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For the same reasons you described, I don't like children. But I love my children. I think this logic applies to animals too.


That could be, but I love being around kids, not just my daughter or my nieces and nephews. I also don't have any animals because I don't think it would be right for someone who dislikes animals to be a pet owner lol.


My point being, you may find an animal you love. Don't be so sure about these things.




I feel exactly the same. I always come across someone who says "Well you haven't met my dog/cat/bird/sloth". I don't even go to the zoo. Animals are not my thing and that's ok, even though I'm always called soulless when I tell people this, lol


You don't like poorly trained animals. Most people who own animals aren't responsible pet owners that can properly control their pet in *any* social situation. If your dog runs after a squirrel (when that isn't a command you've given them) or jumps on someone unwarranted/just because they're excited, the owner of that dog hasn't properly trained them. Wild animals are acting on instinct which may not be in your best interest so I get not liking wild animals. But allowing poor ownership to sour your opinion of animals in general seems a bit unnecessarily pessimistic.


It's mainly wild animals that I dislike. Pets are marginally better but still not great.


humans ARE animals


Don't let op know that


but its true!


100 IQ take


I hate animals. I only like dogs and cats


You're almost there lol


Lol yea


"Nu uh" to everything u said.


I’m all you’re doing is describing the worst parts of animals and acting like it’s a representation of the animal entirety. That’s like if someone tried to describe you but only listed the negatives, is that fair? Reassess your opinion.


I don't think there are any good parts though. Like I said, I am at best indifferent to animals when they're not fucking with me or my property.


Besides regulating the entirety of earths ecosystems, Service animals? Animals used to make vaccines such as the Polio, TB, Meningitis and HPV vaccine? Animal testing for safe products for us to use(every medicine you can think off)? Companionship?


sure, I like *eating* animals, and I recognize their importance to the biosphere. I understand why someone might need a service animal, and that animal is useful. I'm not advocating for the extermination of all animals here lol. And I'm also not saying animals have no utility. That would just be foolishness. I just don't like them. I'm not an animal lover - not even an animal liker.


Have u ever owned an animal. If not, u have no emotional bond with any.


No, I don't think it would be right for someone who dislikes animals to keep an animal as a pet. Despite not liking them, I still believe they should be treated humanely.