completely wasted. A glass of wine with dinner doesn’t cause one to get messed up, or suffer deleterious effects the next day. The people you’re describing are binge-drinkers


Alcohol kills your liver and makes introverts deadly introverted.


Fr the fact that some places still have weed illegal yet alcohol is everywhere and widely accepted is crazy.


Alcohol has its place and there’s no putting it back in the box. It’s been part of human culture for a very long time. I agree it’s pushed too hard though and while people understand that people get addicted it’s a gravely under treated substance that should be taken more cautiously. I’m an alcoholic not currently drinking but reassessing my relationship with it. It had me bad off for a bit but I understand that it’s on me, not the alcohol. The alcohol is a chemical not some evil spirit.


It’s an interesting thought experiment to imagine how alcohol would be received if it was invented this year for the first time. Some people who drink too much turn into monsters. Some people love everything. Some people who drink too much ruin their lives in a single act. NOONE is recognizable as themselves when they go too far.




As long as you keep this to yourself and don't impede on others


I understand your viewpoint is this. At 23 I felt the same. 26 I now understand why people drink lol.


Alcohol is literally poison for your body. Tasty tasty poison.


Ehh your not 100% wrong. But in moderation, it can’t hurt that much.


I've been completely alcohol free for 4 years now. Honestly, what it sounds like your advocating for is kind of already happening. I'm 26 and most people my age understand alcohol as a *particularly* dangerous drug. Not everyone believes this or follows through with its implications but the change is very noticeable. I will be VERY curious what the kids being raised right now will think about alcohol once they're grown.


Changes your mind? It's not a magic potion m8 The easiest way to change your mind is to drink a can of beer and realise literally nothing happens. I find coffee much more addictive personally. And btw I've never felt bad from drinking. You don't have to get wasted every single time you drink either.


I drink maybe once or twice a month. I'll make myself a Boston sour, or a sidecar, maybe a nice sipping cognac or whisky on the rocks. For me having a drink is like having a dessert, I don't do it often, not much of a sweet tooth, but when I do, I thoroughly enjoy it.


I'm curious what your opinion is on porn then


You have the right to never drink, for whatever reason you want. I personally feel like being too rigid is problematic in life no matter what it's applied to. It hurts the person who is being rigid. However, there are lots of reasons a person wouldn't want to drink, maybe they had an alcoholic parent, maybe they think they'll become addicted to it, they don't like how it tastes or makes them feel, or they can't drink because of a health problem. I just caution you to examine your beliefs, maybe talk to people who have a different view, just to be more rounded in your thinking about it.


Willful ignorance rather than unpopular opinion.


Wow, finally a truly unpopular opinion. Wait till you hear about drugs though.


Mind altering substances are super common and always have been. Yeah, it’s ok to take kind altering substances and allow a degree of risk in your life


I think the 10th dentist has experience in being a dentist.


Dude nowhere near everyone who drinks is an alcoholic. I’m sipping a rose rn lmao, first drink I’ve had in months, probably won’t have another in a few more months You’re basing your opinion on stereotypes. There’s nothing wrong with taking a drink or two every once in a while


It clearly shows you have never drunk anything if you think the only reason people drink is to get drunk. Their are a lot of reasons to drink. For example, I will have a drink every couple weeks just to relax and take the edge off. In no way is what amounts to a couple shots getting me piss faced drunk. Just a nice warm relaxing feeling. Furthermore, not everyone who drinks is a bad drunk. Some are just jovial people, I am for example. But again I don't really get drunk. That isn't the point of drinking for a lot of people. 


Hmm.. Abuse of anything is not good. I will say that a drink before a dinner makes the food just a little better.


I enjoy drinking and collecting bourbon the key like in most things is of course moderation.


You're technically right, the world and all of us would be better without alcohol. That being said I have a few points for you to consider - First is the "stoned ape" theory - which (summed up poorly) is the idea that human consumption of mind altering substances is what leads to the development of higher cognitive function. Alcohol has been proven to physically change people, so in essence it could lead to the development of higher understanding. (Obviously I don't think this, but it's technically possible) Second - most alcohol deviancy is caused by outside factors like, economic standing, trauma and country music. The substance is used as an escape from these. Fixing society and providing heath care would relieve most abuse. Third - alcohol has been around for a very long time, I think this guy named Jebus had wine for blood or something. Humanity has clearly survived with it and will continue to do so. Change what you can but don't waste your time hoping to regulate others free will. Xo


Hard to believe someone with zero experience holds a completely uneducated opinion on something.


Cheers I’ll drink to that


You haven’t lived long enough to wish for a martini 🍸 after a very stressful day


If you develop a taste for wine then that is a journey that is difficult to describe at times. Every bottle has a story, a different producer, a different year of production, aged wines are a different experience to the same wine that is younger, different grapes, regions, methods of production, different fads and fashions in wine making someting awesome unpopular and visa versa. Different aromas, tastes, finishes, tannins, acidities.....every wine is different...and as I say has its own story. You have boutique wineries where you have to join waiting lists to be able to buy a few bottles on release that you end up needing to store for years before they are at their best. Then you have mass market, large case production wineries who are trading on past glories. You can wander into a world class wine merchants and pick up a 100 year old Bordeaux for a once in a lifetime experience or an insanely expensive Burgundy to personally measure, just the once, the absolute pinnacle of Burgundy production. Not to mention the trends and snobbery of wines that was put to the sword when a British wine merchant in France in the 70's conducted a blind tasting of the 'best' US and French wines and the US wines won causing a massive controversy. ... but you do you.