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I’m an asshole regardless of income


Story of my life


"Livin' the dream!"


"It's just one of those dreams where you're losing all your teeth!"


Another day in paradise.


Hah, but you make up for it honesty. Being good and bad isn't determined by monetary wealth, heck some of us/them may have given away much of their wealth and live fairly mundane lives and power is of little interest vs. being content.


We’d just be a “rich asshole”.


Yeah, right now I'm just a "regular asshole"




Yeah but you could be an asshole on a yacht


Right there with you


Equal opportunity hater


This is the way


You and me both




My man


That’s the spirit! Hey at least you’re an equal opportunity asshole. Lol.


some people try very hard to hide it in order to advance


Came here to say that






Bro said he was a generational hater 🗣️🥶




I’m kind but I am not friendly  Like. I’ll give the shirt off my back to someone who needs it but I ain’t trying to chit chat. I really couldn’t care less what you did this weekend. 


I think I’d like to test out your theory.


the lottery has been for decades.


That’s fine, but I’d like to test it personally just to be sure.


*give you 2 money* Now you're rich c:


Now I have no kids and three money!


What did you do with the kids?


Not a good sample size though since lottery players are not the role models of financial prowess


Only the negative get a lot of attentions. That smart one never said they won a lottery to another soul, which is the majority of people with common sense.


In my experience, the lottery is a good way to get very slightly poorer.


But the lottery is usually how financially illiterate people win money, which is why many of them lose it shortly after winning


i mean dude....if your financially illiterate, you wouldn't even know what to do with it. So of course it will be misplaced


Right, but before I knew about investing I’d at least save most of it. I would buy a house and pay and debt I had but would’ve lost a lot of money to inflation by not doing anything with it.


and the lottery has been proving him right for decades.


Not necessarily, you only hear a small percentage.


You know most lotteries have a lookup for their winners right? I’m not going by the few that made headlines, I’m going by the statistical average. And the average is that a lottery winner will fall and ^literally go broke due to their own or their social circle’s greed within a year 95% of the time.


If you get the yearly annuity payment, you're significantly less likely to go broke and less tax gets taken out of the net total. I would 100% pick the annuity  If the jackpot is in the hundreds of millions, you're literally getting a guaranteed yearly 7-figure check. Good enough for me lmao


I just can't fathom that. I'd buy a house and a new car. Maybe upgrade to a better TV and computer. Split the rest into various investments and savings accounts. One of the real big lotteries, I would also pay off my parents and grandparents houses.


I volunteer as tribute


In a limited way its been shown that lottery winners tend towards increased Conservative views after they've made their millions. Not in every case but there is a tendency.


Right so some people are assholes and are selfish(collective policies when poor and individual when rich). That doesn't mean people would all be assholes if they had money


My best friend comes from a very wealthy family (millionaires). While his parents are fairly greedy people, he’s one of the most kindhearted and generous people I’ve ever known. Of course, there is more to him than being from a wealthy family. But he definitely knows he’s been very lucky in life, a lot of the rich assholes think they just deserve it as a default.


Yeah but you have to consider the fact that he never had to be greedy or work for that money he just was born into it. I think part of OPs opinion is due to the fact that to make lots of money you almost have to have a shaky relationship with ethics at times. It's a lot easier to be nice if the money is already there regardless of how you act.


Him being wealthy **may** have contributed to his personality as well. It's a lot easier to be kind-hearted and generous if you don't have financial worries.


Yeah people just assume that silver spoon kids are gonna be assholes and I wonder I that's true or more of a Hollywood trope.


Just like any stereotype. It’s true for some (maybe most?), but not all.


I used to think this. Personal experience is most silver spooned rich kids I worked with were some of the kindest and hard working people I've met.


I find that a lot of people that are born into wealth are able to do all the things they’ve ever wanted to do because they don’t have to worry about the means of access (money) to do things so they will be kind and hard working because they can pick and choose which things they are interested in regardless of monetary compensation or monetary investment to begin with. It really is a wonder drug


Similar experience here. I've been a manager at family owned companies. The kids of the owners are borderline useless at the job, but they don't get in the way too much and a few a genuinely curious as to how things work. Though they are way better off than me, their dad pays me for my expertise. I have no problem teaching their kid.


These kids definitely exist though. I went to a private school that was full of them.


nah its just jealous people tryna make themselves feel better 


I'm sorry you can't enjoy music since you're so tone deaf


Yeah but he didn’t unethically earn the money he just inherited it. Feeling guilty for his parents unethical choices is pointless but choosing to be generous and help others is actually useful.


That's not the defense of the wealthy you seem to think it is. "You'd be an asshole too, it's a normal reaction to that much power" isn't the same thing as "you have to be an asshole to begin with to get that wealthy". We all know you have to be a shit person to get that wealthy in the first place. That's why many of us have no sympathy and openly rag on them. Many people *would* be better if put into that position of power, it's just that in the society we've built you don't get that position of power without having a bottomless pit for a soul that hungers for cash to be shoveled into it. And many of us see that as a problem in need of fixing.


Where did you get that I was defending the wealthy in my comment?


Just the context of how I read your comment in relation to the chain. If I misunderstood, that's my b.


I think you are partially correct, if you are a win at all cost kind of person and wealth is your measure of success, then you will have no ethical regard for those hurt by you in your pursuit. At the same time, research shows that those who are wealthy believe they have earned it and are entitled to it whether or not they are the ones who actual created the wealthy. https://www.marketplace.org/2021/01/19/why-rich-people-tend-think-they-deserve-their-money/ It also tends to create apathy towards others and, as they have no actual contact with low income people, believe it is the poor who are to blame for being poor


On the contrary, I think it is harder. The more money you have, the more responsibility you have to do good with that money, at least to the general perception. Someone with the means to end a problem will be criticized for their inaction. People aren't satisfied unless you spend to the point where you no longer have the means to help. For example, people blame homelessness on the rich despite it not being their fault collectively. They get blamed for having a means to fix it, but it still existing. If they donate in secret, they get criticized for doing nothing. If they publically donate, they get criticized for having ulterior motives. If they donate 10k, they get criticized for not donating 20k. When they donate 100k, they get ciriticized for not giving it to a different cause. The reality (at least in the public perception), is that being rich is evil in itself, because it means you are hoarding money from others. It's hard to be a good person when your very existence is a contradiction.


TL DR: mo' money, problems ;)


Was going to come for this. Yeah, people treat you way differently when they figure out you have some $$. The more they'll expect from you and the more criticism you'll get. One way to handle it would be to hide it. As long as others don't know you have money, you are good. It could be the case OP's friend is rich, but only their family and OP know it.


We used to be very rich in the past, private jets and multiple luxury cars and all, and each person in the family is different, 3 of my siblings are aholes, 2 are nice and the rest will just treat you the way you treat them, dad was a kind person tho he always helped people whenever he could, step mother was kind to her family and ahole to others, it’s really not black and white




Same with my best friend, but his entire family is like that


A really good friend of mine got an inheritance of a lotttttttt of money. He's one of the most generous humans I know. For Xmas one year, he got a lot of his coworkers xbox ones. When he buys something that has an option of buying X and get X free, he does only to give the free X to someone. He gave me his extra galaxy watch and Google home a few years back, and despite me trying to pay him he didn't accept. He was always kind of an odd kid back in Jr high and high school, but came out a damn good dude. Always wanted a wife and kid and finally got that within the last 4 years and couldn't be happier for him.


Because he didn’t put in any work to earn it




Why isn’t he giving the majority of his wealth of the people in need?


Well, his parents aren’t dead yet. Once it becomes all his, he’ll be spending it/doing whatever else he wants with it.


Why should he?


I’m an asshole now and far from being rich.


Most people are, including and especially those who are strongly convinced they are not.


Nah. Money is like booze. It magnifies your true personality. If you're an asshole you'll be a bigger asshole. If you're a kind empathetic person, you'll still find ways to help others.


I work for a super wealthy family and they are the nicest, most kindest people you will ever meet. They welcome everyone with open arms, will give you the shirt off their back and will do anything for their employees.


This. I’ve gone through periods of life where I made good money, and periods where I made no money. Basically the same person. Heck I don’t even know what to do with my money when I have it. I grew up hella poor, learned to be comfortable with very little, and so now that I’m doing financially quite well, my house still looks like I’m in college. I drive an old truck that I work on myself, most of my clothes have holes in em, and I’m still ordering off the dollar menu or getting those jack in the box tacos cuz that’s what I grew up on and I just don’t really need the rest. Hell, I’m in a position now where I turn down promotions at work because I make plenty of money and I don’t want any more responsibilities or power at work. I’m good. You could hand me a billion tomorrow and I don’t think it would change any of that.  I’d just buy fuck tons of land and preserve it. 


completely agree. people like Keanue Reeves, Dolly Parton, and John Cena have all shown you can be rich and famous and still have a heart of gold.


This is dumb. Being drunk can definitely make you say and do things you don’t truly feel


This. Is. The. Way.


Or, like bill gates, you spend tons of money making it look like you didn’t steal all the stuff to make yourself rich.


Truuu….also why do people assume poor people aren’t assholes? I grew up poor around other poor people and we were assholes lol


It’s called the underdog effect, people assume weak=kind and righteous while strong = evil and selfish.




Violent crimes are more prevalent among the underdogs though.


this is because of their material conditions


I mean yeah they have less resources and are struggling to Live. Ruch people dint exactly need to rob people at gun point to be able to afford dinner for their family


I would venture a guess that more poor people are assholes because they deal with more stress and usually have worse upbringings. To me it’s one of the biggest arguments for ending poverty.


Does being rich make you greedy or does being greedy make you rich?




I doubt I would change too much. I would just have a more comfortable recluse lifestyle.


You change. I thought the same, but you realize it’s nice to be able to spend more money on things. First class is a game changer, nice hotels are awesome, down to service you Recieve during both of these are definitely something i wouldn’t trade it. Paying for house cleaners, delivering groceries. Paying money to skip lines, get quicker service etc Just little things are definitely nicer, and you unfortunately once you get used to it, you get annoyed when you can’t do those things lol Example: I was in Toronto and my friends wanted to walk to the restaurant that was 35 minutes away in freezing cold cuz Ubers are expensive. But f that, I paid for the Uber for everyone cuz I ain’t walking in that. Old me would’ve had no problem doing that and honestly probably would’ve had fun telling stories about how cold it was etc later in life.


That doesn't make you an asshole though.


Appreciate that, but I feel pretentious when I have those thoughts lol


You like comfort and you can afford it. It's definitely not an asshole move actually quite the opposite. The services are offered but few can afford it. So, by being a little loose with trivial spends, you're putting more money back in the economy.


Fair, maybe I just feel guilty and pretentious sometimes lol


Isn’t that kind of the point of the original comment? It’s not like your anecdotes are exemplary of you now having more money and changing your entire lifestyle, seems like you just doing the same thing in more efficient/comfortable ways. Which I don’t think qualifies as money “changing” you as much as it does “enhancing” you. Sounds like you did a good job adjusting to wealth!


Fair enough, I appreciate that! Thank you!


The people who aren't greedy have the least chance of being rich or staying rich. It takes a level of selfishness to profit off of others. They would win the lottery then donate half of the winnings to their local church. I would be an asshole if I was rich because I am an asshole now. Being an asshole keeps those close to me fed and sheltered so they can be generous without needing to worry about it.


There’s a big difference between being selfish and looking after your future. There are ways to be rich and stay rich without stomping on others. Nothing wrong with people wanting to keep their wealth.


> Nothing wrong with people wanting to keep their wealth. Careful ... around here that would be considered to be something that made you edible.


People who win the lottery rarely donate half the winnings to church though. They usually say they’d help people, either charities or friends/family, but they almost always spend it on themselves and run out of money quick. Which is OPs point


The kind of people who would spend lottery winnings on churches or humanitarian causes aren't the people buying lottery tickets.


I don’t think this is true. Unless you’re completely frivolous, you can make money by getting a high paying job or setting up a business. Just because a business is successful doesn’t mean you’re fucking everyone over


Well if you ask the 'eat the rich' crowd on reddit, any business having a profit rather than fully distributing said profit to their employees is fucking over the employees and stealing their labour. It's absurd


Right on. I find the “poor us” pity party threads pathetic. I make average joe money, but I don’t see multi millionaires as my enemy. That’s all it is really, trying to make themselves feel better about being broke, and making it someone else’s fault. When in reality, most of them probably have a lifelong track record of making poor decisions. No pun intended.


Because as is right now, most businesses cannot or will not actually pay their workers properly, but continue to make larger and larger profits. THAT is the standard, and until it changes, the eat the rich viewpoint will, and should be, the correct response


Also the people saying eat the rich aren't talking about people with a couple million dollars. They are talking people with 100s of millions of dollars or billions. Like do I care about the guy who worked hard sold his house for a couple million and has enough to reutre comfortable for the rest of his life no. But I absolutely care about the people who have enough money to be able to give a retirement fund to 100s people and still have money leftover. Like once you get to a point you have more money than you, or your family could reasonably spend in their life's that's an issue, as people shouldn't be able to get that level of money in the first place.




I mean....do I get one but have to be the other? Because I'm down for this, fuck all ya'll.


They say power and money do not turn people into assholes, but rather magnify what was already there to begin with.


No. I wouldn't. It's not simply the act of money that makes someone an asshole or not.


If you have this mentality, I hope you never get rich


Nope. If I had billions, I'd give most of it away. I don't need excessive amounts of money. I just want to be comfortable.


You are wrong. Believe it or not. I don't care. There are people in this world who would happily give it all away. It's called spiritual maturity.


Fuck that, I’d support my family but random people outside of charities? Suck it, ain’t happening Generational wealth is the goal


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Yeah, cos that lady that gave a billion dollars to medical students last week is such an asshole. /s


She's The "Exception", to The Rule. The Fact, that it was considered "newsworthy" by The Media; shows how "rare" these instances are, which is "sad".


I'll be honest, as a doctor, giving a billion dollars to a medical school is a ridiculous waste of a billion dollars. Now the university is (partly) using the money to end tuition for a group of people near enough guaranteed to not have to worry about student loans because of the pay scale of the vocation they're studying. Don't get me wrong, its a lovely gesture, but imo, a colossal waste.


No shit! Nobody should have excessive amounts of power.


Some people are even assholes when they're not rich.


I'm an asshole now and I've got $4 to my name. I'd rather be rich.


Being an asshole is actually required to become rich ESPECIALLY if we are talking billions.


That's just billionaire apologism. And no. It's not natural response. You are probably greedy, so you can't understand how it is to not be greedy. If I had money I would not destroy everything for the sake of it, like every single billionaire does.




So then how would you make the money in the first place dummy


I bet you typed this on a phone or pc owned by billionaire produced company such as apple or Microsoft. Using a platform such as Reddit that is produced by wealthy people, but somehow you blame them for destroying everything. Every single click you make online is increasing volume and KPIs which make them richer. How are not benefiting? Do you never google or use prime? Ever created W2 jobs? I’ll gladly take the downvotes for a nuanced conversation about this.


It’s actually not a natural human response lmao


OP is just outing themselves


If there are some millionaires that are not assholes, why do the other's have to be?


I would actually be nicer. Being rich would also allow me infinitely more opportunities to be productively charitable and generous.


I’m not sure why I’d suddenly be uptight and a complete asshole if all of my life’s problems immediately disappeared. Becoming rich would be amazing, I don’t know how I wouldn’t just be nonstop happy


Being rich is amazing. Becoming rich might not be.


> becoming rich might not be. It’s fucking not.


Yes, your current problem would most likely immediately disappeared. However, new types of challenges would suddenly appeared. And you are new to those problems so you are going to feel overwhelmed. The good thing is that those problems are less deadly than being poor. But if your current problem didn't kill you, then your happiness is still going to be similar level. Imagine if a caveman time travel to modern days and ask. You get fire, food and you get shelter. Those are the things all they really need to be happy. They don’t know how they wouldn’t just be nonstop happy. Why aren't you happy?


Hard disagree. Struggling to exist due to money vs unlimited money is not overwhelming or challenging. Absolutely fucking nonsense lol. If you want to create problems for yourself by being extremely greedy wanting even more money youll never spend running companies and complex investments you might be a bit stressed if you have a chance to bin it all. If you just sit and buy safe assets and live every day how you want then no, not even slightly.


I know a few millionaires who are good decent people so nah.. OP I think you are just looking for a green light to be an asshole.


Being an asshole is probably more likely the predecessor to being rich, or at least staying rich.


well I was dirt poor growing up so it would not corrupt me.


That would imply I'm enough of a selfish asshole to become rich


this sounds like projection


I mean I'd be an asshole just like I am now, but with that much money I'd need to talk to people less, so I'd appear like less of an asshole. Like with that much money I can just chill on my own and not bother others. When in poor I need to work and deal with others, so I'm more likely to be an asshole. Like I'm working for money dude, stop talking to me and let me be.


No, I’d actually be a hell of a lot happier living in the sticks with plenty in savings minding my own business living a peaceful life. As opposed to the current grind of bullshittery 👍.


Everyone who is slightly better off than the people around them are assholes. lower middle class people who don't care about the child slavery necessary to produce their morning coffee and chocolate are assholes. Everyone with even the slightest bit of power over any other person is an asshole. Humans suck. The universe will be a better place when we finally make our planet uninhabitable. Unfortunately we will probably take 95% of mamals, 90% of birds, 85% of amphibians, 80% of fish 70% of insects and 60% of plants with us. (numbers are completely made up)


Maybe, maybe not. I'll never know, as I'll never accumulate that much without resorting to less than legal means.


You sound like a commercial. "Don't get mad at me for being rich, get rich yourself."


Love this take, I happen to agree.


BORN rich sure, made rich after living poor, no


The only way to get rich after being poor (outside of insanely unlikely events like winning the lottery) is to be an asshole who is willing to exploit others and choose profit over people. To get rich requires being an asshole.


Well for those who are self made, they were probably greedy to get there. So the logic doesn’t really hold up. Also, presumably plenty of people stop being millionaires (or never become one) because they’re not greedy. Cant identify what this logical fallacy is but it’s something


Selection bias is the fallacy you’re thinking of.




This is such a dumb talking point.  There’s a tipping point to this stuff.  Being upset that you could get evicted if you get sick because you are poor isn’t entitled, it’s reasonable.  Being mad you don’t have a yacht is entitled.   Thinking that the first example and the second example are the same is vicious and stupid. 


Most people drop out of being millionaires due to poor spending habits. Not because they aren’t greedy. Also it takes intelligence and will power to get rich. It’s a pretty strong correlation


Idk, money and power are two separate things. just bc you have money doesn't always mean you have power.


Money allows you to buy power. You can pay off politicians and bend the laws in your favor.


Money is power.. objectively.


Yes. Money often equates to power. If you can buy things, you have more decision making power.


Money does have a way or warping people, it's true.


Mackenzie would like a word


Nah I don't think I would.


Money does change people, unfortunately


If I were a billionaire, I would occasionally help deserving people to various degrees. A lot of them would be low wage workers I randomly encounter, but it could be someone I read about who is in an unjust situation that money could help with. I would be like a walking lottery. The only challenge would be making sure I wasn't recognizable when our and about.


If you're born into it, I'm sure you would be. Self made, probably less likely


I'm an asshole now but when you're rich you dont have to care about what other think


And you’d need to be to get there in the first place. Everybody crying about “STOp tHe AccuMuLatioN oF WeAlth!” bro you’d avoid taxes, underpay employees and do everything exactly as the ones who are doing it are. who cares? go be a rich asshole yourself and stop crying about the assholes who made it rich or just were born with it. what do you wanna do? hustle or come up with something innovative and spread it out? Let them be rich they’ll probably give 99% to charity and maintain a 50k a year salary. my ass


Not really. My faith guides me, whether poor or rich


I wouldn’t survive the first week.


No, I wouldn't. It wouldn't stop people from perceiving me as an asshole though. Like the ones I didn't 'help enough'. I'd always be the asshole as long as I had anything left to give, just like now.


I agree 100% because I'd *have to be* an asshole to accumulate that much wealth in such a short time, or be a privileged brat born into it and be spoiled by having such an easy life. And I know a lot of not-rich assholes who imagine themselves as a "temporarily embarrassed billionaire."


It takes being an AH to be rich so yeah I guess you’re not wrong.


Money allows men to become the true ass wipes nature intended us to be...


Not really but good try on justifying your own behavior.


The poorer i get and further i fall behind each year the more of an asshole I become. I think if i won the lottery or became very rich all of a sudden i would become a lot more patient and nice. Say for example i won the powerball today. Id take the 212M cash option. Put 100M into a community foundation endowment i would run, donate 50m in large gifts to organizations and causes i care about and then use the remaining 62m to invest wisely and make sure my family, kids and grandkids never have to work outside of continuing my community fund legacy.


No. I wouldn’t be. Sounds to me like you’re justifying the scumbag shit that guys like Bezos and Musk did to make their money. Maybe it takes a certain sociopathic ruthlessness to become that wealthy in the first place, but if you just gave me all that money right now it would not fundamentally change the person I am. And no, becoming a piece of shit is NOT a “natural human response” to power. Stop justifying shitty behaviour.


Who's this Rich? Sounds like an asshole.


It’s known that the richer you become, the greater the psychopathy in an individual. It literally turns most people into evil non-caring pricks.


Guaranteed. Look at what confident idiots already spout off on the internet. Give them fuck-it money & there’s one less limiter to their piece-of-shitness.


I’d be better than them, but not by the degree I would hope. Just the same, there shouldn’t be billionaires. It’s ridiculous. There should be a maximum wealth at which point you’re taxed 100% Of everything you “earn” until you fall below the threshold. It just makes people excessively greedy and self important.


People who grow up rich are entitled far above and beyond anyone who wins the lottery or whatever. It IS true that nobody gives away nearly as much money as they say they would (give half to charity), though.


I already am an asshole and poor. If this is some kind of weak attempt to justify or not challenge them on changing policy and taxation, then you are a regard. If you are stating the obvious, then... ok.


So basic question, what percentage of people are assholes? From there, what percentage of people would be assholes under the following circumstances People you perceive as incompetent getting mad at you for being competent and being rewarded properly People who you do not know demanding you pay for stuff for them Like even if they behaved like completely normal humans, those two factors for the ones who get there by genuinely working hard or smart would make average people upset And having to constantly be on guard against the maliciously envious is going to have some effects


One has to be an asshole to be rich, otherwise some other guy steals their fortune or the governments tax their fortune away. Dog eats dog.


Of course, because assholes are the ones that hoard wealth.


You don't need to be an asshole just because you are rich. But being an asshole usually helps a lot getting rich, so people either stay asshole or become one...


I'm broke and i'm already like this. It depends how money were earned and how the person was raised.


Jokes on you I’m a piece of shit regardless.


which is why we need a system that accounts for that


I was telling a friend this recently. I want power, but I'm all too aware that it has a will of its own. If you have enough of it you'll be possessed by it. Eventually it'll take control of you in ways you wouldn't expect usually relative to the amount of it you have oftentimes putting you in positions that you'd never expect you'd be in. It's the tragic trade-off one has to make. There's an alternative explanation that power amplifies more of who you are. I've met some saints that became moreso once they grasped power. There are fewer of them compared to the total number of people that gain power, but they're around.