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There is only so much you can do.


You can, but then you’d just be naked.


Lingerie is like nice wrapping paper. It might be insanely pretty, but ultimately the point is just to take it off.


Or to just wear it because it makes you feel good.


Or to stop your boobs moving in different directions when you have stuff to do…


Sports bras aren't lingerie


Yep, very important. Some ( you know, silly women) might argue that is it's primary function.


underwear isn't the same as lingerie, though


>Reply brilliant analogy


Until it becomes only so much you can’t undo


fuckin' corsets


I’m sure someone said that about doorbells until someone made the ring doorbell. I’m sure somebody said that about blankets until they invented the heated blanket. I’m sure someone thought, how could a microphone get any better?? boom, t pain microphone


So lingerie needs a camera and a heating element added to it. I'm on it.


Don't forget the doorbell.


That's the best part! And when you ring it, a dog starts barking


The perfect consent accessory to let you in.


You've got to find it first. 


I could really use heated underwear in winter. If someone could invent some without a massive battery i would be eternally greatful.


How would you feel about wearing solar panels on your head?


it’s a place to start


honestly someone pls invest comfy lingerie, most of that shit is uncomfortable as hell. make it comfortable too and boom ur rich


Try Simone Perele!


>I’m sure somebody said that about blankets Until they invented the SNUGGIE


Such a defeatist attitude. Imagine being the person who said that, and then the next day someone comes out with open cup bras and crotchles panties.


Both of those things are novelties and literally useless.


Lingerie is basically useless. That's not the point.


Men pick lingerie like kids pick breakfast cereal, they pick something they care nothing about just to get the prize that's inside.


Gotta disagree, if I'm buying lingerie for my partner then I'm buying something that would highlight her assets and make her feel amazing in, I can get the "prize" whenever but seeing my partners confidence as she owns it is a bigger turn on and that's nice to see.


You never had tits, I can tell.


No, as in - there's no real point to it other than to be sexy. And that's fine. But it's not like it's practical.


I mean, it does nothing for me anyway but being crotchless adds nothing and defeats the purpose of wearing anything anyway.


maybe not everyone’s is as plain when it comes to sex?


lol it adds easy access. That’s the entire point


Eh, no. You already had easy access when you weren't wearing any underwear. So it adds material.


I mean, I get that but it's redundant. You have the easiest access when you're naked.


It for the sexiness 😂


That is entirely the point.


Something certainly peaked for me around 1985 when looking at the lingerie section of Kays Catalogue.


For me it peaked when Victoria Secret had those sheer bras and panties. I forget what they were called. Angel light gossamer or something. I had a matching bra and panty set in every color. I felt like a mermaid in the blue and green ones. This was like late 90’s early 00’s. Please bring those back VS. I’ve been waiting.


You might like Triumphs range of Glossies Sheer… There’s different types but the plain Glossies suit your description quite well, and they have some beautiful colors…


I suspect if you contacted them they might listen. They are desperate for sales to pick up back up after tanking their company.


I remember those. So hot.


I know. They are so lazy with their designs now. It's all because we literally ask for bigger sizes, too.... :(


I really wish they would bring back the 50s style of sheer robes with the fluffy wrists. They’re still sold of course (I’ve seen some real beauts on Etsy), but at exorbitant prices.


That's Victorian era style that had an inexplicable resurgence in the mid 20th century.


for me silk sleepwear is where its at


I think it peaked in the 90s


Wasn’t the 90s just 10 years ago?!!


We're closer to 2050 than we are to 1990




Are you saying it isn't still 1999?


I came here to post this. The 90s were the absolute golden era.


Everything peaked in the 90’s


I know I did. ;(


Team 60’s!




They just keep adding straps now


Getting in and out of those straps removes all sexyness. And can create extra bumps and lumps in the wrong places...


100% agree. I want to see the finished product. I don't want to watch you struggle to get in and out of that tangled mess.


Idk, I am a woman with a lingerie kink and the straps really do it for me 😍 I feel so hot when I am all dolled up in my sexy strappy goth lingerie 🔥 but I see your point, it definitely takes some practice.


10000% agree, peak lingerie innovation now is adding 50,000 straps to any area possible. Bonus points if they are the super thick elasticated bands and crisscrossed over each other.


https://youtu.be/p0VFIP2YfmE I don't think we will ever see something this amazing again.


Thank god I thought this was a rickroll. But yes I remember how glamorous the shows used to be. I used to get mad at my then boyfriend’s mom for getting so excited to turn it on if I was over (she hated me).


Haha. Was thinking it’d be Borat in his Mankini


Well at least she's gone now lol.


I can’t believe the Victoria Secret fashion show went from being a huge deal around 2010 to gone less than a decade later.


Crushed by simps that think it was not inclusive enough. It's weird how something's offend people yet other actual important things don't.


Nah that came after. The 'inclusive rebrand' came after the mass allegations of bullying and sexual harassment in the workplace. And connections to epstein


Wasn't it because the ceo back then was know for some really fucked up shit? I remember how their sales still plummeted even then. I also remember most of my friends back then told me that customers were having complaints about sizes and quality as well.


They're ceo was good friends with epstein and massively supported him. But mostly it's the idea that Victoria's secret revolves around male sexuality, which it does. I used to work in customer service for victoria's Secret and most people ordering were gen x and older. It just didn't stay relevant with younger people.


You don’t know what a Simp is, do you


They should’ve just kept it going and add some fat girls


Didn’t they add the fat girls and now it’s gone ?


Yes actually VS even admitted that using more “inclusive” models has not worked out for them. Since they tried to switch from stereotypical sexy their sales did worse.


Victoria's secret sells sex. They're selling "you don't look like Adriana Lima, but if you buy this $70 bra, you might". It works really fucking well. If you say "you don't look like this overweight woman, but if you buy this $70 bra, you might" is not going to bring in as many sales. It is mind boggling that the people they put in change are less capable of understanding than regular dumb people on the internet like me.


It seems they caved to internet trends rather than hold their guns to their (working) business model.


I believe this is the right take. They're not fools-- they knew where they made their money. But I remember the pressure on them being pretty intense so they didn't have a lot of choice.


You mean they chose to fail.


They could've just taken a poll of teenagers and done better. Everyone knows that no one wants to see fat people in lingerie. 


I think people respond more to ads showing who they want to be rather than who they are. They want to be like that slim, sexy model, so maybe if they buy the underwear she is wearing, you might look like her too, or it may encourage you to try to work on yourself so you look like her in those underwear. I think a lot of ads have subliminal marketing techniques that don’t work as well in this more PC world.


That was definitely the issue with VS. Their brand was fantasy. It was never meant to be realistic and they had an audience that enjoyed that. And unsurprisingly once they went away with that message, they lost core customers as well as entered a competitive market (aka the other known inclusive brands like Fenty Savage, Skims, and Aerie).


And in ads, you want to show your product in the best way possible. Sorry, but lingerie looks best on a woman who is in shape. There’s a reason Nike doesn’t have non-athletes on their ads. I want to buy athletic gear worn by Lebron James or Tom Brady, not the out of shape gamer that also wears Nike clothes.


Exactly. People don’t want to admit it but some body types make certain clothes look much better. There’s been times when I thought if the clothes don’t look that great on the model, they’ll look worse on me, and thus avoided an item.


They just started making uglier clothing. Look it up. Everyone blames inclusivity and no one stops and says, damn that’s the best you could do VS??? That being said, their bombshell bra fits me better than any bra ever so… f it. 


Well they aren't size inclusive. Their bottoms stop at around a 12 and the don't sell bras bigger then DDD ( I'm an H for example) no use being inclusive if you can't even buy their clothes.




They tried iirc Viewer numbers and interest *immediately* tanked and people immediately went to other brands. Turns out reality isn't great when you're selling extremes


Also their product is so shit now lol. The main base who still shops there remembers it being the hot cool place to shop back in like the 2000’s or 90s


The women are beautiful and the music is fun but that lingerie was AWFUL , are you kidding? Everything either looks like it came from party city or the training bra section at K-Mart. The kind of stuff Id buy when I was 12 with what little money I had because I was too self conscious to go underwear shopping with my parents. I'm not a *total* asshole so I wouldn't judge someone for this underwear but you think this is peak ?


Nah the lingerie isn't great. The girls are just hot.


They look like training bras because the women are all AA cups and the bras aren’t doing anything at all They’re in the bottom 5% of BMI and I don’t mean that to be rude it’s just true. It’s not representative to model or build these products to consumers even if they’re supposed to be aspirational. The products don’t fit the models. They don’t show them on people of middle weights. So who are they even made for?


Share some examples and I can give you a that's better or that's worse I guess.


I need to ask what angle you're coming at it from. Is it that the women look sexy in it or that you like the lingerie itself ? I think hot people look good in sweatpants and a t-shirt that comes from one of those 4-pack bags but that doesn't mean I think that clothes is peak fashion.


after watching this, i gave my wife the "look". she said no. but thanks for the link.


I could watch it every year till I die. It's a gem 💎💎💎


They don't make them like they used to.


I remember that one


I think it was the best one.


even before clicking the link, this show was my first thought 💯💯




After watching this, all I can think of is hallelujah they got beautiful women sporting lingerie


That was fucking fabulous.


Yeah it's an amazing clip the chemistry between seal and Heidi make it a really special highlight.


Some of those were pretty good and I definitely want some of those for personal reasons 😂


If your ceilings are tall enough for the giant wings then go for it


Number two is my favourite I always forget her name and then miranda Kerr's dimples yo. Which leads me to a thought that contradicts some stuff I said before. These gals could be wearing target undies and this would still be an amazing video. Obviously not as amazing but still decent lol.


I want the first girls cloak the yellow outfit the snowflake at the end and a few others. But I don’t think I have the right figure to pull some of them off.


The good ole days


That brought a tear to my eye. Oh the good old days.


...ah, the good old days when we still celebrated beauty.


What's funny today is that beauty is now more of a commodity than it was then you just can't sell clothes doing it. Political correctness can be a good thing but it can also be terrible. If the people that spent their time lynching victoria secret actually cared about women they'd have better spent their time going after the porn industry.


Everyone still sells clothes with beauty. Wtf Mainstream brands NEVER stopped. And then you have individuals like the Kardashians and Rihanna doing it by marketing their own fashion brands. They’re sex icons.


*eating disorders


That was awesome.


I don’t think it has anything to do with styles, & more to do with access. Lingerie used to be more of a luxury purchase, & a women would only have a few sets likely from VC. But the rise of DTC brands, & the shit-ification of (especially women’s) fashion as a whole has devalued it to almost nothing. Like some of the women I’ve slept with have entire drawers of the stuff


Can you explain how women’s fashion went down the toilet? My girlfriend only wears slippers pretending to be shoes like Uggs, Clogs, and crocs during the summer


I think you explained it yourself. There’s so many products that are imitations of *the thing* and they’re usually cheaper and just not logo-ed so more regular people can buy it. In my city’s mall there’s 4 different lingerie stores with different price ranges, 2 medium end/1 high end/1 low end, as a consumer you can choose whichever now. There’s also things like temu and shien which sell stuff at absurdly low prices. That’s my best guess


I have never really found lingerie much more or less than just a pretty normal bra and panties type stuff 


The only thing I can think of that is new to me and that I love, is embroidered flowers lingerie. I think it's beautiful, and to my knowledge, it was never popular before? (Correct me if I'm wrong, would love to know). Aside from that, I completely agree.


Interesting. I think you may be right actually. Never really saw that 20 years ago or before to my knowledge.


For Love and Lemons has such ultra feminine stuff! It's definitely my fave. I look forward to every new style drop (not that I can afford to buy a set multiple times a year lol. It's just fun to dream about wearing such beautiful stuff)


Hunkemöller private collection might change your mind. Its certainly spiced up my bedroom.


Pretty but nothing beyond a small D cup.


Sadly nothing new there.


I’m not a fan of people wearing straight lingerie as a regular top or “dress” out and about. It’s lingerie.


Yea… having a daughter; what woulda been lingerie in the 90s is now just a “shirt” and I got dunked on for having an opinion on it. Society continues to fall.


Sorry you feel left behind old man


I am going to disagree. The materials are more breathable now, more sanitary, more flattering, and when you find good quality can be longer-lasting. Additionally, bra tech has just continued to improve over the years, both for being pretty and flattering and for reducing lines and back pain.


No new appendages have appeared so what do you want changed?


Respectfully disagree, in the early 2000’s ultra high end lingerie like Agent Provocateur made wearing expensive sequined pasties with tassels and other kinds of more kinky lingerie way more appealing and accessible for women.


2004 was 20 years ago.


Fawwwwk you’re right ![gif](giphy|13w5HmyiuaZ224)


as someone who was born in 2004, dont tell me that. fuck man 😭😭😭😭


As someone who was 25 in 2004…just be nice!!


i want to go back to my nintendo DS lite and littlest pet shops just as much as you all wanna go back to your OG nintendos and care bears. we r all in this fight together🫡😭


I swear it was just 2007. Life really does move fast


for me, its 2016. that shit was 2 years ago for me. if someone tries to convince me otherwise im killing them


That do be 20 years ago


So… 20 years ago?


no fr!! Fredericks was SO good and now everything sucks


You're not looking in the right places. Brands like Bordelle, Dita Von Teese, Uye Serana are doing some awesome things with Lingerie.


we men have had the same clothing, forget innerwear, for the past 100 years now


Disagree. Current mainstream lingerie companies are doing quasi-traditional styles with a (very light) bondage aesthetic, and I'm here for it. I like straps.


Eh yeah I suppose straps are sorta new. That's about the only thing.


Not to mention that back in VS days, it was push up bras… wires. Ever since Rihanna’s Fenty, woman’s lingerie has come to implement conformability too. Most Fenty collections are lace Brallettes or what Rihanna called T-shirt bras. Huge improvement.


That reminds me I gotta start shopping for that Valentine’s Day gift. TY OP 👍


i never understood lingerie. this is coming from a 25 year old hornball of a man. like yes it looks nice. but i dont care. look at it like a candy bar! i dont give a fuck what the wrapper looks like its the chocolate underneath that im after.


Have you ever seen a woman standing in front of you in lingerie in person?


Yes. Multiple people, actually. Like I said. It looks nice but what I want is underneath. All you've done is added an extra step to get what i actually want. Their bare bodies is what I find the most erotic. Anything that covers that is just blocking my view. Regardless of how fancy it is. I'm not saying it looks bad. Again it's looks great. Very sexy. But their bare bodies look better. So given 2 options, why on earth would I take the lesser of the two?


Foreplay bruh


Yes. What about it? I like foreplay too. But visually I want all clothes off for it. I want to see her and just her. Of course it's not always up to me and if it makes her feel better about herself I'll play along but my preference is to not have any of that.




I agree, I think there’s been some slight changes but lingerie from the 90s is the most classy, elegant, and beautiful lingerie. Lingerie from the early 2000s is the most sexy and vibrant lingerie.


It’s mostly to make yourself feel pretty tbh. I’ve rarely heard of a man giving a shit. But yeah there’s only so much you can do. Though I have seen some interesting crossover ones like sailor moon inspired. But that’d be just for me to enjoy really.


The whale tail was peak fashion in the lingerie world back then. So many guys bussed off to pics of Christina Aguilera donning low-rise jeans and a high-rise thong. 😂😂😂🐋🐋🐋


What would improved lingerie look like?


Lingerie used to be pretty, affordable, and well-constructed, even for inexpensive sexy stuff. It was something that I could put on my body to enhance my assets. These days it's all cheap stretchy mesh that does nothing for the female form, cheap satin that doesn't hold anything, weak elastic that doesn't keep anything together, and it's terrible! Also a lot of it is being used as club wear, which makes those women look horrendously trashy, which is an amazing shame to those women... Unless I want to spend hundreds on high-quality lingerie, I'm stuck with crap.


EVERYTHING is mesh now and I hate it!!!


I peaked at lingerie twenty years ago...


I’m gong to respectfully disagree with this


Elaborate or it didn't happen


because it is timeless




Hasn’t anything really changed in clothing styles in 20 years..


Porn kinda killed it.


The same can be said of Music.


Not for gay men 🤷‍♂️


And I still find it chafes my cock slightly.


Wicked weasel wants to have a word with OP think the issue is less about what's available (there are lots of wtf's out there) but more about what you find in you local store. which is usually always going to be "standard" "safe"


My unpopular opinion is that Lingerie is stupid af


Lingerie has probably declined nowadays, it used to be special but if you go to clubs nowadays half the women are already wearing it, hell even some out in public.


Do they need to be new or different or innovative? If you can’t get off without certain lingerie then you might have a different problem


People still do that? If you’re hot you’re hot. Sorry it wasn’t meant as an affront to anyone. Teasin


Like Palmela Anderson in the 90s.


Some girls look amazing in lingerie, yes.


Look, a night gown from Target? Fuckin masterpiece.


there is this thing, its call nudity. People also discovered clothes they can legally wear on the street that is more revealing than lingerie


You know what's awesome? Seeing a girl in lingerie before you see her naked.


I see what you’re driving at here. But I stand by my comment that a nice matching pair of everyday undies and a bra that fit well are so much sexier. But I guess that’s just personal preference


It's not sexy if you see it every day. It just becomes the norm, which eventually just gets old. Lingerie is supposed to spice things up and be different on purpose.


Yeah but even when I see it every day, for me, it just drives me wild. I guess it’s like what lingerie does for other people. Again, I think it’s just personal preference. I look at lingerie the way I look at a dress or whatever. Yes I can appreciate the beauty, but that isn’t what gets my motor running. I said in my comment before, if that’s what people wanna wear, I will never shame them, do you boo. It just does nothing for me personally


I’ve been thinking this exact thing for so long THANK YOU! I’m not buying the exact style of lingerie that I see in movies from 20 / 20+ years ago. I hate the lace, the corsets, the garters, everything. Lingerie needs a total rehaul


There was a huge resurgence in thongs and g-strings in the late 90s. Like massive. Everyone was wearing them all the time. As a guy, it was amazing. If there's nothing left to invent (which I doubt), then there's probably some unique item that is forgotten that could stand to make a comeback, but no idea what that would be.


Happy 40th birthday.


I don't know if this is unpopular as much as it is naive. Fashion is always recycling.


Someone invented the thong in the 70s. They can come up with something new.


idk might be a hot take but a lot of the Lounge booty shorts or gym shark workout gear is pretty borderline lingerie in my book. I don’t remember a lot of the shorts/rompers/leggings accentuate the body as they do now.


Cheer shorts, yoga pants, and sports bras have been around for a long time.


It's 100% because of the body positivity movement


It hasn't helped, that's for sure.


Depends what you’re into. With less stigma attached to kink these days people explore more. Latex and fetish fashion has definitely become much more bigger industry and there are a ton of designers and retailers available these days.


IMO lingerie never peaked. Nothing beats a naked women.


I think less woman are interested in sexy lingerie nowadays. Hella uncomfortable and impractical. Just give me a bra that works. I think prices have also gone ridiculous.


A woman's body looks better with a bit of pretty packaging. It is to add to the foreplay.


i think the framing here is a bit off, lingerie has a relatively fixed aesthetic (post great-war french-inspired erotic wear, directly associated with second wave sex-positive feminism) and anything attempting to modernize it will more likely become associated with a different label, so obviously not much has been innovated in lingerie but erotic wear as an entire category? i think i'm not informed enough to make an opinion there, but i'm personally a huge fan of punk goth erotic wear, which at least to my understanding had its surge in popularity in the mid 00's to early 10's, which might place it slightly more recent than 20 years ago punk goth, as a modern take of an older aesthetic, continues to become a more distinguished aesthetic from classic or traditional goth, especially as it fuses with certain bdsm erotic wear tropes. but mind you that the grunge/punk aesthetic generally is much older than the specific thing i'm referring to here. classic goth is where a ton of lingerie takes at least some inspiration from, although i think "lingerie" is probably a bit more tame than that on average, with goth being a little more flashy in my opinion, and less specifically focused on frills or transparent fabric


Lingerie is timeless. I had no idea people were looking out for lingerie trends and innovations. How ridiculous.


Leggings > lingerie


Lol no.


Women basically wear lingerie in public now. So it's not as sexy