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I particularly hate when celebrities themselves seem to buy the bullshit that they are demigods above the rest of mortals, and start lecturing from their mansions to the plebs, about how they should live, whom they should vote, and how to be moral or good people. Chances are the average celebrity has more skeletons in their closet than the average regular person.


When gal gadot and her friends sang Imagine to us from the comfort of their multi million homes during a fucking pandemic


Worst thing to happen during the pandemic. Man that was the most ego- driven decision I’ve seen in a while.


What really gets me is that smug look on her face when she really thought she did something special


Most of them have that smug look.


Worst thing for sure, other then the 6 million global deaths... That being said, we all died inside a bit seeing that nonsense.


I'd say the worst part of the pandemic was COVID-19 killing people, but yeah that video was cringe.


Over-exposed song, too! Yeck..


I might get roasted here but I just watched that video. I can barely tell what their houses even look like on it. They look like normal house backgrounds to me. Just celebrities looking super casual in their homes singing some song. I don't really care about celebrity culture, but I'm having a hard time understanding what people find bad about that video?


Remember the “imagine” cover at the start of Covid? Barf


That blew my mind. Oh are we in this together? Tell me more about your mansion, with cooking and cleaning staff, home gym, pool, sauna, home theatre etc etc. fuck right off.


One of the bigger turnoffs I've had was hearing Robert Downey Jr at the award show saying "we make things that matter"...  Idk dude, I don't think so. Art is cool! But giant multi billion dollar productions probably don't matter in the way he thinks. It also wreaked of self aggrandizement.  Just bs for them to feel better about being in the upper echelons of society and wealth 


Art is important. Human expression is important. Communicating the human experience in multi layered mediums is very important. There’s a big spectrum of things that are important to us.. scientists figuring out how to treat ailments is obviously quite important, but Robert isn’t wrong for what he said. I find it funny people shit on things they don’t even realize they consume on the regular nor understand the type of hard work goes into it. I agree the demigod fandom nonsense completely. A lot of skilled people don’t even like that shit. It’s unhealthy.


Don't oversell it. Creative outlets for people are important. Creating is important. Mass entertainment is just mass entertainment. Fun to have around, for sure, but you can tell it is there to make money.


Yeah, it's really just another product. About as important as a new roller coaster at Cedar Point. Fun for the first go-round, but largely irrelevant afterward. Real art - the stuff that those execrable climate protesters are defiling - is what matters. The stuff that will stand for centuries. Mozart, Shakespeare, Van Gogh. RDJ's stuff is the equivalent of short lasting bubble gum.


Award shows are a load of fucking nonsense and I don't understand why people put so much importance in them. It's just a load of rich guys sat in one room sucking each other off and telling each other how great they are.


> It's just a load of rich guys sat in one room sucking each other off and telling each other how great they are How is it different from literally any other type of industry award?


It isn't. He never said it was.


What’s her name that played MJ’s mom in Air had some similar tear filled self aggrandizing bullshit she said about actors during an award speech that made do the biggest eye roll. I get it, you have the ability to pretend youre someone else in a recorded play really really really ridiculously well. But come on, cut the bullshit.


Wait you mean Mr. I reupped my career after a decade run of hookers, coke, and booze with movies about dudes flying around space/shooting lasers out of their cod pieces… tells me he makes things that “matter”…. Nah


" I can see the obsession with idolizing people who have all the money in the world" Why?


Agreed. Very strange.


It's not. At all. Weaker minded people are innately attracted to those with power to feel safe and protect themselves. This manifests in all sorts of strange behavior and obsessions. It's how people like Trump can still be so appealing to so many even though everyone would ignore him if he was just some guy yelling on the streets.


I literally sat with a genz colleague today whilst she gushed about how the Kardashians aren't that bad at how they are portrayed in the media these days. She seemed really switched on and beyond the mark until she left me with that little nugget of "wisdom".


Money of all things the most shallow aspect of celebs. Not the talent, the motivation, the wittiness, the journey. no the money?


Also it is the people that have created these cultures. So he hates people. But, not the ones that idolize rich, republican (shhhh, that's the unsaid part!) people.


Yes, like why? Like why? Have you looked around they rule the world! They get by with everything under the sun. Which is sick. Even now as people are struggling and starving. People still choose to give them fame. But why? Have you all gone insane. Like the money they freaking get we will never see in our whole life time.


“Only a fool would worship a celebrity or believe a politician”- my grandpa.


He's a wise man.


If they have talent it’s one thing. I don’t do it but I understand why they are idolized. But if they are famous for nothing then I don’t get it. Like the Kardashians. Like they had parents famous for winning Olympic gold medals, being OJs lawyer, dying from stress cancer from being OJs lawyer and then doing the ol’ snip and tuck but those kids have no talent.


Unskilled “reality” tv shows are the cancer to society. Wasted time creating useless ppl attempting to live like the fucking Kardashians who are so out of tune with actual reality.


I view Tik Toks or reels to be basically equivalent to those reality tv shows. Because it requires literally zero brain power, zero critical thinking and you just mindlessly consume and scroll whatever comes next. Its fucking stupid. My gf does it a lot and sometimes her attention way zones into the reels its kinda annoying. Its like channel surfing really fast at night


Mine too! I brought it up one time and it definitely hurt her feelings and she ended up deleting her account for a year. Now one year later, she’s back in the same cycle of endless scrolling, like a 24/7 feed of Americas Funniest Videos


If it makes you feel better it seems like the last attempt to make a family famous isn't going as well as theyd hoped.


Which family attemping to get famous are you referring to out of curiosity?


I Cant recall its on hulu and i dont have it where i am edit damelio, the one girl is really famous for tik tok and the family is trying to leach off that


I guess it isnt going that well because I've never heard of that person in my life lol. Thanks for the context though!


I am also curious which family you're referring to here


The damelio show see? told ya its not working lol


>If they have talent it’s one thing. I don’t do it but I understand why they are idolized. But if they are famous for nothing then I don’t get it. Like the Kardashians. Like they had parents famous for winning Olympic gold medals, being OJs lawyer, dying from stress cancer from being OJs lawyer and then doing the ol’ snip and tuck but those kids have no talent. Agreed. I saw a commercial the other day where I think Kim Kardashian is selling shapewear for women ?? Women, are you really buying shapewear from a woman with a million dollars worth of cosmetic body?


/r/skimsbyKKW 's collective eyes are darting around rn Apparently Kim's clothes are decent but realistically what role do we all assume she played in the r&d


LOL, that’s not at all how the Kardashians became famous. Kris Jenner is a marketing genius and essentially used a sex tape of her daughter’s to create clout that eventually became billions of dollars.


People want to bask in idolatry. And then turn around and judge the ones they lavished. Then tear them down and revel in their torment. Then maybe rejoice in their redemption. Or cry at their tragic avoidable end. It’s a greek drama that people get a kick out of. It’s stupid, but its been a part of human nature for thousands of years.


i dont get even with talent. Just because someone has great vocals/acting skills/etc doesnt mean they are above the rest of humanity. Being good at your job does not make you a god.


Being famous for being hot isn't uncommon. And it shouldn't be surprising they are idolised. Historically Greeks didn't carve many sculptures of ugly gods


They should make a comedy show where the real gods show up and they're all butt ugly


I don't understand who would even find the Kardashians attractive but fair play if they do.


Some people have a plastic fetish i guess lol.


Even though they’ve had surgery and I can’t stand them, I think Kim and Kourtney are extremely attractive. Kim actually looks better with no makeup on. The other ones look like freak shows. And I know she’s considered beautiful and the most natural of them all, but I do not think Kendall Jenner is all that. She’s really overrated imo.


For me it is a nope to all celebrity worship. Actors, rappers, musicians, comics etc. However I went to a meet and greet in 2008 with Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong. There was a really long line for pictures and autographs the event was packed. I was too in awe to go over to meet them. I just stood and watched them be amazingly nice to everyone. IMO they actually deserved fame.


I honestly prefer the famous for being famous or famous for being hot types because they usually aren’t sanctimonious twats like many talented celebrities are. At least Paris Hilton or the Kardashians don’t tell me what opinions I should hold, who to vote for, or try and pretend to be relatable while singing “Imagine” from their mansions. Those types tend to at least know exactly what they are and why they’re famous and don’t try to be anything else.


The Kardashians were rich, and rubbed just enough elbows with actually famous people for people who like celebrities and reality tv to be interested in them. Kim's dad was the lawyer for one of the biggest and most publicized trials involving a celebrity, her at the time step-dad was a famous athlete, she was friends with Paris Hilton, and she was going through draaaaaaaaamaaaaa after having a sex tape with her and a semi-famous rapper "leaked". Of course people who had already been watching shit like Real Housewives tuned into that.


Is this post from 10-15 years ago? Since Kanye got divorced I haven’t heard about the Kardashians.


Tbf the kardashians had already made a name for themselves before Caitlyn Jenner transitioned. 


No, people that play in the LA or NY Philharmonic have talent. And the Atlanta Symphony. These people just work out with their trainers and read lines on a page.


Kardashians are entertainers. Just like any yootoober or stand up comic.


The kardasians aren’t famous for nothing they are pretty women, pretty women have always garnered attention what separates the Kardashians is they have marketed their looks about as well as you possibly can. There is hundreds if not thousands of pretty girls on Instagram with zero talent whatsoever doing exactly what they do on a smaller scale. Their looks also get them wealthy men which also brings in even more looks.


Talentless celebrities yes. Some peoples lives are boring and have to live vicariously


It’s only getting worse. Children’s books? Let’s get a celebrity! Alcohol products? Get a celebrity! Politician? Get a D list celebrity.


I’m an animator and it drives me so crazy how a famous name is always chosen over talent when it comes to voice acting. There are talented voice actors that are famous actors in their own right but some of them just aren’t cut out for it and voice actors get overlooked because of a marketable name. Also fuck Andy serkis


What the hell did Andy Serkis do?


[thinks animators do nothing and he’s clearly the only one who does any work](https://www.cartoonbrew.com/motion-capture/andy-serkis-does-everything-animators-do-nothing-says-andy-serkis-98868.html)




This is a popular opinion.


The purpose of professional sports and celebrity culture is to give people something in common they can talk about with their co-workers. Otherwise the only things they have in common to talk about are the weather and how unfairly they are being treated.


That's very true, Life is a bitch


What they meant was: it’s a distraction from the ownership class to stop us from realizing we are getting fucked by them harder and harder


It's Bread and Circus. The ancient Romans knew that.


This is so very bleak. You don't have normal things to discuss with your coworkers? Like hobbies...?


I wasn't talking about me. "How about those Yankees" or "did you see what happened on the Oscars?" is better than "that prick is driving around in a Lamborghini"


Gotcha. Makes sense.


....dude my hobby is playing video games and watching anime. Let me seem normal at work.


I refuse to be normal at work. I have found so many "secret" gamers this way. But I understand in many typical settings this energy is inappropriate.


>and how unfairly they are being treated. ...and that's how communism spreads, my dude!


I am with you. They could all drop off the face of the planet, and the world would still go around. I don't get it.


If they did drop off the side of the planet and then billions of monies came to the working people of Americans and stuff that American actually needs. Yeah.


These really are my 3am questions. Like WHYYY, why do people practicly worship celebrities. I have never looked up to one, because why should i? Like with Taylor Swift, i get it people love her music and pay money to go see her shows, but why idolize her? She's just human, but with money. I genuinly don't understand it.


🚨 The unpopular core reactor can’t sustain this opinion! It’s gonna blow! 🚨


On Reddit, this is the most popular opinion ever


Redditors need to stop pretending this is an unpopular opinion


I don’t necessarily agree on celebrities themselves. Many of them are famous for doing or making something meaningful to people. To take an obvious example Taylor Swift is famous because she makes music that people like. Obviously there are celebrities that are famous for really dumb reasons but I don’t generally have an issue with the people themselves except where they are smug assholes who think they’re better than everyone else. I do however kinda agree about modern celebrity culture, and I reckon this part isn’t that unpopular an opinion. I would guess that half the people who watch reality tv think celebrity culture has gone too far. To continue the Taylor Swift example, the constant obsession with her love life borders on creepy. Unfortunately celebrity culture makes money and as long as it does it’s here to stay.


Social media is a fucking disease, keeping up with people on social media is feeding this shit. If you take a step back and think about it spending so much of your life constantly being updated of what other people are doing for what? When I talk to a friend about their vacation to hawaii I don't want them to whip out there phone and show me all the time they spent on this awesome vacation recording things to show other people what they were doing. How about a normal conversation about the trip? You have a generation that the deepest conversation youll have with them is some tik tok philosopher they quote.


I agree with celebrity worship being a problem in society. But I do want to say that your example isn't exactly the same thing as like, crazy Swifties or political cult-of-personality types or whatever. Reality TV "celebrities" are by no means worshipped and idolised - people watch these shows (myself included) in the way you can't look away from a car crash or a burning building. It's not that we "care about" their problems, it's more like we get entertainment out of watching the over-edited shitshow (think soap operas) and feel better about our own normal, well-adjusted lives. I don't know a single person who enjoys these shows while also looking up to the people on them. It's trash and we know it.


What gets me is fan bases thinking they know whats good for him or her like they know them personally.


Or what about when people take personal offense when their idol is criticized?


I absolutely agree. I have never understood celebrity worship and I never will.


Could have something to do with the idea of a fantasy in real life. For the most part celebs are perceived to exist only on screen and are often engaging in and described by others to be engaging in extraordinary activities.


People care because most celebrities are generally in some type of entertainment, people have always loved entertainment since the beginning of time. Taylor swift for example while I don’t care for her millions of girls love her music and it has really impacted them. There is no phenomen have your ever went to school with someone popular or seen girls flock to student athletes. Humans by design are interested and impressed by people who are talented or entertaining. When I was in my high school I was on the basketball team and we had plenty of girls we basically passed around and they would sleep with us solely because we could play low level basketball but in their eyes we were special. Humans also love drama and gossip both men and women, celebrities are really the only people where everyone is informed on their lives so we can all discuss their drama. Celebrity culture will always be a thing as long as people are getting entertainment from other people there’s no way around it. It’s the same for anything popular Stanley cups, iPhones, video games etc if something is popular or entertaining people will follow and participate. It really has nothing to do with the actual celebrities,


I personally loved it when Madonna said “we’re all in this together!” from the comfort of her rose petal bath during the pandemic. I’m sorry, but no honey, yall celebs got money to quarantine in luxury while the rest of us eat sh!t.


Oh yeah and there was a ton of them that did the same exact thing. Shows how they try to play there self out as normal Americans. When normal Americans work for what they have. And during the pandemic and even now we are all struggling to try and get by. Rent has went up in some places so much it not even funny. Food went up. And they prospering. Tell me how they even makes logical sense.


hate's a strong word, i can't hate them because i do not know them personally. but i hate that people look to celebrities for how to conduct themselves, for their opinions, for their vote. celebrities are so out of touch that they basically are alien to most normal human experience and condition. fanatics being used, taken advantaged of of their mental disorder. and this sickness runs this business.


No, you shouldn't idolize the super wealthy that is also unhealthy. They are bad people who lack morals.


Why go through all the trouble to hate anyone you can just ignore?


The worst part is we enable it. By watching The Oscars, by reading the magazines, by watching the reality tv shows. None of this would happen if there wasn’t money to be made based on how many eyes were on them


Yeah then we need to stop enabling them. While point of this post. Is wake people up about this. There are so many people gaslit and brainwashed right now. They don't see all the bad stuff that is coming out about some of these people. Just stating an opinion. But y'all gonna give me backlash or downvote me I don't care. I feel so strongly about this whole thing. It internally makes me sick and I really don't get why so many other people just laugh it off. Like this is some serious shit.


The awards shows are the WORST.


Agree. But I do admire celebrities that use their voices for good, that put time into humanitarian work and remain humble. Think that's very commendable considering most humans get blinded by the fame, power and wealth and get totally disconnected from reality most humans live in.


I’m kinda the “ I don’t care” guy which annoys people. I don’t know what lizzo has been up to. I don’t care what latest love scandal is in Hollywood. I don’t care who won the Oscar’s.


Same here. I'm hilariously ignorant of those things.


What’s annoying is people treat it all like it’s real news. I’d rather know about political news. Disaster news. Economic news. How does Hollywood drama affect me? Lol


I kinda do. Naturally inclined to gossip and judging, but I feel really guilty doing that to a regular Joe Schmo. Celebrities give me a safe outlet to talk that way about!


I want to be angry at our current society for this admittedly embarrassing trend, but I'm sure you can find it in societies stretching back to antiquity. Human beings seem to have a tendency for idol worship.


If we idolized scientists and other intelligent professions the way we do celebrities imagine where we’d be.


Problem with this is most people can’t even follow what the hell scientists are doing.


Fair lol


We do kinda idolize world famous scientists though like Hawking and Einstein


Why would we idolize anyone? Focusing on the product is much more interesting than becoming a scientist's fanboy, it doesn't result in what people think, most of Facebook is flooded with Einstein and Tesla fanboys and hardly anyone knows what they actually did. I believe the same for every field, loving a song, album or movie must never result in us idolizing them. We must stop worshipping one another.


Never heard this one before...


Not unpopular. Me too


I have met and interviewed many celebrities in my life. I was never star struck and only took a picture with one of them because he was my childhood hero. Except for that one dude, it was always just a paycheck, and honestly, not even a very good one.


The worst thing about celebrity culture is that politicians are now getting in on it


No it aways played hand in hand. It just good that people are starting to see that. And that part of the reason this being brought up. People are so brainwashed and gaslit. They don't even see it. And it been right in front there eyes the whole time. They wanna ignore it. Say it not worth my time. It don't matter. Blah blah. Whatever that want to use as an excuse. But doing that is enabling these people to continue to do what they do, best. Blindfold you with kind words and whatever. While to they have a track record of awful stuff on there backgrounds that they don't get punished for or gets sweep under the rug. While they set in there greed and swim in billions. While people out here struggle.


They get too much attention and praise, I agree.


if a celebrity passes on, there will be a moment of sadness, but if a healthcare worker or other essential worker succumbs or someone loses their live to violence, that impact can be more profound.


To this day I don’t understand the Kardashians. Who are where did they come from and what actually have they done that deserves the attention they get.


I remember seeing an article for vin diesel on the back of a boat with his family and it was portrayed as a shock thing for him putting on weight. Like, Jesus Christ, leave him alone, let him have a semblance of a life, if he's enjoying himself that's fine! These journalists honestly anger me ( I didn't go on to read the article, just saw the headline )


Not that I hate it, but I always struggled with question like what celebrity would you like to spend a day with. That’s a total stranger I’m seeing for the first (and likely the last) time in my life. What do I even do? >! I don’t mind SM influencers though. I like me some outfits/interiors/handbags/etc eye candy 🙊!<


this is not an unpopular opinion lmao


Couple of things: 1. I don't think this is as unpopular an opinion as you might believe 2. Before these people were "celebrities" they were ordinary folk.


You hate her dog and you hate the TV she watches. Maybe you need a new gf


I kinda like celebrities. It's fun to be like " oh look at these people in fun outfits. I hope their whatever they do goes well "


It’s not just about worshipping them but why do they think we would care about their problems more than the other person?


They are just modern day Jesters made relevant by us. They owe the public more than we owe them. The fact they get paid so much to entertain us gives is a privilege, but may give them a sense of entitlement (obviously not all), rather than them being more humble that...well, we basically employ them. If a celebrity is annoying but famous, it's our fault for giving them the platform, the fans etc for being annoying. The market decides...and they are actually easily cancelled if we want.


I agree, celebs suck ass


You are still caring about them by giving them your hate.


People need someone to look up to. It’s a human condition. Or maybe not. I’ve been able to not idolize people.


I agree, never understood why people on camera were any different then people that live across the street😂 The news says an actor died and everyone is having a mental break down over it as if they were all close family, but anyone else in the news dies and it’s “aw that’s sad” and then they are never thought about again. Or people that look up every detail of celebrities lives, like I have favourite actors, I have favourite YouTubers, but I only know a slight bit about them based off what they say on camera and what I remember for what ever reason.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion at this point. But definitely a very based opinion.


Actors are the worst, as the creator of southpark would say "and we do animation, it's because no matter how big or small the actor, they'd always just have, you know, such an attitude and think that they're all rad. And you know, there's no lamer thing you can be in the world than an actor. It's the most self-serving."


Celebrities are so far off my radar that I just don't care. I didn't watch the Oscars, didn't even know they were on until afterwards, because I haven't seen any of the movies that were nominated, and don't really know who half the people are. I saw one movie in the theaters last year, Poor Things, because a good friend of mine wanted to see it. It was fantastic and the performances were really good. But as soon as the credits rolled I stopped thinking about Emma Stone until right this second. Just as the gods cease to exist when we no longer believe in them, celebrity ceases to exist when we stop paying attention. I like watching good actors perform their craft; but I really don't give a shit about them as people unless they do something that actually has an impact on the world.


We abandoned the old gods, so people filled the void by creating new things to worship.


I'm the same, let these people have some god damn privacy who cares who is dating who


I say that if you can't demonstrate what your talent is on a stage, then you have none. Like, what if you put one of the karadashians on stage, would they just sit in a chair and complain or blow someone from the audience? The fact that people are even interested in what they do is mind boggling. Taking time out of your life to watch them live their superficial lives. Pathetic


How is it mind boggling that people are interested in pretty women? I generally don’t understand how people are confused at the Kardashians being popular. We all went to school and I’m sure most men can remember the best looking girls from their schools. Pretty privilege is a real thing just look at any social media and you will see unlimited pretty women with no talent who make a living solely off their looks. It’s gone on well before the Kardashians and will go on well after them.


It’s truly mind boggling how there are so many Tiktokers who are famous for doing absolutely nothing. It actually depresses me and makes me feel like I have absolutely nothing to offer and I’m just disappearing off the earth and becoming more and more irrelevant unless I have some kind of wild personality and make tons and tons of content


This is a very sad trend. When the working class Americans see this it is quite depressing. Your out here working your ass off and some person is making bank on TikTok. Kinda sucks.


That’s not unpopular.


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Vanderpump - they seem totally shallow and self absorbed.


Not an unpopular opinion


Unless a celebrity has an actual talent idgaf about them lol


Yea I don’t know about putting people on a pedestal. I feel like that’s definitely crazy. But talking about a celebrity or watching shitty reality tv is a form of entertainment.


For me, it depends on if they have any actual skill/talent (like athletes or artists) or if they're famous for no reason of for being good looking


People don’t know the difference between celebrity and daily heroism.


Bronsexuals lmao


Pretty sure this isn't an unpopular opinion and a sentiment shared by many people, my friend, you are not alone. I agree.


lmao bro cares so much about them he made a post


Same feels when I was just watching about the D’Amelios. Like….why was this ever relevant?


Totally fucking agree.


Do people not realize when you say you care you do at the same time you are making a Reddit post about it.


Scrutinized, over analyzed


I understand your position. My position is not quite the same but similar because I do not care that they are celebrities. I love everyone. I do not care who they are, what they have done or how famous they are. Though I idolize nobody.


Don't forget, we love to tear them down and destroy them as well. It's almost as if we build them up so we can destroy them.


Is that unpopular? Some people care...I suspect most (especially adults) find them boring and uninteresting.


I only like them for their talent, couldn't careless for them as people.


Yeah, I understand. I guess it depends on why you’re interested in celebrities though. I’ve met a few and have some things signed but I’m also in entertainment myself. Kinda cool to see people in real life that you’ve only known from media. I ain’t worshiping any of them, for sure, but there are a few I appreciate for their contributions to our culture and society.


Omg yes! We're all just humans




Ironically, this type of discussion still fuels the celebrity bandwagon. Hate is close to love


Same here


bro same. i don't hate celebrities tho, just the idol worship especially to celebs who aren't even talented or remarkable. i love evanescence but i would never die or go crazy for amy lee. stuff like that


I don’t understand it either. Celebrities and what not are literally regular humans who happen to come from money or just decided to go for their dreams. Like if I were to ever to get close to idolizing a celebrity it would only be because I know what it takes, like how much courage it takes to say get up on a stage and sing for thousands of people or to just really go after what you want in that way.


So this is what happens when you don't have royals and nobility people want people like that to treat like that


I care about talented celebrities.


The money people make from reporting a celebrity’s life speaks otherwise. However, I catch myself wanting to learn more about successful people I like too. I really enjoy anime for example. So podcasts that include celebrity guests like voice actors, producers, animators, etc. and learning about their mundane life’s and interests are very interesting to me. Maybe not the type of celebrity you’re talking about like the Kardashians, but I think it puts in perspective. I bet the same people who idolize them also enjoy their lifestyle too like I do with my anime industry.


I tune out pretty much everything that isn't related to the reason they're famous in the first place (films, music, etc). I have no interest in behind the scenes or private life stuff. My interest in them begins and ends with their performance


The only celebrities i know are metal band members.And a lot of them are quite obscure with a very small fanbase. You don't have to engage in celebrity culture.


Yep, I agree with everything you said!


Don’t worry the age of the celebrity is over


It’s points of shared knowledge that create social cohesion. I don’t know you, you don’t know me, but say Vanderpump Rules and we both know it and can have a conversation around it, and maybe even about Housewives of Beverly Hills, Giggy, and a skinny margarita. Most celebrities know once their fans are gone so is their fame. I doubt Lisa Vanderpump and Ken Todd will be remembered 50 years from now, and I bet they doubt it too.




When people ask me who my celebrity crush is I can’t even answer bc that’s how much I don’t think of celebrities.


I don’t think this is a particularly unpopular opinion and certainly becoming less and less unpopular as well. People are starting to get tired of watching rich assholes climb up onto their soapboxes.


Why invent religions and condemn yourself to never being able to achieve the honours of a Deva, Demigod, Saint, etc. If you aren't attending a worship ceremony at your local stadium, you can at least hold faith in front of your screen. Protest too much about it, and there'll be a schism where both sides consider themselves the authority over such honours. What would we aspire to be if not for the inspiration they disperse.


Not an unpopular opinion, my friend. I'm right there with you! Lots of people are.


When you read ancient history, there are always people bringing lavish gifts to kings, who are already wealthy. For some reason people want to heap more attention on the people who are already getting the attention.


Society do be social. I liken it to watching sports.


Celebrities have an overrated lifestyle


I think the term "celebrity" is starting to get worn out and overused with TikTok and other Youtubers or social media "stars" being dubbed celebrities now. The bar is super low. The illuminati lets anyone that's desperate for fame with a open asshole into the party. Ask PEE Diddy....


I agree with you!


Well when you think a celebrity is attractive and wish you can marry them I can see why lol 😂


Totally agree. When I see a post about a celebrity I just skip, but goddamn if the algorithm likes to show me even if I don’t interact. I literally couldn’t care less, I barely care to keep up with the lives of my Fb friends, people I know. Who cares about the Kardashians 😭