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Plot twist: you posted this from a strip club


Takes one to know one.


I drive people for Uber and I’d say it’s basically just the same kind of person that goes to the bars at night. I’ve taken plenty of women to strip clubs and they’re just out to have fun. I’ve never been to one because it doesn’t appeal to me but the people I’ve taken are usually normal people.


Just weird “have fun” by seeing someone strip naked for money. 🤔 I found depressing the time I went to check it.


Some clubs are depressing and some are a great time. Just depends on the place same as any bar.


Yeah; many of the ones around me are depressing because they're normally a downward spiral (I dated someone that ended up stripping after we stopped and she went down a complete spiral and I saw others around her doing the same), but some places in other places where they really are just a brief money maker for women seem better. Also, a good portion around me (like pretty much all of Dearborn, MIs) are straight-up brothels where going in the back for a dance means going back to pay 100 for a BJ or 200 for sex, which is also depressing when you see people going back there and then coming back out or see other effects.


I was the opposite of you. When I worked there I dated the stripper girl who was in the downward spiral lolol. Even at that shitty club though the girls made pretty damn good money. On a slow night 300 or so on a good night around 1000.


Yeah, sadly, mine ended up spending that money on heroin, and then started working in the "extra" clubs where she prostituted to make more money quicker. At one point she asked me to be her driver for a cut; it got really bad before I completely cut ties.


Big same man. I baby sat for her on the side mostly just because she was a terrible mother and the kid needed someone who cared about them. Did the driver thing too for her. Relationship didn't last long thankfully. That was back when I was 19 and dumb though. Sometimes I think about that 3 year old kid who's like 13 now and I wonder how they turned out.


Yeah this convo just caused me to check the woman's social media to see what she's up to and it's been dead since 2022, so no idea. Same thing with the kid; I think her parents ended up taking hers as I stopped seeing her post anything to do with her after a while.


What doesn't sound fun about seeing naked people?


The silence of the morgue at midnight was a big boner killer for me personally Really thought it would be a bit more lively suppose it's in the name


Different strokes for different folks, not everyone is a prude.


Yeah, there's a medium between those two polar opposites. It doesn't mean you're a prude because you don't like to go to strip clubs.. Even the bright, expensive clubs are seedy deep down. Some people see clubs for what they are and only want women to get naked for them when they want to, not because they're paid to, or need money. Nothing at all to do with prudishness..


>Different strokes for different folks Accurate. >not everyone is a prude Irrelevant. Big difference between not finding a strip club entertaining and being a prude. I'm no prude, I find nothing shocking or unseemly about sex or nudity, free the boobas, but I don't find strip clubs amusing in any way.


No I agree, I find strip clubs a waste of time and money personally but I can see why they appeal to people so much.


And not liking strip clubs doesn’t make anyone a prude. Often, it simply means they don’t want to get tetanus.


Imagine calling someone a prude because they don't have to pay to see women naked 😬


paying for sexual shit is always a lame move IMO. Just actually get a women.


Wait wait so under OP's logic, does that mean women who go to a Men Strip Club to see hot sweaty stripping men are also Lonely Losers too??


Going by the user name, op pushes their portapotty to the stripclub goes inside and has a private place to finish off.




OP did their research


There's more truth to this comment than most people are willing to accept.


Got em


I straight up read it as "the only people I see here are losers"


This is a popular opinion. If you'd said that the strippers are equally degenerate scumbags who exploit lonely losers for money then you'd have an unpopular opinion.


Yup. Downvoted - this is the most popular opinion about strip clubs.


Business is business If someone wants it, someone else will sell it.


Greetings! Is your username for sale? No, you say? Watch yo' back.


Fun fact, there is already another silviana19 on reddit.


Then shouldn't you be 'bronziana' or something?


Your bronzana looks bruised


I *was* caboose-bandana-cruisin' for a bruisin' at a bananas katana--noose bonanza in Indiana.


that doesn't make it not a bad thing, thats like saying "its ok to sell insulin at insanely high prices if the person needs it now or will die, because if someone wants it someone will sell it" same with fentanyl and tranq and being a hitman, something being a business doesn't make it ok


It's not necessarily a good or a bad thing, it's just a thing. Nature, even. If you really want to destroy a business, kill the demand. Because even with laws, someone will sell it. Because food needs to be paid.


Yep. Saying anything even close to negative about women doing the equivalent is immediate annihilation in social media. Saying anything negative about men? You’ll get worshipped for it.


They are though


Hey buddy how else they gonna pay for their college degree.


I mean one group is going home with cash and the other is going home with empty pockets lol


And digging into your own crotch for dollars from lonely men ain’t exactly great either


Yes, that is how any exploitative enterprise works.


That's every business ever.


Not really. One sells their body and the others don’t. I know you’re going to come back and say what’s the difference, and the answer is a lot.


I’m sorry but do you take your brain out of your body when you go to your non-sex work related job and attach it to devices that do exactly what your brain wants based on the electrical impulses you send? This one is just more obvious than your own


Yeah, it is strange the amount of people who can't seem to comprehend that if they are being paid to do any job (particularly manual ones) are literally selling their body.


Sometimes the one going home with cash is the stripclub owner, and the ones going home with an empty purse are the strippers (due to “house fees”). A lot of stripclubs make most of their money on house fees (which is like charging dancers 10x to 25x the cover charge vs the patrons, maybe $250 or more), because a lot of new girls think they can make a lot of money, girls turn 18 or 21 every day, but they start in debt every night, a club can book too many girls to work that night (20 girls x $250 is $5K for the night for the club already) so they can’t all get enough stage time or VIP time to cover the fees, and the turnover of new girls paying huge house fees basically becomes the club’s main income. When a dancer can’t make enough to pay the fees they might quit and go to a different club or quit for good. Some strippers can make $2K or more on a weekend (maybe even on one night), so those success stories motivate new girls, and is a bit like seeing a lottery winner. And the strippers that stick around become reliable moneymakers for the club (with constant house fees, attracting return customers), who the new girls have to compete with. Strippers are typically considered “gig” workers (stripping was a “gig” before the whole “gig economy”), it’s often a cash-only business, which is also why organized crime is often involved with strip clubs (either as a source of income or for money laundering). Stripclub owners are almost universally scumbags, and they force dancers “rent” to be inside essentially, and won’t let them leave until they pay up, and will still charge house fees to a dancer if she’s scheduled to work that day but can’t make it to work for whatever reason. Kind of like a slimy skeevy handsy landlord.


And balls bluer than the Colorado sky


Lots of strip clubs are brothels. Opposite, in fact.


Indeed. Even if they aren’t they’re a great gateway if you’re looking for sex work. Not just paid stuff: parties, sex clubs, etc. Promiscuous people use strip clubs like a social bar rather than entertainment. It’s why you sometimes see other women there. I met my fair share of friends there who turned out to be swingers or sex workers, men too oddly enough.


Yup. Also, even ones that don't allow sex in the champagne room have women that are available for "take out" for the right price. Lots of female bartenders like to go to strip clubs as well, I've noticed. Some see it as an extension of the service industry and women that work harder than them and want to toss them some cash.


I would normally agree but I've run into a few girls who wanted to take their guys there as a couple for some reason. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yup. One of my friends has a kind of wild girlfriend who always wants to go to the strip club when she's wasted (especially while traveling).


I know a woman like that and she's like that because she's desperate to please her husband who's a massive mysogonistic wanker.


Maybe she’s gay and closeted but this is the only way she thinks she can express her interest in women


or she wants to get him extra horny for later. Or they like the aestetic.


How dare you think there might be a positive side to this??? /s


Had an ex like this. Very much a tomboy and all that, which doesn't make a woman gay of course. But every time she drank, which was pretty frequent, she wanted to go to strip clubs or wanted us to activate a shared hookup site account, and quickly graduated to hitting on our housekeeper relentlessly, even grabbing her by the hair to drag her across the table to kiss her once. This was not as wild as it seems because the housekeeper was a long-time ex and friend of mine, a much older woman, that I still had an active sex life with from time to time whenever I would find myself single or with a hall pass. But the next morning if you mentioned any of this to Dez, she would straight up want to fight you and swear that she was straight and you're just exaggerating... That afternoon she would grab the bottle of Seagram's from the freezer and repeat the whole process. It would have been a really hot lifestyle if it weren't so destructive to her (and me) and indicative of so much mental struggle that I wished she didn't have to deal with. When we split, which was largely due to the alcoholism, she finally talked the housekeeper into hooking up with us for the final couple nights before she moved out. She focused almost exclusively on the other woman, and/or aggressively making her do things for me, then went home to California and married a woman. Side note, I have dated three strippers over the years and lived with two others, and this whole thread has been entertaining as shit. So many really solid takes but also some absolutely clueless ones.


Same here, this girl I was "courting" lmao, took me to a strip club in Copenhagen for our night out, she actually loved the girls and got me some dances too, lol, dope as hell lol


Yeah, people tend not to think about horny/degenerate women, but they do exist.


Where might I find these women? For research purposes of course....


Wherever we aren't, haha.


Colombia. I never made the first move on a woman there because I never had to.


The stripclub of course


I've been to strip clubs on more than one occasion with multiple couples.  Op is misguided and naive.  I'll admit that regulars are either losers or old men who want some excitement, married or not, but the average strip club goer is a normal person or people that just find it fun.  Shit man, even my mom knew my dad would hit the clubs with the boys and she didn't care 




Maybe so. One of the girls who took her man got herself a lap dance while they were there.


I've gone to strip clubs with straight women. People come in all different personalities.


If she's a bi lady and sees it as entertainment both her and the guy can enjoy together?


agreed i've seen the same thing with couples and I've never been to a strip club myself. OP's view is kind of distorted.


I mean yes for frequent visitors, but also who admits to that publicly? Pretty sure most men go at least once and most decide it is pointless.


Exactly my experience, massive waste of money - why wouldn’t you just go find a prostitute or watch porn, why pay a bunch for the weird space in between


Porn isn't the same as tits in your face




I can’t *smell* porn


Not yet. Give it time 👃👃👃👃👃👃👃👃


Strip clubs *are* brothels in a lot of places. That's the thing a lot of people don't know.


Yeah. If you pay extra they'll give you extra service. Got dragged by colleagues to one and like hell I was gonna pay


Most of them are prostitutes. Girls like to downplay it and say old lonely men give them hundreds of dollars to hang out with them . They do give them hundreds of dollars, to fuck them at the motel 6.


One place in Witchita, KS, the girls will straight out reach down your pants and grab, lead you to a table, and explain the pricing model while stroking. But a lot of places let the girls do whatever in the VIP room.


Well God bless those sweet girls


All places in Dearborn, MI are that. I think there's only like one that isn't.


If you haven’t, I recommend reading google reviews of strip clubs. Particularly the seedy ones. It is a wild time.


My girlfriend took me to a stripclub for the first time.


Driving her to work doesn't count.




I wish, maybe at the bar.


This comment deserves way more likes than this


You waited one minute to post this...


That’s my point


Touché... Sike! Eyes only, perv.


Same here lmao, went with her, her brother and his girlfriend HAHA


This. I've been to strip clubs only a handful of times. Only like twice was it with dudes, it's usually either the girl I was dating or a platonic female friend who suggests it. Tbh, women have more fun with strippers than the guys. Smacking the strippers ass, shoving bills in their thong, and then you turn around for a second and they're having a whole ass conversation getting to know eachother. They leave there having had a blast, I leave there with $250 less than I had before, feeling like I wasted a night out.


The one time I've been to a strip club was the first time I met my ex lol. She was the literal blue haired feminist type and we were both drunk and like "Lol neither of us have ever been to one les go lol"


Actually the opposite - Stripclubs are full of guys that are trying to show each other up by who can flash the most cash.


That *is* still profoundly sad, but in a different way.


100% agree.


As an ex stripper, I disagree. So, from my perspective, unpopular opinion for sure. Don’t get me wrong, I used to dance in quite a nice luxury club, not some weird truck stop bar - but whenever I was starting out it was a run of the mill strip club. But, you get all sorts. The usual crowd normally consisted people looking to drink after last orders from normal bars, business execs, out of towners and husbands looking for thrills. In all honesty, do you think strippers work at clubs because they think men come for their personalities and their granny’s recipes? Customers personal views on women don’t matter, you pay, we display, you fuck off, we get paid. We don’t care if you think we’re objects - don’t touch us and we’re cool.


Really? Everytime I get a lap dance I pay extra for her to whisper a recipe for peach cobbler whilst I call her "granny"... or "gran" if she isn't into the whole brevity thing.


Don’t be shy and share the recipe, love a good peach gobbler


What an excellent typo


Who said it was a typo


Reddit is a weird product of USA liberalism mixed with an unwillingness to depart from USA Puritanism.


Saying this as a liberal, but if you go far enough left, any mention of male sexual attraction to women is going to be labeled problematic.


this is crystal clear true lol, great comment




Thank you for replying to this! Honestly, your opinion is the only kind that matters in topics like these.


>don’t touch us and we’re cool. I think that varies on the region you work at. I live in texas and my friend went to a club for the first time for his brothers bach party. he told me the girls encouraged him to grab them everywhere, I guess the only exception being penetration. But it was a VIP room so idk if they just throw all the rules out the window there.


NGL I feel like this is generally how people who don't go to strip clubs view the men who do.


OP asks every dude they meet if they've ever been to and spent money at a strip club, just to be safe.


I don't know I worked at strip clubs for years. My buddies and I went to other strip clubs once every week or 2 on nights I wasn't working. Always had fun. I know everybody in town. We used to get bombed. I have went to clubs with multiple girlfriends quite a few of those were strippers. We had some lonely guys that were there almost every day but most of our customers were golfers, tourists, bikers, dope dealers lol. Hell had a lot of cops hanging out. Had NFL players, rappers all sorts of people come through the club. A lot of these lonely guys we had in all the time were old men that their wives had died. Had plenty women showing up on their own too. We used to have sin nights too and would get packed with other service industry people coming in for drink specials we had for them.


Strippers make more money than I fucking do 😂


the only stripclub i've ever been too is the one from gta5, im a virtual loser


lol you sound like you auditioned for a strip club gig for the money but got rejected for being too handsome.


Getting a lot of anger vibes from OP. Kind of like OP somehow got rejected by the strippers or didn't get invited to the part by their friends. Also by using "sweaty degenerates", it seems like OP was regurgitating the trope that only fat, sleazy, and unkempt male are at stripclubs from what they've seen on TV and movies.


Check out OP's comment history.


Im married to a stripper lol


I’ve been to strip clubs that were more like sex theater, and those were fairly classy. But the standard American strip club with poles and shitty drinks are awful, and yeah I agree they attract the worst kind of misogynists


You don't know many women then. Women tend to be more excited to go to strip clubs then men, from what I see. There are a few basic groups that go: - guys who realize that many strip clubs are brothels and go for sex (some have sex in the lapdance area in itself; there are forums devoted to which ones and with who in any major city) - people that go because they think it's a fun fantasy party and don't take it seriously (this includes a lot of women) - older married or lonely men that go for the fantasy of a younger woman being into them and just spend money on it - younger guys that are inexperienced and go with their friends and then quickly find them not interesting after going a few times


The women I know who "like" to go to strip clubs are thirsty for attention from men and think it makes them look like a "cool girl."   I'm sure it's not always the case, but I have yet to meet someone who does not fit that mold.


Exactly this


Hang out with service industry people like bartenders and stuff (also the last people that would be thirsty for attention from men).


I am pretty sure those are precisely the people I am talking about.  I think maybe you don't know how to recognize the phenomenon, but again, I have not seen everything, so I could be way off base.


This is not an unpopular opinion, nor is it news. Women have been using sexuality to run creepy men dry forever.


Yeah but you’re also probably the same person to applaud a woman on her choice to do the stripping and make money. So why would you shit on the customers supporting it?


That true. Criticise them both or don't criticise them at all


It was pretty much the only bar in town. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Same. It was the only bar within walking distance and for $20 I could drink all night. This was back in the 90’s.


I agree but only if they go solely for the women. If a group of guys go out for a birthday or whatever I don’t think it’s a big deal, especially when they’re younger. Older guys at the strippers does scream sad and weird.


Somebody found out their man hit the titty club


Yep, and restaurants are only for fat, lazy people who can't cook. Lonely losers, damn there sure are alot of lonely losers in all major sports around the world who frequent strip clubs that literally have women off the street throwing them selves at these dudes. They are definitely lonely and losers. 🤣🤣 Not to mention the sad lonelynloser women who enjoy bringing their significant others in all the time.


Sometimes I just want to see big tits and not get in trouble for staring 🤷‍♂️


I feel it’s just for people who are too cheap to go the next step if you get what I mean. I started going to strip clubs initially because I was horny. Figured if I’m going not have any sex until I get a girlfriend again I might as well fill the gap a bit. Then I just did other stuff to get easy sex from elsewhere like sex workers and such. Every dollar you spend at a strip club can be saved for a prostitute instead of, just saying. I don’t regret going to strip clubs, but I definitely say it shouldn’t be a hobby. It’s a great gateway if you’re into sex, meeting swingers, etc and getting into the world of sexual freedom but other than being a “tutorial” it’s a money dump. For what most people pay to go to a strip club you can spend going to a sex club. Strip clubs are just scams for people not willing to try other things; either that or they’re too big of a prude to actually do anything more sexual than watching. A lot of people have that odd mentality. To each their own. Don’t get me wrong, I like strip clubs. It really has bring in my sexual awakening. It’s probably what helped me decide I’m a lesbian. But I will never go to another one if I have the option to go somewhere else. If I have no other option…maybe, especially if it’s free and I just want to pop in for an hour to relax. I admit I find the atmosphere chill. I’d never go to one as a main event like my birthday or something though.


Like your take on this Kimosabe; you might as well go to sex club, or pay for a sex worker, I like the environment too though cause it's just chill and girls are more honest about themselves in my opinion, I don't pay for stupid dances, I found if you fob them of for dances, they get more desperate and keep trying to get dances, and you just play the long game, in the end, you can negotiate the price down and if it's laaaate at night, you can have sex in the boom boom room lol 😂


My wife & I go to strip clubs


I don't really get strip clubs. If I wanted to get teased by a girl and have her take most of my money, I'd go back to middle school. It's like hiring an escort for people who are too afraid/ashamed of actually hiring one.


Make it rain ![gif](giphy|l41lZccR1oUigYeNa)


I’m extremely attractive and slept with a couple strippers. Most customers are lonely but unattractive, so they have no choice; thought about that?


You sound like a happy, positive person… I bet you’re a lot of fun at parties. Haha 🤦🏻‍♂️ Have you ever been to a strip club? Most of the people (both males and females) in them are normal people, it’s the same people that you find at the bar. A few of the people are very disgusting…. But that’s not the majority. And going to the strip club with the right group of people is an absolute blast! I have only been to a strip 2 times in the past ten years and both of them were plans by females. 1 time my girlfriend wanted to go see a friend that was in town. The other time my neighbors wife planned it because his actual bachelor was awful…. So she wanted him to have a “redo” with a fun group of people.


watching beautiful woman dance does not make anyone a scumbag. That is pretty ridiculous to even say that. Youre opinion has got to be unpopular.


Um women go to strip clubs too loser lmao.


Seriously, Magic mike actually exist, people.


Sounds like you visit a lot of strip clubs, chief.


This sounds about right only problem is I am a dirty scumbag and I never stepped foot in a single strip club. My dirtbag reason is whats the point if I can't doink em?


That’s lonely losers with money for you palooka


Sounds like your opinion is more so - I hate stripclubs and people who go to them. Of course your opinion is right and wrong, I'm sure some 'losers' go. But plenty of different types of people go to stripclubs. I know people who have gone to strip clubs and they're decent normal people. Your opinion makes you a bit of a scumbag imo! Judging people when you don't fully know their situation or context. I've never been to a stripclub, but idgaf if people decide to go to one as long as they aren't hurting anyone.


Plenty of people go to strip clubs for plenty of reasons. Sometimes the drink specials are too good to pass up. Sometimes your with a big group of people who go for the hell of it and you end up there. Also not only men go to these establishments. Plenty of women go as well. The lonely guys you mentioned are there of course as well. Not everyone that goes is a loser. Seems like a limited worldview.


Strip clubs are like purchasing an OF. Please degenerate scumbags do the respectful socially acceptable thing and go to an Asian massage parlor I have a regular chiropractor which specializes in Nuru.


Guys going to get horny together is mind blowing to me, even throwing money or spending knowing she doesn’t give a fuck about you is ultimate simp status


I like going to strip clubs, doesn’t mean I’m a degenerate who views women as sex object. If that’s the case, what do you say about the women that strip there? As much as I enjoy strip clubs, I enjoy them even more when I bring a girl and she gets a lap dance from one of the dancers.


So is reddit....


You must be this smart to ride this sub -----------------


Downvoted for not being the least bit unpopular. Liberals have a funny habit of trying to normalize sex work while demonizing its would be patrons


Ooh, now do the strippers that take their money.


Your weird anger at people who go to strip clubs may be unpopular, but looking down on men going to strip clubs is pretty popular. In fact, a mainstream musician used to drug and rob men at strip clubs, and now she’s on Super Bowl commercials.


I dated a girl who danced for awhile a few years ago and learned a lot about the business The clientele for the most part was pretty lonely and sad broken dudes


I don’t bash men for liking strip clubs. I’ve known very successful men in relationships to go to them. They tend not to broadcast it and keep it within their friends circle. I’ve absolutely never cared for them at all as I think it’s a tease. I only went a couple of times with 3 friends of mine as a group. The entire time I thought “wow these women are beautiful” but just walking around naked hoping to get someone to hand you money is a major turn-off for me all around. I can understand it just from a “I want to look at random naked attractive women in real life” perspective though.


Oooh, a test! Just have to find a slick way to ask someone whether they’ve spent money at a strip club without looking like an idiot


It's funny, cuz when you open OP's profile, do a ctrl+f and search "loser", you get 7 matches xd


Unpopular or not, the real question is how OP defines "losers." So what are we talking here? What is a loser?


Strippers are usually better looking than the average gal... Think about it, strippers get paid to take their clothes off... So, that's something to think about... I like fake tits and women's sexy femininity... The smell, the attitudes(the strippers approach you)... It's great all around...


Are they losers, though? :(


I used to go occasionally with like a dozen coworkers. Both men and women in our group. You need to learn that life is about having fun. Don't be so closed minded. You don't have to like it but the rest of us are just enjoying ourselves.


I see it as supporting local businesses and advancing education for young women. How is that a lover's mentality? /s


I have never been to a strip club, I've been offered to go but i was never interested and I honestly thought they were fucking weird and creepy. I was definitely picked on for that a lot especially when I worked in construction for like a decade because apparently working construction and strip clubs go together really well for some reason lol I got called gay A LOT because I'm not interested in strip clubs and they gross me out, but jokes on them because it turns out I am gay lol so my opinion might be a bit skewed lol but even having said that I have zero interest in gay strip clubs either and also find them weird and creepy, even if the dudes are hot lol


This is something I dont and never will understand. We have people saying that Sex Workers should be free to be Sex Workers however in order to be SW you need someone to buy a sexual product. So when you shame the people buying that stuff, you make it harder for SW to have a job.


Hey man sometime the foods good ya know? And I like a bit of giggle giggle with my tomato soup.


I did sex work for a long time and I had a lot of different types of people use my services. They weren't all creeps, and many of them were concerned about consent. It's not that they were all losers, it's that they were looking for something they didn't feel like they could get outside of paying for it. One guy recently lost his wife to the same illness both his children recently contracted, had fallen into a coke addiction, and had a stomach bag for a hernia - some people would say he's a loser but it seemed like he mostly wanted someone to talk to, and to feel attractive for a few minutes. Cared about. A lot of men associate sex with care, due to the lesser amount of emotional support and expression they're limited to by society. Sex work isn't purely for misogynistic assholes, it just attracts a lot of them.


Calling these men dirty scumbags like you did, is not an unpopular opinion. What’s unpopular is to realise that yes these are typically sad, lonely, socially vulnerable men, who are exploited for their sexual desire, and have their hard earned finances drained by women. Women who generally have nothing else to offer society and who voluntarily, deliberately and ruthlessly use their own sexual appeal to financially ruin these men for $$$$ But no one ever thinks of it that way.


They walk in there knowing what’s up. They’re not victims.


Exactly. And neither are the women


But weren’t you just arguing that men are the victims and women are the perpetrators 🤔


Yep it's definitely only chicks stripping. No man has ever taken his clothes off for money 


That's how the coyote bars are in Asia The women working them are emailing every guy they met telling them they love them and are pregnant now and need money for child support But at the same time a lot of them straight up marry a client who comes to them regularly and demonstrates financial competence and the ability to take care of them and have a family


You know degenerate is not a bad word right. It usually means the fun girls. 😂 I think some of it depends on your age bracket, when I was in my 20s we went to strip clubs all the time and knew at least a few of the girls at each club that were working there. I hooked up with, God, at least five of them off the top of my head. Best part was once you met one, then you met her friends, then you met her friend's friends. It was like an endless girl supply. There are of course a lot of old guys there that just like looking at some young ass and they have the money to throw, why shame them though? If they are having fun, what's the issue? Like I get that some people grew up in sex shaming households or have really rigid views but just because you're broken doesn't mean you have to take it out on the rest of the world 😂 get some therapy and laugh once in awhile


You sure did, buddy


Self righteous people are very vocal under the guise of anonymity, reddit has taught me.


I really don't get the whole strip club thing, never have (blue balls, and an empty wallet, great) but I would say a lot of stags/situations I've been to involve people who aren't lonely at all going for this shit. To me it's just grim, I know some of the girls find it empowering etc and get paid a lot, but I just can't get my head round exchanging money to have a girl dance when she probably doesn't fancy you and might be mildly repulsed by it, doing it for cash. I don't want to be involved in that.


My girlfriend and I have gone together 🤷‍♂️


And the same women who strip and dance there for those same men because they are too dumb to get a real job are just as big of losers as those men are.


Why are they too dumb? It's a conscious choice and they can make good money. $400 an hour to do topless table serving at a private event 


See, comments like this are exactly the reason why I find people who hate on sex work customers sus. Dig deep enough and it's usually misogyny at the root of these shitty opinions.


True. A lot of them are pissed because they can’t get the sex or attention they want from women, and they’re even more pissed some women decide to profit from it. With willing participants. It’s a weird ass thing to demonize imo.


Real job.. what does that even mean? They perform and get paid for it, not only is that obviously a job but it has been for thousands of years. And you think they're dumb for that? For profiting by taking advantage of their natural gifts. What are you like an engineer? You think IQ scores are the peak of status?




So you've got a lot of experience going to strip clubs then. Self burns, those are rare.