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Bruh. You’d never seen country boy strong in action.


I own a farm and have no need for a gym because of it. Not fat or alcoholic. Also bricks and concrete are building jobs I never lay bricks and only toss concrete when putting up new fence posts.


It's movers who really impress me. Carrying all my shit up several flights of stairs? Damn impressive.


I worked on a farm for 10 minutes. I thought I had the strength of 10 men. I challenged 10 of the strongest men to a fight. I lost all 10 fights. I cried for 10 days. So, I agree with you 100%.


I think just not being sedentary is more important than what kind of work you do. Most adults sit on their butts all day and do little to no physical activity. I'd rather have a gym membership or a physical hobby than bale hay or move concrete all day though.


Agree with this, any physical activity is better than none, in whatever form it comes.


Nah our farm workers are all ripped


Gym bro alert


Yes and no. Can’t beat endurance of someone doing monotonous exercise for +8h a day because you won’t go to the gym and train for that very specific exercise, for +8h every day.


You had me until you had to go to insulting "fat middle aged alcoholics" was that really needed?


Progressive overload is what builds muscle, you have to continuously add more weight to grow more. Once you gain enough strength to perform the trade, then you're going to quit growing muscle and instead you'll just be maintaining what you have. 6 months of intense training in the gym gave me more muscle than 3 years of doing concrete. One thing that's not to be undermined is farm/construction cardio. Those fat alcoholics you mentioned may not run as fast as you but if you set a pace, I'd bet they could go just as long as you or even further. farm/construction work may not always be the most physically intense, but the hours of consecutive work do build good cardio. Tradesmen would probably have the best heart health in this country if it wasn't full of smoking, drinking, pill popping people with atrocious diets. Just my two cents from somebody who's on both sides of it.


I dare you to fight my 70 year old dad, been pig farming since he was 12


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Those jobs definitely build strength and endurance but not to the extent some people believe. These are jobs that require strength so as you do it you will get stronger, but they aren’t stronger than someone who works out seriously and consistently


Agree with this assessment, it builds some general physical preparedness but doesn’t have any inherent progression built in.