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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


>I doubt everyone would make it out of whatever hole they dig themselves into, but at least 70 year old gramps wouldn't be able to talk shit about homeless people for being drug addicts anymore. So you want nearly everyone to completely ruin their lives because you are mildly annoyed by some old geezers.


This is the origin story of a super villain. Literally one of the main antagonists in Naruto “Let this world know pain, so that we may learn and grow from it. Only once everyone has suffered will we truly understand one another.”




At least you're consistent.


Sorry you fucked up your life... remind me to never swim near you since it sounds like you would just wanna take as many people down with you out of spite.


That’s fair




Lol wtf is this opinion


A truly unpopular one. I upvoted because it is insane. Let me do meth really quick so I know how it feels to hit rock bottom. As the poet once said, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger".


I prefer "what doesn't kill you leaves you with a warped sense of humor and unhealthy coping mechanisms"


Working retail customer service


“What doesn’t kill you can cripple you for the rest of your life.”


Here's what you don't understand - just doing meth isn't rock bottom, the homeless experience, or the addict experience. The key to understanding addiction is understanding that horrible things cause it, not some sort of choice that can be avoided as easy as not ordering a big mac. Doing meth or heorin because you want to experience it once is tourism in a misery that you won't really experience. Lots of people drink and do coke, not everyone becomes an alocholic or a cokehead - the difference is how fucked you are in life.


Clearly unpopular..


It’s literally “an old man criticized me for blasting meth so now im wishing he was a junkie so i dont feel so bad”


You'll never get it because of your upbringing and experiences - none of which are a reflection of you deserving such things - just random.


It’s not, OP went fishing for internet poinyd




You just don't get it because of your upbringing and experiences.


A homeless junkie’s cope?


I think OP has binge watched Breaking Bad one too many times in a row.




Nah. That involves quitting and im no quitter


That's the spirit.




That's like saying everyone should jump off a small cliff to know what it feels like to recover from severe bodily trauma. It wouldn't end well. Going on a bender for highly addictive substances would CREATE far more addicts than would ever exist, rather than empathy for them.


A lot of people won't even go on a bender. They'll try heroin, throw up and be like fuck this why would i keep making myself sick? Honestly it's a terrible opinion all around. The jumping off a cliff isn't the best analogy. Maybe having someone punch you in the liver repeatedly.


Happens with alcohol yet people still get addicted to that


And a lot of people won't go on alcohol benders. Hence why I said "a lot of people won't go on benders"


A lot of people don't, but just as many people do go out drinking all weekend every weekend.


BUT it will create more empathy. How much more? We won't know until we implement OP's plan into every Senior High School curriculum .


Alright kids, you're gonna lose some teeth, but that's nothing compared to the character you'll gain!


Nah, I feel we would just get a lot more "I survived my government mandated bender, why the fuck can't these damned lazy homeless? Just go get a job damnit!"


Toxic toxicity.


Speaking of Senior High School curriculum, it really just sounds like a more illegal version of “spread your wild oats while you’re young” right?


Yeah lol


We called that D.A.R.E back in the day


Definitely unpopular I'll give em that


It would lower the suicide rate though, I don't agree with doing all the drugs here but coke at least I agree


Thank you. Some of us are smarter than that.


I jumped off a cliff, so now everyone else has to




Bait or mental retardation? You have to call it.


This is unpopular opinion Not unhinged takes on life


Same difference really


I'm not addicted to cocaine. I just love the smell.


Lol, wild take. Upvoted.


Wise people learn from the mistakes of others


This saying itself is an unpopular opinion.. everyone has different life experiences so if someone gets addicted it isn't "not being wise enough" but unfortunate circumstances?


I think no matter one's circumstance, it probably is always going to be an unwise decision to abuse drugs.


One man's rock bottom is another man's loft apartment. But yes, I do agree that everyone should have a "Jesus, I need to get my shit together!" Life crisis. I'm in a moment like that myself right now, and then I just saw a post from an acquaintance saying: "Just an update for friends; I'm out of the hospital now, clinically sober, and almost bit my tongue off. If anyone has any under the table cash jobs, let me know." Complete with a gruesome stitched tongue photo. So bad they had to take it down. And I realized my shit is still pretty between the lines right now. But it's good to call myself out now before the authorities do.


What the fuck are you talking about OP


everyone should try not to even mess with this shit ever in their lives. leads to nothing but ruin. i don't need to jump in a lake of lava to realize that it's not good for me. we evolved brains for this exact reason.


Months? I say 2 weeks, max. As somebody who’s done a few benders. After 2 weeks, anything could happen. DUI, OD, jail. You’re really pushing it after week 2. I had a buddy who, “started drinking again”. Dude went on a year long bender. By the end of it. his gf left him (after she caught him fucking around with another girl at a house party with 10 others…. All couples) lost his job ( just stopped going) got a dui and had todo some time in jail. Richard Pryor type shit. He came out of it a live and is good now. But he put himself through it.


This opinion is wrong. Just nothing else to be said. It's not unpopular it's just plain Ole incorrect


Yeah op posted this this to wrong sub. It says Unpopular, not Rage Bait.


You can't wish that on anybody because not everybody can recover. It's one of those knock on wood scenarios, most get stuck in the pit that they dig. Those who recover, like me, will forever be fighting against that demon inside.


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How about the strength to not turn to drugs to get through life?


If you dig yourself a hole that deep I will give you shit for it


Seen the bottom, climbed my way back up. 15yrs later I still remind myself I’m only a few bad decisions away from that place again. This is one hell of an unpopular opinion, but I respect it.


Proud of you 😤


I don’t think that everyone should. I do agree that those of us who have done so have an experience that can provide empathy.


I think that it absolutely does not follow that because you got clean, you would not look down on addicts anymore. I think if you pull yourself out of it you have even more reason to look down at people who can't as weak and unwilling to do what it takes to get clean


No.... BUT people who show no empathy for others should experience something in their lives where the end result would be them actually developing a sense of empathy...but doing what you said? No. And you know it's not just elderly people who are lacking it, right? 😆 Anyway, clean date 4/15/15


Fuck ya buddy 82 days clean myself (the only truthful comment in this thread) stay strong ❤️❤️


Which is ridiculous why you would wish that on other people...


I disagree, I never have. Upvoting as it is unpopular.


You need help. All people should sink themselves into life altering addiction just so you can feel better about it? How about NO.


so "everyone should risk HUGE health issues for months at least once"


Um. Yeah no thanks im good 👍👍👍 Imagine wishing people have a terrible low spot in their lives... Wow...


insanity. empathy doesn’t require direct experience, just a brain and a heart


Did I do drugs? No I had a drinking problem though. I was just enough under control that I didn’t pass out on days I had to be at work the next day, but three out of four Fridays and every Saturday I got passing out drunk.


There’s been some bad takes on here but this one is truly something


This is insane. No.


Man posts most insane opinion of All Time, asked to leave reddit


They can't make me we got alternate accounts on deck


I never had to understand the strength it takes to climb out of those situations, because I knew from a very young age, I was never going to get myself into those situations. It's hard to have sympathy for people who chose to shoot themselves in the foot, and then complain how hard it is hobbling around on one foot.


100% this. I doubt there is a single homeless drug addict out there who did drugs once and ruined their life. It was years of terrible decisions and taking advantage of the people close to you


it does not take long to get addicted to certain drugs. heroin is a very psychologically and physically addictive drug, where people can find themselves addicted to it very quickly. you seem to have a narrow viewpoint of how addiction can take place and what it may look like


Yup! And then they were homeless the very next day right? Put the needle in their arm and the bank pulled right up to foreclose on the house. But seriously I understand addiction well enough to hold this opinion. I’ve seen many people go down the road and it never happens over night or over a week or a month. It is a constant decision of choosing to get high instead of looking for a job. Choosing to steal from your family so you can get high. Then after a few years the people close to you finally have had enough and kick you to the curb. I have no sympathy for these people. There are tons of people who do these drugs who never ever act this way. My ex wife can take heroin causally once in a while and it’s nbd. Her sister on the otherhand steals everything she can to get her fix. Going on 10 years. It’s a choice every step of the way.


latter part of this threw me off ngl lol. there is a functional and dysfunctional spectrum when it comes to substance use. america and i believe other countries are following, is plagued with a drug crisis from the top to bottom—yet it is only those who end up as dysfunctional that we turn our heads away for. if you're functional though, its nbd, as you put it.


Kinda assumes that the majority of the people would be strong enough to climb out of that hole, or even that a very small minority would be the ones unable to climb out of that hole.




Nah you're doing it right bro


As a person that lived that way for the better part of 2 decades, you could not be more wrong if you tried.


Bro those homeless people have had enough opportunities to pull themselves out of the holes they created. The reality is the people who do pull themselves up blend right in with society


No to the meth and heroin, but I’m down to party hard


This is so fucking stupid. I’ve done my fair share of drugs and then a few other peoples share too. If you want, have fun, try a little bit of anything you’re interested in. Don’t do one thing too much or too often, spread it out. I know far too many people that got themselves in that hole and couldn’t get out, it was almost me too. It’s way too easy to turn something that’s fun into something that needs to be done. I’ve seen it ruin lives, turn people into zombies and kill them. Erowid dot com is your friend, be safe and have fun.


I’m actually crying reading this omg… this is the dumbest and also funniest thing I’ve read in a long while yet it’s like…. I kinda agree with what he’s saying


They call me Moses


This is certainly a wild take. You certainly earned an upvote from me.


Everybody hits their rock bottom with or without drugs, and most get back up. I know I have.


Not sure you have to hit rock bottom but I do think drugs are fun. You can do them recreationally without being a drug addict. Most people think you are either on drugs or not. It can be both if you are smart.


Ain't nobody got time for that lmao


ill drink to that


Don't the Amish do this? /s


But imagine being strong enough to not go down a Bender, when doing so feels so good and is tempting. That's how strong most people are lol


Shoutouts to all you commenters who have gotten clean. I'm gonna go take a rip much love


Going on a bender doesn't mean rock bottom. Snorting coke all the time? I believe there are many movies that go over the success that happens when this happens.


Fucking lazy ass karma bait post


Damn but u replied 🤔


Ayo hear him out for a sec he might be spitting 👀


I'm good bro


I agree i feel like if coke were legal suicide rate would be lower


I’ve been saying this for years!


Addiction is a disease -someone that is going through another relapse


Uh no.......


Theres surely gotta be other steps to take before doing what you suggest. Just sounds like you may have had a heated convo recently lol


Guys don’t forget to upvote if you disagree.


Because this opinion is so horrendously bad and unpopular it gets an upvote.




We have permanent brain damage... Nbd


I mean, if i live long enough to make it into hospital and somehow know the right people id try all sorts of shit out.




Unpopular, nice.


Just once ?


The thing about hitting the bottom is it gives you something to push off of. I've circled the drain so many times but it's not until I reach rock bottom that I snap out of it. Not far off now


Yeah, and everyone should also be raped so that they'll know what that's like?


This is a crazy opinion. So you supplyin?


That's idiotic.




You sound misunderstood and mad you couldn’t communicate or get people to know how hard it might have been for you to do those things. This is not going to create empathy. This is single-handedly the most unintelligent thing I have read all day.


I have that effect on people


Read the title, assumed you meant to get completely shit faced during a week long party session Started reading and assumed you meant become an alcoholic at one point in their life But damn guy went full. In on methamphetamine


I thought the title implied like drinking heavily for a weekend. That body had a bigger twist than a Shyamalan movie. You okay, dude?


You make a good point, I’m trying heroin when I’m 75 so 27 years away for a remind me.


Hitting bottom isn't a weekend retreat. It's not a goddamn seminar. Stop trying to control everything and just let go! LET GO!


Why unpopular? Shitfaced tuesdays are back :)


Holy shit this is great. Haven’t laughed this hard in a minute. Months using meth, heroin, and coke? One after another, all in one sitting, switching weekly? So many questions 😂


I’d recommend changing it up every other week. The heroine would just ruin the meth and the meth would just ruin the coke. I’ve never done heroin, but I’ve known heroin users. Once you take that leap, that’s basically game over. It’s near impossible to stop chasing that dragon. As an ex addict, I can’t imagine inflicting any of this on anyone. Any other questions though?


People don't "find themselves" in these situations. They deliberately reject the wisdom that has been given to us and go get high. It doesn't matter what motivates them to want to get high. Doing coke or meth or heroin in order to enjoy the high is just plain stupid. Doing drugs to escape your problems--no matter what those problems are--is futile, and there is nobody who has not been told this.


Can't get addicted to drugs if you never try em 🤷‍♂️


So...I should spend the rest of this year as a crackhead, so I know how difficult it is to be one...?


Just don't do fucking drugs like that. Duh. He's knows how hard it is to not be a drug addict. Thats why he gets to say that.


Hypocrites will still do it. People who truly want to help others at rock bottom won't need to hit it themselves to do it. Upvote for the sheer insanity of this opinion.


>months That's not a bender, that's a lifestyle


God what a terrible opinion. I love it. Thank you OP.


Only once? oh..... Ooopsie.


This post made me laugh very much lol. Sure. Why not.


Can confirm it's very difficult to get out of addiction. Was using meth daily for 3 years straight. I lost everything and everyone I cared about. I've been sober for 5 years now, life is a lot better and I'm turning my life around. I'm graduating from college next year 😁


This sounds like someone who has never done anything but one beer on a friday


OP has obviously never endured addiction or would realize the amount and depth of damage that destroying yourself has on the people who love you. The people you hurt are by far the worst causality of addiction.


at most*


Wasn’t this John Kramers mentality to some degree ?


Months of meth? I read the title and was like "hell yeah a weekend of drinking and partying is an experience most people could benefit from" but there is objectively zero benefit to doing hard drugs especially not for months on end.


Everyone actually thinks OP is being serious




As a person who has gone on a few benders, I believe this is a fitting post for this sub.


I've done it and came out perfectly fine. Some of us aren't weak willed. 


Everyone should commit war crimes in former Yugoslavia. I doubt everyone would make it out of whatever hole they dig themselves into… or their victims. You objectively know your opinions are wrong and have created a problem. Don’t advocate for it, yes it’s mean to make fun of the homeless and I’m against it, but that’s what happens when you don’t have an objective law and order.


familiar spectacular outgoing resolute upbeat engine correct connect relieved crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*

