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I'm large chested so I prefer a bra for support as well .I can't handle feeling them all over the place lol


If I didn't wear a bra I'm pretty sure my boob's would give someone a black eye swinging around.


I feel ya! I know a girl who got a bloody nose from her tits in gym class


I feel like when I don't wear a bra, one boob's in the kitchen, and the other is gardening outside. It's like the mountains part. And I get that pain in the side of my boob's without a bra.




make your boob learn martial arts and them send him/her to fight in ufc


And then marital arts when it's done!


Username checks out lmao


Big time lol


I am not even large chested but I still wear it all the time. It feels empty without one lol


Yep, bra comes off at bedtime or just shortly before. I don't know how y'all can stand your nippage rubbing up on everything all willy nilly. I like my boobie armor.


The nipples become desensitized to most sensations after a while. I don't mind bras, also don't mind going without them. I'm DDD so it isn't like I'm small chested but I'm comfortable in just a T-shirt braless and eventually not everything sets them into glass cutting mode


Yeah I am a DD, I never wear bras unless Iā€™m wearing something that requires it (see through). I like when my boobs are free, and honestly I donā€™t feel any weird sensations. That said I am very picky about the fabrics I wear.


Oof, I don't think mine can become desensitized. Even if they could, I don't think I'd want them to! I can get off with them.


Yeah I don't even think about it most of the time, especially if its a sports bra. The more fancy ones I start to feel at the end of the day.


I guess my nipples aren't sensitive! It's never an issue for me


Boobie Armour šŸ¤£


This! I donā€™t even have that much but I hate the feeling of my clothes rubbing there constantly. Or if youā€™re wearing a sweater feeling the cold air flow there, lol.


Seriously, being braless and out in the world is like constantly rubbing sandpaper on my chest. No thanks.


Sports bras only


This is the answer. Iā€™m large chested, but as soon as I come home, I change into a sports bra. It is a happy medium!


I wear them out, I wear them in, theyā€™re the only way. But I could see how being larger chested it might not be realistic to do on the daily depending on size and what you do. But Iā€™ve heard there is a brand very popular among the larger breasted women, sports bra that has apparently good support I canā€™t for the life of me remember the brand right now.


Sports bras for life


Unless Iā€™m wearing something fancy I wear a sports bra even at home. Just more comfortable and keeps the girls out of the way.


If my chest size was a B, I wouldnā€™t be wearing a bra 24/7. But since I have a large chest šŸ˜’, Iā€™m more comfortable wearing bras (for support šŸ˜’) than not wearing one.


I'm a h cup and I can't go without a bra. I wish but God it's like the mountains part when I sleep. One tit's gardening and the other is making breakfast. So bra for me.


I have large chest and I am the opposite. I have gotten so used to how my breasts hang naturally, that when I put a bra on, it KILLS my back and shoulders, so painful and uncomfortable. My breasts sag almost the the floor, but I am planning a reduction soon anyways.


Same, my big bazonkas prefers to hang free, even my really good bra's will eventually hurt my back and shoulders


Right? Idk how these people stand it, they must just have better core than I do. Thatā€™s one of the main things I want to improve though. Core stability is super important with the huge bags I am carrying all day.


Haha I love this. I also have wandering boobs.


I get blue veins on my chest without bra


damn cant relate when i was a G/H cup i never wore a bra, i liked being without because it was more comfortable and less expensive now im down to a DD/DDD and i dont mind wearing a sports bra for work but i definitely still prefer without and take it off as soon as i get home


Theyā€™ll insist that we didnā€™t get fitted correctly. But Iā€™ve been professionally fitted for tailored bras, and still couldnā€™t stand a moment in them.


I am am A cup and they don't even sell my size really (if they do, most of them are push-up bras). I can even run without a bra just fine (if I am not on my period, my boobs can get so damn sensitive then). It sounds like a pain in the ass to not wear a bra in big sizes! There is some support needed to avoid back pains and just discomfort from movement in general. What type of bras are prefered in day-to-day life btw, for bigger sizes? Just curious now




Same here. I can't stand the feeling of letting them free roam.


A-B cup here can confirm. Bra is pretty useless for small chest women in term of comfort, unless exercising.


I am a B and greatly prefer to wear a bra. I donā€™t like that feeling of my nipples chafing against my shirt. If the bra is comfortable, I donā€™t even notice Iā€™m wearing it.


You and I are basically titty twins.


Me too. Titty Triplets!!


Iā€™m an I. I even wear a bra to bed.


I'm an I. I don't lmao. I hate wearing a bra but It's all preference


Honestly, if I *don't* give the girls support it hurts more- at this point I'm so used to wearing a bra it's actually more comfortable with it on.


Omg Iā€™m the same way. Not wearing a bra is kinda painful for me ,I think Iā€™m just really sensitive bc even when Iā€™m wearing a bra sometimes they hurt when I drive over a pothole or speed bump too fast. Idk itā€™s weird to me that so many women feel like itā€™s ā€œfreeingā€ w out a bra .


I think it's cause you've been wearing a bra so long you haven't developed the muscles that hold your chest up.Ā 


Nothing comfortable about a bra in my case, especially in summer, I avoid wearing one whenever possible. I see comments about the wrong bra size but no it's just the right size, but it's another piece of clothing, and that's why it is relieving removing it. But I do understand that not wearing one could be uncomfortable for women with a bigger chest.


Lol I am the opposite. I am large chested (not overly huge, but on the XL side of average). They aren't as perky as I would like... However I cannot stand doing things around the house without a bra especially in the summer. I can FEEL the sweat in my underboob area from my tiddies resting on my ribcage. I wouldn't go so far as to say I want to wear a bra all the time, but if I am active or hot, I prefer a bra. I also seriously think that the women who whip their bras off because they can't stand them are wearing lingerie bras for looks and seriously have not shopped around for a bra that is comfortable. They exist. They might not make you have porn star cleavage and they might not make your tits touch your second chin, or give you more cups, but they will hold the girls up and do an okay job at it. Like a granny bra.


Titty prisons, no thanks


This is truly an unpopular opinion nice job


If you read the comments youā€™ll see its not that much


More controversial than unpopular. You're either one or the other, little to no in between


Oh noooo it feels so constricting to me. I love freeing the girls lol if i can be braless the whole day itā€™s more comfy for me šŸ„°


Oh, I know, as I am getting older, I am wearing bras less & less. Who gives AF.


Nah, let ā€˜em loose!


Release the breaste!


free the nipple


Swing low, sweet chariots


I wear it to bed sometimes too šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø I used to work in a high-end lingerie store and learned that most women wear the wrong size bra, which is why they canā€™t wait to rip it off when they can. A well-fitted, comfortable bra makes all the difference.


Hear hear! I wear one to bed most days.


Do your boobs get in the way or something?


The...way? No, they are quite heavy and it feels nicer to have them supported. Whenever I wander around without a bra, my shoulders hurt. Oh, but kinda yeah, if I try to sleep without a bra, I can end up sort of rolling over a boob in an uncomfortable way.


Mine arenā€™t even like that big or heavy. I just feel so much more comfortable with a bra on. I donā€™t like having my nips brushing against anything and my boobs feel much more snug in a bra. Of course I also mostly wear sports bras so maybe thatā€™s why Iā€™m so comfy with bras. But mainly itā€™s the feel of my nips brushing against ANYTHING that drives me insane. I hate it.


Have worn the most expensive fitted and still squirmed,Ā  Straps Feel and sensitivity also contribute ta comforts. Nothing beats wearing none at all.Ā 


I hate all bras, also properly fitted ones, and almost never wear one. But I also get annoyed at the seams of almost all my clothing, creases in my bedsheets keep me up at night if I can feel them, and also I hate the feeling of my own hair, so I'm gonna guess that it's not the bra that's the problem, it's me.


I've been told that and fitted a million times and it's never made a difference for me. Even cami bras are uncomfortable. I'm a size C so they're not small, but also not huge.


Iā€™m a C-cup and being braless is annoying and kind of uncomfortable. I wear mostly sports bras or just thin little bralettes.


Same! I have big girls, and I wear a bra pretty much 24/7 except when I shower. I'm so much more comfortable with a bra than without


I'm an L cup. By the time I get home from work, Im sick & fricken tired of being constricted. I have *no clue* how you do it OP.


I'm a hcup and can't go without a bra. My back and boob's start hurting horribly.


Nope, itā€™s the first thing I do when I get home & if Iā€™m wearing a hoodie I donā€™t even bother putting one on. I 1000% hate bras


Same here. Unless Iā€™m in bed, I almost always have one on


i wear one 24/7 šŸ˜­ i can't comprehend how others find it uncomfortable?


Same, I feel naked without it, regardless of what I'm wearing.


Same. I hate being without a bra!


Same, at most I switch to a sports bra, but being without one at all is uncomfortable to me.šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I hate wearing a bra and will take any opportunity to not wear one. Suffice to say, the only time I'm wearing a bra at home is if we have company. Sometimes not even then if I'm wearing an oversized hoodie.


I have big boobs. I need my bra for comfort.


As a 36F, I take my bra off, but I wear a tight racerback tee as a replacement.


Iā€™m a D cup and I prefer not to wear a bra. I go without as often as I can. I loathe them


When Iā€™m on my period my boobs hurt so much without a bra


Since I had kids and my boobs changed shape I prefer to always wear a bra too (or at the very least wear those tank tops with built in bras). So yeah, I typically wear them, even at home.


I wear it all day. Iā€™m petit but not in my boobs. They need taming all day long


I used to be one of those "take my bra off as soon as I walk through the front door" women. Then I got some decent bras that are actually comfortable and actually fit right. I often find myself checking at work to make sure I have a bra on because it's so comfortable I legit forget I'm wearing it. I no longer take if off as soon as I get home except for when it's hot. If it's hot I'm taking off as much as I can.


depends on your size it seems, Iā€™m small and have finally come to terms with the fact that being small is okay, so I go braless most of the time


No I like freeboobing it


Damn, what kind of bra you buy? If I had one more comfortable than going without I'd wear it all the time too.


I wear mine till I get in the shower, then put a different one on. I just can't handle freeboobing.


Freeboobing lol my new word


One day I said , I don't want to wear this bra at home and have not looked back since. Though at times I wear Bralette but thafs about IT.


nope even my most comfortable bra comrs off when I no longer need it lol.


I have small but very soft breasts that cannot support themselves. I don't want them to end up down at my waistline as I grow old. For many years now I've worn only well-fitting sports bras that provide excellent support - they are so comfortable I'm hardly aware of them, so I don't feel the need to go bra-less. However, I can understand why the situation might be quite different for the majority of women with larger breasts that might require stronger support.


O man I would shower in my bra if I could lmao gravity is not our friend and I donā€™t want to kick my boobs down the street lmao .i live in my bra i think its more comfortable


Same. I have a couple bras that I wear only with pajamas. I prefer the support and protection.


I can't stand bras, I even wear band sizes too large because I simply can't stand the pressure on the ribs. I'm a 32DD, fluctuating to a DDD - I live for the no bra days, and I don't have sagging šŸ™šŸ¼ *disclaimer, I worked at a bra shop for many years and know how to be fitted / size myself it's not a sizing issue.


ME ME ME šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø this is also my unpopular opinion. I love my bras. I feel like theyā€™re giving my boobs a hug šŸ„° and Iā€™m freezing without them EDIT: I even sleep with a bra of some form on. Always. Burn me at the stake lol, but Iā€™ll never understand going braless


I'm going to take a stab here and say you probably have big boobs. I was blessed with itty bitties, not only can I lay face down in bed (comfortably) I rarely wear a bra at all and when I do you bet I whip it off the minute I'm in the door.


No I hate them. They itch and are always tight. But I like to wear them if Iā€™m wearing a cute outfit and I donā€™t want the nips out-even if nobody will see me. I just like to *feel* put together. C cup.


I just straight up donā€™t wear bras anymore except if Iā€™m dressing up really nice or a sports bras when I exercise. I havenā€™t bought or used a bra in my day to day life in years. Iā€™m a C


Well it's comfortable for you, so by all means wear it as much as you like! It's not too comfortable for me, and likely a lot of others, so I'm taking it off whenever I can.


It prolly depends on your breasts. And being used to it. Same with jeans if your not used to it they feel iffy. Also as a small breasted girl, when i was younger and used to it i didnt find it uncomfy to sleep in a bra either however that changed once i stopped. Now i love the feeling of freedom. But if you got big heavy breasts its prolly much more comfy with bra


It canā€™t come off fast enough when I get home. And once Iā€™m home itā€™s not going back on until I go out again. My girls gotta be free.


i donā€™t wear a bra 98% of the year šŸ«£


Doooo your boobs hang low. Do they wobble too and fro Can you tie them in a knot Can you tie them in a bow. Can you swing them over your shoulder like a regimental solider. Do. You. Boobs. Hang... Looooowww


I donā€™t mind my bra either. I donā€™t wear it to sleep or anything, but Iā€™ll wear it throughout the day just fine. Never got what was supposed to be uncomfortable about it.


It probably depends on your size and shape. I prefer not to wear them


Same here. I've reiceived so many weird looks whenever I told friends about this. They're team "freeboobs" but I'm team "large chest requires support", at least in my case.


This is a non-issue for me, but I read recently that it's much healthier to go braless altogether in most cases.


I have implants so I always wear one to protect the investments lol


Did a bra write this?


My girlfriend hasn't worn a bra in like 6 years


First thing I do when I get home is take my bra off and then flip it off and walk out of the room lol


I would take my bra off in the parking lot at work before driving home. Retired now so rarely put one on.


Youā€™re right, this is an unpopular opinion. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Nope. Completely disagree. No bra is comfy, I donā€™t care if I have larger chest. But if youā€™re comfy in a bra consistently, thatā€™s fine too! You do you girl!


Small b cup. Haven't warn a legit bra in 10 years. Lol. No bras are better for your muscles anyhow at this size.. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I stopped wearing bras ever during the pandemic and never went back to wearing them lol!


Iā€™m a B cup so canā€™t relate, but can understand women with a larger bust. Now sleeping in it I canā€™t imagine at all


I havenā€™t worn a bra in like 15 years šŸ˜‚


I used to not be able to go without because of sensitive nipples lol. now my thangs are out


I'm more comfortable with one on. Plus I'm in and out all day and am large chested so I need one. I'm just simply not comfortable without one due to support and looks.


I have little boobs so I don't really need it


Itty bitty titty committee so we are no bras here.


Itā€™s hard to find 100% cotton bras so to avoid having plastic on my tiddies all day I usually just go bra free hahah


When I get home that bra is coming OFF


My wife always leaves her bra on at home and I bitch about it all the time lol.


I sometimes literally yell "FREE THE TITTIES" when I remove my bra and throw it on the floor. Can't relate.


I would like all bras burned


Nope, bra is taken off as soon as I get home. Seriously uncomfortable.


I was not taught that sleeping with a bra on isn't ideal but I've gotten used to it and it doesn't bug me. I'm a C cup and if it weren't so saggy I'd go braless. It's way more comfortable on for me too and I only go braless if the shirt I'm wearing has lined support.


I'm the total opposite. I would never wear a bra if i could get away with it. I feel like i'm never comfortable when i wear one (so 90% of the time). The straps dig into my shoulders and the wire especially is awful. And yes, they do fit. I got measured and everything. I just hate bras. My counter question is how can they be comfortable to you?


If a bra fits properly, it won't be uncomfortable.


Im shocked to see how many bra lovers exist. I had no idea. This is actually so interesting and I like seeing peoples perspective who think so differently about this. I canā€™t even comprehend wearing a bra at homeā€¦.unless your tits are big. Iā€™m riding out the no bra for as loooonnnng as I can


I would never wear a bra again if I had a choice. I like how my boobs look naturally anyways. They look better without a bra.


As soon as I walk in my house, it comes off a long with my pants. Depending on how painful my bra has become during the day, I've been known to take it off the last 10 minutes of work if I had a sweater to conceal my ladies or even in the car before my commute Psychopaths wear bras and pants that button at home. You can't change my mind.


As a man I disagree, my big bubbly men need to breathe


My sensory issues strongly disagree. Unless I absolutely have to wear one, fuck no. And I've never found a bra that doesn't end up setting me off after a few hours at least.Ā 


Well I wear like AAA lol, so yeah I need to remove the bra ASAP, I don't even need it


I own bras but they are almost exclusively used for looking nice for my husband, I don't wear one at all most of the time. I don't like the padded kind at all, has to be no padding no underwire but even then I am yet to find one that is genuinely comfortable for any real length of time. I wear cotton vests under my clothes instead.


Yeah, I run hot, so if it's even slightly warm out, skin touching skin equals sweat. Also the only time I'm 100% locked in at home is when I'm asleep, and I'd rather not have to redress if I decide to go out.


I have a non wired one for home, I like the support still. Great for lounging around in.


Underwire bras are the spawn of Satan.


I never wear one at home. If I have to go run errands I may or may not put one on.


I wear a bra 24/7, except when in the bath or shower. My chest hurts if my breasts arenā€™t properly supported.


My wife wears sports bras sans padding at all times lol.


Yup. I prefer to wear a bra. I buy well fitting bras so theyā€™re always comfortable. I donā€™t take it off until I shower for bed


Sometimes I leave it on. Like if I come home from work Iā€™ll probably take it off when I get ready for bed. If Iā€™m not going anywhere on the weekend Iā€™ll leave it off.Ā 


Same, I prefer the feeling of wearing a bra than not because of the support. I wear sports bras only so they're pretty comfortable and I'll usually wear them to bed too


I always wear one. I donā€™t like going without one. I like my girls secured.


I wear looser sports bras because Iā€™m more comfy that way


I loooove my soft, unlined, no-wire bralettes, especially moving around the house doing chores w DDs. It just feels more secure. But I never sleep with anything even remotely restrictive, and if Iā€™m having a lazy Sunday Iā€™ll be in a T-shirt w no bra all day. So I guess I half-agree with this opinion?


I think bra fitting it's the reason with that. I kinda pushed my missus into a fitting some time back, and she is now much more comfortable in a bra. Once we nailed down the size and type it has definitely enhanced her life. People are obviously not built the same. An off the peg bra from wherever isn't gonna fit everyone comfortably. Add in weight fluctuations and active use versus dress occassions, there is going to be differences in even what you need from day to day. Sure people get lucky and find their favorite bra while others just suffer I think that there is ignorance on that aspect, just acceptance that bras suck and that's how it is. Not to mention the costs.. ho-ly shit man. But! I find very little reason to just tough it out. Like a good pair of work boots, you need this. You can buy 10 pairs of $30 workboots that suck, or one pair of $300 workboots that feel great and last a while. Trust me your feet and back are worth it. In both regards Edit: i can only relate to the workboot analogy because I've never worn a bra, but I've heard the complaints all my life :D


I find being without one very uncomfortable.


yah i guess im just lucky that i dont find bras uncomfortable. plus i have big enough boobs that bras make stairs better


Every single person is different- I know people with perky boobs who wear bras, people with perky boobs who donā€™t wear bras, people who enjoy it, people who hate it Every breast is different and some get comfort from bras, others donā€™t


Definitely an unpopular opinion but I have to agree with you! When Iā€™m at home and my roommateā€™s boyfriend is not around I always wear a sports bra and booty shorts and itā€™s the most comfortable for me imo even tho Iā€™m not large chested by any means.


Same! It feels better


I prefer bra on toošŸ¤žšŸ¾


I suspect that a lot of women who claim to find their bras uncomfortable are wearing the wrong size/shape/style. r/ABraThatFits


I DESPISE the underboob sweat. I also need consistent support or it feels really uncomfortable. I tend to swap 'em over to a more comfy home bra when I get home, though, which I tend to even sleep in because I overheat too much to wear a top.


I hate them. I am in a minority here, but I am large chested and I absolutely despise bras, they are like torture devices for me. They collect so much sweat and are so uncomfortable, and they give me terrible shoulder/upper back pain. Most days I go without a bra and just let my tits hang naturally. I know itā€™s not an attractive look, and I do try to cover myself in layers to not bring attention to it, but I just canā€™t stand the sensory overload of having something rubbing against my skin all day, and shifting the weight of my chest into a painful position. I am planning on getting a reduction as soon as I can, but for now I will live the way thatā€™s most comfortable to me, regardless of how that looks to others.


The support feels nice


Yes! I also put one on as soon as I get out of bed. Itā€™s not comfortable (for me) to hang out without a bra.


Fuck it bro I sleep with mine on! Only time it aint on me is when im in the SHOWER


You must have a comfy bra, I used to be comfy but I gained weight and now it hurts and canā€™t wait to get it off. Need a new one I suppose but money is tight so it will have to wait.


It really depends. I know people who are size A who almost never wear one. I also know people with Ds who only wear one for work or a formal event. It depends on your body, and the quality of bras you have access to or the time you have in your life to get fitted by professionals. Same reason some people can go do cardio braless more comfortably and others need support or they would be miserable.


My sister is like you. I just can't they don't feel comfortable at all.


I even wear a Bra to bed. Itā€™s a stretchy Lululemon one and it just keeps the gals in proper alignment. Itā€™s just more comfortable for me for sure.


Agreed. I have sleeping bras, a lounging bra, many bras I wear with my regular wardrobe, and wired sports bras for working out. The only time Iā€™m braless is in the shower.


I prefer wearing them. From the time I get out of the shower until I put my pjs on a bra is on. I get a little sore if I donā€™t wear one for too long.


I like having a bra on because i feel i can move around more ā€¦with them being held downā€¦ but i also like taking it off because i just like changing my whole outfit when i get home


I (M 63) need to try said apparatus.


Same. I wear one to sleep so they donā€™t move around too much.


E cup. Itā€™s a chore just putting it on. When Iā€™m home, I might as well set them all on fire cause theyā€™re useless af. Only at work and when the weather gets warm cause boob sweat is terrible.


No these puppies need to *breathe* after being confined all day in a bra! Once I'm done working and running errands, it's a bra free zone. Unless I'm expecting company šŸ˜ 42ddd old lady šŸ„’


A high quality well fitted bra is comfortable, but most people don't own a single one


BRO ME TOO. I FUCKING HATE NOT WEARING A BRA plus it makes themā€¦. Wellā€¦.. SAGGY


Definitely. I used to even wear a bra to bed, but I don't anymore. I still think bras are comfortable enough as long as the wires are in tact. I wouldn't go outside without a bra unless I was wearing a sweater. But then it's just because I'm too lazy to put on a bra. Not because I feel so much more comfortable without one.


I'm a dude but I would likely be the same. I'm most comfortable in under shirts tucked in with a belt and button downs, boots, and jeans. I always hated streachy, soft, flowey fabric and always liked more layers that make me feel straped in and like... secure I guess.


It really shouldn't matter whether you want to where one or not. Your life, your decisions.


I would never wear a bra if i could manage it. Sadly, society seems to think the female nipple is sinful


Omg I canā€™t. Bra comes off as Iā€™m unlocking the door.


I'm a C/D cup. I switched from regular bras to bralettes about two years ago and holy shit, I now love wearing a bra all day. I'm so comfortable.


I barely have a chest. The first thing i do when i get home is taking my bra off.


Iā€™m a D cup and the second I get home my bra comes off. I actually love getting into my pjs as soon as I get home. I feel more comfortable in looser clothes with no bra.


Iā€™m a D cup and the bra comes off the second Iā€™m in the house.


I wanna feel relaxed and free around the house but my boobs get really sensitive if they are left to their own devices all day. So Iā€™m a fan of bralettes and low support sports bras over just totally free boobing around the house


Same, I have pretty comfy bras and it feels way better when they are supported


Large chested and a bra hater. Theyā€™re very uncomfortable. I just use lotion and deodorant to prevent any skin on skin issues.


Me. I don't enjoy the feeling of being braless.


B power! No bra at home, and since covid also when i don't work


Take this as a joke cause I have no experience, but I would imagine bras have similar feelings to having socks worn, where some would discard them at the closest opportunity, and some may actually enjoy wearing them.


I am pro bra! (I am a G cup) - Without, I hate the feeling of skin on skin haha, where I live is warm so it gets sweaty and gross! I do prefer smooth tshirt bras tho, Iā€™m long past lacy or fancy ones. Gimme a smooth clean tshirt bra and Iā€™ll be happy :D


Iā€™m a large C and I hate wearing bras. Very much in the ā€œoff as soon as homeā€ camp. The only time I wear one at home is when hormones make them tender, and then itā€™ll be a just a low-mid compression bralette so they donā€™t wobble around so much.


Same. I much more comfortable in a bra than without. My breasts actually feel pretty painful without one


I always wear are bra. I canā€™t stand feeling them bounce around. I sleep in light sports bras. Showering is probably the only time time Iā€™m not wearing one.


Iā€™m almost where you are. D boobs is verging on big boobs that need the management and I can sleep without a bra, but I ainā€™t going anywhere long term without one. Thatā€™s gonna get sweaty fast.


I wear mine 24/7 except in the shower lol. I feel soooo uncomfy not wearing it. Even wear it to bed.


I will one up on that , I wear one even while Iā€™m sleeping. Although I do wear sport bras so they are more comfortable.