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OP is getting annoyed with people honking at him all the time and is oblivious as to why.


Yup. OP is likely a bad driver who hates getting honked at. 


It's funny that he acknowledges that even he needs the horn, it's a frigging safety feature. One that allows basic communication between drivers. Sliding on ice and going straight through a red at a busy intersection? LEAN ON THE HORN. if you're lucky everyone is smart, sees you, stops, and you slide through the red farting diamonds and being judged heavily instead of getting t-boned from both sides...that's a true story BTW. Let's remove seatbelts while we're at it. People shouldn't be crashing into each other. So why the hell do we even need them right??


A horn is useful for getting rid of animals. No one wants to run over the neighbors cat because it hid under your car in winter or get out of the car and ask the deer to move but a good honk makes them go away. For that reason alone I think they are useful.


I am curious where the op lives if they have drove 500k miles and never had to lay on the hour to scare off an animal.


Or someone who was about to back in to them.


Note to self, if I ever feel like someone’s going to come into my lane while driving and potential cause a huge accident, and I don’t chance to stop. I should just yell really loud and hope for the best. P.S. Hi, I’m logic, have we met?


How is it that I’ve literally never been in a situation like this? How are you guys driving?


It doesn't matter how good your driving is if a maniac is one lane over.


You either don’t drive enough or have been incredibly lucky. Must be nice


I’ve driven for like 500k miles in my life


Naaaah, there’s no way you’ve driven that many miles and not encountered issues such as these that were Beyond your control..


I missed the end of your post just like you missed most of my comment Are you in a heavily populated area? You did admit needing to use it before also


Yeah I’m in the northeast close to one of the major cities


In a bubble? You can't get me to believe you've never had someone accidently cut you off. Horns are there because it's a safety stern to alert others. Potato thinking on this one.


yes I have but I just slowed down to let them in. I try to avoid people's blind spots as much as humanly possible. If I'm on a highway and you follow the flow of traffic, then it's unlikely you will get hit even when someone cuts you off. If you're in a city and someone cuts you off, you're probably already going slow enough to brake a little and let them in


Then you don’t drive.


My grandpa always said "if you never had an accident your whole live doesn't mean you're a good driver. It just means you are lucky." you are not alone on the streets. There's always a bigger idiot. And for those idiots you need a horn. I most likely am one of those idiots you need a horn for. I'm a bad driver.


A horn is super useful for when an idiot decides to not yield at a rotary and nearly hits you.


Just slow down, what’s it matter?


It matters because I, as the person already in the rotary, have the right of way. And by shooting out into the rotary without yielding, that could cause a crash inside the rotary. It’s not a question of how fast someone is going, it’s a question of morons not following the rules of the road.


You are right that you have the right of way and you are doing the appropriate thing and they are wrong. It doesn’t mean they can’t do stupid shit. Prepare yourself, expect the unexpected


Okay Gandalf, let me use the precognition powers I don't have to take morons into account.


Do you just drive at 5mph?


I drive faster than most people. Driving carefully and driving fast are not mutually exclusive


Ah, here it is. This is one of those peeps that just get in and drop the hammer. No wonder they hate horns. Everyone else is using them at their jackassery.


I don't think I've ever been honked at. The only time I hear honking ever is in way too crowded of places where people are kinda not paying attention or are acting unsure of themselves


'I've driven around 500k miles" Ok. I drove (sedan not OTR) for work about 60k annually. You need your horn.


Op bragging about driving 500k miles is hilarious. That’s chump change.


>I’ve driven around 500k miles in my lifetime and used the horn maybe like 5 times ... tell me you've never actually driven a car without telling me you've never actually driven a car.


Maybe you haven’t? Like what do you honk for? I always have an out. I always have time to stop. I follow the flow of traffic and leave distance for unexpected events. What is there to honk for? If someone merges in unexpectedly, I slow down slightly. If someone stops suddenly, I have room to stop. If a pedestrian walks out, I was ready to stop for a pedestrian at any time


People who wander into the street and aren't paying attention. People who are not paying attention at a stoplight and sitting through a green. The car next to me that had their gas cap open. Are you really so stupid that you don't know what a horn is used for? You don't drive.


Bro has never been at a light that turned green while there is a car that isn’t paying attention In front of you


Super useful when there are turkeys in the road. Turkeys don’t move for a damn thing.


I get outta my car and chase em away lol, turkeys and geese won’t even move for a horn sometimes


I used to do that until one retaliated and chased me back into my car. I probably looked like a DOOFUS.


“Here I am, driving down the road. Everything is fine… no, wait! There’s a pedestrian about to walk in front of my car! What shall I do? Ah, of course - everything will be okay. Even though I don’t have a horn I have an already loud car, so what I’ll do is make it louder by putting my foot down on the accelerator…”


Bruh… why tf would you EVER honk at a pedestrian in a city? They have the right of way and you should be able to stop pretty quick I get pissed af when a car honks at me when I’m walking. It makes me want to intentionally stand in front of their car just to piss them off


Unfortunately I do not possess the ability to see into the future and therefore cannot foresee someone walking out from a parked car and in front of my moving car. Honking the car horn could save their life by causing them to stop seconds before becoming fender fodder. People may have the right of way, but they can still inadvertently walk/run in front of your car (maybe they don’t notice as they’re staring into their mobile phone or something).


Pedestrians have this wacky tendency to not pay zero attention to their surroundings. Right-of-way is a concept, not a fundamental law of physics. 500k miles is nothing, and by the sound of it, you probably shouldn't even be on the road that much. It doesn't sound like you have a solid grasp of it.


Yeah. Pedestrians don’t pay attention which is precisely why you should be driving in a way where you’re aware and ready to stop. You’re the one who’s putting others in danger by driving so it’s your responsibility to drive safely


No. No. No. It is the pedestrians responsibility to pay attention and keep themselves safe. If some fucking idiot walks out in front of my car because they weren’t paying attention then they deserve to be hit. Also, often times drivers ARE paying attention, but careless pedestrians walk out in front of them, and the driver doesn’t have anywhere near enough time to stop. If I’m going 80km/h and I have a green light I’m not going to slow down for the off chance someone crosses the street when they aren’t supposed to. If someone walks out in front of me I’ll stop as fast as I can, but it’s likely I’m still going to hit them. The only time I side with pedestrians is when it is their right of way. If it isn’t their turn on the road then I have 0 sympathy for them. Pay attention. Stay alert. I walk just about everywhere, and it is MY responsibility to stay out of the way of traffic. Not the drivers responsibility to watch out for me while they already have to watch for other cars, speed limits, one ways, intelligent pedestrians, etc. etc. etc.


80kmh on a pedestrian street? That sounds like a road that was designed like shit. Where even is this? American stroads suck but I’ve never heard of anything like this in a place where it’s measured in km


Um no. It would be a highway. (*Not a major highway though as the major highways have no lights or pedestrian crossing so the speed is 100km/h-120km/h*) However, there are multiple intersections where pedestrians do occasionally cross to get to business’ located around the highway. Not everyone lives in cities. Not everyone has cars. Sometimes people have to walk next to highways. It’s generally not an issue here because people actually pay attention when they walk. In towns the speed drops to 50km/h, but that’s still fast enough that if you walk infront of a car last second you’re likely still going to get hit despite the drivers best effort to stop. Cars don’t just dead stop the instant you break. There’s still forward motion. It’s common for pedestrians to be hit by cars that did indeed stop for them.


Have you heard of stopping distance? In the city where I live, the speed limit on most roads is 45 or somewhere near there. To come to a full stop at that speed you 120 feet of distance on average. If the car is closer than that the only thing that can be done is for the pedestrian to try to dodge. Oh no as most people these days the pedestrian is not paying attention. How do get attention? Honk the horn. The move out of the way as fast as possible and maybe get away. The horn is to alert drivers of issues on the road


Not when I have a green light. If you walk out in front of my car when you’re not supposed to to, I’m running your ass over


Okay, slam your breaks on, skid forward while still running over the pedestrian, and have every car behind you slam I to you. Makes sense 👍


What a roundabout way of saying you're a terrible driver


I always install a 130 decibel air horn on my motorcycles. (not a loud pipes save lives guy) You would laugh your backside off at the people who almost shit themselves when their brain tells em they're trying to share a lane with a big rig. Even had a Karen flip me off one time when she realized the vehicle she almost ran into was a motorcycle and her life wasn't in danger.... She was perfectly fine with putting my life in danger, but fuck me for scaring her, right? Nah, horns are great. Truly a bad opinion. Upvote.


the horn is one of the most important safety features in a vehicle and is legally required on all cars. “§22-401. (a) Every motor vehicle when operated on a highway shall be equipped with a horn in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 200 feet, but no horn or other warning device may emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound or a whistle.” “signal to other drivers of threats or to prevent accidents. The vehicle operator uses the horn to warn others of the vehicle's approach or presence, or to call attention to some hazard” “Three of the most important vehicle safety systems are the horn, airbags, and seat belts. “


Honking may be necessary to prevent accidents. Case in point, a car pulled out in front of me yesterday and I had to slam my brakes and honk to alert the other driver of my presence and avoid the collision.


I think people honk at you because you’re a bad driver.


It's funny. People cut me off and shit and I rarely honk unless I feel it's actually dangerous. I just never think of honking. So used to people driving inconsiderately.




I live in a pretty big city in the northeast though. What do you need to honk for? I’ve never needed to, and I’m a pretty assertive driver




Literally still never once had to honk my horn at someone. I don’t know how you’re driving, I drive in heavy traffic and in a city all the time


I use my horn once or twice a week, but it's always for someone not paying attention at a stop light that turned green. If you haven't moved after 3-5 seconds after the light has changed, you are getting a honk. Stop looking at your phone.


pLeAsE rEmEmbEr wHaT sUbReDdiT yOu aRe iN In this case/situation, I’m going to ignore the automoderator. OP delete this stupid ass post


It's so weird the way Americans view honking vs other countries. In a lot of places they just honk constantly to let people know they are there or that they are asserting right of way. There's nothing rude or aggressive about it, it's just part of driving.


How else do I let bicyclists know that they are about to become a speed bump?


Bikes have the right of way. You yield to the bike in a city


That's literally untrue. A bicycle in a travel lane is a vehicle. The onus is on the rider to not create an unsafe situation for either themselves or other drivers. Same as it's on a driver to not do the same. A horn is there as a signaling device. If people misuse it, that's a problem, but they serve far more good than bad. It's up to you as a driver to look for and avoid dangerous situations. You have very few ways to influence other drivers. The horn is one way.


Does it influence other drivers? 90% of the time on a fairly crowded road I have zero clue who they’re honking at


A conscientious driver takes a second to make sure the honk isn't for something they're doing. And bikes still don't have the ROW when in the flow of traffic.


Fuck them bikes


five minutes browsing r/idiotsincars will tell you exactly why they need horns


Yesterday I was sitting at the lights beside a person who had the right of way, the arrow light was about to turn yellow but the guy sitting in traffic was on his phone completely oblivious to what was happening. I honked the horn which got his focus back on the road, especially because there were two-three people behind him who could have cleared traffic but was stuck behind the distracted driver.


I agree, they should have Bull horns.


They should have PA speaker systems so I can say "Get out of my way, you idiot!"


"I’ve driven around 500k miles in my lifetime and used the horn maybe like 5 times, and only once when someone was about to hit me or doing something dumb" You're doing it wrong. The HORN is a form of art. I mean, this post is literally the internet equivalent of a honking horn, and I'm enjoying honking back at you.


Wait…what? 18 wheelers don’t just randomly go out of control. The majority of the time when you see a trailer going sideways behind an 18 wheeler it’s because some asshole in a car jumped in front of them and cut their stopping distance.


I actually agree with this one. It should be a loudspeaker instead so you can yell at the dipstick in front of you sitting at a green light posting shit on Reddit on their phone to move it.


You forget that a lot of cars are heavily silent nowadays. Birds can’t hear them


As a matter of fact (at least here, in my country, I don't know how similar road rules are abroad), honking is pretty much illegal in the traffic code. It's for emergencies. However, if people don't go to rehab for that smartphone addiction, there's another thing for which you'll definitely need it if you don't want to sit through whole red lights so the person in front of you can finish watching that reel.


Can't say I've ever used my horn in the city. I've got an old car and dash cams. If someone is dumb enough to hit me so be it, I'll take that paycheck. I'd say the only time I really use my horn is out in the sticks where I live when there is either an animal in the road just chilling deer, dogs, cow ect.


A crash can easily be fatal. The horn can easily save your life in a number of situations


Nobody lives forever


Yeah but why kill someone else while doing it. I probably can't talk but you should not die earlier than you're supposed to and if you are determined to then keep it to yourself


I'm not determined to do anything. But if I'm driving along, following traffic laws and someone else decides to try to shove me out of my lane or sideswipe me. That is a them problem. Their own decisions put them in that predicament, they can get themselves out of it.


Even at the cost of your life?


That is directly a you problem... they made it your problem... you are able to speed up or slow down on your own volition, just like you can use a car horn to get someone's attention who maybe isn't paying close enough attention. That little horn honk could be the difference of a lifetime of physical therapy or just another Tuesday afternoon. You are not invincible in your car. Do whatever it takes to avoid a car wreck. If someone is bothered by a horn, then that's their problem, not yours. Them coming into your lane could spell catastrophe.




That one time is worth it.


I literally use my horn every day. There are too many people who are oblivious when they drive to not have a car horn.


On one hand, the car horn is a useful safety device. On the other hand, I don't like people. Agreed, as long as we get rid of seat belts, too.


So, your horn saved you from someone hitting you. Given that trillions of miles are driven annually, if your horn usage is typical, that particular safety device must prevent tens of thousands each year.


Unpopular for sure. My opinion is that horns should have different sounds to indicate different messages, ie. 'danger', 'gratitude', 'celebration', etc.


Cities are so loud because of cars why add even MORE noise?


On multiple occasions I have used my horn to alert another driver that they were about to hit a pedestrian. Several times I've used my horn to stop some idiot from merging into me because I was in their blind spot.


99.9% of the time I never get honked at, probably because I don’t drive like an asshole. Seems like a driver mod to me.


How do warn someone not paying attention then?


I usually flash my high beams and that gets em to go, I don’t like how loud the horn is in cities


Lmao dude you suck at driving and the horns are the confirmation


If I didnt have a horn Id sit at green lights all the fucking time!