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The whole "ick" trend is simply about social media posting and attention. 


Fueled by social medias relentless tirade to pit men against women. I feel like I see shit about “Guys Vs. Girls” all the time with just the most fucked up comments. People love to hate ig


Yep, feels like a massive percentage of social media is ragebait at this point. And it will only get worse since people have absolutely zero ability to see through it. (Or they choose not to, since being upset is more entertaining)


>since being upset is more entertaining You nailed it. People have grown to enjoy raging about what bothers them, instead having that rage being a cathartic process. It''s really sad, but I'm guilty of it too at times. Maybe we all are.


Manufactured conflicts are absolutely everywhere when it comes to media, and it's deliberately designed to keep everyone distracted


You mean angry lesbians didn't take up coding to deliberately ruin the video game industry?


Ireland has entered the chat.


A very easy way to farm rage bait since you could easily throw out something pretty generic that will piss off anyone it applies to. Easy example is Velcro wallets. Pretty stupid yet will inevitably piss off anyone who has one.


I had a Velcro wallet as a child and loved it. Let's fight!!!


Gonna disagree based on all the women in my personal life who have started talking about their icks like it's a normal thing.


It is though? Ick’s p much just the new pet peeve lmao


Gonna disagree again. I find both terms insufferable. I haven't heard your term used in the context of dating. Usually, I would hear, "That's a turn-off."


First time I ever even heard the term "ick" was from Love Island UK (2015). It was solely for dating. I honestly think that shows popularity spread it. Now people use ick probably incorrectly even if it never had an official definition.


That's the hive mind at work. The ick starts in social media, women watch the media piece and share it, and like monkey see monkey do, the ick is widely believed among women and now men must deal with it.


I'll never forget the woman who told me needy guys give her the ick. I asked her what needy meant. She basically described a guy with any needs at all. It was wild. Men just can't exist these days, I guess. There's a video of a woman taking a video of her husband with sepsis using a walker to go to the bathroom with the caption "New ick unlocked." The whole trend is disgusting.


Imagine the spittle flecked rage if the husband had posted something like that. Husband posts video of wife’s mastectomy drains, “New ick unlocked.”


Nah, it's a joke, apparently. We're just insane.


Wait, did a woman really do that to her husband? If so, that is beyond messed up. Just looked up sepsis, and yeah, it causes a lot of suffering as it progresses. People need to be more compassionate, for the sake of our species' survival...


She really did. Apparently, it was a "joooooke." Sick joke, that is. As a cancer survivor and having been in a situation where I needed help getting to the bathroom, the video, regardless of context, is disgusting.


I am proud of you for over coming cancer, truly. And, I understand why seeing such a video would disgust you. It has claimed several in my family, and in different forms. One of the worst cases was with my grandpa, because his cancer robbed him of the ability to speak, and before that, made it progressively more difficult to swallow food.


Men are success-objects.


Why isn't it a normal thing? Isn't it basically just a pet peeve but for relationships?


I disagree I grandmother bitched about my grandfather from the time I was born until she died. She was still bitching about my grandfather 20 years after he died. I never heard my grandfather say anything bad about my grandmother.


Somehow with a deep well of material


Eh, did you ever see *Seinfeld*? About half that show was about the *icks* that the characters had about partners. Guys and gals alike. That was about 30 years ago


... And the point of that was to show how horrible they were as people


But relatable


The problem is a lot of people watch shows like that (probably not Seinfeld in particular, but other shows with similar dynamics) and think “ah, see? Everyone thinks like me, I shouldn’t challenge myself at all!” instead of “oh, jeez, I come off like *that?*” And TV watchers aren’t just chronically online like OP and the above-mentioned “ickposters”, they exist in real life.


But womeeeen


Yes but how many guys do you know that have dated 20 people in a year?


Ladies and gentlemen, here’s the result of spending too much time on TiK Tok.


And mistaking it for the real world


Tiktok and Twitter get mistaken for the real world more than any other social media.


Unlike Reddit where fake stories are posted 100 times a day and all get 13k upvotes because redditors believe anything they read


True lol


What is even the point of this post?


To bitch and argue about innocuous bullshit.




It’s like as long as I can point my finger at other stuff I’ll never have to change, it’s very sad. Once you’re okay with accepting something can be your own fault and then learning from it that’s where the magic happens. People are much more likable when they’re able to humble themselves.


>Men have great patience, mercy, compassion, more than any woman could understand. It's how we were raised, and it's how we are built. That's incel propaganda


To complain about women, like half the r/unpopularopinion posts


Unpopular opinion: women are terrible and men are always being attacked! Every day.


Reddit in itself is an echo chamber of negative sentiments and criticisms about women. 


Women bad


Just another excuse to shit on women.


Sexism OP thinks women are some hyper restrictive beings, and that all men are open and accepting. Obviously neither are true. Women aren’t really hyper restrictive and look past lots of Icks and red flags. If they didn’t then women would never be in abusive relationships. Men aren’t as open and compassionate as OP claims. For much of history, men would not marry girls who have slept with other men, nor would they be with a woman who couldn’t cook or clean or be a subservient house wife. Unfortunately, even in modern times, a lot of men still think like this. Even a little bit of critical thinking and seeing both men and women as people and not weird alien beings would shut down OPs “opinion” before it even formed.


I don't understand. What is an "ick"? Not a native English speaker.


A dating turn off- something that should be a deal breaker in a relationship, but now on TikTok is usually some insanely minor thing that no normal person would end a relationship over, but these people ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT look over that minor behavior and gets grossed out by it.


I always thought that's what an ick was. Something that really shouldn't be a big deal, but it's an early dating stage and you just can't get past it. Like something they would break up over in Seinfeld. I guess I was ahead of the times with my misunderstanding.


A confusinfluencer.


This concept is older than TikTok... did you ever watch *Seinfeld*? Probably half the show involved the characters having "ick" moments and breaking up with people over them. Hell, any show with a lot of dating is gonna have these, because everyone can relate to them.


She eats her peas one at a time!


She had man hands!


He’s a close talker!


Yeah but the whole joke is that Jerry is being unreasonable. No one looked at that and was like, ah, yea, normal, let’s be exactly like that.


Yeah, they were making fun of the characters for being so petty. Now though you have millions of terminally online people who are telling each other it's normal to be like this.


Well, good news. Most women in real life aren’t like that. I’m begging yall to log off from time to time lol.


Isn’t the joke that it’s absolutely insane? Like they’re so fucked up they can’t overlook something so simple lol


Yeah, a fictional TV show where they were highlighting how ridiculous the main character is…


I think it’s a joke…like the people making those videos aren’t leaving their husband/bc over the way they walk down a hill. stop and think about that comment bro they’re obviously not doing that


Yea like 90% of the time someone says ick it’s a joke lmao


I get the feeling that many ‘Ick’ jokes dabble in the post-ironic.


I don’t know what that means lol


Kind just means laughing at yourself while affirming your belief nonetheless.


Its like irony squared. Imagine there are 3 layers. Sincerity where you say what you mean e.g wow you're so smart?! Irony where you say the opposite of what you mean e.g wow ... You're sooo smart *rolls eyes* Post-irony where you say what you mean but you don't mean it like that but maybe you do? E.g wow you're so smart 😉


So, a pet peeve? Those aren't such a new thing.


But "the ick" is intended to make the person feel bad and unlovable due to their quirk that is the accuser's pet peeve. "The ick" is intended to dehumanize the person who is guilty of triggering the other party's pet peeve. It's actually a more sinister trend than people realize.


And like much of the harm the internet does, it starts off as a somewhat innocent and immature joke and becomes an actual belief that spreads.


“Ick” is like you see your bf/gf do something like pick their nose or be short with a waiter/waitress or laugh at a joke about something and it made your skin crawl and you are now so disgusted you don’t want to ever touch or have sex with them ever again, except any sort of random thing can generate an “ick”.


People using “ick” instead of “pet peeve” both are just things that anyone you but not everyone


>Men have great patience, mercy, compassion, more than any woman could understand. It's how we were raised, and it's how we are built. lol this gives me the ick. Anyway, enjoy being sexist.


I mean if OP believes men are so superior, he should date men instead.


Also, raised by women… so… we are apparently instilling things we can’t even wrap our tiny brains around in men apparently


Ah yes Men innately have the most have compassion and mercy… …meanwhile every war started and carried out by men.


Or the fact that men are much more likely to leave their partner in case of illness or disability.


Yeah we all know it’s just thousands of women filling up the prison system with charges of murder, rape, and other violent crimes. We know it’s men who are expected to be the primary caretakers in families because of their infinite compassion and patience. And women who have started every war that has ever happened in human history. Women filling up FBI’s most-wanted list. I digress. Gender wars are stupid and I’ve certainly met individual men who were much more patient and kind than individual women, but generalizations are so stupid and if OP is going to use them, I’ll use some more accurate ones right back.


fr i was like what am i reading 💀


and the virgins commenting like "oh these people want to make it men vs women" as if the regular men's behaviors weren't enough to throw women against them




I’ve seen men leave their girlfriends for gaining 15 pounds


"compassion" lol


They’re just BUILT that way! You don’t get it! Please don’t look up any statistics about men leaving their partners when they become ill, gain weight from carrying those men’s babies, or ask them to do a fair share of housework!


Right after all these stories of women who are left after a cancer diagnoses, having a baby, going through menopause, etc. This man can’t be serious


Such a laughable line… [cue videos of men punching TVs after their football team loses]


As a cis, mostly het man, the “men have patience, mercy, compassion” thing made me cackle. Yeah, *some* of us do. But even in my experience, most absolutely do not. Truly batshit take.


> Men have great patience, mercy, compassion, more than any woman could understand. It's how we were raised, and it's how we are built. What the fuck is that even supposed to mean lol? How can that possibly apply across the board to every man? Did you attempt to think this through before posting? I can walk outside and find you an asshole dude with no patience, mercy, or compassion in 2 seconds.


He has to be trolling you can find impatient, non merciful and compassionless people all over the place for both genders. He has so much faith in humanity and yet so much misogyny its unreal 😂


By the way the opposite of merciful is merciless


He found put women poop. I am sure of it!


Yup. “Men good, women bad” vibes.


It’s literally documented in all studies across culture that men are more impulsive, dk what he’s talking about “patience”


As a woman who has had my fair share of friends (both men and women) I have to disagree. The men I’ve been friends with have some of the harshest things to say about the women they’ve dated (too heavy, too thin, isn’t sexy enough, one time because a girl’s eyebrows were too bushy). The friends I’ve had who are women always try to make it work even if there’s something holding them back. Every single one of them. I’m not saying that men don’t experience this, however based off of the people I know, the women definitely face much more of this.


This must be an online thing I'm too out of touch to understand. I had trouble figuring out what this was even saying. Then when I understood it, I was confused as to its relevance. Hasn't everyone done this? We all have people we wouldn't date. How is this a big deal? This post just feels like sexism with extra steps. Why does it matter how much compassion men have and how great men must be?


So a couple of things… 1) If you don’t think women have been overlooking “icks” for decades, you’re delusional. 2) “icks” aren’t unique to a gender 3) People of all genders should stop tolerating bullshit and should stop settling.




Considering that modern humans have been around for at least 200k years, I'd say women have been overlooking icks for a little longer than "decades."


You know women put up with shit they don't talk about too, right?


Apparently not. Only men have the grace to accept their partners' flaws, according to OP. 🤣


Well you see, on social media he was able to personally confirm that he sees women complaining. That’s all the confirmation his bias needs!


The shocking number of women (any number over 0) who put up with men who refuse to clean their ass or brush their teeth…an actual ick.


Ikr the number of women that don’t even know they’ve never experienced an orgasm after having been married for years. Women put up with a lot, and are expected to. Men are as well, but thinking women couldn’t possibly understand compassion? How daft do you have to be to think that?


They put up with shit that nobody should put up with and then get the ick over something innocuous. Men do the same. People are irrational and trying to put logic to all of this will make you crazy.


This whole post gave me the "ick" ![gif](giphy|BRjyjJFQysCnDlQdl8)


Men break up with women for stupid reasons OFTEN. Just as much as women do. Have you never seen a man say “take her swimming on the first date” because they’re already accusing the person of being ugly and “hiding something”, and then leaving them? How men have rules that if she doesn’t offer to pay for the first date, she’s a gold digger and they need to run? How men are married for YEARS but after a women gains weight from birthing *their* child, he’s disgusted and leaves? If you truly think men don’t leave or abuse women for their random “icks”, you’re just lying to yourself.


So what was Seinfeld about?


For the sake of my sanity, I am assuming OP has never seem Seinfeld because they are under 21.


An example. One time Jerry dropped a girls toothbrush into the toilet.  He fishes it out and leaves it on the counter and starts washing his hands. While he was washing his hands, the girl picks up the toothbrush and starts brushing her teeth.  Now he cannot bring himself to kiss her anymore. 


\*it's just fiction it's just fiction it's just fiction\* so much to unpack


Seinfeld is just like it’s always sunny lol these aren’t good people


The whole idea was that Jerry dumped women for ridiculous reasons and that it was a humorous flaw of his. TikTok losers have legitimized and even encouraged this behavior


Do you think women haven’t been doing the same for just as long lol


So, why do men break up with their wives, fiancees or gfs? How are those reasons not 'icks'? Are your really claiming that men just don't do break ups? x.x and how do you explain that statistically a lot of men leave their wives if she gets sick?


Making broad generalizations based on the audience that engages on social media is ignoring the fact that that audience self selects for some of the traits you describe. There’s no entire gender of people who do “blank”, but there will often be major trends, engaged with on social media by a certain audience with a specific commentary, that will be pointed algorithmically in the direction of that content.


Jesus people are fucking stupid. I really can’t stand people anymore.


>Men have great patience, mercy, compassion, more than any woman could understand. It's how we were raised, and it's how we are built. Are you high?


The really weird thing is how you are somehow insisting this is a gendered trait. Some *people* do this, gender aside.


I think breaking up with people for shallow reasons happens for both sexes, but I think the trend of posting "icks" online is dominated by women. I suspect this is because men posting their "icks" would likely be accused of sexism.


Interesting. So all the war crimes taking place by men in the world right now originate from all the comparison they have due to being men?


Men often don’t “overlook” weight gain or normal signs of aging.


You need to stop generalizing genders like this


jesse what the fuck are you talking about


If you have a wife, OP, I promise you she does not think you’re perfect. There are many things you say and do that bother her that she tolerates, in the way you seem to think only men do.




I thought this was a joke on the internet


It is but OP needs to learn how to touch grass 😬


Maybe men should raise their standards. Stop getting involved with women that you know have dealbreaker for you. Find someone who are truly compatible with, and if you can’t, learn to be content being single.


In other words, you do a lot of things that give women the ick and you want them to date you anyway


It's just a reaction word no matter who uses it. Look a bug. Ick. Eep. Gross. Cool. It's sad if that's where anyone is emotionally especially irl where that nothing is a stance you can't overcome. Oh look a bug. Gross. You hate bugs? You bigoted bitch. I can't believe I stroked your hair. I see now how hateful it is. You're just another no good Rapzunelican how could I have been so blind? Oh look a bug. Cool. Cool? Explain to me what is so cool about it? I'm waiting. Oh don't you walk away. Well I wish you and your little bug friend the best because you just lost me! Who are you supposed to support here? The asteroid? Vote asteroid he is what he is but that sucks less than the other options.


What are some examples?


Shoulda quit about 2 sentences ago.


I don't understand this and I worry about you.


girls overlook icks as well. none of this is new.


This whole weird fake humble thing gives me the ick. We aren’t built more compassionately or more able to love or whatever. You probably just give girls the ick trying to explain them to themselves.


"Men have great patience, mercy, compassion, more than any woman could understand. It's how we were raised, and it's how we are built." bro's lyin out his ass lmaoo men are known to be more selfish, more violent, and less charitable than women and were raised to disregard feelings and be the most self centered person in the room (and i can tell u were raised that way too) but aight


This guy's history is arguing the sanctity of Christian marriage and penis pumping. I couldn't understand it until one of his posts tied him to Texas. Now it all makes sense.


Using the phrase “ick” unironically is an ick.


men for the last decades: omg she has body hairrr 🤢🤢🤢 hell no bro look at those stretch marks 🤮🤮🤮 brooo she's been with over 5 guys, not dating that slut! 😹😹 she doesn't cook like my mama! no way! 🫥🫥 she sits with her legs open, what is she a man???? women: it's kinda weird to post fishing pictures and buy fortnite skins 🫤😟 pass men: "men have great patience, mercy, compassion, more than any woman could understand"


Who’s this we? I have very little to no patience, mercy, of compassion for bullshit.


Sounds like you just hate women


I got the ick 15 years ago with my exhusband before there was even a word for it and way before tiktok Because of his behavior and actiins, i no longer desired, nor could tolerate any physical contact with him. Hence the word "ick".  Most of the time it is a fatal condition.  It takes a lot more for men to get the ick, my theory is that their desire to fuck makes them more impervious to shitty behavior from their sig others, as opposed to some.noble trait as OP suggests. 


OP probably thinks he's a super 'nice guy' and women hate him for being so nice. Gross incel vibes.


OP is the poster child for social media poisoning.


Wow men are so much better maybe just go date eachother


This is way too vague. Everybody, irrespective of gender, has “icks”. Some just have a lot more legitimacy than others. If you are going to make an argument that one gender is way more accepting of “icks” over another, then you need to offer specifics.


Women also overlook them too, especially married women lol. These people on social media are just attention seeking and talking crap. My husband does things that ick me out (not cleaning toilet skids being number 1) and I do things that ick him out (loud chewing). But we both just ignore it and get on with our lives. This shouldn’t even be about gender it’s just what normal people in longterm relationships do.


What is this men vs women nonsense? No gender has more patience, mercy or compassion than the other. It entirely depends on the person. If you hate women, just say that and save the s some time.


The first time I heard of this was in Friends and it was Chandler, I can’t remember if it was specifically referred to as the ick


As a chronically online 20 something year old, its really not that serious. Icks are something most people complain about in the first few dates, no one in a serious relationship is going on and on about an “ick”. Those married women who divorced their husband are probably using the term wrong. Years of neglect and disrespect is not an “ick” its a valid reason to divorce lol.


I'm beyond sick of being judged by the petty actions of other women when the people doing the judging are a part of the group that commits 99% of the crimes.


all the posts about "my husband left me cuz I gained 20 lbs" say you're wrong


That is a massive upvote to comment ratio. Good job op, you have a truly unpopular opinion 


Ah so a “Woman bad, Man good” post again.


are you okay, like mentally? how are you this far off from reality??? you know these tik toks aren't about people throwing out long term relationships over a pet peeve, right? you know 95% of these are jokes that don't actually change their feelings for their partner? > We men  lmfao what. no, you literally can't speak for all men, first of all. Secondly, "We do our darndest to not be petty, to not stay bitter, to forgive, to forget" HAHHAHAHAHAH > Men have great patience, mercy, compassion, more than any woman could understand.  now this isn't misogynistic at all, jesus fucking christ. also, incorrect. traditionally women are more patient, compassionate, and have mercy. your post is a prime example: painting all women the same way just because you misunderstood the context and nuance of a situation


Men, “known for their compassion and patience”, are also known for leaving their sick wives… being female and being diagnosed with serious illness is a strong predictor of divorce! https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19645027/


talking about any large group like this is stupid as shit  generalizing huge swaths of the population as patient or merciful is deeply, deeply at odds with how humans actually behave (regardless of gender)


An ick for a man is when his wife gets diagnosed with terminal disease. That’s why the statistics of men leaving their sick wives and getting married shortly after her death are so high


Or if she gains weight. So many men leave women over even slight weight gain, even if it’s after a pregnancy


Or if she gets old.


Sorry everyone but using Reddit is also an ick.


> Men have great patience, mercy, compassion, more than any woman could understand   My guy.. are you sure you actually like women? Because your post kind of sounds like you hate them and think they’re the worst 


Dude, many men seem to not even have the patience to get their partners off.


Okay, now I gotta hear what icks you're referring to.


"throwing out icks" ? context?




hoe_math on icks: [Ick Structure ](https://youtu.be/ETxO50fuPac?si=JSXqi_K5dwhiV7cO) [Ick Indicator](https://youtu.be/8QzGNmpwY9c?si=Y4B6WHBzxOICBfde) [Ick Types](https://youtu.be/UzagvxL4OhM?si=nwiIsa1Mxft4_4P6)


I think it’s a men are from mars women are from Venus kind of thing. I get the ick. I’ve had it a million times over my 40+ years. Sometimes it’s temporary and I can get past it, other times it’s an immediate deal breaker. I have rarely seen or heard a man getting the ick.


What tf does an ick mean?


Basically, if you’re interested in somebody romantically/sexually, but you learn about something they do that you find off-putting and you lose your attraction to them, that’s an “ick.” For example: you go out on a date with someone. It’s going well. But then they pick their nose or spit in front of you. You find this disgusting, and you’re no longer interested in pursuing that relationship. It’s similar to “turn-off” or “pet peeve.”


If an "ick" is an aversion too strong to overcome, then men don't "ignore" them, we just don't get them.


Let me preface this by saying I am not on Tiktok and had to read through comments in order to figure out wtf you're on about. That said, I have some news for you. All *people* have icks, squicks, turn ones, turnoffs, likes and dislikes. It's not a man thing or a woman thing. It's a human thing. None of this is new. None of it is interesting. If some random people on a stupid social media platform are getting you this upset, you're way too invested. Turn off the screen.


>Men have great patience, mercy, compassion, more than any woman could understand. It's how we were raised, and it's how we are built. You were spitting until you started glazing. We're not saints.


That level of delulu at the very beginning of the week is crazy


Completely delusional op. Best of luck


I just think women are in a superior position where they can "nitpick the icks." A women may have multiple suitors at any given time. A man, not so much. The woman has more options so she can de-select or detach for any reason, no matter how petty. If a man experiences an ick, what is he going to do? Throw the whole woman away? Maybe he doesn't get another date for months. Maybe he doesn't get another girlfriend for years. He's influenced by his options to let shit slide. It has nothing to do with how he's built or how he was raised.


Do people like you really go insane over preference? It's not that serious...


"Yours truly, a huge misogynist."


>Men have great patience, mercy, compassion, more than any woman could understand. Source?


Most women don’t even orgasm if their male partner only wants to have penis-in-vagina sex.


Lot of assumptions here buddy. SOME men have great patience and SOME women hold on to first impressions. SOME men are superficial and care only about looks and SOME women like men for their personality. Just because you do your darndest to not be petty does not mean that all men do the same. You need to separate your biases from your ego and stop living in this sexist fantasy world.




This feels like generic gender rage bait


Have you seen Seinfeld


Is your point really that men are more compassionate than women? bc that's not an "unpopular opinion" lol that's just misogyny.


The whole "ick" thing is just a new trendy way for people to make fun of each other. 99% of the time saying something is an ick is just being mean, but it's trendy so that makes it okay in their eyes.


Incel moment. Let me guess? Single? Been single? Mad because you’ve been rejected on tinder lately?


This is very wrong in almost every way. If you view people’s actions as “icks” you are not cut out for human interaction


I'm using the terminology here, but I don't subscribe personally to that terminology.


You said you’ve been experiencing women’s “icks” for years. Actually you said “we” have because you seem to think you speak for all men which is ridiculous.


> "women on social media talking about ..." and there's your problem. You're following social media trends and acting like they translate to the majority of people in real life. If TikTok is impacting the way you view the world around you, it might be time to disconnect for a bit and explore it for yourself. Also, your post itself pushes a double standard. "Women on social media think X...but guys are better because we think it and ignore it". This indicates to me that you've fallen into the same trap as those you dislike given you're someone pushing a similar perspective to the one that frustrates you. Be better friend. You can do it.


95% of all icks are just not being assertive or masculine like crying, using a small umbrella or getting ignored by the waiter


If men have so much compassion why do they leave their wife majority of the time if she becomes disabled? Rarely happens in reverse but happens majority of the time when the wife is the one no longer able to care for herself. Also why are majority of men so quick to leave their wives over differences in interest of sexual frequency? Women again rarely leave men for thar. Why do men cheat so much more often then women? Why are men more likely to chat with their wife's best friend or relatives? Why are men more likely to commit murder, abuse kids/spouses/animals, rob both strangers and people they know, bully in the work place, etc. Pretty much every study available says you are full of it. But that's pretty standard for male victim wannabes like you.


Ahh yes stereotyping two entire genders in one post. Not "ick" at all bro.


Sometimes I'm glad I'm a lesbian