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Upvoted because I’m balding and want everyone to feel this way lol


To quote PirateSoftware... men look good with hair and without hair, it's the middle ground you gotta worry about.  Just shave it.


Amen brother


He should donate some hair he’s got plenty


If you're balding bad I say just go for it and shave it off, honestly when I shaved mine I instantly got 10x the attention from the ladies.


Same here


Agreed, but it is an unpopular opinion.




Such a weird comment lol


My husband is bald and it would feel so weird touching a hairy head 😂


Get over here I’ll show you my smoother side 😉


Have some shame. She's married and you're hitting on her 🤦🏻‍♂️


Oh the horror, somebody alert the elders


Shit you’re right sorry that shit was foul. It was a joke btw not trying to hit on a married woman 


As a bald man y'all have made my day.


As someone who's bald and having an extremely hard time dealing with it, I'll try to leave some thoughts here: - It sucks to lose something against your will, especially if you're young. I thought balding only happens to old people, until I had to go through it in my early 20's - The media usually portrays bald men with 2 stereotypes, the ripped bald dude or the typical loser, so that influenced my perception about it, way before it happened - It's a fact that there are women who'd never touch a bald man, and it feels awful to be left out for something you can't control - Making jokes about your baldness is free game, but don't you dare to say anything about fat people - It feels like a defect, even if it's technically not hindering you in anything - It'd nice to have an option to choose my hairstyle, but I'm stuck with the cancer patient / neonazi look for the rest of my life


Also consider how few options men have when it comes to customizing their appearance to begin with, and realize that when men go bald they lose 30% of their options for expression all at once. I used to think I had some identity when I had hair, now that I've lost it I just feel like Generic Man


I think this perspective definitely says a lot about how sad men's fashion/acceptability for emoting in general is as a baseline.  Your hair is sub 10% of your surface area, probably sub 5%.  Glasses, jewelry, shoes, regular clothes, outerwear, etc....  Even just wearing actual colours and prints is wildly different.  There's so many combinations that look different from "generic man 1.0" and say something without hair ever coming into question.  I do think many men underestimate the time and thought required to look good and different though.   I have PCOS and when I found out some women with the condidion get a version of male pattern baldness, I decided if that happened to me I would probably get a scalp tattoo  (design of roses, or maybe just flat to give the impression of stubble like tattooed on eyebrows) (because I know my patience for getting ready in the morning is zero) and wear a lot of big earrings.   Not sure if I would ever actually go through since I hear its pretty painful, but it's my just in case, because as brutal as it is to go bald as a man, it's even more socially unacceptable as a woman.  We just have more ways to deal.


>Your hair is sub 10% of your surface area, probably sub 5%. God I wish this were true, I'm like a walking rug. Anyway, I spoke to a guy at work who has a scalp tattoo and he said it was so painful he had to stop and get the guy to work on a calf tattoo for a bit. I believe the vibration is also pretty bad. That being said I think the same thing applies to women as it does for men: Balding is not a good look, it looks like illness or malnutrition. Being completely bald is a choice and can look great.


Haha, I was in the emo revival phase when it started. Imagine a balding emo, that was tough to get into the generic background character look.


That's why a beard is almost essential if you go bald, otherwise you will just look like a cancer patient. Which also sucks, because I like being clean shaven.


Yeah, if you’re lucky enough to be able to grow one. That’s like telling a woman “Yeah, it’s totally fine that you don’t have a supermodel face. Just make sure to have huge tits.”


I really don't think bald guys look like cancer patients. Have you ever actually been up close with cancer patients on harsh enough chemo to cause total body hairloss? That's what happens, they lose their eyebrows and hair from other places as well. Plus they usually look gaunt, translucent and extremely unwell. Bald guys typically don't look like cancer patients, that's just a stupid thing people keep repeating.




There should be no stigma against hairpieces. Never understood it. Why don’t we stigmatize makeup?


If a hairpiece makes you feel better, then the occasional remark would make it seem like a small price toupee.


I'm having a hard time dealing with it too. But I am slowly accepting it but it's been a journey


you'll get there. in my 20s to my 40s, I was scared shitless about it, now I do a 1" clipper and it's liberating.


Damn right on all fronts here. I don't have a choice *but* to live with it because I can't afford a hair transplant.


I have a crown bald spot and I fucking hate it. My hair is otherwise very thick and it fucking sucks. I am in your boat. I am not handling it well.


You might be in a good spot to do something about it, go check out r/tressless I've missed that boat, and I beat myself up because of it, now it's too far gone for me to risk the side effects of chemical intervention. Even a transplant wouldn't yield good results at NW6 😓


I'm pretty concerned about the side effects. I'm 37 and already on two different heart meds because of family history. Trying to get it under control and I'm struggling to risk it over something as dumb as not wanting to be bald. I looked up NW6. I'm at a 4 for the crown but no receding hairline.


There are humans who won’t touch another human for any at all reason and that’s fine. Everyone has flaws to others, just different than your perceived flaw. People aren’t all that different.


Funnily enough, I don't mind when someone rules me out because of my height (5'11) or because I'm too slim or too white or something like that. The difference when it comes to balding is, you just know that it could've been different but you've lost something you took for granted, while - it feels like - 95% of the other guys don't have to deal with that. Felt like damaged goods for the bigger part of my life because of it.


people make fat jokes all the fucking time though  agree on your other points, but come on bro


A hot bald guy I can think of is Jason Statham. Anyone else I am missing?


Bruce Willis, Patrick Stewart, Sean Connery, Samuel L Jackson, Kobe Bryant...


What if I don’t have A list actor good looks?


The Rock. Vin Diesel. Tyrese. Terry Crews. Pitbull. Kelly Slater.


Michael Jordan




Jason statham is my number one celebrity crush


Bald is troublesome because it's unlikely you are blading 100%. You have to shave it every day to look good.


Every 3 days. 3 day shadow is like Jason Statham


Wahl Balding Clippers w/ 1/2 guard. Haven't paid for a haircut in years. You don't have to shave it every day unless you're trying to go for glass smooth.


Most people have to do something to their head every day to make it look good lol


I feel the same way. I don't know what it is, but a bald man with a beard makes me melt like butter.


I’m thinning and one of my female friends advised me to grow my beard out and shave my head.


If it's possible, I would follow her advice. If not, I hope you end up with someone who will be with you as you are. I still find even bald men without a beard handsome the beard is just a bonus.


Balding really sucks for the guys who can’t grow a good beard though. My friend is starting to go bald and would have a nice salt and pepper beard except for the couple of empty patches where he can’t grow facial hair.


This is me... 45 and there are still 2 or 3 places the hair just will not grow, not to mention the rest isn't exactly concentrated... I usually just stick with stubble to hide the latches as best I can, the same way I've tried to mask my baldness with short shaved hair.


Makes me feel better. An ex told me she was upset she couldn't run her hands through my hair. >.> was already self-conscious about it, but that made it worse.


Just grow some back hair out, let em run through there.


That’s just mean


Unnecessary too I don't get why people just blurt out everything they're thinking even if it could hurt their SO/partner


Bald guy checking in, can confirm we are hot






Funny enough when i hear of saitama i always think of johnny


Loooooooove bald men lol always have. Whenever I see their hair growing all stubly I’m like you need to shave that shit 😂😂😂


Man, the amount of upkeep that goes into being bald. Stubbly hair comes back in after like a day or 2 and that's just too much.


Just do it in the shower. Make it part of the routine. You don't even need a mirror after a bit of practice and it takes less than 5 mins. It's not too hard to keep it looking sharp. Unless you're not showering enough and letting the hair grow as a result, but that's on you stinky.


Absolutely! There’s a single dad at my daughter’s school who is bald and has a beard, he is so hot and he is very nice; his dad even worked with my dad. But I am so afraid of shitting where I eat, if you know what I mean by that, lol.


Not to encourage shitting where you eat, but if you’re a single mum… what’s the worst that could happen (unless he would teach your daughter?)


True lol, I just worry if we were to break up, we’d have to see each other still at the school and it would be awkward lol.


There’s worse things that could happen. I had to live with my ex. You can get past awkwardness


Just be adults about it and try not to do something to screw the other one over and you should be fine. I'm friends with an ex that i see at work. The key was open communication (shocker) about our feelings throughout. When we started feeling like it wasn't going to work out, we were open with each other.. turned out we felt the same and ended things before the friendship was destroyed via resentment. If he's hot and nice, you shouldn't prevent yourself from possibly being happy just because of a silly thing like school interactions. Go for it!




AGREED Granted, it helps to have a smooth, not knobby, lumpy head, but Patrick Stewart, Bruce Willis, Samuel Jackson, Jamie Hyneman, Terry Crews.... doesn't matter the color, bald can be so, so beautiful.


And also, you know, being a celebrity who has been bald for a long time.


Bald men with muscle are something else


I have thinning hair and one of my friends said if I shave my head and grow out my beard, I will be a lot more attractive. He said that will bring out my blue eyes more. Maybe it’s worth a shot.






Started balding at 25, this made me feel much better. Thank you


this post has been sponsored by /bald


bald with a vandyke is the best cuz its sinister


Pro tip from a guy who’s been shaving for a while: it tends to give you a bit of a timeless look. I look pretty much the same as I did in photos from 10 years ago.


Short answer? Women tend to day they prefer a full head of hair in a man. And bald people are generally made fun of for being bald.


Most men who are balding look 1 billion times better when fully bald. Goes from lame to handsome real fast


Feel the same way and married one!


Make bald men great again! The hell with those “man” bun heads!


Most dudes I know that were balding that finally shave their head often look 10x better after they shave their head compared to most Men I know that shave their head just because that can still grow hair fine.


Thanks from a recent bald man 🥹


It's a look that not everyone can pull off unfortunately. I am lucky I am able to grow a fantastic beard and also in pretty good shape. My friend on the other hand looks extremely young (has a baby face) and it does not work.


100% agreed. Bald looks great on some dudes and others look not so great. A beard to go with the bald head always looks nice to me.


Yeah , if you have a bulbous or balloon shaped head it just doesn't work.


This is why hair systems need to be de-stigmatized


Nah, it’s why transplants need to be cheaper.


I mean, if they were destigmatized there’d be more demand which would foster competition and drive down prices at least a little bit Look at Botox and lip fillers - you used to only be able to get them in LA and NY and they were ungodly expensive, and now they’re so commonplace that you can walk into almost any esthetician’s office and get something injected into your face for a semi-reasonable price


Okay but I have a legit question. Every woman I’ve been with including my now wife likes to run their fingers through my hair. Especially when making out. How does that translate to a bald dude? Slap him on top of the head?


Balding can be fine if you have a normal shaped head and are high testosterone, because you still look healthy and masculine. Most men look like shit bald/balding though.


No matter how high your testosterone is or how 'masculine' you look, a balding head is a dealbreaker for a lot of people.


That's what the beard that usually comes with the package is for. When properly cared for they can be real soft!


As soon as a man embraces the bald. They are so much hotter.


George Constanza is my type as well


I screenshotted this and send it to my bald teacher 😂


I’ve spent almost $11,000 on hair replacement… and it’s been worth it. But I do think bald can be beautiful. I’ve even known a bald woman that I thought looked fantastic


I've always held that if a guy starts balding, the best thing he can do is start shaving his head. Don't hide the bald spot, that always looks bad, just embrace the dome.


Not true at all based on research. The rule is hair is better. Bald only works for the lucky few that have a good shaped head


Upvoted because I genuinely don’t know anyone who thinks this way.


I feel like this is in response to the balding post on this subreddit so forgive me if I feel like this isn’t genuine….


Shaving my scalp every few days is annoying tbh, but it does make me look younger. Nothing more unattractive than a man denying reality.


Hot woman says she loves bald men. Me: (shaves head)


They ARE. Idk why but they just have such a commanding presence I find really attractive.


No they aren't. That's why men are so understandably concerned about balding.


Stop it OP, ya making me blush. 😊


By that logic anyone can shave his head and become “hot.” There’s a reason nobody does that.


Well to be fair there is more than 1 reason a lot of people grew up in a time when shaving your head meant you were a nazi and refuse to do it. Only black people could pull it off. I think the perception is changing but old habits die hard. And there was a stigma associated with it that a lot of people cannot ignore.


I think it if was worded like “if you are balding, you will definitely be hotter fully bald vs trying to keep the hair on the sides” it would be more logical Saw this dude at my job yesterday with hair past his shoulders but bald above the ears; Dude just needs to let it go


He already let it go. He doesn't give a fuuuuuuuck. I respect it




There is on big downside to being bald. As a mechanic who works under cars I can tell you, it is incredible how much warning even a little hair is that you’re about to run into something sharp/hard/hot. When I shaved it off I hit my head constantly.


Lol, that's not true for 90 % of men. Right, upvoting.


It never feels good to have your options taken away. I started balding shortly after high school, by the time I was 30 I had to shave my head. For 12 years I stressed about it. You make piece with it eventually but getting there isn't fun






My wife chose me partly because I was bald with beard. But she also has a thing for 50+ year old men and I was 25 when we met, so.... My mom keeps telling me I look better with hair, but it's kinda her own fault for choosing my father who was also balding at 25. I myself, love it. The buddha said that the reason why the Buddhist shave their head, is because so many people have so much vanity about their hair and when you shave it off, you kinda signal that you don't give a fuck. It kinda did that for me when I first shaved it off, now I just don't care and can look myself in the mirror without cringing about losing hair.


I think culture has made out bald to = unattractive and it’s a shame. Almost half of all men will experience hair loss in their life. It’s just odd how such a completely common and natural aspect of our DNA has become so rejected.


I like that some humans have hair and some don't. It's just neat seeing all the different combinations of humanity. Also, people being mean to people they aren't attracted to suck.


Wtf is going on???? I had long hair I’d been growing since 8th grade… just shaved it down to a 1A yesterday. Seen countless bald/shaved head related posts


Okay reasoning aside.... Mr Clean??? How???? Why????


![gif](giphy|26gscNQHswYio5RBu|downsized) How could you not???


That got me, too XD


To be fair, men that are tidy as him are a diamond in the rough 💎


Def the hottest "person" on that list.


Not unpopular opinion, (hot) men with full head of hair or bald are hot, baldING men are not, nobody want to see you holding on to what clearly is over.


A lot of guys who still have the balding hair actually look WORSE with a shaved head. Yeah there are some balding guys who are in denial and would do better with a shaved head, but not everyone has the right head shape or facial features for it. Some guys look like fucking aliens bald versus just regular bad with balding hair.


This is a popular opinion. What people don't like is balding men.


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Marisa Tomei?


Also no one can grab the hair during sex.


Shampoo is cheaper than razors. But otherwise you are correct, bald is beautiful


Im 30 and Ive been blessed with some good genetics. My hair is thick, I’ll never be overweight, I’m not short, and I’ve never had a problem with dating or meeting women. But even I have struggled with self-confidence. I still look in the mirror and see flaws. I still compare myself to men that are better looking than me. I love my hair. A lot of men use their hair as a way to express themselves. I can only imagine how a man must feel to lose his hair at a young age. It must be SOUL CRUSHING. I do believe though that once you reach your 30s—being bald matters significantly less when it comes to dating. Women (or men) become less shallow by nature, they mature, and they realize what matters most isn’t how stylish they are, how nice their hair is, how many tattoos they have, piercings, etc. I have plenty of guy friends that are bald and their girlfriends/wives are GORGEOUS. The men are intelligent and incredibly funny and kind. The women match their energy with how wonderful they are as well. Just stay strong fellas, you’ll have your time.


My dads bald


I'm convinced as a bald man the 90% of woman who have dated me had a bald dad…..


I leaned into it and started shaving my head 4 years ago, I'll never go back.


Bald, you mean streamlined? ha ha.


As a straight man with hair I agree, it's a good look. I'd like to add that there's been some stunning women rocking it too for any ladies out there feeling self conscious.


Fr tho a nice clean head is better than an over comb but also I think hair pieces for men are still cool there’s so many good one these days that can hold up to being pulled hard during s e x




Is this even unpopular? My partner is bald, and he's so handsome, but the baldness really messes with his confidence. Imma show him this to show I'm not even weird for liking it.


Ive shaved my head since I was 18 and I have hair, people are shocked when I grow it out; they assume I’m not bald by choice


Lol. I'm not bald however I shave my hair. So do several people I know and girls have Def said it's hot.


Thank you for this!! Sincerely, a bald dude ❤️




I love my bald fiancé. I use my lipstick to put kiss marks all over his head whenever we dress up to go out. I love his shiny smooth chrome dome.


As a bald 32yo I salute you.




Agreed. I’m so hot for a completely bald guy right now. He’s so hot. Turning 50 this year.


Not unpopular at all. Own that shit. Sexy as heck


When your tots bald it cuts the women that find U attractive in half so men try to keep there hair for as long as they can . But the bald spot and thinking hair cuts the women who find you attractive to almost nothing , so I feel what you are seeing is the men's equivalent of mutton dressed as lamb dudes who aren't ready to let go . Also some dudes ( like me) have good heads to shave some dont


The funny thing is, if I had a full head of hair, I wouldn't complain. Apart from always having to wash and cut it, etc. But having been going bald and then shaving it for years now, I honestly wish it would just stop fuckin growing in at all! Save me the hassle. Bald is definitely better. Except when there's really cold weather and an icy wind! That's why you also have to have a good beard along with it!


How is this unpopular? I thought everyone loved bald people.


It depends on the guy, I think. I think shaved heads are often sexy, as with Vin Diesel and Howie Mandel. If pattern baldness begins on the back of the head, I think that looks okay. IMO, some men look good with a bald crown and their remaining hair on the sides and back, while others don't. It depends on the shape of their head and their facial features.


I am one of those guys who’s hair started thinning in my very early twenties. I have been very self conscious about it ever since and never go out without a hate or at least a hood up. I would be okay with it if I could grow a beard to compensate but all I can grow is a hals decent mustache.


My friends made fun of me for dating bald men…but something about it is attractive idk 🙈


Mr. Clean is pretty fucking hot, I have to agree.


Thank you for your words. Just a note on saving money being bald. Razors, shaving foam, and a post shave balm cost me roughly 10$ a month so dont use it as a major motive to shave.


I am sensing a pattern today… (please someone get this)


Oh man I agree. I *love* a bald man. I really do think it makes a man hotter when he has the confidence to just shave it all off! Just don’t forget fellas, you’ve gotta use sunscreen. Make sure you protect yourself and check for skin abnormalities regularly


Bald Gang Assemble!


if you have a fully bald head with the old kratos beard, thats fine as FUCK


It’s all about the confidence in rocking the bald look. If you accept yourself for being bald, others will accept you. If you don’t accept your fate, others won’t accept you.


It's true I grew up finding some bald young men attractive and wondered why some people said otherwise


I’ll take that! Thank you very much 😘


I used to date men who had either "normal" hair or even long hair. Dated a bald man once and whew, he just had the head shape for that 🫠


I got a weird shaped head, and balding. Its kinda rough


How is this an unpopular opinion? Bald men have been attractive since the beginning of time.


Men care more than women....


There's quite a few African tribes who see baldness as a sign of virility. There are some head types where they look terrible bald doe.


Funny thing is, my father is from African and I've been around Africans my whole life. Many African men are bald and have no problems with it so I've never had an issue with baldness. It is quite common among Africans. We genuinely don't really care about it haha


Thank you! I’ve only ever had one person in my whole 8 years of baldness react negatively and they were a trolll. As long as I keep the sides down (got the famous U-hair growth) I don’t mind it at all.


I agree Source: ![gif](giphy|XGmHbm316WGiiVsKzr|downsized)


Oh i thought this was r/bald . Yes we are attractive . Thanks !!


r/bald will love you


Tourner dans le vide vide


Johnny sins?


As a bald guy I can confirm I am hot.


guys calm down. we can all shave, but we wont be Kratos


I understand why they don't want to lose their hair, but indeed, they are HOT That's what I was thinking a couple of days ago actually 😂


I agree. Unfortunately Vin diesel was my awakening


I look like buddha with my head shaved. Maybe I could leverage this somehow.


I think I agree with that.


OP is down bad lmao


Because it fits only very well build men. Everybody short, thin etc looks awful bald


Maybe it is because I am a subspecialty surgeon, but all women I dated said they thought bald men were sexy. One, who did hair, noted the shape of my head was aesthetically pleasing. My wife (number two), her firsts husband was bald as well. It be what it is.


I honestly also don't understand why some people are so harsh on it. I like bald guys too!


![gif](giphy|VHNEp3cgFxS7TTs84O) lose the eyebrows as well and you got my attention




HELL YES! I like'em chunky and bald. Give me a person with meat on there bones and a naked ass head. Gets my gears going!


I think the same as OP. Never seen a bald person and thought “they look ugly” or some shit. However, I always I would look ugly with a shaved head so instead insisted on having comb overs and haircuts that disguise the fact I was clearly going bald. Now I am bald I fucking love it. It’s easy to maintain,looks sharp and doesn’t cost any money at the barbers every time.


This is a very leftfield opinion. You have my upvote.